Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Daniel P. AalbertsBiological polymers1994 A. Nihat Berker (grad student), Shien-Chi Chen (research assistant), George Bekefi (research assistant)
Riccardo Abbate Physics20072012 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Ayman F. AbouraddyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2008 Yoel Fink (post-doc)
Daniel Michael AbramsApplied Mathematics EAPS Daniel Harris Rothman (post-doc)
Murat Acargene networks2007 Alexander van Oudenaarden (grad student)
Allan W. AdamsString theory
Kiran K. AdepalliElectrochemical interfaces, Solid state ionics, Energy conversion, Resistance based memory devices, Memristors, Fuel cells, Solid state diffusion, Electronic packaging metals
Rana Adhikari2004 Rainer Weiss (grad student), Peter Kurt Fritschel (grad student)
Richard Brooks Adler1949 Lan Jen Chu (grad student)
David Adler
Gabriel AeppliCondensed Matter Physics1983 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
Iraj Ruhi AfnanParticle Theory19631966 Richard Lemmer (grad student)
Oded AharonsonPlanetology, Geophysics2002 Maria Theresa Zuber (grad student)
Clarice D. Aiello EECS Paola Cappellaro (grad student)
Edward A Ajharcosmology; extragalactic astronomy Physics19861992 John Tonry (grad student)
Ashok Ajoy Nuclear Science and Engineering Paola Cappellaro (grad student)
Keiiti Akiseismology
John Macmillan Alexandernuclear chemistry1957 Charles D. Coryell (grad student)
Alfredo J. Alexander-Katzcondensed matter physics, complex fluids, polymers
James AllenCondensed Matter Experimental Physics Electrical Engineering Perry A. Miles (grad student)
Jessamyn L. Allen Physics20112017 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
William P. Allis1924 Paul A. Heymans (grad student)
Boris L. Altshulerquantum theory of condensed matter physics
G. K. AnanthasureshCompliant mechanisms, MEMS, Multidisciplinary design and topology optimization, Kinematics of mechanisms, Protein design, Micromanipulation and Biomechanics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19951996 Stephen D. Senturia (post-doc)
David AndelmanSoft Matter, Biological Physics Physics1984 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Sterling J. Anderson2009 Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student)
Nozomi Andox-ray, synchrotron radiation, enzymes Chemistry Catherine L. Drennan (post-doc)
Emily Katherine Andrews2000 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
James Browne Angell integrated circuit technology to the fabrication of sensors for biomedical instrumentation and the generation and manipulation of musical sounds with digital systems1952 Henry J. Zimmermann (grad student)
David Applegate Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Garrett T. Apuzen-ItoGeophysics Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution1996 Jian Lin (grad student)
Suguru Araki Physics19821985 Scott Tremaine (grad student)
Jose A.P. AranhaTheoretical Hydrodynamics, Ocean and Coastal Wave Phenomena, Fluid-Solid Interaction Civil Engineering19751978 Chiang C. Mei (grad student)
Dalila Isabel Argáez1993 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Ali S. Argonplasticity, toughness in polymers, ceramic composite coatings1956 Egon Orowan (grad student)
Carlos Alberto Argüelles Delgadoneutrino physics Physics20152020 Janet Marie Conrad (post-doc)
Tomás A. Arias1992 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Chris Arnesen Physics20022007 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
H. Harry AsadaRobotics, Biomedical Engineering, Dynamic Systems and Control, Information Technology, Design, and Manufacturing
Raymond AshooriCondensed Matter Physics
Harry A. Atwaterphotovoltaics1987 Henry I. Smith (grad student), Carl V. Thompson (grad student)
James Murdoch Austin1941 Sverre Petterssen (grad student)
Benjamin L. Averbachmaterials science1947 Morris Cohen (grad student)
Yitzhak Avrahami Materials Science and Engineering Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Roy A. Axford1958 Melville Clark (grad student)
Leonid V AzároffMaterials Science1954 Martin Julian Buerger (grad student)
Alexandru Bacanu Physics20132020 Nikta Fakhri (grad student)
Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato Physics David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Aakhut Em Bak Physics1986 Sylvester James Gates (grad student)
Osman Bakr Francesco Stellacci (grad student)
Ponnampalam Balakumar Aeronautics and Astronautics1986 Sheila Evans Widnall (grad student)
Anna Christina Balazs19821984 Keith Huber Johnson (grad student), George M. Whitesides (grad student), Robert J. Silbey (grad student), John M. Deutch (post-doc)
Edoardo BaldiniCondensed Matter Physics Department of Physics20172021 Nuh Gedik (post-doc)
Leon Michael BalentsCondensed Matter Theoretical Physics1994 Mehran Kardar (grad student)
