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Eva Silverstein grad student 2003 Stanford
 (Strings without supersymmetry.)


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Dorota M. Grabowska research assistant 2010 MIT
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Adams A, Anous T, Lee J, et al. (2015) Glassy slowdown and replica-symmetry-breaking instantons. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 91: 032148
Adams A, Roberts DA, Saremi O. (2015) Hawking-Page transition in holographic massive gravity Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 91
Adams A, Yaida S. (2014) Disordered holographic systems: Marginal relevance of imperfection Physical Review D. 90: 46007
Chesler PM, Liu H, Adams A. (2013) Holographic vortex liquids and superfluid turbulence. Science (New York, N.Y.). 341: 368-72
Adams A, Carr LD, Schaefer T, et al. (2013) Focus on strongly correlated quantum fluids: from ultracold quantum gases to QCD plasmas New Journal of Physics. 15: 045022
Adams A, Dyer E, Lee J. (2013) GLSMs for non-Kähler geometries Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013
Adams A, Carr LD, Schäfer T, et al. (2012) Strongly correlated quantum fluids: Ultracold quantum gases, quantum chromodynamic plasmas and holographic duality New Journal of Physics. 14
Adams A, Wang J. (2011) Towards a non-relativistic holographic superfluid New Journal of Physics. 13: 115008
Adams A, Jockers H, Kumar V, et al. (2011) \( \mathcal{N} = {1} \) sigma models in AdS4 Journal of High Energy Physics. 2011: 42
Adams A, Lapan JM. (2011) Computing the spectrum of a heterotic flux vacuum Journal of High Energy Physics. 2011: 45
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