Daniel P. Aalberts | Biological polymers | | | 1994 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student), Shien-Chi Chen (research assistant), George Bekefi (research assistant) |
Riccardo Abbate | | Physics | 2007 | 2012 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Ayman F. Abouraddy | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | 2008 | Yoel Fink (post-doc) |
Daniel Michael Abrams | Applied Mathematics | EAPS | | | Daniel Harris Rothman (post-doc) |
Murat Acar | gene networks | | | 2007 | Alexander van Oudenaarden (grad student) |
Allan W. Adams | String theory | | | | |
Kiran K. Adepalli | Electrochemical interfaces, Solid state ionics, Energy conversion, Resistance based memory devices, Memristors, Fuel cells, Solid state diffusion, Electronic packaging metals | | | | |
Rana Adhikari | | | | 2004 | Rainer Weiss (grad student), Peter Kurt Fritschel (grad student) |
Richard Brooks Adler | | | | 1949 | Lan Jen Chu (grad student) |
David Adler | | | | | |
Gabriel Aeppli | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1983 | Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student) |
Iraj Ruhi Afnan | Particle Theory | | 1963 | 1966 | Richard Lemmer (grad student) |
Oded Aharonson | Planetology, Geophysics | | | 2002 | Maria Theresa Zuber (grad student) |
Clarice D. Aiello | | EECS | | | Paola Cappellaro (grad student) |
Edward A Ajhar | cosmology; extragalactic astronomy | Physics | 1986 | 1992 | John Tonry (grad student) |
Ashok Ajoy | | Nuclear Science and Engineering | | | Paola Cappellaro (grad student) |
Keiiti Aki | seismology | | | | |
John Macmillan Alexander | nuclear chemistry | | | 1957 | Charles D. Coryell (grad student) |
Alfredo J. Alexander-Katz | condensed matter physics, complex fluids, polymers | | | | |
James Allen | Condensed Matter Experimental Physics | Electrical Engineering | | | Perry A. Miles (grad student) |
Jessamyn L. Allen | | Physics | 2011 | 2017 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
William P. Allis | | | | 1924 | Paul A. Heymans (grad student) |
Boris L. Altshuler | quantum theory of condensed matter physics | | | | |
G. K. Ananthasuresh | Compliant mechanisms, MEMS, Multidisciplinary design and topology optimization, Kinematics of mechanisms, Protein design, Micromanipulation and Biomechanics | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 1995 | 1996 | Stephen D. Senturia (post-doc) |
David Andelman | Soft Matter, Biological Physics | Physics | | 1984 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Sterling J. Anderson | | | | 2009 | Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student) |
Nozomi Ando | x-ray, synchrotron radiation, enzymes | Chemistry | | | Catherine L. Drennan (post-doc) |
Emily Katherine Andrews | | | | 2000 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
James Browne Angell | integrated circuit technology to the fabrication of sensors for biomedical instrumentation and the generation and manipulation of musical sounds with digital systems | | | 1952 | Henry J. Zimmermann (grad student) |
David Applegate | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Garrett T. Apuzen-Ito | Geophysics | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | | 1996 | Jian Lin (grad student) |
Suguru Araki | | Physics | 1982 | 1985 | Scott Tremaine (grad student) |
Jose A.P. Aranha | Theoretical Hydrodynamics, Ocean and Coastal Wave Phenomena, Fluid-Solid Interaction | Civil Engineering | 1975 | 1978 | Chiang C. Mei (grad student) |
Dalila Isabel Argáez | | | | 1993 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Ali S. Argon | plasticity, toughness in polymers, ceramic composite coatings | | | 1956 | Egon Orowan (grad student) |
Carlos Alberto Argüelles Delgado | neutrino physics | Physics | 2015 | 2020 | Janet Marie Conrad (post-doc) |
Tomás A. Arias | | | | 1992 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Chris Arnesen | | Physics | 2002 | 2007 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
H. Harry Asada | Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Dynamic Systems and Control, Information Technology, Design, and Manufacturing | | | | |
Raymond Ashoori | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Harry A. Atwater | photovoltaics | | | 1987 | Henry I. Smith (grad student), Carl V. Thompson (grad student) |
James Murdoch Austin | | | | 1941 | Sverre Petterssen (grad student) |
Benjamin L. Averbach | materials science | | | 1947 | Morris Cohen (grad student) |
Yitzhak Avrahami | | Materials Science and Engineering | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Roy A. Axford | | | | 1958 | Melville Clark (grad student) |
Leonid V Azároff | Materials Science | | | 1954 | Martin Julian Buerger (grad student) |
Alexandru Bacanu | | Physics | 2013 | 2020 | Nikta Fakhri (grad student) |
Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato | | Physics | | | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Aakhut Em Bak | | Physics | | 1986 | Sylvester James Gates (grad student) |
Osman Bakr | | | | | Francesco Stellacci (grad student) |
Ponnampalam Balakumar | | Aeronautics and Astronautics | | 1986 | Sheila Evans Widnall (grad student) |
Anna Christina Balazs | | | 1982 | 1984 | Keith Huber Johnson (grad student), George M. Whitesides (grad student), Robert J. Silbey (grad student), John M. Deutch (post-doc) |
Edoardo Baldini | Condensed Matter Physics | Department of Physics | 2017 | 2021 | Nuh Gedik (post-doc) |
Leon Michael Balents | Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics | | | 1994 | Mehran Kardar (grad student) |
Robert W. Balluffi | Physical Metallurgy | | 1978 | 1994 | Morris Cohen (grad student), Benjamin L. Averbach (grad student), Paul D Bristowe (collaborator) |
Thomas Israel Banks | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1973 | Carl Martin Bender (grad student) |
Alfredo Baños | electromagnetic theory, plasma physics | | | 1938 | Manuel Sandoval Vallarta (grad student) |
Jie Bao | | | 2010 | 2013 | Moungi G. Bawendi (post-doc) |
Lei Bao | | Physics | | | Edward F. Redish (grad student) |
Michel Baranger | Quantum electro-dynamics, plasma spectroscopy, nuclear collective motion, semi-classical quantum chaos | | | | |
W. Carlisle Barber | | | | | |
Eli Barkai | Statistical Physics | | | | |
Maissam Barkeshli | | Physics | | 2010 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student) |
William Barletta | High-energy physics | | | | |
William Barnes | | Physics | 1988 | 1994 | Stephan S. Meyer (grad student) |
John Barrett | | Physics | 2008 | 2016 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Alan Hildreth Barrett | radio astronomy, and the spectroscopic study of the interstellar medium | | | | |
Wilmer L. Barrow | communications engineering, radar and navigation systems | | | | |
Benjamin E. Barrowes | | Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences | 1999 | | Jin Au Kong (grad student) |
John P Barton | | | 2012 | 2017 | Arup K. Chakraborty (post-doc) |
Klaus-Jurgen Bathe | Computational Mechanics | | | | |
Boris William Batterman | diffraction physics | Physics | | 1956 | Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student) |
Moungi G. Bawendi | quantum dots | | | | |
Douglas Howard Beck | Nuclear Physics | | | 1986 | William Ernest Turchinetz (grad student) |
William Theodore Leroy Becker | | | | 2006 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Ulrich Becker | Experimental high energy physics | | | | |
Benjamin Bederson | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | | 1950 | 1952 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (post-doc) |
Leon E. Beghian | Nuclear physics | | | | |
Elizabeth J. Beise | Experimental Nuclear Physics | | | 1988 | Robert Page Redwine (grad student) |
George Bekefi | plasma physics | | | | |
Angela M. Belcher | General Biophysics, Molecular Biology | | | | |
John Winston Belcher | space plasma physics | | | | |
Carl Martin Bender | Mathematical Physics | | | | |
George B. Benedek | phase transitions, self-assembly and aggregation of several biological molecules | | | | |
Ralph D. Bennett | | | | | |
Charles L. Bennett | Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) | | | 1984 | Bernard F. Burke (grad student) |
Robert Paul Bennett | Physics | Physics | | | Rainer Weiss (research assistant) |
Carola F. Berger | Theoretical physics; elementary particles. | Physics | 2007 | 2010 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
E. Robert Beringer | microwave spectroscopy | | 1942 | 1946 | Robert H. Dicke (research scientist) |
A. Nihat Berker | statistical mechanics, phase transitions | | | | |
Aron Myron Bernstein | nuclear and particle physics | | | | |
Abraham Bers | Plasma physics | | | 1959 | Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student) |
Daniele Bertolini | | Physics | | 2014 | Jesse K. Thaler (grad student) |
William Bertozzi | Intermediate Energy Physics | Physics | | 1958 | Peter T. Demos (grad student) |
Edmund W. Bertschinger | cosmology, gravitation, relativistic astrophysics | | | | |
Ali Beskok | Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | 1996 | 1998 | Jacob Keaton White (post-doc) |
David Mark Bevly | Control of Dynamic Systems | | | 1997 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Lawrence Christian Biedenharn | mathematical physics | | | 1949 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Samuel Bieri | Theoretical Physics | Physics Physics | | | Patrick A. Lee (post-doc), Senthil Todadri (collaborator) |
Amy Marlou Bilton | Energy systems; water purification and desalination; design for the developing world; computer-aided design methods; design optimization under uncertainty; control system design | | | 2013 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Adam M. Bincer | | | | 1956 | Sidney D. Drell (grad student) |
Manfred A. Biondi | plasma physics | | | 1949 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
Robert J. Birgeneau | phases and phase transition behavior of novel states of matter | | | | |
Francis Bitter | magnetism | | | | |
Lindy L Blackburn | EHT project | | | 2010 | Erotokritos C Katsavounidis (grad student) |
John P. Blakeslee | Astrophysics Physics | Physics | | | John Tonry (grad student) |
Thomas D. Blubaugh | | | | 1985 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Fred Andrew Blum | | | | | |
Alexander Blumen | polymer physics | | | | Robert J. Silbey (post-doc) |
William Blumen | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | Meteorology | | 1963 | Norman A. Phillips (grad student) |
Arie Bodek | Particle Physics | Physics | | 1973 | Jerome I. Friedman (grad student), Henry W. Kendall (grad student) |
Gregory S. Boebinger | Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, General Physics | | | 1986 | Horst L. Störmer (grad student), Daniel C. Tsui (grad student) |
Elihu Boldt | Astrophysics | | | 1958 | David O. Caldwell (grad student), Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Charles D. Boley | Laser-related physics, plasma physics, theoretical physics, computational physics | Physics | | 1971 | Sidney Yip (grad student) |
Richard H. Bolt | acoustical engineering and architectural design | | | | |
Timothy Alan Bolton | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | Physics | | 1988 | Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student), Walter H. Toki (grad student) |
Peggy Boning | | | | 2009 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Lance Frank Bosart | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | | | 1969 | Frederick Sanders (grad student) |
Peter Eric Bosted | Nuclear Physics | | | 1980 | Aron Myron Bernstein (grad student) |
Brett E. Bouma | Medical Biophysics, Optics Physics | | | | James G. Fujimoto (post-doc) |
Mary Cunningham Boyce | molecular and nanomechanics of polymers and soft composites | | | 1987 | Ali S. Argon (grad student), David M. Parks (grad student) |
Joseph Canon Boyce | | | | | |
Bennet B. Brabson | | | 1960 | 1966 | Lawrence Rosenson (grad student) |
William F. Brace | Geophysics | | | 1953 | Harold Williams Fairbairn (grad student) |
Michael Patrick Bradley | plasma physics, ion trapping, precision measurement | Physics | 1992 | 2000 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Lee Carrington Bradley | optical spectroscopy, optics and laser propagation | | | | |
Hale V. Bradt | X-ray astronomy | Physics | | 1961 | George W. Clark (grad student) |
James Edward Brau | High Energy Physics | | | 1978 | Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student) |
Kaley Brauer | | | 2017 | | Anna Frebel (grad student) |
Kenneth Brecher | Neutron stars; high-energy astrophysics; cosmology and relativity; historical astronomy. | | | 1969 | Philip Morrison (grad student) |
Martin Breidenbach | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1970 | Jerome I. Friedman (grad student), Henry W. Kendall (grad student) |
Daeg Scott Brenner | Nuclear Chemistry | | | 1965 | Glen E. Gordon (grad student) |
Herbert S. Bridge | space plasma physics | | | 1950 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
David Lawrence Brock | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1993 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student) |
Christopher Allen Brooks | | | | 2004 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Roger Brooks | | Physics | | 1986 | Sylvester James Gates (grad student) |
Jean Brossel | quantum optics, atomic physics | | | 1951 | Francis Bitter (research assistant) |
Truman R. Brown | Magnetic resonance applications | | | 1970 | John G. King (grad student) |
Kevin Lawrence Brown | | | | 1994 | H. Harry Asada (grad student) |
Sanborn Conner Brown | plasma physics, thermodynamics | | | 1944 | Robley D. Evans (grad student) |
Cornelius Payne Browne | Nuclear physics | | | | |
Gordon Lee Brownell | Nuclear medicine | Physics | | 1950 | Robley D. Evans (grad student) |
Solomon J. Buchsbaum | Plasma physics | | | 1957 | William P. Allis (grad student) |
William Weber Buechner | nuclear physics | | | 1944 | Robert Jemison Van de Graaff (grad student) |
Vladimir Bulović | Organic and Nanostructured Electronics | | | | |
Carey David Bunks | Signal Processing, Automatic Control, Nonlinear Optimization, Seismic Imaging | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | | 1987 | Alan S. Willsky (grad student) |
Jacopo buongiorno | | | | | |
B. Clark Burchfiel | | | | | |
Adam J. Burgasser | Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics | | | | |
David Burghoff | | Electrical Engineering | | | Qing Hu (grad student) |
Bernard F. Burke | Astrophysics | | | 1953 | Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student) |
Scott Michael Burles | | | | | |
Stephen K. Burley | General Biophysics, Molecular Biology | | 1983 | 1987 | Gregory A. Petsko (post-doc) |
Robert Daniel Burn | | | | 1998 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Adam S. Burrows | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1979 | Kenneth Brecher (grad student) |
Vannevar Bush | Applied physics, electrical engineering, science administration | | | 1916 | Dugald C. Jackson (grad student), Arthur Edwin Kennelly (grad student) |
John W. M. Bush | fluid dynamics | | | | |
Wit Busza | High Energy Physics | | | | |
Brad Butman | | | | 1975 | Robert Beardsley (grad student) |
Loreli Dela Cruz Cadapan | | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | | 1997 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Wei Cai | Micro and Nano Mechanics | | | 2001 | Sidney Yip (grad student) |
Herbert Bernard Callen | thermodynamics | | | 1947 | Laszlo Tisza (grad student) |
James D. Callen | Fluid and Plasma Physics | Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering | | 1968 | James Elliott McCune (grad student), Thomas H. Dupree (grad student) |
Constantine J. Callias | | | | 1979 | Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student) |
Joseph Andrew Calzaretta | | | | 1998 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Colin K Campbell | | Electrical Engineering | | 1952 | Thomas Franklin Jones (grad student) |
Gretchen Campbell | | Physics Physics | 2001 | 2006 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student), David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Claude Roger Canizares | cosmic X-ray sources | | | | |
David S Cannell | Condensed Matter Experimental Physics | | | 1970 | George B. Benedek (grad student) |
Sergio Hiram Cantu | Rydberg atoms, Rydberg polaritons | Physics | 2012 | 2021 | Vladan Vuletić (grad student) |
Changhong Cao | Nanomanufacturing, nanomechanics | Mechanical Engineering | 2018 | 2020 | A. John Hart (post-doc) |
Yuan Cao | | department of physics | 2014 | 2020 | Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (grad student) |
Rodrigo Barbosa Capaz | Electronic, structural and optical properties of nanostructured systems | | | 1996 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Paola Cappellaro | quantum sensing, quantum computing | | | 2006 | David Cory (grad student) |
Christopher Luke Carilli | | | | 1989 | Bernard F. Burke (grad student) |