Robert W. BalluffiPhysical Metallurgy19781994 Morris Cohen (grad student), Benjamin L. Averbach (grad student), Paul D Bristowe (collaborator)
Thomas Israel BanksElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1973 Carl Martin Bender (grad student)
Alfredo Bañoselectromagnetic theory, plasma physics1938 Manuel Sandoval Vallarta (grad student)
Jie Bao20102013 Moungi G. Bawendi (post-doc)
Lei Bao Physics Edward F. Redish (grad student)
Michel BarangerQuantum electro-dynamics, plasma spectroscopy, nuclear collective motion, semi-classical quantum chaos
W. Carlisle Barber
Eli BarkaiStatistical Physics
Maissam Barkeshli Physics2010 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
William BarlettaHigh-energy physics
William Barnes Physics19881994 Stephan S. Meyer (grad student)
John Barrett Physics20082016 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Alan Hildreth Barrettradio astronomy, and the spectroscopic study of the interstellar medium
Wilmer L. Barrowcommunications engineering, radar and navigation systems
Benjamin E. Barrowes Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences1999 Jin Au Kong (grad student)
John P Barton20122017 Arup K. Chakraborty (post-doc)
Klaus-Jurgen BatheComputational Mechanics
Boris William Battermandiffraction physics Physics1956 Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student)
Moungi G. Bawendiquantum dots
Douglas Howard BeckNuclear Physics1986 William Ernest Turchinetz (grad student)
William Theodore Leroy Becker2006 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Ulrich BeckerExperimental high energy physics
Benjamin BedersonAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics19501952 Jerrold R. Zacharias (post-doc)
Leon E. BeghianNuclear physics
Elizabeth J. BeiseExperimental Nuclear Physics1988 Robert Page Redwine (grad student)
George Bekefiplasma physics
Angela M. BelcherGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology
John Winston Belcherspace plasma physics
Carl Martin BenderMathematical Physics
George B. Benedekphase transitions, self-assembly and aggregation of several biological molecules
Ralph D. Bennett
Charles L. BennettWilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)1984 Bernard F. Burke (grad student)
Robert Paul BennettPhysics Physics Rainer Weiss (research assistant)
Carola F. BergerTheoretical physics; elementary particles. Physics20072010 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
E. Robert Beringermicrowave spectroscopy19421946 Robert H. Dicke (research scientist)
A. Nihat Berkerstatistical mechanics, phase transitions
Aron Myron Bernsteinnuclear and particle physics
Abraham BersPlasma physics1959 Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student)
Daniele Bertolini Physics2014 Jesse K. Thaler (grad student)
William BertozziIntermediate Energy Physics Physics1958 Peter T. Demos (grad student)
Edmund W. Bertschingercosmology, gravitation, relativistic astrophysics
Ali BeskokMechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Plasma Physics19961998 Jacob Keaton White (post-doc)
David Mark BevlyControl of Dynamic Systems1997 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Lawrence Christian Biedenharnmathematical physics1949 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Samuel BieriTheoretical Physics Physics Physics Patrick A. Lee (post-doc), Senthil Todadri (collaborator)
Amy Marlou BiltonEnergy systems; water purification and desalination; design for the developing world; computer-aided design methods; design optimization under uncertainty; control system design2013 Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Adam M. Bincer1956 Sidney D. Drell (grad student)
Manfred A. Biondiplasma physics1949 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
Robert J. Birgeneauphases and phase transition behavior of novel states of matter
Francis Bittermagnetism
Lindy L BlackburnEHT project2010 Erotokritos C Katsavounidis (grad student)
John P. BlakesleeAstrophysics Physics Physics John Tonry (grad student)
Thomas D. Blubaugh1985 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Fred Andrew Blum
Alexander Blumenpolymer physics Robert J. Silbey (post-doc)
William BlumenAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics Meteorology1963 Norman A. Phillips (grad student)
Arie BodekParticle Physics Physics1973 Jerome I. Friedman (grad student), Henry W. Kendall (grad student)
Gregory S. BoebingerCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, General Physics1986 Horst L. Störmer (grad student), Daniel C. Tsui (grad student)
Elihu BoldtAstrophysics1958 David O. Caldwell (grad student), Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Charles D. BoleyLaser-related physics, plasma physics, theoretical physics, computational physics Physics1971 Sidney Yip (grad student)
Richard H. Boltacoustical engineering and architectural design
Timothy Alan BoltonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics1988 Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student), Walter H. Toki (grad student)
