Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Rafael Nikolai Alexander Physics20132017 Nicolas C. Menicucci (grad student)
Luke Andrew BarnesGalaxy Formation
Timothy Russell Beddingastrophysics, asteroseismology School of Physics19881992 J. Gordon Robertson (grad student)
Céline Boehm
Iver H. Cairns Physics Donald Blair Melrose (grad student)
Christopher John Cannon1971 Peter Robert Wilson (grad student)
Shamibrata ChatterjeeAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics20042008 Bryan M. Gaensler (post-doc)
Terry Calvin Chilcott
Kate Elizabeth Chow Institute for Astronomy2012 Ray P. Norris (grad student), Elaine Margaret Sadler (grad student), Andrew Mark Hopkins (grad student)
Hamish ClarkAstrophysics
Blair Campbell Conn Institute for Astronomy Institute for Astronomy2007 Robert Gordon Sharp (grad student), Geraint F. Lewis (grad student)
Hans Gerard Leonard CosterBioengineering, Biophysics, Materials Science, Thermodynamics, Chemical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Biotechnology, Physiology
Neil F. Cramer
Foivos Diakogiannis2014 Geraint F. Lewis (grad student)
Tennant William Edgeworth David
Kenneth FungAstrophysics, Aerospace Engineering Engineering2014 Geraint F. Lewis (grad student)
Ronald Gordon Giovanelli1950 Arthur John Higgs (grad student)
James Harding Physics Iver H. Cairns (grad student)
Peter Harrowell
Arthur John Higgs
Andrew Mark Hopkins1975 Lawrence Edward Cram (grad student)
David E J
David E J
Helen M. JohnstonAstronomy
Ivan KassalChemical physics, Excitonics, Organic electronics, Quantum simulation, Photosynthesis
Omid Kaveheinanoelectronics, microelectronics, biomedical instrumentation, medical devices, microsystems
Peter Khan
Madhura KilledarAstrophysics, Statistics
Zdenka Kuncic
Andre Z Kyme
Girish LakhwaniOptoelectronics, conjugated materials, chirality, polaritons, molecular photophysics
Jocelyn Ann LaurenceRadiofrequency radiation Applied Physics20102013 David R McKenzie (post-doc)
Emil LencAstronomy, Diffuse polarisation, Starburst Galaxies Physics20122016 Bryan M. Gaensler (post-doc)
Yeong-Cherng LiangQuantum nonllocality, quantum foundations. quantum information
Yawei Liusoft condensed matter, computer simulation Asaph Widmer-Cooper (post-doc)
Archibald Liversidge
John Percival Vissing MadsenRadio physics
Gregory J. MadsenAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics20082013 Bryan M. Gaensler (post-doc)
Ronald Maj Physics Iver H. Cairns (grad student)
Douglas Mawson19021905 Tennant William Edgeworth David (grad student), Archibald Liversidge (grad student)
Robert (Bob) M. MayPopulation ecology
Dane R. McCameyQuantum Physics
Patrick I. McCauley Physics Iver H. Cairns (grad student)
David R McKenzie
Brendan McMonigalGalactic Archaeology
Harry Messel
Bernard Y. Mills
Tuangrak Nantawisarakul School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Terry Calvin Chilcott (grad student)
Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn
Michael Nielsen Philosophy John Collins (grad student)
Brian J. O'BrienAuroral Physics, Magnetospheric physics Physics Harry Messel (grad student)
David Oldroyd Geology1974 Tom Vallance (grad student)
Benjamin James Spinks PopeAstrophysics, exoplanets, interferometry Peter G. Tuthill (research assistant)
Mozibur Rahman Physics Iver H. Cairns (grad student)
David J. ReillyMesoscopic Physics, condensed matter physics, low temperature physics, quantum information science
James Gordon Robertson1977 Bernard Y. Mills (grad student)
J. Gordon Robertson Bernard Y. Mills (grad student)
Timothy RobishawInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis Physics20082011 Bryan M. Gaensler (post-doc)
Alan Lesle Roy Institute for Astronomy1995 Ray P. Norris (grad student), James Gordon Robertson (grad student)
Elaine Margaret Sadler
Fiona Schleyer Physics Iver H. Cairns (grad student)
Ernest Shackleton
John Shepanski
Aloysius SoonCondensed Matter Physics, Chemical Physics, Surface Physics Physics20052008 Catherine Stampfl (grad student)
Catherine Stampfl
Michael B. SteerAstronomy and Astrophysics1983 Peter Khan (grad student)
Dennis Stello School of Physics Timothy Russell Bedding (grad student)
Samira Tasnim Physics Iver H. Cairns (grad student)
Peter G. TuthillOptical interferometry
Tom Vallance
Ilias Vardavas1977 Christopher John Cannon (grad student)
David Waddington Physics2017 Matthew S. Rosen (grad student)
Anna Wangsoft matter, origins of life, holographic imaging, membrane biophysics, artificial cells Physics2009 Maryanne CJ Large (research assistant)
Michael S. Wheatland Physics Donald Blair Melrose (grad student)
Stephen M. White Physics Donald Blair Melrose (grad student)
Asaph Widmer-Cooper School of Chemistry Peter Harrowell (grad student)
Peter Robert Wilson1962 Ronald Gordon Giovanelli (grad student)
Robert WingleeAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics1985 Neil F. Cramer (grad student), Donald Blair Melrose (grad student)
Henry Woodruff Timothy Russell Bedding (grad student)
Rongkun ZhengCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Microscopy and Micoanalysis