Webster C. Cash | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Giuseppe Cataldo | Systems Engineering | Aeronautics and Astronautics | | 2015 | Jeffrey A. Hoffman (grad student) |
Jerald A. Caton | engines, combustion, thermodynamics | Mechanical engineering | | 1979 | John B. Heywood (grad student) |
Peter Catto | Plasma science | | | | |
Deepto Chakrabarty | Astrophysics | Center for Space Research | 1996 | 1999 | Hale V. Bradt (post-doc) |
Siu-Wai Chan | Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Energy | Course III Materials | 1980 | 1985 | Robert W. Balluffi (grad student) |
David Chandler | statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, liquids, complexity, biophysics | | | 1966 | Irwin Oppenheim (research assistant) |
Philip K. Chapman | | | | 1967 | Charles Stark Draper (grad student) |
Michael Chapman | Atomic physics | | | 1995 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Jule G. Charney | Weather forecasting | | | | |
Praveen Chaudhari | amorphous magnetic materials-that are the basis of erasable, read-write, optical storage technology | | | 1966 | Michael Berliner Bever (grad student) |
Joseph G. Checkelsky | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Wang-Ping Chen | Geophysics | | | 1979 | Peter Hale Molnar (grad student) |
Di Chen | solid state ionics | Materials Science and Engineering | 2008 | 2014 | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Shien-Chi Chen | | | | | George Bekefi (research scientist) |
Zhongzhou Chen | General Physics, Sciences Education | Physics | 2013 | 2016 | David E. Pritchard (post-doc) |
Hai Chen | High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays | Physics | 2010 | 2016 | Ulrich Becker (grad student) |
Min Chen | Particle Physics, Meta Material, Backward Cherenkov Radiation, Testing Babinet Principle in electron induced radiations | | | | |
Yang-Ting Chen | | Physics | 2016 | 2019 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Mo Chen | Quantum Information | | 2014 | 2020 | Paola Cappellaro (grad student) |
Yi Chen | | Physics Physics | 2019 | 2023 | Gunther Roland (research assistant), Yen-Jie Lee (post-doc) |
Sow-Hsin Chen | | | | | |
Xie Chen | Theoretical Physics | Physics | | 2012 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student), Isaac L. Chuang (grad student) |
Hung Cheng | Theoretical Physics | | | | |
Aurelia Chenu | | | 2016 | 2017 | Jianshu Cao (post-doc) |
Weng Cho Chew | Wave physics, computational electromagnetics, microwave theory and antennas, geophysics, quantum electromagnetics, differential geometry | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | | 1980 | Jin Au Kong (grad student) |
Raymond Y. Chiao | Quantum Optics | | | 1965 | Charles Hard Townes (grad student) |
Andrew Childs | | | | 2004 | Edward H. Farhi (grad student) |
Anirudh Chiti | | | 2014 | | Anna Frebel (grad student) |
Stephen L. Chiu | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1985 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Sangyeon Cho | Optics; Chemistry | | | | |
Marvin Chodorow | | | | 1939 | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Sung-Min Choi | | | | | Sow-Hsin Chen (grad student) |
Georgios Choudalakis | Particle Physics | | | | Bruce Owen Knuteson (grad student) |
Bernard A Chouet | Seismology,Volcano Seismology, Geophysics | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | | Keiiti Aki (grad student) |
Thomas Christensen | Nanophotonics | Physics | 2016 | | Marin Soljačić (post-doc) |
Nelson L Christensen | | Physics | 1990 | 1995 | Rainer Weiss (grad student) |
Lan Jen Chu | Electromagnetic field theory, antennas, waveguides, microwave tubes | Department of Electrical Engineering | | 1938 | Wilmer L. Barrow (grad student), Julius Adams Stratton (grad student) |
Meng Yee (Michael) Chuah | Robotics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Tactile Sensors, Force Sensors, Design, Locomotion | Mechanical Engineering | | | Sangbae Kim (grad student) |
Isaac L. Chuang | Quantum information science | | | 1991 | Peter Laurence Hagelstein (grad student) |
Jeffrey A. Cina | Physical Chemistry, Low Temperature Physics | | 1985 | 1987 | Robert J. Silbey (post-doc) |
Ibrahim I. Cissé | Biophysics | | | | |
Jon F. Claerbout | Geophysics | | | 1967 | Theodore R. Madden (grad student) |
Robert Clare | High energy physics experiment | | | 1982 | Min Chen (grad student) |
Donald Lyndon Clark | | | | | |
Noel Anthony Clark | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1970 | George B. Benedek (grad student) |
Melville Clark | Fusion Physics | | | | |
George W. Clark | x-ray astronomy | | | 1952 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Ryan Clark | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Roger N. Clark | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 1980 | Thomas B. McCord (grad student) |
Albert McCavour Clogston | solid state physics, magnetism, and superconductivity | | | 1941 | Julius Adams Stratton (grad student) |
Dennis P. Clougherty | | Physics | | 1989 | Keith Huber Johnson (grad student) |
Stefano Coda | | Plasma Science and Fusion Center | 1987 | 1997 | Miklos Porkolab (grad student) |
Morris Cohen | metallurgy | | | 1936 | John Torrey Norton (grad student) |
Samuel Alan Cohen | Plasma Science & Technology | | | 1973 | John G. King (grad student) |
Brian Andrew Cole | Particle Physics | | | 1992 | Stephen G. Steadman (grad student) |
Jeffrey Robert Cole | | | | 1995 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Paul D. Coleman | electrical engineering | | | 1951 | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Meg Coleman | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Samuel Cornette Collins | Cryogenics | | | | |
Simone Colombo | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Metrology, Atomic Sensors applications | Research Laboratory of Electronics | 2017 | | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
Riccardo Comin | Quantum Materials | | | | |
Karl Taylor Compton | | | | | |
Janet Marie Conrad | neutrinos | | | | |
William E. Cooke | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1976 | Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley | | | | 2014 | Matthew S. Rosen (grad student) |
William David Coolidge | | | 1901 | 1903 | Arthur A. Noyes (research scientist), Willis Rodney Whitney (research assistant) |
Edward Arthur Coomes | | | | 1938 | Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student) |
Bruno Coppi | plasma physics, nuclear fusion research, space physics, plasma astrophysics | | | | |
Eric A. Cornell | | | | 1990 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Michael L. Corradini | Nuclear Engineering | | | 1979 | Neil Emmanuel Todreas (grad student), Warren Max Rohsenow (grad student) |
Thomas Richard Johnstone Corrigan | | | | 1994 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
David Cory | | | | | |
Eric Richard Cosman | Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics | Physics | | 1966 | Harald A. Enge (grad student) |
Anthea Coster | | | | | |
Joseph Noel Robin Côté | Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics | | 1989 | 1995 | Alexander Dalgarno (grad student), Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Charles C. Counselman | | | | 1969 | Irwin I. Shapiro (grad student) |
Hans W.J. Courant | elementary particle physics | | | 1954 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
John M. Cowley | Electron Microscopy | | | 1949 | Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student) |
Jerome R. Cox, Jr. | biomedical engineering | | | 1954 | Leo Beranek (grad student) |
Eben S. Cross | Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Engineering | CEE | | | Jesse H. Kroll (post-doc) |
Csaba Csáki | Elementary particle physics, quantum field theory | | | 1997 | Lisa J. Randall (grad student) |
Shanying Cui | | | | | Angela M. Belcher (research assistant) |
Patricia Cullen | | Materials Science And Engineering | 1987 | 1990 | Nicole Herbots (grad student) |
Christina Joy D'Arrigo | | | | 2001 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Francesco D'Eramo | | Physics | | 2012 | Jesse K. Thaler (grad student) |
Ashkbiz Danehkar | Astrophysics, Astronomy, Physics | | 2015 | 2017 | Michael A. Nowak (post-doc) |
David Louis Darmofal | Computational fluid dynamics | | | | |
Ronald C. Davidson | Plasma physics | | | | |
Sumner Prindle Davis | astrophysics | | | 1959 | George Russell Harrison (post-doc) |
Zohreh Davoudi | | | | | |
Kishalay De | Astronomy | | | | |
Jarbas Caiado de Castro Neto | | | 1978 | 1981 | Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Sergio C. de la Barrera | Quantum condensed matter physics | Department of Physics Department of Physics | 2019 | 2023 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc), Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (post-doc) |
Emerson Jose Veloso de Passos | | | 1969 | 1974 | Michel Baranger (grad student) |
Pablo G. Debenedetti | condensed matter | | | 1985 | Robert C. Reid (grad student), Ulrich W. Suter (grad student) |
Matthew F. DeCamp | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | | 2003 | 2006 | Andrei Tokmakoff (post-doc) |
Joseph Francis Deck | | | | 1993 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
William M. Deen | Chemical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Thomas Alan DeGrand | Particle Theory | | 1973 | 1976 | Carleton Edward DeTar (grad student) |
Melahat Bilge Demirkoz | Experimental Particle Physics | Physics | 2001 | 2004 | Ulrich Becker (grad student) |
Peter T. Demos | nuclear physics | Physics | | 1951 | Arthur F. Kip (grad student), John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Denice D. Denton | | Electrical Engineering | | 1987 | Stephen D. Senturia (grad student) |
Parag B. Deotare | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2012 | 2016 | Vladimir Bulović (post-doc) |
Owen L. Deutsch | | | | 1975 | Sidney Yip (grad student) |
Martin Deutsch | nuclear physics | | | 1941 | Robley D. Evans (grad student) |
Trithep Devakul | Condensed matter theory | | 2020 | 2023 | Liang Fu (post-doc), Senthil Todadri (post-doc) |
Lauren M. DeVita | | | | 2007 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
William K. Dewar | Marine and Ocean Engineering, Geophysics | | | 1983 | Carl I. Wunsch (grad student), Glenn R Flierl (grad student) |
Oliver Mangum DeWolfe | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics | | 1995 | 2000 | Barton Zwiebach (grad student) |
Patrick Diamond | Fluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | Department of Physics | 1976 | 1979 | Thomas H. Dupree (grad student) |
Matthew Adam DiCicco | | | | 2005 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Mike Dillender | | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2024 | | Vladimir Bulović (grad student) |
Joshua S. Dillon | Cosmology | Physics | 2009 | 2015 | Max E. Tegmark (grad student) |
Narahara C Dingari | Machine Learning, Big Data, Data Science | Physics | 2009 | 2013 | Michael Stephen Feld (post-doc) |
Jason A. Dittmann | | Physics | | 2016 | David Brian Charbonneau (grad student) |
Changwoo Do | Neutron Scattering, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Neutron Spin-Echo, SANS, NSE, Soft Matter, Self-Assembly | | | | |
Ngoc Duc Doan | | | | | |
Louise Ann Dolan | Theory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1976 | Francis Eugene Low (grad student) |
Randall M. Dole | Climate-weather connections | | | 1982 | Frederick Sanders (grad student) |
Max Donath | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1978 | Woodie Claude Flowers (grad student) |
Yanhao Dong | | | | | |
Zhihuan Dong | | Physics | 2016 | 2018 | Gang Chen (research assistant) |
Zhiyu Dong | | Physics | 2016 | 2018 | Gang Chen (research assistant) |
T. William Donnelly | Theoretical physics | | | | |
Gregory Dooley | | Physics | 2012 | 2016 | Anna Frebel (grad student) |
Ellen Dotson | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Ewan S Douglas | Astronomy, Instrumentation | Aeronautics and Astronautics | | | Kerri L. Cahoy (post-doc) |
David H. Douglass, Jr. | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1959 | Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student) |
John Peter Dowd | experimental particle physics | | | 1966 | David O. Caldwell (grad student), Martin Deutsch (grad student) |
Marla L Dowell | laser metrology, advanced communications | physics | | | June Lorraine Matthews (grad student) |
John M. Doyle | cold atoms | Physics | | 1991 | Thomas J. Greytak (grad student), Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Alvin William Drake | | | | | |
Charles Stark Draper | | | | 1938 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus | carbon nanotubes | | | | |
Michael J. Driscoll | Nuclear Engineering | Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering | | 1964 | David Dayton Lanning (grad student), Theos Jardin Thompson (grad student) |
Javier Mauricio Duarte | experimental high energy physics | | | | |
Steven Dubowsky | dynamics, design, and control of high performance machine systems, robots, and manipulators | | | | |
Lee A. DuBridge | | | | | |
Jörn Dunkel | | | | | |
Thomas H. Dupree | theoretical plasma physics | Department of Physics | 1955 | 1960 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Dallin S. Durfee | Laser Cooling, Matterwave interferometry, Optics, Lasers | Physics and Astronomy | 1994 | 1999 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
William K. Durfee | design of medical devices, rehabilitation engineering, advanced orthotics, biomechanics and physiology of human muscle including electrical stimulation of muscle, product design and design education | Mechanical Engineering | | 1985 | Michael J. Rosen (grad student) |
Louis J. Durlofsky | Petroleum Engineering, Hydrology, Geophysics | | | 1986 | John F. Brady (grad student) |
Dale R. Durran | Geophysics, atmospheric dynamics | | | 1981 | Ronald G. Prinn (grad student) |
Adam C. Durst | General Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics | | | 2002 | Patrick A. Lee (grad student) |
Sheila E. Dwyer | | | | 2013 | Nergis Mavalvala (grad student) |
Dean Eric Eastman | Condensed Matter Physics | Electrical Engineering | | 1965 | Frederic Richard Morgenthaler (grad student) |
Mark E. Eberhart | | Materials Science and Engineering | | 1983 | Keith Huber Johnson (grad student) |
Brian Scott Eberman | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1995 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student) |
Markus Ebert | | Physics | 2017 | 2020 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Wiktor Eckhaus | Applied mathematics | | | 1959 | Leon Trilling (grad student) |
Harold Eugene Edgerton | Electrical Engineering, stroboscope, photography | Electrical Engineering | | 1931 | Vannevar Bush (grad student) |
David Eichler | | | | | Philip Morrison (grad student) |
Judah M. Eisenberg | | Physics | | | Kerson Huang (grad student) |
Josef Eisinger | Nuclear physics, biophysics, history of medicine, Einstein biography | | | 1951 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student) |
Virgil Bruce Elings | scanning probe microscopes | | | 1966 | Louis S. Osborne (grad student) |
James Ludlow Elliot | planetary astronomy | | | | |
Donald Ellis | Numerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. | Physics Physics | | 1966 | George F. Koster (grad student), John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Robert P. Ely | experimental high energy physics | | | 1959 | David H. Frisch (grad student) |
Michael G. Endres | Theoretical physics | | | | |
David Eng | | Materials Science And Engineering | 1987 | 1991 | Nicole Herbots (grad student) |
Harald A. Enge | Nuclear Physics | | 1950 | 1951 | William Weber Buechner (research assistant) |
Jeremy L. England | theoretical methods to understand the physical properties of biological molecules | | | | |
Saul T. Epstein | Theoretical physics, quantum chemistry | | | 1947 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Phil Erickson | | | | | |
Joshua Erlich | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1999 | Daniel Z. Freedman (grad student), Amihay Hanany (grad student) |
Reed Essick | | University of Toronto | | | Erotokritos C Katsavounidis (grad student) |
Robley D. Evans | nuclear medicine | | | | |
Matthew John Evans | Gravitational Waves | | | | |
Randy H. Ewoldt | | | | 2009 | Annette (Peko) Hosoi (grad student) |
Shaoul Ezekiel | Optics | | 1964 | 1968 | Walter Wrigley (grad student) |
Joshua A. Faber | Numerical Relativity, SPH, Computational Astrophysics | Physics | 1997 | 2001 | Frederic Rasio (grad student) |
Harold Williams Fairbairn | optical mineralogy, geochronology | | | | |
Nikta Fakhri | Biophysics | | | | |
Fereydoon Family | Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics | Physics | 1974 | 1976 | H. Eugene Stanley (post-doc) |
Hsu-Yun Fan | condensed matter physics, semiconductor physics | | | 1937 | Ralph D. Bennett (grad student), Arthur R. von Hippel (grad student), Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student) |
Chen Fang | Condensed Matter Physics | Department of Physics | 2014 | 2015 | Liang Fu (post-doc) |