Peggy Boning2009 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Lance Frank BosartAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1969 Frederick Sanders (grad student)
Peter Eric BostedNuclear Physics1980 Aron Myron Bernstein (grad student)
Brett E. BoumaMedical Biophysics, Optics Physics James G. Fujimoto (post-doc)
Mary Cunningham Boycemolecular and nanomechanics of polymers and soft composites1987 Ali S. Argon (grad student), David M. Parks (grad student)
Joseph Canon Boyce
Bennet B. Brabson19601966 Lawrence Rosenson (grad student)
William F. BraceGeophysics1953 Harold Williams Fairbairn (grad student)
Michael Patrick Bradleyplasma physics, ion trapping, precision measurement Physics19922000 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Lee Carrington Bradleyoptical spectroscopy, optics and laser propagation
Hale V. BradtX-ray astronomy Physics1961 George W. Clark (grad student)
James Edward BrauHigh Energy Physics1978 Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student)
Kaley Brauer2017 Anna Frebel (grad student)
Kenneth BrecherNeutron stars; high-energy astrophysics; cosmology and relativity; historical astronomy.1969 Philip Morrison (grad student)
Martin BreidenbachElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1970 Jerome I. Friedman (grad student), Henry W. Kendall (grad student)
Daeg Scott BrennerNuclear Chemistry1965 Glen E. Gordon (grad student)
Herbert S. Bridgespace plasma physics1950 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
David Lawrence Brock Mechanical Engineering1993 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student)
Christopher Allen Brooks2004 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Roger Brooks Physics1986 Sylvester James Gates (grad student)
Jean Brosselquantum optics, atomic physics1951 Francis Bitter (research assistant)
Truman R. BrownMagnetic resonance applications1970 John G. King (grad student)
Kevin Lawrence Brown1994 H. Harry Asada (grad student)
Sanborn Conner Brownplasma physics, thermodynamics1944 Robley D. Evans (grad student)
Cornelius Payne BrowneNuclear physics
Gordon Lee BrownellNuclear medicine Physics1950 Robley D. Evans (grad student)
Solomon J. BuchsbaumPlasma physics1957 William P. Allis (grad student)
William Weber Buechnernuclear physics1944 Robert Jemison Van de Graaff (grad student)
Vladimir Bulović Organic and Nanostructured Electronics
Carey David BunksSignal Processing, Automatic Control, Nonlinear Optimization, Seismic Imaging Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1987 Alan S. Willsky (grad student)
Jacopo buongiorno
B. Clark Burchfiel
Adam J. BurgasserAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics
David Burghoff Electrical Engineering Qing Hu (grad student)
Bernard F. BurkeAstrophysics1953 Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student)
Scott Michael Burles
Stephen K. BurleyGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology19831987 Gregory A. Petsko (post-doc)
Robert Daniel Burn1998 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Adam S. BurrowsAstronomy and Astrophysics1979 Kenneth Brecher (grad student)
Vannevar BushApplied physics, electrical engineering, science administration1916 Dugald C. Jackson (grad student), Arthur Edwin Kennelly (grad student)
John W. M. Bushfluid dynamics
Wit BuszaHigh Energy Physics
Brad Butman1975 Robert Beardsley (grad student)
Loreli Dela Cruz Cadapan Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1997 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Wei CaiMicro and Nano Mechanics2001 Sidney Yip (grad student)
Herbert Bernard Callenthermodynamics1947 Laszlo Tisza (grad student)
James D. CallenFluid and Plasma Physics Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering1968 James Elliott McCune (grad student), Thomas H. Dupree (grad student)
Constantine J. Callias1979 Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student)
Joseph Andrew Calzaretta1998 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Colin K Campbell Electrical Engineering1952 Thomas Franklin Jones (grad student)
Gretchen Campbell Physics Physics20012006 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student), David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Claude Roger Canizarescosmic X-ray sources
David S CannellCondensed Matter Experimental Physics1970 George B. Benedek (grad student)
Sergio Hiram CantuRydberg atoms, Rydberg polaritons Physics20122021 Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Changhong CaoNanomanufacturing, nanomechanics Mechanical Engineering20182020 A. John Hart (post-doc)
Yuan Cao department of physics20142020 Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (grad student)
Rodrigo Barbosa CapazElectronic, structural and optical properties of nanostructured systems1996 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Paola Cappellaroquantum sensing, quantum computing2006 David Cory (grad student)
Christopher Luke Carilli1989 Bernard F. Burke (grad student)
Webster C. CashAstronomy and Astrophysics
Giuseppe CataldoSystems Engineering Aeronautics and Astronautics2015 Jeffrey A. Hoffman (grad student)
Jerald A. Catonengines, combustion, thermodynamics Mechanical engineering1979 John B. Heywood (grad student)
Peter CattoPlasma science
Deepto ChakrabartyAstrophysics Center for Space Research19961999 Hale V. Bradt (post-doc)
Siu-Wai ChanMaterials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Energy Course III Materials19801985 Robert W. Balluffi (grad student)
David Chandlerstatistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, liquids, complexity, biophysics1966 Irwin Oppenheim (research assistant)
Philip K. Chapman1967 Charles Stark Draper (grad student)
Michael ChapmanAtomic physics1995 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Jule G. CharneyWeather forecasting
Praveen Chaudhariamorphous magnetic materials-that are the basis of erasable, read-write, optical storage technology1966 Michael Berliner Bever (grad student)
Joseph G. CheckelskyCondensed Matter Physics
Wang-Ping ChenGeophysics1979 Peter Hale Molnar (grad student)
Di Chensolid state ionics Materials Science and Engineering20082014 Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Shien-Chi Chen George Bekefi (research scientist)
Zhongzhou ChenGeneral Physics, Sciences Education Physics20132016 David E. Pritchard (post-doc)
Hai ChenHigh Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays Physics20102016 Ulrich Becker (grad student)
Min ChenParticle Physics, Meta Material, Backward Cherenkov Radiation, Testing Babinet Principle in electron induced radiations
Yang-Ting Chen Physics20162019 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Mo ChenQuantum Information20142020 Paola Cappellaro (grad student)
Yi Chen Physics Physics20192023 Gunther Roland (research assistant), Yen-Jie Lee (post-doc)
Sow-Hsin Chen
Xie ChenTheoretical Physics Physics2012 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student), Isaac L. Chuang (grad student)
Hung ChengTheoretical Physics
Aurelia Chenu20162017 Jianshu Cao (post-doc)
Weng Cho ChewWave physics, computational electromagnetics, microwave theory and antennas, geophysics, quantum electromagnetics, differential geometry Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering1980 Jin Au Kong (grad student)
Raymond Y. ChiaoQuantum Optics1965 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Andrew Childs2004 Edward H. Farhi (grad student)
Anirudh Chiti2014 Anna Frebel (grad student)
Stephen L. Chiu Mechanical Engineering1985 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Sangyeon ChoOptics; Chemistry
Marvin Chodorow1939 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Sung-Min Choi Sow-Hsin Chen (grad student)
Georgios ChoudalakisParticle Physics Bruce Owen Knuteson (grad student)
Bernard A ChouetSeismology,Volcano Seismology, Geophysics Earth and Planetary Sciences Keiiti Aki (grad student)
Thomas ChristensenNanophotonics Physics2016 Marin Soljačić (post-doc)
Nelson L Christensen Physics19901995 Rainer Weiss (grad student)
Lan Jen ChuElectromagnetic field theory, antennas, waveguides, microwave tubes Department of Electrical Engineering1938 Wilmer L. Barrow (grad student), Julius Adams Stratton (grad student)
Meng Yee (Michael) ChuahRobotics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Tactile Sensors, Force Sensors, Design, Locomotion Mechanical Engineering Sangbae Kim (grad student)
Isaac L. ChuangQuantum information science1991 Peter Laurence Hagelstein (grad student)
Jeffrey A. CinaPhysical Chemistry, Low Temperature Physics19851987 Robert J. Silbey (post-doc)
Ibrahim I. CisséBiophysics
Jon F. ClaerboutGeophysics1967 Theodore R. Madden (grad student)
Robert ClareHigh energy physics experiment1982 Min Chen (grad student)
Donald Lyndon Clark
Noel Anthony ClarkCondensed Matter Physics1970 George B. Benedek (grad student)
Melville ClarkFusion Physics
George W. Clarkx-ray astronomy1952 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Ryan Clark Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Roger N. ClarkAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics Earth and Planetary Sciences1980 Thomas B. McCord (grad student)
Albert McCavour Clogstonsolid state physics, magnetism, and superconductivity1941 Julius Adams Stratton (grad student)
Dennis P. Clougherty Physics1989 Keith Huber Johnson (grad student)
Stefano Coda Plasma Science and Fusion Center19871997 Miklos Porkolab (grad student)
Morris Cohenmetallurgy1936 John Torrey Norton (grad student)
Samuel Alan CohenPlasma Science & Technology1973 John G. King (grad student)
Brian Andrew ColeParticle Physics1992 Stephen G. Steadman (grad student)