Edward H. Farhi | Particle Physics, Field Theory, General Relativity, Quantum Computing | | | | |
Shane M. Farritor | Robotics and Mechatronics | | | 1998 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Giovanni G. Fazio | Infrared Astronomy | | 1954 | 1959 | David M. Ritson (grad student), Robert A. Schluter (grad student) |
Mitchell J. Feigenbaum | Chaos Theory | | | 1970 | Francis Eugene Low (grad student) |
Michael Stephen Feld | Atomic physics, Laser Physics, Biomedical Optics | | | 1967 | Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student) |
Bernard T. Feld | high-energy physics | | | | |
Herman Feshbach | Theoretical Physics | | | 1942 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Ila R. Fiete | Computation, theory, coding, dynamics | | 2000 | 2003 | H Sebastian Seung (grad student) |
Aka Gunduz Finci | | | | | |
David Ritz Finkelstein | | | | 1953 | Felix Villars (grad student) |
Gleb A. Finkelstein | Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene, DNA self assembly | | 1998 | 2000 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc) |
Andrew Fiore | | | 2013 | 2019 | James W. Swan (grad student) |
Ofer Firstenberg | | RLE | 2011 | 2014 | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
Nathaniel J. Fisch | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 1978 | Abraham Bers (grad student) |
Mark Steven Fischler | Supergravity, Lattice Gauge Supercompter design | | 1970 | 1974 | Philip Morrison (research assistant), Daniel J. Kleitman (research assistant) |
Peter H. Fisher | experimental detection of dark matter | | | | |
James Brown Fisk | Applied physics | | | 1935 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Paul A Fleury | Condensed matter physics | | | 1965 | Charles Hard Townes (grad student) |
Markus I. Flik | | | | | |
Woodie Claude Flowers | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1972 | Robert W. Mann (grad student) |
Clifton G. Fonstad | Optoelectronics | | | | Robert H. Rediker (grad student) |
Michael McNeil Forbes | Nuclear Theory, Quantum Dynamics, Astrophysics, AMO | Physics | 2000 | 2005 | Frank Wilczek (grad student) |
Chris Eliot Forest | Climate Dynamics, Earth System Dynamics, Earth System Modeling, Climate Change Diagnostics, Atmospheric Dynamics | Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | 1992 | 1996 | Kerry A. Emanuel (grad student), Peter Hale Molnar (grad student) |
Joseph A. Formaggio | High Energy Physics | | | | |
Gregory Francis | Plasma Physics, Educational Research | | | | |
Gregg Byron Franklin | Nuclear Physics | | | 1980 | Aron Myron Bernstein (grad student) |
Philip Franklin | | | | | |
Anna Frebel | Stellar and Galactic Astronomy - Optical/IR Astronomy -Cosmology - High Performance Computing | | | | |
Edward Fredkin | | | | | |
Daniel Z. Freedman | Supergravity, String Theory, Quantum Field Theory | | | | |
Arthur J. Freeman | First-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties. | | | 1956 | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Anthony French | Intermediate Energy Physics | | | | |
James Bruce French | theoretical nuclear physics | | | 1948 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Andrew S. Friedman | observational astronomy | | | | |
Jerome I. Friedman | | | | | |
Anke Friedrich | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
David H. Frisch | nuclear physics | | | 1947 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Peter Kurt Fritschel | Cosmology | | | 1992 | Rainer Weiss (grad student) |
Liang Fu | Quantum Condensed Matter Theory | | | | |
Kin Hung Fung | Plasmonics, Nanophotonics, Photonic Crystals | | | | Nicholas X. Fang (post-doc) |
Daniel Furse | | Physics | 2007 | 2015 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Elena Gallo | | | 2008 | 2010 | Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc) |
Duncan K. Galloway | | | 2000 | 2003 | Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc) |
John Kirtland Galt | Solid state physics | Research Laboratory of Electronics | | 1947 | Hans Müller (grad student) |
Saurabh R Gandhi | biophysics, ecology | Physics | 2013 | 2019 | Jeffrey C. Gore (grad student) |
Haiyan Gao | Nuclear Physics | | | | |
Susan Gardner | | Physics | 1983 | 1988 | Ernest Jeffrey Moniz (grad student) |
Gordon P. Garmire | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1962 | William L. Kraushaar (grad student) |
Justin Richard Garretson | | | | 2005 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Sylvester James Gates | supersymmetry, supergravity, superstring theory | | | 1977 | James Edward Young (grad student) |
Nuh Gedik | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
C. Daniel Geisler | Auditory System | | | 1960 | Walter A. Rosenblith (grad student) |
Murray Gell-Mann | | | | 1951 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Marvin A. Geller | Atmospheric Science Physics, Hydrology | | | 1969 | Victor P. Starr (grad student) |
Elizabeth Marie George | astronomical instrumentation, detectors | Physics | 2006 | 2008 | Isaac L. Chuang (research assistant) |
Neil A. Gershenfeld | Digital fabrication | | | | |
Ward D. Getty | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | Electrical Engineering | | 1963 | Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student) |
Roman Geykhman | | | | 2011 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Pouyan Ghaemi | Condensed Matter Theory | Physics | | | Senthil Todadri (grad student) |
Joseph Anthony Giaime | Experimental General Relativity | Physics | | 1995 | Rainer Weiss (grad student) |
J. Freeman Gilbert | computational geophysics, seismology, earthquake sources, and geophysical inverse theory | | | 1956 | Stephen Milton Simpson (grad student) |
Roscoe C. Giles | Computational Science | | | | |
Robert Gilmore | Astrophysics Physics | | | 1967 | George F. Koster (grad student) |
Newell Shiffer Gingrich | | Physics | | | Ralph D. Bennett (post-doc) |
Bernard Gittelman | Particle physics | | | 1958 | Martin Deutsch (grad student) |
Alfred E Glassgold | Atomic Physics, Astrophysics, Astrochemistry | Physics | | 1954 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Robert L Gluckstern | | Physics | | 1948 | Julius Adams Stratton (grad student) |
Sara Jean Godding | | | | 1999 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
John A. Goff | Geology, Geophysics, Physical Oceanography | | | 1990 | Thomas Hillman Jordan (grad student) |
Michael Warren Golay | | | | | |
Dariusz Golda | | | | 2003 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
James M. Goldey | silicon transistor and integrated circuit development | | | 1955 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
David Goldhaber-Gordon | semiconductor nanostructures | | | 1999 | Marc A. Kastner (grad student) |
Jeffrey Goldstone | Field Theory, Quantum Computing | | | | |
Robert Golub | Radiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Low Temperature Physics | | | 1967 | John G. King (grad student) |
Teresa M. Gomez | | | | 2011 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Maxim Goncharov | | | | | |
John B. Goodenough | Solid State Physics, Batteries, Fuel Cells, Superconductivity, Magnetism | | | | |
Clark Goodman | Nuclear physics, nuclear engineering | | | 1940 | Robley D. Evans (grad student) |
Kenneth E. Goodson | heat transfer in electronic nanostructures | Mechanical Engineering | | 1993 | Markus I. Flik (grad student) |
Harry Manley Goodwin | Electrochemistry | | | | |
Jeffrey C. Gore | structural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies | | 2007 | 2010 | Alexander van Oudenaarden (post-doc) |
David N. Gosset | | | | 2011 | Edward H. Farhi (grad student) |
Kurt Gottfried | particle physics | | | 1955 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Phillip Lloyd Gould | Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics | | | 1986 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Harry Edmund Gove | | | | 1950 | Milton Stanley Livingston (grad student) |
Dorota M. Grabowska | Particle Physics, Lattice QCD | | | 2010 | Allan W. Adams (research assistant) |
Philip Joel Greenberg | theoretical physics, mathematical astronomy | | | | |
Richard J. Greenberg | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1972 | Charles C. Counselman (grad student), Irwin I. Shapiro (grad student) |
Jack S. Greenberg | nuclear, atomic, and elementary particle physics | | | 1955 | Martin Deutsch (grad student) |
Martin Greven | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1995 | Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student) |
Thomas J. Greytak | atomic physics, condensed matter physics | | | 1967 | George B. Benedek (grad student) |
Terry Grimm | Radiation Physics | | | | Richard J. Temkin (grad student) |
Robert E. Grimm | geophysics, planetary science | | | 1989 | Sean C. Solomon (grad student) |
Victoria Grinberg | | | 2013 | 2016 | Claude Roger Canizares (post-doc) |
Lee Grodzins | Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics | | | | |
Julieta Gruszko | Nuclear physics | Physics and Astronomy | 2017 | 2020 | Lindley A. Winslow (post-doc) |
Zhengcheng Gu | | | 2007 | 2009 | Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc) |
Pengyun Gu | | | | 1994 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Subhadeep Gupta | Low Temperature Physics, Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics | Physics | | | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
Ture K. Gustafson | Condensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics | | | 1968 | Hermann Anton Haus (grad student) |
Alan H. Guth | Cosmology, theoretical particle physics | | | 1972 | Francis Eugene Low (grad student) |
Hervé Hacot | | | | 1998 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Zoran Hadzibabic | | Physics | 1997 | 2003 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
Elizabeth Susan Scott Hafen | Nuclear physics | | | | |
Peter Laurence Hagelstein | Theoretical studies of anomalies in metal deuterides, excitation transfer, and anomalous energy exchange between disparate quantum systems, and thermal to electric conversion. | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | | 1981 | Hermann Anton Haus (grad student) |
Carl Richard Hagen | Theoretical High-Energy Physics | | | 1962 | Kenneth Alan Johnson (grad student) |
Bradford H. Hager | Geophysics | | | | |
Maha Haji | | Mechanical Engineering | | 2017 | Alexander Slocum (grad student) |
Illan Feiman Halpern | Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, Relativity, | Physics | 2011 | 2014 | Alan H. Guth (research assistant) |
Isaac Halpern | | | | 1948 | William M. Woodward (grad student) |
Mark Halpern | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1983 | Rainer Weiss (grad student) |
Donald Robert Hamann | Condensed matter physics | | | 1965 | George Woodman Pratt (grad student), Albert W. Overhauser (grad student) |
Bill Hames | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (post-doc) |
P. Chris Hammel | Condensed Matter Physics | | 1984 | 1986 | John S. Waugh (post-doc) |
Heidi B. Hammel | astronomy, planetary astronomy, planetary science | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | 1979 | 1982 | James Ludlow Elliot (research assistant) |
Jeong Woo Han | Transport Through Nanoporous Materials, Chiral Surface Chemistry | | | | |
Gail Gulledge Hanson | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1973 | David H. Frisch (grad student) |
David E. Hardt | | | | 1979 | Robert W. Mann (grad student) |
Andrew Ryan Harlan | | | | 2007 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Daniel L Harlow | Quantum Field Theory, Astrophysics | | | | |
Nicholas C Harris | quantum computing, photonics, machine learning | | | | |
Philip C. Harris | High Energy Physics, Collider Physics, Machine Learning | Physics | | 2011 | Steven C. Nahn (grad student) |
George Russell Harrison | Spectroscopy | | | | |
Aram Wettroth Harrow | Quantum Computing and Quantum Information | | | 2005 | Isaac L. Chuang (grad student) |
Jacob M. Hartman | | Physics | 2002 | 2007 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
John Leslie Harton | Astrophysics Physics | | | 1988 | Elizabeth Susan Scott Hafen (grad student) |
Charles F. Harvey | Hydrogeology | | | | |
Martin O. Harwit | Infrared astronomy | | | 1960 | William P. Allis (grad student) |
Akikazu Hashimoto | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | 1989 | 1993 | Boris L. Altshuler (research assistant) |
Yasuhiro Hatsugai | | Physics | 1992 | 1993 | Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc) |
Hermann Anton Haus | photonics | | | 1954 | Lan Jen Chu (grad student) |
Leland John Haworth | radar systems, magnet design | | | | |
Ralf K Heilmann | X-ray optics | | | | Mark L Schattenburg (research scientist) |
Paul Heiney | fullerenes, liquid crystals, polymers, monolayer films, quasicrystals,and other partially or non-conventionally ordered materials | | | 1982 | Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student) |
Daniel J. Heinzen | Atomic physics | | | 1988 | Michael Stephen Feld (grad student) |
Julia Heisler | | Physics | 1983 | 1986 | Scott Tremaine (grad student) |
Olof C. Hellman | | Materials Science And Engineering | 1987 | 1991 | Nicole Herbots (grad student) |
Henry F. Helmken | | | | 1964 | William L. Kraushaar (grad student) |
Or Hen | Nuclear physics | | | | |
Brian S. Henderson | Hadronic Physics, Nuclear Security | Physics | 2010 | 2016 | Richard G. Milner (grad student) |
Conor Henderson | Particle physics | Physics | 1999 | 2005 | Gunther Roland (grad student) |
David A. Hendrix | | | 2010 | 2013 | Manolis Kellis (post-doc) |
Allan F. Henry | Nuclear Engineering | | | | |
Melvin Arnold Herlin | | | | 1948 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
Irving P. Herman | | | | | Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student) |
Evelyn Herren | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (post-doc) |
F William Hersman | Radiation Physics, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering | | | 1982 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Joshua L. Hertz | Solid oxide fuel cells, Ceramic thin films | | 2001 | 2006 | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Mark P. Hertzberg | | | | | |
Jacqueline Nina Hewitt | astrophysics and cosmology | | 1981 | 1986 | Bernard F. Burke (grad student) |
Paul A. Heymans | | | | 1922 | Edwin Bidwell Wilson (grad student) |
Albert Gordon Hill | | | | | |
Mats Hillert | | Materials Science and Engineering | | | Morris Cohen (grad student) |
Michael Hinczewski | Theoretical biophysics, statistical physics | Physics | 1999 | 2005 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Andrew S. Hirsch | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 1977 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Jay L. Hirshfield | Beam physics | | | 1960 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
Kyriakos Hizanidis | | | | 1982 | Abraham Bers (grad student) |
John T. Ho | condensed matter physics | | | 1969 | J. David Litster (grad student) |
Jeffrey A. Hoffman | | | | | |
Samuel Hokin | | Physics | | | Richard S. Post (grad student) |
James R. Holton | | | | 1964 | Jule G. Charney (grad student) |
Maurik Holtrop | Nuclear Physics | | | 1995 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Jeroen Homan | | | 2012 | 2017 | Deepto Chakrabarty (research scientist), Walter H.G. Lewin (post-doc) |
Won Hong | | Mechanical Engineering | | 2001 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student), Jean-Jacques E. Slotine (grad student) |
Norbert Antony Murray Hootsmans | | | | 1992 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Mahdi Hosseini | quantum optics, quantum memory, cavity quantum electrodynamics | Physics | | | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
Martha House | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Robert A. Houze | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | | | 1972 | James Murdoch Austin (grad student), Pauline Morrow Austin (grad student) |
John A. Hrones | | | | | |
Andrzej Zygmunt Hrynkiewicz | Nuclear Physics | | 1958 | 1960 | Martin Deutsch (post-doc) |
Jiazhong Hu | | | 2011 | 2017 | Vladan Vuletić (grad student) |
Qing Hu | applied physics, devices, technology | | | | |
Jin Huang | High energy nuclear physics | Physics | 2006 | 2011 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Shengxi Huang | | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2011 | 2017 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student) |
KC Huang | Cellular Organization | | 1999 | 2004 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Kerson Huang | Theoretical nuclear physics | | | 1953 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Huan Huang | | | | 1990 | Lee Grodzins (grad student) |
Mary Hubbard | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Eric W. Hudson | condensed matter, scanning tunneling microscopy, high temperature superconductors, strongly correlated systems, two dimensional materials | | | | |
Audrey Huerta | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Vernon W. Hughes | particle physics | Radiation Laboratory | 1942 | 1946 | Britton Chance (research assistant) |
Scott Alexander Hughes | Compact Objects: Gravitation | | | | |
Linden Huhmann | | | | | |
Lam Hui | | | | 1996 | Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student) |
Randall Hulet | Ultracold Atomic Physics | Physics | 1978 | 1984 | Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Robert Joseph Hull | | | | 1961 | Lee Carrington Bradley (grad student) |
Robert I. Hulsizer | Particle Physics | | | 1948 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Benjamin Hunt | | | 2009 | 2014 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc) |
Katharine Huntington | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
José Hurtado | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Mahir Saleh Hussein | laser-driven accelerators, theoretical nuclear physics, quantum chaos, and Bose–Einstein condensation | | | 1971 | Arthur K. Kerman (grad student) |
William Spencer Hutchinson | Metallurgy | | | | |
Elmer Hutchisson | atomic physics | | 1923 | 1924 | Paul A. Heymans (research assistant) |
Peter Huybers | climate, paleoclimate, agriculture | | | 2004 | Carl I. Wunsch (grad student) |
Terence Tai-Li 'Terry' Hwa | quantitative biology, biological physics, statistical mechanics | | | 1990 | Toyoichi Tanaka (grad student), Mehran Kardar (grad student) |
Charles Earl Hyde | Nuclear Physics | Physics | 1978 | 1984 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Francesco Iachello | mathematical Physical Chemistry | | | 1969 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Karl D. Iagnemma | design, sensing, motion planning, and control of mobile robots in outdoor terrain | | | 2001 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Icko Iben | Stellar Evolution Physics | | | | |
Karl Uno Ingard | acoustics, plasma physics, fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics | | | 1950 | Richard H. Bolt (grad student) |
Casey Inman | | Physics | 1990 | 1995 | Stephan S. Meyer (grad student) |
Erich P. Ippen | femtosecond science and ultra-highspeed devices | | | | |
Amer Iqbal | Theory Physics | Physics | | | Barton Zwiebach (grad student) |
Eric David Isaacs | magnetism, correlated electronic systems | | | 1988 | Don Heiman (grad student) |
Kazi Rajibul Islam | Quantum Information Processing | | 2015 | 2016 | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
Sohrab Ismail-Beigi | condensed matter | | | 2000 | Tomás A. Arias (grad student) |
Yorgo İstefanopulos | | Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Operations Research Center EECS | 1969 | 1972 | Alvin William Drake (research assistant), Michael (Athanassiades) Athans (research assistant) |
Joseph A. Izatt | Biomedical imaging, optics, biomedical optics, biophotonics, optical coherence tomography | | | 1991 | Michael Stephen Feld (grad student), James G. Fujimoto (post-doc) |
Vincent Jaccarino | | | | 1952 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student) |
Roman Wladimir Jackiw | quantum field theory applied to particle, condensed-matter, and gravitational physics | | | | |
Dugald C. Jackson | | | | | |
Shirley Ann Jackson | Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics | President | | 1973 | James Edward Young (grad student) |
J. David Jackson | Theoretical Physics | | | 1949 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
James M. Jackson | star formation; radio astronomy | | | 1985 | Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student) |
Edward H Jacobsen | | | | 1954 | Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student) |
Stephen Kelly Jacobsen | | | | 2003 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Matthew P. Jacobson | computational structural biology, computer-aided drug design | | | 1999 | Robert W. Field (grad student), Robert J. Silbey (grad student) |
Peter Carl Lefren Jaffe | | | | 1999 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Robert Loren Jaffe | quark substructure of matter | | | | |
Bhuvnesh Jain | cosmology, gravitational lensing. | | | 1994 | Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student) |
Ambar Jain | | Physics | 2005 | 2009 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Joonho Jang | Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics | Physics | 2012 | 2017 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc) |
Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero | quantum electronic transport and optoelectronics | | | | |
Ali Mortimer Javan | Lasers | | | | |
Joel Jean | Solar photovoltaics, Semiconductor device physics, Nanoelectronics | | 2011 | | Vladimir Bulović (grad student) |
Alejandro Jenkins | High Energy Physics | Physics | 2006 | 2009 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Alexander P. Ji | | Physics | 2012 | 2017 | Anna Frebel (grad student) |
Dezhe Jin | Neuroscience | | 2008 | | Michale S. Fee (collaborator), H Sebastian Seung (grad student) |
John D. Joannopoulos | theoretical description of the properties of material systems, photonic crystals | | | | |
Kenneth Alan Johnson | quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory | | | | |
Keith Huber Johnson | Physics, Applied Chemistry, Computational Chemistry | | | | |
Steven G. Johnson | nanophotonics, computation | Physics | | 2001 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Benjamin J. P. Jones | Particle physics | | | | Janet Marie Conrad (grad student) |
Kyungseon Joo | Radiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics | | | 1997 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Thomas Hillman Jordan | geophysics | | | | |
Paul Christopher Joss | theory of neutron stars, supernovae, and binary systems | | | | |
Teppo Jouttenus | | Physics | 2007 | 2012 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Adrienne M. Juett | | Physics | 1999 | 2004 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
Yoon Jung | | Physics | 2014 | 2020 | Nikta Fakhri (grad student) |
Woochul Jung | | Materials Science and Engineering | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Alkan Kabakçıoğlu | Statistical physics of biopolymers, biological networks, nonequilibrium phenomena | Department of Physics | 1993 | 1999 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Daniel N. Kabat | Theory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1993 | Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student) |
Asher C. Kaboth | | Physics | 2006 | 2012 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Menas Kafatos | Computer Science, Geophysics | | | 1972 | Philip Morrison (grad student) |
Yonatan Kahn | | Physics | | 2015 | Jesse K. Thaler (grad student) |
David I. Kaiser | particle cosmology | Physics | | | Alan H. Guth (grad student) |
Charles L. Kane | Condensed Matter physics | | | 1989 | Patrick A. Lee (grad student) |
Jay L Kane | | Physics | 1999 | 2005 | Gunther Roland (grad student) |
Shinwoo Kang | | | | 2003 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Daekyoung Kang | | Physics | 2011 | 2014 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Morton Kaplan | Nuclear Chemistry, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1960 | Charles D. Coryell (grad student) |
David L. Kaplan | | | 2004 | 2008 | Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc) |
Raymond E. Kapral | Physical Chemistry, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1968 | John Ross (post-doc) |
Mehran Kardar | Statistical Mechanics | | | 1983 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Charles Fielding Finch Karney | plasma physics, geodesy, computational physics | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 1972 | 1977 | Abraham Bers (grad student) |
Joel Steven Karp | | | | 1980 | Stephen G. Steadman (grad student) |
Marc A. Kastner | Materials science | | | | |
Erotokritos C Katsavounidis | Gravitational-wave astrophysics, multi-wavelength observations, particle astrophysics, cosmic ray physics, grid computation | | | | |
Arrin Katz | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1999 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Emanuel Katz | Electroweak Symmetry Breaking | Physics | | 2001 | Lisa J. Randall (grad student) |
Lawrence Kaufman | Thermodynamics, CALPHAD | Metallurgy | | 1955 | Morris Cohen (grad student) |
Efthimios Kaxiras | Computational physics and materials science | | | 1987 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Mujid S. Kazimi | Nuclear Engineering | | | 1973 | Neil Emmanuel Todreas (grad student), David Dayton Lanning (grad student) |
Günter Heinrich Reinhard Kegel | Radiation Physics, Nuclear Physics | | | 1961 | Leon E. Beghian (grad student) |
Leah Camille Kelley | | | | 2011 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Gregory J Kellogg | X+Ray scattering, low temperature physics, neutron scattering, liquid crystals, polymer physics | Materials Science & Engineering | 1993 | 1996 | Anne M. Mayes (post-doc) |
Henry W. Kendall | particle physics | Physics | | 1955 | Martin Deutsch (grad student) |
Arthur Edwin Kennelly | | | | | |
Arthur K. Kerman | theoretical nuclear physics | | | 1953 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Samuel Benjamin Kesner | Biologically Inspired Engineering | | | 2007 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Wolfgang Ketterle | | Physics | 1990 | 1992 | David E. Pritchard (post-doc) |
Daniel Terrance Kettler | | | | 2009 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Gaurav Kewlani | | | | 2009 | Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student) |
Thomas C. Killian | Atomic Physics | | 1993 | 1999 | Daniel Kleppner (grad student), Thomas J. Greytak (grad student) |
Jae Jin Kim | | | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
ChangSub Kim | Superconducting devices | Materials Science and Engineering | 2013 | 2019 | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Sangtae Kim | | | | | Ju Li (grad student) |
Sung Joong Kim | Nuclear Engineering | Nuclear Science and Engineering | | | Jacopo buongiorno (grad student) |
Yong Baek Kim | | | | | |
Yongsun Kim | | | | 2013 | Wit Busza (grad student) |
Shelby Kimmel | | | | | |
Jari Kinaret | | | 1987 | 1992 | Patrick A. Lee (grad student) |
John G. King | molecular and atomic beams | | | 1953 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student) |
Edward Kinney | Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1988 | June Lorraine Matthews (grad student) |
Arthur F. Kip | solid state physics | | | | |
Vera Kistiakowsky | Experimental Particle Physics, Astrophysics | | | | |
Martin Jesse Klein | history of modern physics | | | 1948 | Laszlo Tisza (grad student) |
Daniel Kleppner | | | | | |
Talya Klinger | numerical relativity, gravitational waves | Physics | 2019 | 2020 | Scott Alexander Hughes (research assistant) |
James Knapp | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Kelly M. Knee | General Biophysics | Biology | 2007 | 2011 | Jonathan A. King (post-doc) |
Stephen Knowlton | | Physics | | | Miklos Porkolab (grad student) |
Bruce Owen Knuteson | Experimental Particle Physics | | | | |
Dale Dean Koelling | | Physics | | | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Henri Paul Koenig | | | | 1940 | Manuel Sandoval Vallarta (research assistant) |
Daniel Kolodrubetz | | Physics | 2011 | 2016 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Jin Au Kong | Electromagnetic wave theory and applications | | | | |
Steven E. Koonin | Theoretical physics | Physics | | 1975 | Arthur K. Kerman (grad student) |
Konrad P. Kording | Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models | | 2004 | 2006 | Joshua Tenenbaum (post-doc) |
George F. Koster | Condensed Matter Theory | Physics Condensed Matter Theory | | 1951 | Bernard T. Feld (grad student), John Clarke Slater (research scientist) |
Stanley B. Kowalski | | | | 1963 | Peter T. Demos (grad student) |
Robert Harry Kraichnan | Theoretical Physics, Theory of Fluid Turbulence, Field Theory and General Relativity | Physics | 1947 | 1949 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
William L. Kraushaar | high-energy astronomy | | | | |
Miriam I. Krauss | | Physics | 2002 | 2007 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
Lawrence Maxwell Krauss | elementary particle physics, cosmology | | | 1982 | Roscoe C. Giles (grad student) |
Gerard Kriss | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1982 | Claude Roger Canizares (grad student) |
Michael Krol | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (post-doc) |
Charles H. Kruger | Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 1960 | Ascher Shapiro (grad student) |
Mark E Kuznetsov | Semiconductor lasers, photonics, VECSEL | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 1981 | 1986 | Erich P. Ippen (grad student), Hermann Anton Haus (grad student) |
Angela Lai | Mechanical Circulatory Support, Coagulation, ECMO, Artificial Lungs | IMES | 2021 | | Elazer R. Edelman (post-doc) |
Justin T. Lan | | | | 2011 | Karl D. Iagnemma (research assistant) |
Alexander Lande | Physics | Physics | 1959 | 1963 | Arthur K. Kerman (grad student) |
Ryan Nathan Lang | | Physics | | 2009 | Scott Alexander Hughes (grad student) |
Bjorn Lange | | Physics | 2004 | 2007 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
David Dayton Lanning | | | | 1963 | Theos Jardin Thompson (grad student) |
Andrew Larkoski | | Physics | 2012 | 2015 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Hugo Larocque | | Physics | 2016 | 2018 | Ebrahim Karimi (grad student) |
Richard Charles Larson | | EECS | | 1969 | Alvin William Drake (grad student) |
Craig Wendell Latimer | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1997 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Robert B. Laughlin | Quantum Hall effect | | | 1979 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Kam Tuen Law | | Physics | 2008 | 2011 | Patrick A. Lee (post-doc) |
Melvin Lax | Optics Physics | | | 1947 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Benjamin Lax | Semiconductors, magnetics, plasma physics | | | 1949 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
Alan Jay Lazarus | | | | | |
Aaron E. Leanhardt | Optics Physics | | | 2003 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
Yuk-Wing Lee | Statistical Theory of Communication | | | 1930 | Norbert Wiener (grad student) |
Dung-Hai Lee | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | | | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Karen K. Y. Lee | | Earth System Science | 2006 | 2011 | Steven G. Johnson (grad student) |
Christopher Lee | Nuclear, Particle, Astrophysics and Cosmology | Physics | 2010 | 2012 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Keith S.M. Lee | | Physics | 2001 | 2006 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Youho Lee | Nuclear Engineering | Nuclear Engineering Student | | | Mujid S. Kazimi (grad student) |
Yen-Jie Lee | | Physics | 2006 | 2011 | Wit Busza (grad student) |
Kyuho Lee | | | | | Joseph G. Checkelsky (post-doc) |
Julia C. Lee | | | | | |
Seung Jae Lee | | | | 2010 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Peter Taeyun Lee | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1996 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Patrick A. Lee | Theoretical Physics | | | 1970 | Marlan O. Scully (grad student) |
Yen‐Jie Lee | Experimental Particle Physics | | | 2011 | Wit Busza (grad student) |
Patrick Leehey | | | | | |
Benjamin V Lehmann | | Physics | 2022 | | Tracy Robin Slatyer (post-doc) |
Anthony Christopher Leier | | | | 1998 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Jean Pierre LeJacq | | | | 1985 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Robert Dowling Lentz | | | | 1999 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Conway B. Leovy | | | | 1963 | Jule G. Charney (grad student) |
Susanna Richmond Leveroni | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1997 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student) |
Michael A. Levin | | Physics | | 2006 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student) |
Janna J Levin | Astrophysics, Gravitational Waves, and Cosmology | | | 1993 | Katherine Freese (grad student) |
Walter H.G. Lewin | X-ray astronomy | | | | |
Lu Li | Experimental Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | 2008 | 2011 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc) |
Zeyang Li | Optical clock | Physics | 2017 | | Vladan Vuletić (grad student) |
Junang Li | | Physics | 2016 | 2022 | Nikta Fakhri (grad student) |
Wenbin Li | | | | | Ju Li (grad student) |
heliosman angelababy li | physics | | | | |
Ju Li | | | | | |
Jun-Ru Li | AMO | | | | |
Tongyang Li | Quantum computing | Center for Theoretical Physics | 2020 | 2021 | Aram Wettroth Harrow (post-doc) |
Matthew Daniel Lichter | | | | 2005 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Elefterios Lidorikis | Computational Materials Science | | 2001 | 2004 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Lawrence Mark Lidsky | nuclear engineering | | | 1962 | David J. Rose (grad student) |
Alan Paige Lightman | | | | | |
Jinrong Lin | | Physics | 2005 | 2011 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