Jeffrey Robert Cole1995 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Paul D. Colemanelectrical engineering1951 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Meg Coleman Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Samuel Cornette CollinsCryogenics
Simone ColomboAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Metrology, Atomic Sensors applications Research Laboratory of Electronics2017 Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
Riccardo CominQuantum Materials
Karl Taylor Compton
Janet Marie Conradneutrinos
William E. CookeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1976 Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley2014 Matthew S. Rosen (grad student)
William David Coolidge19011903 Arthur A. Noyes (research scientist), Willis Rodney Whitney (research assistant)
Edward Arthur Coomes1938 Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student)
Bruno Coppiplasma physics, nuclear fusion research, space physics, plasma astrophysics
Eric A. Cornell1990 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Michael L. CorradiniNuclear Engineering1979 Neil Emmanuel Todreas (grad student), Warren Max Rohsenow (grad student)
Thomas Richard Johnstone Corrigan1994 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
David Cory
Eric Richard CosmanRelativistic Heavy Ion Physics Physics1966 Harald A. Enge (grad student)
Anthea Coster
Joseph Noel Robin CôtéAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics19891995 Alexander Dalgarno (grad student), Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Charles C. Counselman1969 Irwin I. Shapiro (grad student)
Hans W.J. Courantelementary particle physics1954 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
John M. CowleyElectron Microscopy1949 Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student)
Jerome R. Cox, Jr.biomedical engineering1954 Leo Beranek (grad student)
Eben S. CrossAtmospheric Sciences, Environmental Engineering CEE Jesse H. Kroll (post-doc)
Csaba CsákiElementary particle physics, quantum field theory1997 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Shanying Cui Angela M. Belcher (research assistant)
Patricia Cullen Materials Science And Engineering19871990 Nicole Herbots (grad student)
Christina Joy D'Arrigo2001 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Francesco D'Eramo Physics2012 Jesse K. Thaler (grad student)
Ashkbiz DanehkarAstrophysics, Astronomy, Physics20152017 Michael A. Nowak (post-doc)
David Louis DarmofalComputational fluid dynamics
Ronald C. DavidsonPlasma physics
Sumner Prindle Davisastrophysics1959 George Russell Harrison (post-doc)
Zohreh Davoudi
Kishalay DeAstronomy
Jarbas Caiado de Castro Neto19781981 Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Sergio C. de la BarreraQuantum condensed matter physics Department of Physics Department of Physics20192023 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc), Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (post-doc)
Emerson Jose Veloso de Passos19691974 Michel Baranger (grad student)
Pablo G. Debenedetticondensed matter1985 Robert C. Reid (grad student), Ulrich W. Suter (grad student)
Matthew F. DeCampAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics20032006 Andrei Tokmakoff (post-doc)
Joseph Francis Deck1993 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
William M. DeenChemical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Condensed Matter Physics
Thomas Alan DeGrandParticle Theory19731976 Carleton Edward DeTar (grad student)
Melahat Bilge DemirkozExperimental Particle Physics Physics20012004 Ulrich Becker (grad student)
Peter T. Demosnuclear physics Physics1951 Arthur F. Kip (grad student), John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Denice D. Denton Electrical Engineering1987 Stephen D. Senturia (grad student)
Parag B. DeotareElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics Electrical and Computer Engineering20122016 Vladimir Bulović (post-doc)
Owen L. Deutsch1975 Sidney Yip (grad student)
Martin Deutschnuclear physics1941 Robley D. Evans (grad student)
Trithep DevakulCondensed matter theory20202023 Liang Fu (post-doc), Senthil Todadri (post-doc)
Lauren M. DeVita2007 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
William K. DewarMarine and Ocean Engineering, Geophysics1983 Carl I. Wunsch (grad student), Glenn R Flierl (grad student)
Oliver Mangum DeWolfeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics19952000 Barton Zwiebach (grad student)
Patrick DiamondFluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Department of Physics19761979 Thomas H. Dupree (grad student)
Matthew Adam DiCicco2005 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Mike Dillender Electrical Engineering and Computer Science2024 Vladimir Bulović (grad student)
Joshua S. DillonCosmology Physics20092015 Max E. Tegmark (grad student)
Narahara C DingariMachine Learning, Big Data, Data Science Physics20092013 Michael Stephen Feld (post-doc)
Jason A. Dittmann Physics2016 David Brian Charbonneau (grad student)