Jian Lin | Geodynamics, lithospheric stresses and deformation | | | | |
Christie Lin | | Nuclear Science and Engineering | 2012 | 2012 | Brian Winey (grad student) |
Xingcheng Lin | Protein Folding, Chromatin Folding, Molecular Dynamics | | | | |
Herbert S. Lin | | Physics | 1974 | 1979 | Philip Morrison (grad student) |
Manuel Linares | | | 2009 | 2012 | Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc) |
Xi Ling | | Physics / EECS | 2012 | 2016 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (post-doc) |
J. David Litster | Physics of condensed matter; optical and light scattering studies of phase transitions; liquid crystals; X-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation | | | 1965 | George B. Benedek (grad student) |
John Dutton Conant Little | Operations research | | | 1955 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Zheng-Xin Liu | Quantum Physics, Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | 2010 | 2012 | Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc) |
Yun Liu | | Materials Science and Engineering | 2012 | 2016 | Jeffrey C. Grossman (post-doc) |
Wengsheng Vincent Liu | | | | | Frank Wilczek (grad student) |
Hong Liu | Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics | | | | |
Jinghui Liu | | Physics | 2017 | 2022 | Nikta Fakhri (grad student) |
Trudy H. Liu | | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | | 1997 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Milton Stanley Livingston | High Energy Physics | | | | |
Nilanga Liyanage | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1999 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Seth Lloyd | Theoretical Particle Physics - Quantum Computing | | | | |
Andreas M. Loening | molecular imaging | EECS | 1996 | 1998 | Alan Jay Grodzinsky (grad student) |
Eugene C. Loh | | Physics | | 1961 | David M. Ritson (grad student) |
Earle Leonard Lomon | Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) | Physics | | 1954 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Maureen Devaney Long | Geophysics, Plate Tectonics | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | | 2006 | Rob D. van der Hilst (grad student) |
Edward Norton Lorenz | chaos theory | | | 1948 | James Murdoch Austin (grad student) |
Guang Hao Low | Quantum computing | Physics | 2012 | 2017 | Isaac L. Chuang (grad student) |
Francis Eugene Low | | | | | |
Niyom Lue | Biomedical Engineering, Optics Physics | Physics | | 2008 | Michael Stephen Feld (grad student) |
Joseph Henry Lunacek | | | | 1970 | George B. Benedek (grad student) |
Gerard Luppino | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1989 | George Rollins Ricker (grad student) |
Joaquin Mazdak Luttinger | condensed matter physics, field theory | | | 1947 | Laszlo Tisza (grad student) |
Guangxin Lv | | | 2022 | 2024 | Gang Chen (grad student) |
Joseph David Lykken | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1982 | Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student) |
Richard Lyons | | | | | |
Chung-Pei Ma | Astronomy and Astrophysics | Physics Physics | | 1993 | Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student) |
Gordon James Fraser MacDonald | geophysics | | | | |
Eugene Solomon Machlin | metallurgy | | | 1950 | Morris Cohen (grad student) |
Jonathan Machta | Condensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics | | | | Irwin Oppenheim (grad student) |
Karon Elisabeth MacLean | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1996 | William K. Durfee (grad student) |
David MacNeill | | | | | |
Raúl Madariaga | Seismology | | | 1971 | Keiiti Aki (grad student) |
Theodore R. Madden | geophysics | | | 1961 | Stephen Milton Simpson (grad student) |
Akhil Jiten Madhani | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1998 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Naomi C R Makins | Radiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics | | | 1994 | Richard G. Milner (grad student) |
Wasim Q. Malik | Brain-machine interfaces, two-photon calcium imaging, neural decoding, point process theory | | 2007 | 2010 | Emery Brown (post-doc) |
Willem V. R. Malkus | | | | | |
Gary A. Mamon | Astrophysics of Galaxies, Cosmology | Physics | 1978 | 1979 | Rainer Weiss (research assistant) |
Vickram Suresh Mangalgiri | | | | 2004 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Suliana Manley | condensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology | Chemical Engineering | 2006 | 2008 | Alice P. Gast (post-doc) |
Robert W. Mann | biomedical prosthetic devices | | | 1957 | John A. Hrones (grad student) |
Sonny Mantry | | Physics | 2001 | 2005 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Kavya Kamal Manyapu | | | | 2010 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Yi Mao | Astrophysics and cosmology | | 2002 | 2008 | Max E. Tegmark (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student) |
Jon Marcaide | | | | | |
Claudio Marcantonini | | Physics | 2005 | 2010 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Nathan Marcuvitz | electromagnetic waves | Radiation Laboratory | | | Julian Schwinger (research scientist) |
Norman H. Margolus | | | | 1987 | Edward Fredkin (grad student) |
Alessandro Marinoni | plasma physics | | | | |
Roger G. Mark | | | | | |
John F. Marko | Applications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems. | | | 1989 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Simone Marzani | | | 2014 | 2015 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Yehia Mahmoud Massoud | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | 1999 | Jacob Keaton White (grad student) |
Vicent Mateu | | Physics | 2011 | 2013 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
June Lorraine Matthews | Nuclear Science | | | 1967 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Bernd Teo Matthias | Superconductivity | | 1947 | 1948 | Arthur R. von Hippel (post-doc) |
Michael E. Mauel | Medical Biophysics, Computer Science, Radiation Physics | Electrical Engineering | | 1978 | Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student) |
Robert Distler Maurer | low-loss fibers for optical communication | | | 1952 | Melvin Arnold Herlin (grad student) |
Nergis Mavalvala | Astrophysics: Gravitational Waves and Quantum Measurement | | | 1997 | Rainer Weiss (grad student) |
James Davis Maxwell | Nuclear Physics, Polarized Targets | Physics Physics | 2012 | 2015 | Richard G. Milner (post-doc), Robert Page Redwine (post-doc) |
Emanuel Maxwell | | Radiation Laboratory | 1941 | 1948 | Edward Mills Purcell (research assistant), John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Joachim Mayer | Physical chemistry of solids, ion transport, interfaces and size effects, solid state ionics, nanoionics | | | | |
Gene F. Mazenko | Theoretical physics, statistical physics | | | 1971 | Karl Uno Ingard (grad student), Sidney Yip (post-doc) |
Aaron D. Mazzeo | Advanced manufacturing, soft materials, flexible electronics, design, and mechatronics | | | 2009 | David E. Hardt (grad student) |
Francesco Mazzini | | | | 2011 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Adam N. McCaughan | | Electrical Engineering | 2010 | 2015 | Karl K. Berggren (grad student) |
Michael A. McDonald | Astrophysics | | | | |
Michael E. McHenry | magnetic and superconducting materials | | | 1988 | Nicholas J. Grant (grad student), Robert C. O'Handley (grad student) |
Walter McKay | | | | 1935 | Charles Stark Draper (research assistant) |
Susan Richards McKay | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1986 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Larry McKenna | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
William A. McKinley | nuclear physics | | | 1948 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Dennis K. McLaughlin | Aerospace Engineering, Acoustics Physics | | | 1970 | Morton Finston (grad student) |
Ronald E. McNair | Laser Physics | | | 1976 | Michael Stephen Feld (grad student) |
V. Faye McNeill | Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Engineering | Chemistry Chemical Engineering | | | Mario J. Molina (grad student), Bernhardt L. Trout (grad student) |
Alan Louis McWhorter | | | | 1955 | Richard Brooks Adler (grad student) |
Ernesto A. Medina | Condensed Matter Physics | | 1986 | 1991 | Mehran Kardar (grad student) |
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro | | | | 2000 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Chiang C. Mei | Theoretical hydrodynamics, ocean and coastal waves phenomena, fluid-solid interaction, poroelasticity, seabed mechanics, land subsidence, debris and mud flow, Mechanics of soil remediation | | | | |
Daniel I. Meiron | Mathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1981 | Steven Alan Orszag (grad student) |
Eugene Mele | | | | | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Fulvio Melia | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1985 | Paul Christopher Joss (grad student), Saul A. Rappaport (grad student) |
Adrian C. Melissinos | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1958 | Francis Bitter (grad student) |
Ely Mencher | | | | 1938 | Hervey Woodburn Shimer (grad student) |
Emilio E. Mendez | Experimental solid-state physics. | | | 1979 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student) |
Yue Meng | | CIVIL ENGINEERING | 2018 | 2022 | Ruben Juanes (grad student) |
Robert Hilton Meservey | | | | | |
Eric Metodiev | Particle physics, collider physics, machine learning | Physics | | 2020 | Jesse K. Thaler (grad student) |
Ralf Metzler | | | 2000 | 2002 | Mehran Kardar (post-doc) |
Marc Oliver Mewes | | Physics | 1991 | 1997 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
Stephan S. Meyer | Cosmology | | 1979 | 1984 | Rainer Weiss (post-doc) |
Alan Migdall | Quantum optics, single photon devices, metrology, quantum information | | | 1984 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Perry A. Miles | electrical engineering | | | | |
Michael Miller | Astroparticle Physics | Physics | | | Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc) |
Jeffrey B Miller | Nanoscience | Physics | | | Marc A. Kastner (post-doc) |
Gerald A. Miller | | | | 1972 | Arthur K. Kerman (grad student) |
Walter E. Millett | | Radiation Laboratory | 1942 | 1945 | Edward Mills Purcell (research assistant) |
Andrew John Millis | Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1986 | Patrick A. Lee (grad student) |
Richard G. Milner | Experimental Nuclear Physics | | | | |
Sava Milosevic | | | 1969 | 1971 | H. Eugene Stanley (grad student) |
Burke J Minsley | geophysics, hydrogeophysics, permafrost | Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences | 2002 | 2007 | F. Dale Morgan (grad student) |
David Mintzer | | | | 1949 | Leo Beranek (grad student) |
Leonid A. Mirny | Population genetics and evolutionary theory; Polymer physics theory and simulation; Statistical interpretation of genome-wide data | | | | |
Bernhard Mistlberger | | Physics | 2018 | 2020 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Tushar Mittal | Numerical modeling, planetary processes, geodynamics, magmatic systems | | | | |
Sanjoy K. Mitter | | | | | |
Yifei Mo | | Materials Science and Engineering | 2010 | 2013 | Gerbrand Ceder (post-doc) |
Simon G. J. Mochrie | soft matter, laser physics, surfaces and biomaterials | | | 1984 | Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student) |
Prajwal T MohanMurthy | Experimental Fundamental Symmetries | Physics | 2013 | 2020 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Nikolaj Moll | Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Computing | | 1998 | 2000 | John D. Joannopoulos (post-doc) |
Paul Rene Monasterio | Condensed Matter Theory | | 2006 | 2010 | Sidney Yip (grad student) |
Ernest Jeffrey Moniz | energy, science and technology, and national security policy. | | | | |
Benjamin Monreal | High Energy Experimental Physics | Physics Physics | | | Peter H. Fisher (grad student), Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc) |
Jocelyn R. Monroe | | Physics | 2006 | 2009 | Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc) |
Jagadeesh S. Moodera | Experimental condensed matter physics | | | 1981 | Robert Hilton Meservey (research scientist) |
Aram Mooradian | semiconductor and tunable lasers, laser communications, photochemistry, nonlinear optics, remote sensing, gas lasers, and materials processing with lasers | | | | |
James M. Moran | Radio Astronomy, Supermassive Black Holes, Massive Star Formation, Active Galactic Nuclei, Extragalactic Distance Scale, Cosmic Masers. | Department of Electrical Engineering | | 1968 | Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student) |
Dane D Morgan | Materials Science Engineering, Geophysics | | | | Gerbrand Ceder (post-doc) |
F. Dale Morgan | | | | 1981 | Theodore R. Madden (grad student) |
John Bryant Morrell | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1996 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student) |
John William Morris | design and behavior analysis of metals and alloys | Metallurgy and Materials Science | 1964 | 1969 | Philip Louis De Bruyn (grad student) |
Philip Morrison | Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics | | | | |
Philip M. Morse | Theoretical Physics | | | | |
Simon C. Moss | Condensed Matter Physics | Metallurgy | | 1963 | Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student), Robert E. Ogilvie (grad student) |
Shanaz Motakef | | Materials Science And Engineering | 1988 | 1990 | Nicole Herbots (grad student) |
Ian Moult | | Physics | 2011 | 2016 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Thomas H. Moyer | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1992 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Christopher Mudry | | Physics | 1994 | 1997 | Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc) |
Alfred H. Mueller | high-energy physics | | | 1965 | Kerson Huang (grad student) |
Mark Theodore Mueller | theoretical physics | | | | |
Michael Mulligan | Condensed Matter Theory, String Theory | | | | |
Robert Sanderson Mulliken | | | 1916 | 1917 | James Flack Norris (research assistant) |
Michael P. Muno | | Physics | 2000 | 2002 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
Earll M. Murman | Aircraft systems engineering | | | | |
Bruce C. Murray | Geology, Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1956 | Ely Mencher (grad student), Walter Lucius Whitehead (grad student) |
Cherry A. Murray | surface, condensed matter and complex fluid physics | | | 1978 | Thomas J. Greytak (grad student) |
Matthew M Musgrave | Nuclear Physics | | 2016 | | Richard G. Milner (post-doc) |
Matthew Muterspaugh | | Physics | 2001 | 2005 | Bernard F. Burke (grad student) |
Frank Evans Myers | | | | 1941 | Robert Jemison Van de Graaff (research scientist) |
Philip C. Myers | | | | 1972 | Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student) |
Darragh Edmund Nagle | | | | 1947 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student) |
Steven C. Nahn | | Physics | | 1998 | Peter H. Fisher (grad student) |
Rahul Mahajan Nandkishore | Condensed Matter Theory | Physics | 2008 | 2012 | Leonid S. Levitov (grad student) |
Emilio Alessandro Nanni | | Physics | 2008 | 2013 | Richard J. Temkin (grad student) |
Austin Napier | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1979 | Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student) |
Prineha Narang | | | 2016 | 2017 | Marin Soljačić (post-doc), John D. Joannopoulos (post-doc) |
Vasant Natarajan | | | 1988 | 1993 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Priyamvada Natarajan | | | | 1990 | Alan H. Guth (research assistant) |
Tchefor Tumasang Ndukum | | | 2010 | 2012 | Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (post-doc) |
Lina Necib | | Physics | | 2017 | Jesse K. Thaler (grad student) |
John William Negele | Particle Theory | | | | |
Duff Neill | | Physics | 2012 | 2016 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Arif Z. Nelson | | Chemical Engineering | | | Patrick S Doyle (post-doc) |
Roland Netz | | Physics | 1989 | 1991 | A. Nihat Berker (grad student) |
Ulrich Neuenschwander | Chemical Engineering; Physical and Analytical Chemistry | | 2012 | 2013 | Klavs Flemming Jensen (post-doc) |
Leo J. Neuringer | | | | | |
Harvey B. Newman | Particle physics | | | 1974 | Louis S. Osborne (grad student) |
Daniel Nezich | | Physics | | 2010 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student) |
Mason Ng | | Physics | 2018 | 2024 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
Tiffany Nichols | History, History of Science, History of Physics, History of Astrophysics, Environmental History | HASTS | | | Kate Brown (grad student) |
Travis L Nicholson | Ultracold atoms, Quantum metrology, Quantum optics | Center for Ultracold Atoms | 2015 | 2017 | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
John W. Nielsen-Gammon | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | | | 1990 | Randall M. Dole (grad student) |
Antti J Niemi | | Physics | | 1983 | Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student) |
Farnaz Niroui | | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2011 | 2017 | Vladimir Bulović (grad student) |
Omid Nohadani | Condensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | 2006 | 2009 | Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc) |
John Torrey Norton | Metallurgy | | | 1933 | William Spencer Hutchinson (grad student) |
Blaine Norum | Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1979 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Wayne Buckles Nottingham | physical electronics and thermionics | | | | |
Michael A. Nowak | | | | | |
Robert Norton Noyce | monolithic integrated circuits | Physics | | 1953 | Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student) |
Amos Michael Nur | Geophysics | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 1969 | Marvin Gene Simmons (grad student) |
Hamed O.Ghaffari | Physics of Rocks and Earthquakes ; Condensed Matter physics; | | | | |
Noah S. Oblath | neutrinos | Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 2009 | 2011 | Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc) |
Benjamin Mark Ocko | Liquid interfaces, nanoscale wetting, monolayer and nanoparticle self-assembly, chemical patterns, surface x-ray scattering | Physics | | 1984 | Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student) |
G. Robert Odette | | | | 1971 | Thomas Owens Ziebold (grad student) |
Robert E. Ogilvie | | | | 1955 | John Torrey Norton (grad student) |
M. Ö. Oktel | | | 1996 | 2000 | Leonid S. Levitov (grad student) |
Stanislaw Olbert | | | | 1953 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Selim Olcum | Micro- and nanodevices, microfluidics, single-cell biophysics, personalized medicine in cancer | | | | |
William D. Oliver | AMO Physics, Condensed Matter, Electrical Engineering, Information Sci/Tech, Laser Physics, Nano Sci/Eng, Photonics, Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Optics, Statistical Physics | | | | |
Masahiro Ono | | | | 2007 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Abraham Hans Oort | climate science | | | 1963 | Victor P. Starr (grad student) |
Elizabeth Opila | | | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Charles Hugh Oppenheimer | | | | 1993 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Rona Oran | Plasma physics, space and planetary science, scientific computing | | | | |
Joseph Orenstein | Condensed Matter Physics And Materials Science | Physics | | 1981 | Marc A. Kastner (grad student) |
Konstantinos Nikolaou Orginos | Particle Theory | | 2004 | 2005 | John William Negele (post-doc) |
Terry Philip Orlando | Superconducting Circuits and Quantum Computing | | | | |
Egon Orowan | metallurgy, plastic deformation | | | | |
Steven Alan Orszag | fluid mechanics | | | | |
Louis S. Osborne | Particle physics | | | 1950 | Bernard T. Feld (grad student) |
Richard M. Osgood | Optics Physics, Nanoscience | | | 1973 | Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student) |
Richard Ott | | Physics | 2005 | 2013 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Mark Peter Ottensmeyer | | Mechanical Engineering | | 2001 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student) |
Ertugrul Mustafa Ozbudak | | Physics | | | Alexander van Oudenaarden (grad student) |
Maya Paczuski | | | | 1991 | Mehran Kardar (grad student) |
Lyman Alexander Page | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1989 | Stephan S. Meyer (grad student) |
Yash Pal | cosmic rays | | | 1958 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Kimberly Jackson Palladino | Neutrino Astronomy, Direct Dark Matter | Physics (LNS) Physics (LNS) | 2013 | 2014 | Jocelyn R. Monroe (post-doc), Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc) |
Jeffrey Shane Palmer | | Mechanical Engineering | | 2008 | Mary Cunningham Boyce (grad student) |
Evangelos G. Papadopoulos | Robotics, Mechatronics, Control Systems, Dynamic Systems Modeling, Design | | | 1991 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
David M. Parks | mechanical properties of solids | | | | |
Felix I. Parra | | Plasma Science and Fusion Center | | 2009 | Peter Catto (grad student) |
Erwin Parthe | | | | | John Torrey Norton (post-doc) |
Horacio M. Pastawski | Quantum Transport, Solid State NMR, Loschmidt Echoes, Quantum Dynamical Phase Transitions | Condensed Matter Theory | 1989 | 1992 | Patrick A. Lee (research scientist) |
Aditya Pathak | | Physics | 2011 | 2017 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Bruce Riley Patton | high temperature superconductivity, magnetic ordering in frustrated crystals, liquid crystals | | | | |
Christoph M. E. Paus | High-energy physics | | | | |
Mike C. Payne | | Physics | | 1992 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Donald R. Peacor | Geology, Geophysics, Mineralogy | | | 1962 | Martin Julian Buerger (grad student) |
David C. Peaslee | | | | 1948 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Roberto Daniele Peccei | Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics | | | 1969 | Kenneth Alan Johnson (grad student) |
Edwin E. Pedrozo-Peñafiel | Atomic physics | Physics | 2016 | 2021 | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
Chaim Leib Pekeris | theoretical geophysics | | | 1934 | Carl-Gustaf Rossby (grad student) |
John R. Pellam | Low Temperature Physics | | | 1947 | Samuel Cornette Collins (grad student) |
James Pelletier | | Physics | 2012 | 2020 | Nikta Fakhri (grad student) |
Pai Peng | NMR quantum simulation | | | | |
Sheldon Penman | | | | | James E. Darnell (research scientist), Alexander Rich (post-doc) |
Kerstin M. Perez | Particle Physics | | | | |
Alan Jay Perlis | | | | 1950 | Philip Franklin (grad student) |
Michael J Person | Observational Astronomy | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | 1999 | 2006 | James Ludlow Elliot (grad student) |
Steven Conrad Peters | | | | 2012 | Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student), Karl D. Iagnemma (research assistant) |
Alexander A. Petrauskas | | | | 1941 | Lester Clare Van Atta (grad student) |
Sverre Petterssen | | | | | |
Arthur V Phelps | gas breakdown, ionized gases, scattering cross sections, gas lasers, | | | 1950 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
William D. Phillips | | | | 1976 | Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Philip W. Phillips | Strongly Correlated Electrons | | | | |
Raymond T. Pierrehumbert | Geophysics | Aero Astro | 1977 | 1980 | Sheila Evans Widnall (grad student) |
Alexander Pines | nuclear magnetic resonance | | | 1972 | John S. Waugh (grad student) |
Stephen Sidney Pinsky | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1968 | Kerson Huang (grad student) |
Kevin P. Pipe | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | Electrical Engineering | | | Rajeev Jagga Ram (grad student) |
Dan Pirjol | | Physics | 2003 | 2006 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Antonio F.R. Toledo Piza | | | 1963 | 1966 | Arthur K. Kerman (grad student) |
Jean-Sébastien Plante | | | | 2006 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Irwin Abraham Pless | Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics | | | | |
Lois Pollack | biophysics, instrument development | | | 1989 | Thomas J. Greytak (grad student) |
Tresa M. Pollock | | | | 1989 | Ali S. Argon (grad student) |
Gerald C. Pomraning | Nuclear Engineering | Nuclear Science and Engineering | | 1962 | Melville Clark (grad student) |
Miklos Porkolab | Plasma Physics | | | | |
Richard S. Post | plasma physics, fusion, and plasma-material interaction | | | | |
Andrew Cole Potter | quantum materials, topological phases of matter, strongly correlated electron systems, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, many-body localization | Department of Physics | 2008 | 2013 | Patrick A. Lee (grad student) |
Michelle Povinelli | Nanoscience, Optics Physics | Physics | 1999 | 2004 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Kenneth Grant Powell | aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics | | | 1987 | Earll M. Murman (grad student) |
Manu Prakash | physical biology | | | 2008 | Neil A. Gershenfeld (grad student) |
Mara Prentiss | AMO physics, biophysics | | 1980 | 1986 | Shaoul Ezekiel (grad student) |
David E. Pritchard | atom optics | | | | |
Basil Proimos | Radiotherapy | Electrical Engineering | | 1958 | John George Trump (grad student) |
Dimitrios Psaltis | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | 2000 | 2001 | Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc) |
Jason L. Puchalla | Biophysics | | | 1995 | Stephan S. Meyer (grad student) |
Jianming Qian | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1990 | Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student) |
Xiaofeng Qian | electronic structure theory; computational materials science; first-principles nonlinear optics; topological materials; 2D materials | | 2011 | 2014 | Sidney Yip (grad student), Ju Li (post-doc) |
Brian Patrick Quinn | Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1984 | Aron Myron Bernstein (grad student) |
Henry H. Rachford | | | | 1950 | Ernst Alfred Hauser (grad student) |
Fredric Raichlen | Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 1962 | Arthur T. Ippen (grad student) |
Krishna Rajagopal | Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics | | | | |
Peter Rakich | experimental nonlinear optics and spectroscopy | | | 2006 | Erich P. Ippen (grad student) |
Chandrasekhar Ramanathan | nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance | Nuclear science and engineering | | 1996 | David Cory (post-doc), Jerome L. Ackerman (grad student) |
Ying Ran | | Physics | | 2007 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student) |
Lisa J. Randall | theoretical particle physics, cosmology | | | | |
Jacobo Rapaport | Nuclear Physics | | | 1963 | William Weber Buechner (grad student) |
Saul A. Rappaport | Astrophysics: Compact Objects - Binary Evolution | Physics | | 1968 | Hale V. Bradt (grad student) |
Norman Carl Rasmussen | nuclear energy risk assessment | | | 1956 | Robley D. Evans (grad student) |
Leonardo Rastelli | Theoretical physics. | | | 2000 | Daniel Z. Freedman (grad student), Washington Taylor (grad student) |
Robert H. Rediker | | | | 1950 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Edward F. Redish | nuclear theory | | | 1969 | Felix Villars (grad student) |
Sidney Redner | Theory Physics, Applied Mathematics | | | 1977 | H. Eugene Stanley (grad student) |
Robert Page Redwine | Experimental Nuclear Physics | | | | |
Elizabeth Anne Reed | | | | 2012 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Richard J. Reed | | | | 1949 | Hurd C. Willett (grad student) |
Eric Perkins Reidemeister | | | | 1988 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Jie Ren | | Chemistry | | | Jianshu Cao (post-doc) |
Nilton O. Renno | Thermodynamics, Systems Engineering, Instrument Design | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Atmospheric Sciences | | 1992 | Kerry A. Emanuel (grad student), Peter H. Stone (grad student) |
Philip Reppert | | Earth Resources Laboratory | 1995 | 2000 | F. Dale Morgan (grad student) |
Jean-Pierre Charles Revol | High Energy Physics | | | 1981 | Ulrich Becker (grad student) |
Sergio Machado Rezende | Magnetism, Magnetic materials, Spintronics | Electrical Engineering | | 1968 | Frederic Richard Morgenthaler (grad student) |
Charles Kirkham Rhodes | High energy density states of matter | | | 1969 | Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student), Abraham Szöke (grad student) |
Burton Richter | | | | 1956 | Bernard T. Feld (grad student), Louis S. Osborne (grad student) |
Louis Nicot Ridenour | radar | | | | |
Gregory Ridgway | | Physics | 2017 | 2022 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Brandon M. Roach | Particle physics, astrophysics | Physics | 2017 | 2023 | Kerstin M. Perez (grad student) |
Clark Shove Robinson | Accelerator Physics | | | 1942 | Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student) |
Jose Roesset | Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geophysics | | | 1964 | John Melvin Biggs (grad student) |
Warren Max Rohsenow | heat transfer | | | | |
Gunther Roland | | | | | |
Harold Emil Rorschach | solid materials | | | 1952 | Melvin Arnold Herlin (grad student) |
David J. Rose | plasma physics | | | 1950 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
Nathan Rosen | Theoretical physics | | | 1932 | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Michael J. Rosen | the mechanisms of disability and applying engineering science and design to reduce the functional deficits which result | | | | |
Walter A. Rosenblith | Psychoacoustics | | | | |
Lawrence Rosenson | High-Energy Physics | | | | |
Bruno Benedetto Rossi | particle physics and cosmic rays | | | | |
Stanley R. Rotman | Image processing, Hyperspectral data analysis | Materials Science and Engineering | 1980 | 1985 | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Stephen G. Rowley | Statistics, machine learning, translational medicine, nuclear many-body theory, adiabatic scattering | Physics | 1982 | 1994 | Michel Baranger (grad student) |
Georgi Gary Rozenman | Bose–Einstein condensate Ultracold Molecules Surface Gravity Waves Exciton Polaritons Nonlinear Optics | | | | |
André Rubbia | | | | 1993 | Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student) |
Leonard Rubin | | Materials Science And Engineering | | | Nicole Herbots (grad student) |
Boris Rubinsky | Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | | 1981 | Ernest G. Cravalho (grad student) |
Alyssa Rudelis | Atomic Physics | Physics | 2018 | | Vladan Vuletić (grad student) |
Carolyn Ruppel | Geophysics | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Rebecca Russell | | Physics | 2010 | 2016 | Richard G. Milner (grad student) |
Nathaniel Rutman | | | | 1995 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Seunghwa Ryu | Computational Nanomechanics and Nanomaterials | civil engineering | 2012 | 2013 | Markus J. Buehler (post-doc) |
Adam Kamil Rzepniewski | | | | 2001 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Aleksander Sadowski | | | 2014 | 2017 | Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc) |
Hartmut Friedrich-Wilhelm Sadrozinski | Particle Physics | | | 1973 | Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student) |
Cyrus R. Safinya | NanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems | | | 1981 | Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student) |
Samuel Safran | Soft matter and biological physics | | | 1978 | Benjamin Lax (grad student) |
Kasturi Saha | | | | | Paola Cappellaro (grad student) |
Anant Sahai | Communications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | | 2001 | Sanjoy K. Mitter (grad student) |
Edward Aaron Saibel | | | | 1928 | Philip Franklin (grad student) |
Ali Akbar Salehi | nuclear engineering | Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering | | 1977 | Michael J. Driscoll (grad student), Owen L. Deutsch (grad student) |
J. Kenneth Salisbury | medical robotics and surgical simulation, and the design for robots for interaction with and near humans | | | | |
Sarah Saltzer | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi | | Physics | | | Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (grad student) |
Gary Hilton Sanders | particle physics, gravitational waves, optical telescopes, high-energy physics | | | 1971 | Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student) |
Robyn Ellyn Sanderson | dark matter | | | 2011 | Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student) |
Tiffany Santos | | | | 2007 | Jagadeesh S. Moodera (grad student) |
Christopher Sarabalis | | Physics | 2011 | 2013 | Wolfgang Ketterle (research assistant) |
Edward Stuart Sarachik | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | | 1971 | 1973 | Jule G. Charney (research scientist) |
Demetrios George Sarantites | Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry | | | 1963 | Charles D. Coryell (grad student) |
David Stephen Saxon | theoretical nuclear physics | | | 1944 | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Mark L Schattenburg | | | | | |
Paul Schechter | Astrophysics, Cosmology | | | | |
Frank Scherb | Astrophysics | | | 1959 | George W. Clark (grad student), Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Leonard I. Schiff | Theoretical physics | | | 1937 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Taylor Schildgen | | | | 2007 | Kip V. Hodges (grad student), Kelin X. Whipple (grad student) |
Tye Anthony Schlegelmilch | | | | 1999 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Monika Schleier-Smith | Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics, Quantum Information Science | Physics | | 2011 | Vladan Vuletić (grad student) |
Daphne Esther Schlesinger | Computational medicine, machine learning | | | | |
Hilke Elisabeth Schlichting | Astrophysics, Exoplanets | | | | |
Axel W. Schmidt | Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics | Physics Physics | 2016 | 2019 | Richard G. Milner (grad student), Or Hen (post-doc) |