Changwoo DoNeutron Scattering, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Neutron Spin-Echo, SANS, NSE, Soft Matter, Self-Assembly
Ngoc Duc Doan
Louise Ann DolanTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1976 Francis Eugene Low (grad student)
Randall M. DoleClimate-weather connections1982 Frederick Sanders (grad student)
Max Donath Mechanical Engineering1978 Woodie Claude Flowers (grad student)
Yanhao Dong
Zhihuan Dong Physics20162018 Gang Chen (research assistant)
Zhiyu Dong Physics20162018 Gang Chen (research assistant)
T. William DonnellyTheoretical physics
Gregory Dooley Physics20122016 Anna Frebel (grad student)
Ellen Dotson Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Ewan S DouglasAstronomy, Instrumentation Aeronautics and Astronautics Kerri L. Cahoy (post-doc)
David H. Douglass, Jr.Condensed Matter Physics1959 Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student)
John Peter Dowdexperimental particle physics1966 David O. Caldwell (grad student), Martin Deutsch (grad student)
Marla L Dowelllaser metrology, advanced communications physics June Lorraine Matthews (grad student)
John M. Doylecold atoms Physics1991 Thomas J. Greytak (grad student), Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Alvin William Drake
Charles Stark Draper1938 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Mildred Spiewak Dresselhauscarbon nanotubes
Michael J. DriscollNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering1964 David Dayton Lanning (grad student), Theos Jardin Thompson (grad student)
Javier Mauricio Duarteexperimental high energy physics
Steven Dubowskydynamics, design, and control of high performance machine systems, robots, and manipulators
Lee A. DuBridge
Jörn Dunkel
Thomas H. Dupreetheoretical plasma physics Department of Physics19551960 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Dallin S. DurfeeLaser Cooling, Matterwave interferometry, Optics, Lasers Physics and Astronomy19941999 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
William K. Durfeedesign of medical devices, rehabilitation engineering, advanced orthotics, biomechanics and physiology of human muscle including electrical stimulation of muscle, product design and design education Mechanical Engineering1985 Michael J. Rosen (grad student)
Louis J. DurlofskyPetroleum Engineering, Hydrology, Geophysics1986 John F. Brady (grad student)
Dale R. DurranGeophysics, atmospheric dynamics1981 Ronald G. Prinn (grad student)
Adam C. DurstGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics2002 Patrick A. Lee (grad student)
Sheila E. Dwyer2013 Nergis Mavalvala (grad student)
Dean Eric EastmanCondensed Matter Physics Electrical Engineering1965 Frederic Richard Morgenthaler (grad student)
Mark E. Eberhart Materials Science and Engineering1983 Keith Huber Johnson (grad student)
Brian Scott Eberman Mechanical Engineering1995 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student)
Markus Ebert Physics20172020 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Wiktor EckhausApplied mathematics1959 Leon Trilling (grad student)
Harold Eugene EdgertonElectrical Engineering, stroboscope, photography Electrical Engineering1931 Vannevar Bush (grad student)
David Eichler Philip Morrison (grad student)
Judah M. Eisenberg Physics Kerson Huang (grad student)
Josef EisingerNuclear physics, biophysics, history of medicine, Einstein biography1951 Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student)
Virgil Bruce Elingsscanning probe microscopes1966 Louis S. Osborne (grad student)
James Ludlow Elliotplanetary astronomy
Donald EllisNumerical calculation of material properties, including composite materials, electroceramics, and bioceramics. Physics Physics1966 George F. Koster (grad student), John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Robert P. Elyexperimental high energy physics1959 David H. Frisch (grad student)
Michael G. EndresTheoretical physics
David Eng Materials Science And Engineering19871991 Nicole Herbots (grad student)
Harald A. EngeNuclear Physics19501951 William Weber Buechner (research assistant)
Jeremy L. Englandtheoretical methods to understand the physical properties of biological molecules
Saul T. EpsteinTheoretical physics, quantum chemistry1947 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Phil Erickson
Joshua ErlichElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1999 Daniel Z. Freedman (grad student), Amihay Hanany (grad student)
Reed Essick University of Toronto Erotokritos C Katsavounidis (grad student)
Robley D. Evansnuclear medicine
Matthew John EvansGravitational Waves
Randy H. Ewoldt2009 Annette (Peko) Hosoi (grad student)
Shaoul EzekielOptics19641968 Walter Wrigley (grad student)
Joshua A. FaberNumerical Relativity, SPH, Computational Astrophysics Physics19972001 Frederic Rasio (grad student)
Harold Williams Fairbairnoptical mineralogy, geochronology