Dominik A. Schneble | Experimental atomic physics; ultracold quantum gases. | | 2001 | 2004 | Wolfgang Ketterle (post-doc), David E. Pritchard (post-doc) |
Christopher H. Scholz | Geology, Geophysics | | | 1967 | William F. Brace (grad student) |
George J. Schulz | atomic-collision physics, low-energy electron beams, and sharp energy resonances | | | 1954 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student) |
Reinhard A. Schumacher | Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | 1978 | 1983 | June Lorraine Matthews (grad student) |
Charles Leon Schwartz | Theoretical physics | Physics | | 1954 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student) |
Roy Frederick Schwitters | Particle Physics | Physics | | 1971 | Louis S. Osborne (grad student) |
Ignazio Scimemi | | Physics | 2007 | 2008 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Sara Seager | exoplanet atmospheres and interiors | | | | |
Barbara A. Seaton | Medical Biophysics | | | 1983 | Gregory A. Petsko (grad student) |
Kenneth J. Segall | Low Temperature, Condensed Matter, Superconductivity, Bolometers, Detectors, Tunneling Junctions | | 2000 | 2003 | Terry Philip Orlando (post-doc) |
Gino C. Segrè | Theoretical High Energy Physics | Physics | | 1963 | Francis Eugene Low (grad student) |
Huankiat Seh | | Materials Science and Engineering | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Alexander Seidel | Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics | | | 2003 | Patrick A. Lee (grad student) |
Uroš Seljak | theoretical cosmology | Physics | | 1995 | Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student) |
Leonardo Senatore | Theoretical Particle Physics | | | 2006 | Alan H. Guth (grad student), Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student) |
Dilan Seneviratne | | Materials Science and Engineering | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Stephen D. Senturia | | Physics | | 1966 | George B. Benedek (grad student) |
Philip E. Serafim | electromagnetic propagation in random media, remote sensing, and nonlinear optics | Electrical engineering | | 1963 | Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student) |
Mario A. Serna | Physics, Nanotechnology, Quantum Information | | | 1999 | Lisa J. Randall (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student) |
Selim Shahriar | Gravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography. | | | 1992 | Shaoul Ezekiel (grad student) |
Vivek Sharma | Polymer physics, foams, rheology, structural color, food science, fluid mechanics, food science | | 2008 | 2012 | Gareth H. McKinley (post-doc) |
V Prasad Shastri | Materials Science, Regenerative Medicine, Cell Signaling, Drug Delive | | 1994 | 1998 | Robert S. Langer (post-doc) |
Mansour Shayegan | physics of semiconductors | | | 1983 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student) |
Zongqi Shen | Condensed Matter Physics, Ultrafast Dynamics | | | | |
Krishna V. Shenoy | Motor control / prostheses | | 1990 | 1995 | Clifton G. Fonstad (grad student) |
Zachary Sherman | | | 2013 | 2019 | James W. Swan (grad student) |
Zhe Shi | | | 2016 | 2021 | Ju Li (grad student) |
Edward I. Shibata | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1970 | David H. Frisch (grad student) |
Zvi Shiller | Robotics, motion planning, autonomous vehicles | | | 1987 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Hervey Woodburn Shimer | | | | | |
Nora Shipp | | | | | |
William B. Shockley | | | | 1936 | John Clarke Slater (grad student) |
Clifford G. Shull | | | | | |
Gennady Shvets | Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics | Department of Physics | | 1995 | Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student) |
Eugene Shwageraus | | Nuclear Engineering | 2001 | 2004 | Mujid S. Kazimi (grad student) |
Valerian Sibille | | Physics | 2016 | | Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc) |
Benjamin M. Siegel | electron microscopy | | | 1940 | Louis Harris (grad student) |
Rich Signell | | | | 1989 | W. Rockwell Rocky Geyer (grad student), Robert Beardsley (grad student) |
Manfred Sigrist | | Department of Physics | 1993 | 1995 | Patrick A. Lee (post-doc) |
Kevin S. Silmore | soft matter physics, colloids, polymers, numerical methods | Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering | 2016 | 2021 | Michael S. Strano (grad student), James W. Swan (grad student) |
David Silverberg | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Robert A. Simcoe | Astrophysics: Cosmology - Optical | | | | |
Steven H Simon | Physics | Physics | 1995 | 1997 | Patrick A. Lee (post-doc) |
Jonathan Simon | | Physics | | | Vladan Vuletić (grad student) |
Frederik Jozef Maurits Simons | Seismology, Wavelet analysis, Inverse theory, Spectral analysis, Satellite observations, Large-scale tectonics, Earthquake Early Warning, Physical and theoretical geodesy | Geosciences | | 2002 | Rob D. van der Hilst (grad student) |
Stephen Milton Simpson | | | | 1953 | Patrick M. Hurley (grad student) |
Jonathan P. Singer | micro/nanomanufacturing, thermocapillarity, electrohydrodynamics, self-assembly | Materials Science and Engineering | 2008 | 2013 | Edwin L. Thomas (grad student) |
Madhusudan Singh | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Flexible Electronics, Sensors, Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Witold Skiba | Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics | | | 1997 | Lisa J. Randall (grad student) |
John Clarke Slater | theoretical chemistry | | | | |
Tracy Robin Slatyer | particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics | | | | |
Alexander Slocum | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1985 | David E. Hardt (grad student) |
Cyril Stanley Smith | physical metallurgy | | | 1926 | Carle R. Hayward (grad student) |
Charles Sydney Smith | x-ray diffraction | | | 1940 | Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student) |
Kord Smith | Nuclear Engineering | Nuclear Engineering | 1976 | 1980 | Allan F. Henry (grad student) |
Henry I. Smith | lithography methods | | | | |
Stephen Roger Smith | quantum optics | | | 1969 | David H. Frisch (grad student) |
George Fitzgerald Smoot | cosmology | | | 1970 | David H. Frisch (grad student) |
Louis Dijour Smullin | Plasma physics | | | 1939 | John George Trump (grad student) |
Daniel K. Sodickson | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | | 1994 | Robert G. Griffin (grad student), John S. Waugh (grad student) |
Joel Sokol | Operations Research, General Biophysics | | | 1999 | Thomas L. Magnanti (grad student) |
Jeffrey Sokoloff | General Physics, Solid State Physics, Polymer Chemistry | | | | George F. Koster (grad student) |
Marin Soljačić | | | | | |
Sean C. Solomon | oceanographic expeditions, spacecraft missions | | | 1971 | M. Nafi Toksöz (grad student) |
Akira Sone | Quantum information | Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering | 2013 | 2019 | Paola Cappellaro (grad student) |
Xiang Song | Transportation Engineering, Marketing Science, Management Science | Sloan School of Management | 2013 | 2016 | John Dutton Conant Little (grad student) |
Qichen Song | | | | | |
Thomas J Sonley | Astroparticle Physics | Physics | | 2009 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Joseph Samuel Spano | | | | 2000 | H. Harry Asada (grad student) |
James Stephen Speck | | Materials Science and Engineering | 1983 | 1989 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student) |
Matthew Julius Spenko | Control, Dynamics, and Mechanical Design | | | 2005 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant), Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Paraskevas Andreas Sphicas | High Energy Physics | | | 1988 | Jean-Pierre Charles Revol (grad student) |
William Edward Spicer | photoelectron spectroscopy | | | 1951 | Wayne Buckles Nottingham (research assistant) |
Lev Spodyneiko | | Physics | 2016 | 2021 | Hirosi Ooguri (grad student) |
Larry Spruch | nuclear theory, atomic structure, scattering, reaction theory, a quantum electrodynamics (QED) approach to longrange atomic forces, and astrophysics | | 1948 | 1950 | Herman Feshbach (post-doc), Victor Frederick Weisskopf (post-doc) |
Samuel Nash Sprunt | Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1989 | J. David Litster (grad student) |
David Hudson Staelin | | | | 1965 | Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student) |
Dan Stamper-Kurn | Atomic Physics | | | | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
H. Eugene Stanley | Statistical physics | | | | |
Giordon H Stark | | Physics Physics | 2011 | 2011 | Rainer Weiss (research assistant), Samuel J. Waldman (research assistant) |
Victor P. Starr | atmospheric general circulation | | | | |
Constantine Stassis | Neutron diffraction from magnetic crystals, polarized neutron investigation of spin densities in metals, spin waves in metals, lattice dynamics. | | | 1970 | Clifford G. Shull (grad student) |
William Osborne Statton | Polymers | | | 1950 | Arthur R. von Hippel (grad student) |
Stephen G. Steadman | Nuclear Science | | | | |
Gary Steele | | | | | Raymond Ashoori (grad student) |
Todd Stefanik | | Materials Science and Engineering | | | Harry L. Tuller (grad student) |
Paul G. Steffes | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1977 | David Hudson Staelin (grad student) |
Peter Cedric Stein | Experimental particle physics; national security policy analysis; arms control; educational policy analysis | | | 1957 | Bernard T. Feld (grad student) |
Leo C Stein | General relativity, gravitation, gravitational waves, compact objects, black holes | Physics | 2006 | 2012 | Scott Alexander Hughes (grad student) |
Peter W. Stephens | Experimental solid-state physics. | | | 1978 | John G. King (grad student) |
Gerard James Stephenson | Nonperturbative quantum field theory, low-energy particle properties, especially of neutrinos | | | 1964 | Felix Villars (grad student) |
Michael L Stevens | | Physics | | 2009 | John Winston Belcher (grad student) |
H. Guyford Stever | Engineering Sciences | Radiation Laboratory | 1941 | 1942 | Henry Victor Neher (research scientist) |
Iain W. Stewart | | | | | |
Joann Stock | Geophysics | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Donald C. Stockbarger | | | | 1926 | Harry Manley Goodwin (grad student) |
Peter H. Stone | Atmospheric dynamics; interaction of baroclinic eddies with mean flows; general circulation of atmosphere diagnostic studies; development and application of simple climate models and coupled atmosphere-ocean models; global change; climate predictability | | | | |
A Douglas Stone | theoretical condensed matter and optical physics, quantum transport phenomena in disordered media, mesoscopic electron physics, non-linear and chaotic dynamics, quantum and wave chaos, quantum measurement, quantum computing. | | | 1982 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Raymond Stora | | Quantum Theory | | 1958 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Malcom W.P. Strandberg | Microwave physics and the physics of biological system | | | 1948 | Albert Gordon Hill (grad student) |
Samuel Wesley Stratton | mathematics, physics, electrical engineering | | | | |
Julius Adams Stratton | communications and theoretical physics | | | 1925 | Edward Lindley Bowles (grad student) |
Daniel DeWitt Strawser | | | | 2012 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Michael Robert Strayer | | | | 1971 | Arthur K. Kerman (grad student) |
Erik W Streed | Quantum Physics, Ion Trapping, Quantum Thermodynamics, Diffractive Optics, Biophysics | Physics | 2000 | 2005 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
Andrew E. Strominger | quantum gravity, string theory | | | 1981 | Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student) |
David A. Strubbe | theoretical condensed matter physics and materials science | materials science and engineering | 2012 | 2016 | Jeffrey C. Grossman (post-doc) |
Shufang Su | Theoretical elementary particle physics | Physics | | 2000 | Lisa J. Randall (grad student) |
Vivek Anand Sujan | | | | 2002 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Craig Daniel Sunada | | | | 1994 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Choongki Sung | | Nuclear Science and Engineering | | 2015 | Anne E. White (grad student) |
James W. Swan | | | | | |
Melody Swartz | Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics | Chemical Engineering | | 1998 | Linda Griffith (grad student), Rakesh K. Jain (grad student) |
Nitish Swarup | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1995 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant), J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Brian Swingle | | | | 2011 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student) |
James J Szabo | Plasmas, Space Propulsion | | | | |
Abraham Szöke | laser fusion, High Energy Density Plasmas | | | | Ali Mortimer Javan (post-doc) |
Frank Tabakin | Nuclear Physics | | | 1963 | Felix Villars (grad student) |
Keith Aaron Tabor | | | | 1988 | Woodie Claude Flowers (research assistant), J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Frank J. Tackmann | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | Physics | 2008 | 2011 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Yuichi Takase | Plasma physics | Department of Physics | | | Miklos Porkolab (grad student) |
Tzer Han Tan | | Physics | 2014 | 2020 | Nikta Fakhri (grad student) |
Kong Ooi Tan | NMR | | | | |
Si-Hui Tan | Quantum computing, quantum optics, quantum cryptography | Physics | 2004 | 2010 | Seth Lloyd (grad student) |
Eugen Tarnow | Short term memory, Alzheimer's Disease, Big Data | | | 1989 | John D. Joannopoulos (grad student) |
Cyrus C Taylor | Particle Physics | Physics Physics | 1980 | 1984 | Kenneth Alan Johnson (grad student), Philip Morrison (research assistant) |
Washington Taylor | Theoretical Physics | | | | |
Paul M. Tedrow | | Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory | | 1967 | Emanuel Maxwell (research assistant), Robert Hilton Meservey (research scientist) |
Max E. Tegmark | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Richard J. Temkin | | | | | |
Jeffrey A Templon | Nuclear Physics, High-Energy Physics, Distributed Computing | Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 1995 | 1996 | William Bertozzi (post-doc) |
Norman Tepley | Magnetoencephalography | | | | |
Ronald G. Tepper | | | | | |
Michele Tesciuba | | | | 1995 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Stuart H. Tessmer | Condensed Matter Physics, General Biophysics | Physics | 1995 | 1998 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc) |
Jesse K. Thaler | particle physics | | | | |
Juzar Yahya Thingna | Master equations, Quantum transport, Quantum thermodynamics | Chemistry | 2015 | 2016 | Jianshu Cao (post-doc) |
Zachary Thomas | | Physics | | 2014 | Jesse K. Thaler (grad student) |
John Edward Thomas | AMO | | | | Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student) |
Edwin L. Thomas | Materials Science and Engineering | | | | |
charles thompson | acoustics, systems, fluid dynamics | Mech Eng Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering EE and CS | 1978 | 1982 | Karl Uno Ingard (grad student), Patrick Leehey (grad student), Richard Lyons (grad student), Amar Gopal Bose (grad student) |
Theos Jardin Thompson | reactor technology | | | | |
Carl V. Thompson | research on thin films and nanostructures for use in micro- and nano-systems, especially electronic, electromechanical systems and electrochemical systems | | | | |
Lara R. Thompson | Theoretical Condensed Matter | | 2011 | 2013 | Patrick A. Lee (post-doc) |
James K. Thompson | Atomic Physics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Science, Precision Measurement, Laser-cooled atoms | Physics Physics | 2003 | 2006 | David E. Pritchard (grad student), Vladan Vuletić (post-doc) |
Robert Walder Thompson | cosmic rays | | | 1948 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Jeffrey D. Thompson | Neutral atom quantum computing, Rare earth ions, quantum networks, nanophotonics, cavity QED | | | | |
Clifford H. Thurber | Geophysics | Earth and Planetary Sciences | | 1981 | Keiiti Aki (grad student) |
Mark S. Tillack | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 1984 | Mujid S. Kazimi (grad student), Lawrence Mark Lidsky (grad student) |
Samuel C.C. Ting | High Energy Physics | | | | |
Michael Tinkham | | | | 1954 | Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student) |
John H. Tinlot | high energy physics | | | 1948 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Laszlo Tisza | quantum mechanics and thermodynamics | | | | |
Senthil Todadri | Condensed Matter Theory | | | | |
Neil Emmanuel Todreas | Nuclear engineering | | | 1966 | Warren Max Rohsenow (grad student) |
Walter H. Toki | Particle Physics | | | 1976 | Ulrich Becker (grad student) |
M. Nafi Toksöz | geophysics | | | | |
Richard C. Tolman | statistical mechanics | | | 1910 | Arthur A. Noyes (grad student) |
Terry Tomboulis | | Physics | | 1976 | Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student) |