Nikta FakhriBiophysics
Fereydoon FamilyStatistical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics Physics19741976 H. Eugene Stanley (post-doc)
Hsu-Yun Fancondensed matter physics, semiconductor physics1937 Ralph D. Bennett (grad student), Arthur R. von Hippel (grad student), Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student)
Chen FangCondensed Matter Physics Department of Physics20142015 Liang Fu (post-doc)
Edward H. FarhiParticle Physics, Field Theory, General Relativity, Quantum Computing
Shane M. FarritorRobotics and Mechatronics1998 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Giovanni G. FazioInfrared Astronomy19541959 David M. Ritson (grad student), Robert A. Schluter (grad student)
Mitchell J. FeigenbaumChaos Theory1970 Francis Eugene Low (grad student)
Michael Stephen FeldAtomic physics, Laser Physics, Biomedical Optics1967 Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student)
Bernard T. Feldhigh-energy physics
Herman FeshbachTheoretical Physics1942 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics20002003 H Sebastian Seung (grad student)
Aka Gunduz Finci
David Ritz Finkelstein1953 Felix Villars (grad student)
Gleb A. FinkelsteinLow Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene, DNA self assembly19982000 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc)
Andrew Fiore20132019 James W. Swan (grad student)
Ofer Firstenberg RLE20112014 Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
Nathaniel J. FischFluid and Plasma Physics1978 Abraham Bers (grad student)
Mark Steven FischlerSupergravity, Lattice Gauge Supercompter design19701974 Philip Morrison (research assistant), Daniel J. Kleitman (research assistant)
Peter H. Fisherexperimental detection of dark matter
James Brown FiskApplied physics1935 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Paul A FleuryCondensed matter physics1965 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Markus I. Flik
Woodie Claude Flowers Mechanical Engineering1972 Robert W. Mann (grad student)
Clifton G. FonstadOptoelectronics Robert H. Rediker (grad student)
Michael McNeil ForbesNuclear Theory, Quantum Dynamics, Astrophysics, AMO Physics20002005 Frank Wilczek (grad student)
Chris Eliot ForestClimate Dynamics, Earth System Dynamics, Earth System Modeling, Climate Change Diagnostics, Atmospheric Dynamics Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences19921996 Kerry A. Emanuel (grad student), Peter Hale Molnar (grad student)
Joseph A. FormaggioHigh Energy Physics
Gregory FrancisPlasma Physics, Educational Research
Gregg Byron FranklinNuclear Physics1980 Aron Myron Bernstein (grad student)
Philip Franklin
Anna FrebelStellar and Galactic Astronomy - Optical/IR Astronomy -Cosmology - High Performance Computing
Edward Fredkin
Daniel Z. FreedmanSupergravity, String Theory, Quantum Field Theory
Arthur J. FreemanFirst-principles simulations of complex materials, including their structural, electronic, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties.1956 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Anthony FrenchIntermediate Energy Physics
James Bruce Frenchtheoretical nuclear physics1948 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Andrew S. Friedmanobservational astronomy
Jerome I. Friedman
Anke Friedrich Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
David H. Frischnuclear physics1947 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Peter Kurt FritschelCosmology1992 Rainer Weiss (grad student)
Liang FuQuantum Condensed Matter Theory
Kin Hung FungPlasmonics, Nanophotonics, Photonic Crystals Nicholas X. Fang (post-doc)
Daniel Furse Physics20072015 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Elena Gallo20082010 Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc)
Duncan K. Galloway20002003 Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc)
John Kirtland GaltSolid state physics Research Laboratory of Electronics1947 Hans Müller (grad student)
Saurabh R Gandhibiophysics, ecology Physics20132019 Jeffrey C. Gore (grad student)
Haiyan GaoNuclear Physics
Susan Gardner Physics19831988 Ernest Jeffrey Moniz (grad student)
Gordon P. GarmireAstronomy and Astrophysics1962 William L. Kraushaar (grad student)
Justin Richard Garretson2005 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Sylvester James Gatessupersymmetry, supergravity, superstring theory1977 James Edward Young (grad student)
Nuh GedikCondensed Matter Physics
C. Daniel GeislerAuditory System1960 Walter A. Rosenblith (grad student)
Murray Gell-Mann1951 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Marvin A. GellerAtmospheric Science Physics, Hydrology1969 Victor P. Starr (grad student)
Elizabeth Marie Georgeastronomical instrumentation, detectors Physics20062008 Isaac L. Chuang (research assistant)
Neil A. GershenfeldDigital fabrication
Ward D. GettyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Electrical Engineering1963 Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student)