Eric Torrence | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1997 | Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student) |
Miguel Angel Torres | | | | 1993 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Henry Cutler Torrey | | | | | |
Charles Hard Townes | microwave physics, masers and lasers | | | | |
William Thomas Townsend | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1988 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student) |
John R Tramm | Computational Nuclear Engineering | | | | |
André-Marie Tremblay | Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | 1974 | 1978 | Paul Cecil Martin (grad student), Bruce Riley Patton (grad student) |
Sokratis Trifinopoulos | | | | | |
John George Trump | high voltage engineering | | | 1933 | Robert Jemison Van de Graaff (grad student) |
Leung Tsang | Remote sensing, wave scattering, wave propagation in random media and rough surfaces, electromagnetic theory, photonic crystals and plasmonics, signal integrity, electromagnetic compatibility | Department of Electrical Engineering | | 1976 | Jin Au Kong (grad student) |
Peldon Tschering | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Arnold Tubis | atomic, nuclear, and high energy physics; aero-, physical, psychological, physiological, and musical acoustics | Physics | | 1959 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Laurette S Tuckerman | fluid dynamics, numerical methods, bifurcation theory, hydrodynamic instabilities, pattern formation | Applied Mathematics | | 1984 | Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student) |
Donald Winston Tufts | | | | 1960 | Norbert Wiener (grad student), Yuk-Wing Lee (grad student) |
Harry L. Tuller | Solid state ionics, Electronic structure and transport properties of oxide ceramics, and gas sensors | | | | |
Leslie Tung | Biomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology | Electrical Engineering | | | Roger G. Mark (grad student) |
William Ernest Turchinetz | | | | | |
Andrew P Turner | High Energy Particle Theory | Physics | 2014 | | Washington Taylor (grad student) |
Henry Tye | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1974 | Francis Eugene Low (grad student) |
Dimitrios Spyridon Tzeranis | | | | 2005 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Paul Eugene Ulmer | Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1987 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Gregory H. Underhill | Immunology, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology | | | | Sangeeta N. Bhatia (post-doc) |
Abolhassan Vaezi | | Physics | | 2011 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student) |
Varun Vaidya | | Physics | 2019 | 2022 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Manuel Sandoval Vallarta | | | | 1924 | Paul A. Heymans (grad student) |
George Edward Valley | cosmic ray physics | | | | |
Lester Clare Van Atta | | | | | |
Karl A. van Bibber | Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics; Particle Astrophysics; Nuclear Instrumentation; Accelerator Science & Technology | | | 1976 | Stephen G. Steadman (grad student) |
Robert Jemison Van de Graaff | Van de Graaff generator | | | | |
Roel van de Krol | Solar Fuels | Materials Science and Engineering | | 2001 | Harry L. Tuller (post-doc) |
Alexander van Oudenaarden | Biophysics | | | | |
Olivier Vancauwenberghe | | Materials Science And Engineering | 1987 | 1991 | Nicole Herbots (grad student) |
Wallace Earl Vander Velde | | | | 1956 | Walter McKay (grad student) |
Andrew M. Vanderburg | Exoplanets | | | | |
Aaron Pace VanDevender | Quantum Information, Dark Matter | Physics | 1998 | 2001 | Selim Shahriar (research assistant) |
Jean-Claude Vannay | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (post-doc) |
Zsigmond Varga | | | 2013 | 2018 | James W. Swan (grad student) |
Jayson R Vavrek | Nuclear security | Nuclear Science and Engineering | | | Areg Danagoulian (grad student) |
Mukund Vengalattore | | Physics | | 2005 | David E. Pritchard (grad student) |
Putcha Venkateswarlu | Spectroscopy | | | 1952 | Richard Collins Lord (post-doc) |
Simon Verghese | Optics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | | | |
Sarah J. Vigeland | | Physics | 2006 | 2012 | Scott Alexander Hughes (grad student) |
Felix Villars | quantum electrodynamics, nuclear physics, atmospheric physics, mathematical analysis of biological systems | | | | |
George H. Vineyard | solid-state physics | | | 1943 | John Clarke Slater (grad student), Donald C. Stockbarger (research assistant) |
Karen Viskupic | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
Gherardo Vita | | Physics | 2015 | 2020 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
John DeWayne Vogan | | | | 2004 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Mark Philipp Vogelsberger | Theoretical Astrophysics | | | | |
William Stelling von Arx | | | | 1955 | Victor P. Starr (grad student) |
Arthur R. von Hippel | material science | | | | |
Vladan Vuletić | Laser cooling and trapping, quantum physics, quantum entanglement, quantum optics, quantum information processing. | | | | |
Dimitri Vvedensky | | Materials Science and Engineering | | 1979 | Keith Huber Johnson (grad student) |
Wouter Waalewijn | | Physics | 2007 | 2010 | Iain W. Stewart (grad student) |
Michael Wagman | Lattice QCD | | | | |
J. Dirk Walecka | Theoretical Nuclear Physics | | | 1958 | Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student) |
Thomas Walker | | Physics | 2005 | 2009 | Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student) |
Christopher Bland Walker | Solid State Physics | | | 1951 | Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student) |
James Newman Walpole | | | | 1966 | Alan Louis McWhorter (grad student) |
Joseph M. Wander | | | | 1985 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
RQ Wang | environmental fluid mechanics | | | | |
Juven C. Wang | Theoretical Physics. Mathematical Physics. Condensed Matter Theory. High Energy Physics. Quantum Many-Body Systems. | Physics | | 2015 | Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student) |
Richard Dick Wang | | | | 1995 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Shenshen Wang | | | | | Arup K. Chakraborty (post-doc) |
Gang Wang | | | 2013 | 2018 | James W. Swan (grad student) |
Yanming Wang | Computational materials; Nano-mechanics; Nano-synthesis; Energy materials; Machine Learning | | | | |
Guoqing Wang | Atomics physics, Quantum computation, Quantum sensing, NV centers, Quantum simulation | Physics | 2023 | 2023 | Vladan Vuletić (post-doc), Paola Cappellaro (grad student) |
Zhongxiang Wang | | Physics | 1999 | 2004 | Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student) |
Lifeng Wang | Solid Mechanics, Composites, Advanced Materials, Nanomaterials, Metamaterials | Mechanical Engeering | 2006 | 2011 | Mary Cunningham Boyce (post-doc) |
Christopher Charles Ward | | | | 2007 | Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student) |
Bertram Eugene Warren | X-ray crystallography | Physics | 1927 | 1929 | W. Lawrence Bragg (grad student) |
John F Waymouth | physics and chemistry of electric discharge lamps | | | 1950 | Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student), Francis Bitter (collaborator) |
Watt W. Webb | dynamics of the biomolecular processes of life | | | 1955 | Carl Wilhelm Wagner (grad student), John Torrey Norton (grad student) |
Ferris Webster | Physical Oceanography, Geophysics | Geology and Geophysics | | 1961 | William Stelling von Arx (grad student) |
Peter J. Webster | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | Meteorology | | 1971 | Norman A. Phillips (grad student) |
Risa H. Wechsler | Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology | Physics | 1995 | 1996 | Jeffrey A Templon (research assistant) |
Dorothy Walcott Weeks | atomic spectroscopy | | | 1930 | Norbert Wiener (grad student) |
Nevin N. Weinberg | Cosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics | | | | |
Sander Weinreb | Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics | Electrical Engineering | | 1963 | Jerome Bert Wiesner (grad student) |
Lawrence B. Weinstein | Nuclear Physics | | | 1988 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Roy Weinstein | Bulk Superconductivity, Residual Field, Vacuum Polarization, Relativity | | | 1954 | Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student), Martin Deutsch (grad student) |
William Ira Weisberger | Theoretical elementary particle physics | | | 1964 | Francis Eugene Low (grad student) |
Rainer Weiss | Experimental Atomic Physics, Atomic Clocks, Laser Physics,Experimental Gravitation, Millimeter and Sub - millimeter, Astronomy, Cosmic Background Measurements, | | | 1962 | Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student), John G. King (grad student) |
Victor Frederick Weisskopf | | | | | |
George Robert Welch | Physics and Astronomy | | | 1989 | Daniel Kleppner (grad student) |
Xiao-Gang Wen | Condensed Matter Theory, Topological Phases of Matter | | | | |
Brian P. Wernicke | Geology, Plate Tectonics | Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | 1978 | 1982 | B. Clark Burchfiel (grad student) |
Peter Jocelyn Westervelt | nonlinear acoustics | Physics | | 1951 | Richard H. Bolt (grad student) |
Anne E. White | | Nuclear Science and Engineering | | 2008 | Troy A. Carter (grad student) |
Arthur White | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
William S. Widnall | | | | | |
Sheila Evans Widnall | | | | 1964 | Marten Teodor Landahl (grad student) |
Benjamin J Wieder | Topological materials, solid-state physics, condensed matter theory | | | | |
Carl Edwin Wieman | | | | 1973 | Daniel Kleppner (research assistant) |
Jerome Bert Wiesner | electrical engineering | | | | |
Frank Wilczek | Theoretical physics | | | | |
Sebastian Will | | | | 2015 | Martin W. Zwierlein (post-doc) |
Harvey Bradford Willard | | | | 1950 | Clark Goodman (grad student) |
Robert Lee Willett | | | | 1988 | Horst L. Störmer (grad student) |
Hurd C. Willett | | | | | |
Robert W. Williams | | | | 1948 | Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student) |
Mike Williams | Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics | | | | |
Kindle Shea Williams | Electrochemistry, Catalysis | Chemical Engineering | 2016 | 2021 | Karthish Manthiram (grad student) |
Claude M. Williamson | | | | | |
Benjamin Wilson | | HASTS | | | David I. Kaiser (grad student) |
Thomas L. Wilson | radioastronomy, astrophysics | | | 1969 | Bernard F. Burke (grad student) |
Edwin Bidwell Wilson | | | | | |
Andreas Reinhold Wingert | | | | 2002 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Joshua Nathan Winn | Astrophysics: Stars, Planets, Optical Observations. | Physics | | 2001 | Jacqueline Nina Hewitt (grad student) |
Lindley A. Winslow | Nuclear physics | | | | |
Samuel Winslow | | Chemical Engineering | 2015 | 2020 | James W. Swan (grad student), William A. Tisdale (grad student) |
Emmett A. Witmer | | | | | |
August F. Witt | surface chemistry | | | | |
Cameron Wobus | | | | | Kip V. Hodges (grad student) |
George Wolf | Vitamin A | | | | |
Peter Adalbert Wolff | Diluted magnetic semiconductors; optical properties of subwavelength hole arrays. | | | | |
George Jacob Wolga | | | | 1957 | Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student) |
Teng-fong Wong | Geophysics | Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences | 1976 | 1980 | William F. Brace (grad student) |
William M. Woodward | High energy nuclear physics | | | | |
Walter Wrigley | | Physics | 1937 | 1941 | Charles Stark Draper (grad student), Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
Sau Lan Wu | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | 1970 | 1972 | Samuel C.C. Ting (post-doc) |
John Wulff | Mechanical metallurgy | | | | |
Bolesław (Bolek) Wysłouch | High-Energy Physics | | | 1987 | Ulrich Becker (grad student) |
Guangrui Xia | | EECS | 2000 | 2006 | Judy L. Hoyt (grad student) |
Mengjiao Xiao | particle experiment | | 2018 | | Kerstin M. Perez (post-doc) |
Feihu Xu | Quantum Communication, Single-Photon Imaging | | | | |
Richard Kumeo Yamamoto | experimental elementary particle physics | | | 1963 | Irwin Abraham Pless (grad student) |
Yang Yang | Advanced transmission electron microscopy, Extreme environments | Nuclear Science and Engineering | 2012 | 2018 | Ju Li (grad student) |
Masayuki Yano | | | | | David Louis Darmofal (grad student) |
Xiaojun Yao | | Physics | 2019 | 2022 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
M. K. (Peter) Yau | Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics | | | 1977 | Pauline Morrow Austin (grad student) |
Sina Yeganeh | Physical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials | Chemistry | 2009 | 2011 | Troy A. Van Voorhis (post-doc) |
Nai-chang Yeh | Nanoscience | | | 1988 | Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student) |
Selçuk Yerci | Solar cells, silicon photonics, photovoltaics, materials engineering | Department of Mechanical Engineering | 2011 | 2014 | Gang Chen (post-doc) |
Bilge Yildiz | | | | 2003 | Michael Warren Golay (grad student) |
Sidney Yip | Condensed Matter Theory, Solid Mechanics | | | | |
Theodore J. Yoder | | Physics | 2012 | 2017 | Isaac L. Chuang (grad student) |
Christian Yoo | | | | | Anne E. White (grad student) |
Andrea Young | Experimental Condensed Matter Physics | Physics | 2011 | 2014 | Raymond Ashoori (post-doc) |
James Edward Young | particle physics | | | 1953 | Philip M. Morse (grad student) |
John A. Young | large-scale atmospheric wind dynamics and turbulence near the earth's surface | | | 1966 | Edward Norton Lorenz (grad student) |
Mostafa Youssef | | | | 2013 | Bilge Yildiz (grad student) |
David Andrew Yphantis | | | | 1955 | David Floyd Waugh (grad student) |
Haocun Yu | | Physics | 2015 | 2020 | Nergis Mavalvala (grad student) |
Haoyong Yu | robotics, medical devices, rehabilitation engineering, intelligent control | | | 2002 | Steven Dubowsky (grad student) |
Kristie Yu | | | | 2000 | Steven Dubowsky (research assistant) |
Horace Yuen | Theory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. | Electrical Engineering | | 1970 | Robert S. Kennedy (grad student) |
Nicolas Yunes | | | 2010 | 2011 | Scott Alexander Hughes (post-doc) |
Y Z | | | | 2010 | Sidney Yip (grad student), Sow-Hsin Chen (grad student) |
Jerrold R. Zacharias | molecular and atomic beams | | | | |
Ismail Zahed | | | | 1983 | Michel Baranger (grad student) |
Markus Zahn | High Voltage Engineering | Electrical Engineering | 1967 | 1970 | James Russell Melcher (grad student) |
Avideh Zakhor | Signal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR) | | | 1987 | Alan Victor Oppenheim (grad student) |
Matias Zaldarriaga | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1998 | Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Uroš Seljak (grad student) |
Herbert J. Zeiger | Physics of maser and laser, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, molecular physics | | | | |
Tianyi Zhang | 2D materials, chemical vapor deposition, optical spectroscopy | Research Laboratory of Electronics | 2021 | | Jing Kong (post-doc) |
Yang Zhang | Condensed matter physics | | 2019 | 2022 | Liang Fu (post-doc) |
Zhuomin Zhang | Mechanical Engineering, Optics Physics | | | 1992 | Markus I. Flik (grad student) |
Yong Zhao | | Physics | 2016 | 2019 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Xiaochao Zheng | | Physics | 1999 | 2002 | William Bertozzi (grad student) |
Tian Zhong | quantum optics | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2007 | 2013 | Jeffrey H. Shapiro (grad student) |
Shijie Zhong | Astronomy and Astrophysics | Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences | 1997 | 2000 | Maria Theresa Zuber (research scientist) |
Bing Zhou | Experimental Elementary Particle Physics | Physics | | 1987 | Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student) |
(Edmond) Tingtao Zhou | Statistical mechanics, condensed matter theory, astrophysics | | 2013 | 2019 | Sidney Yip (research assistant) |
HuaXing Zhu | | Physics | 2015 | 2017 | Iain W. Stewart (post-doc) |
Royce King-Ping Zia | Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics | | | 1968 | Herman Feshbach (grad student) |
Thomas Owens Ziebold | | Metallurgy | | 1965 | Robert E. Ogilvie (grad student) |
Craig Buchanan Zilles | | Mechanical Engineering | | 1995 | J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant) |
Henry J. Zimmermann | microwave systems, nonlinear circuits, and signal processing | | | 1942 | Wilmer L. Barrow (grad student) |
Alfred Zong | | | | | |
Maria Theresa Zuber | Geophysics | | | | |
Paolo Zuccon | Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics | | | | |
George Zweig | HEP Theory, Neurobiology | | | | |
Barton Zwiebach | Theoretical Particle Physics | | | | |
Martin W. Zwierlein | Atomic Physics | | | 2007 | Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student) |
Stanislaus A. Zygmunt | computational materials, computational catalysis, | Materials Science and Engineering | 1984 | 1988 | Keith Huber Johnson (grad student) |