Roman Geykhman2011 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Pouyan GhaemiCondensed Matter Theory Physics Senthil Todadri (grad student)
Joseph Anthony GiaimeExperimental General Relativity Physics1995 Rainer Weiss (grad student)
J. Freeman Gilbertcomputational geophysics, seismology, earthquake sources, and geophysical inverse theory1956 Stephen Milton Simpson (grad student)
Roscoe C. GilesComputational Science
Robert GilmoreAstrophysics Physics1967 George F. Koster (grad student)
Newell Shiffer Gingrich Physics Ralph D. Bennett (post-doc)
Bernard GittelmanParticle physics1958 Martin Deutsch (grad student)
Alfred E GlassgoldAtomic Physics, Astrophysics, Astrochemistry Physics1954 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Robert L Gluckstern Physics1948 Julius Adams Stratton (grad student)
Sara Jean Godding1999 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
John A. GoffGeology, Geophysics, Physical Oceanography1990 Thomas Hillman Jordan (grad student)
Michael Warren Golay
Dariusz Golda2003 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
James M. Goldeysilicon transistor and integrated circuit development1955 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
David Goldhaber-Gordonsemiconductor nanostructures1999 Marc A. Kastner (grad student)
Jeffrey GoldstoneField Theory, Quantum Computing
Robert GolubRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Low Temperature Physics1967 John G. King (grad student)
Teresa M. Gomez2011 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Maxim Goncharov
John B. GoodenoughSolid State Physics, Batteries, Fuel Cells, Superconductivity, Magnetism
Clark GoodmanNuclear physics, nuclear engineering1940 Robley D. Evans (grad student)
Kenneth E. Goodsonheat transfer in electronic nanostructures Mechanical Engineering1993 Markus I. Flik (grad student)
Harry Manley GoodwinElectrochemistry
Jeffrey C. Gorestructural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies20072010 Alexander van Oudenaarden (post-doc)
David N. Gosset2011 Edward H. Farhi (grad student)
Kurt Gottfriedparticle physics1955 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Phillip Lloyd GouldAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics1986 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Harry Edmund Gove1950 Milton Stanley Livingston (grad student)
Dorota M. GrabowskaParticle Physics, Lattice QCD2010 Allan W. Adams (research assistant)
Philip Joel Greenbergtheoretical physics, mathematical astronomy
Richard J. GreenbergAstronomy and Astrophysics1972 Charles C. Counselman (grad student), Irwin I. Shapiro (grad student)
Jack S. Greenbergnuclear, atomic, and elementary particle physics1955 Martin Deutsch (grad student)
Martin GrevenCondensed Matter Physics1995 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
Thomas J. Greytakatomic physics, condensed matter physics1967 George B. Benedek (grad student)
Terry GrimmRadiation Physics Richard J. Temkin (grad student)
Robert E. Grimmgeophysics, planetary science1989 Sean C. Solomon (grad student)
Victoria Grinberg20132016 Claude Roger Canizares (post-doc)
Lee GrodzinsRelativistic Heavy Ion Physics
Julieta GruszkoNuclear physics Physics and Astronomy20172020 Lindley A. Winslow (post-doc)
Zhengcheng Gu20072009 Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc)
Pengyun Gu1994 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Subhadeep GuptaLow Temperature Physics, Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics Physics Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
Ture K. GustafsonCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics1968 Hermann Anton Haus (grad student)
Alan H. GuthCosmology, theoretical particle physics1972 Francis Eugene Low (grad student)
Hervé Hacot1998 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Zoran Hadzibabic Physics19972003 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
Elizabeth Susan Scott HafenNuclear physics
Peter Laurence HagelsteinTheoretical studies of anomalies in metal deuterides, excitation transfer, and anomalous energy exchange between disparate quantum systems, and thermal to electric conversion. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1981 Hermann Anton Haus (grad student)
Carl Richard HagenTheoretical High-Energy Physics1962 Kenneth Alan Johnson (grad student)
Bradford H. HagerGeophysics
Maha Haji Mechanical Engineering2017 Alexander Slocum (grad student)
Illan Feiman HalpernQuantum Gravity, Cosmology, Relativity, Physics20112014 Alan H. Guth (research assistant)
Isaac Halpern1948 William M. Woodward (grad student)
Mark HalpernAstronomy and Astrophysics1983 Rainer Weiss (grad student)
Donald Robert HamannCondensed matter physics1965 George Woodman Pratt (grad student), Albert W. Overhauser (grad student)
Bill Hames Kip V. Hodges (post-doc)
P. Chris HammelCondensed Matter Physics19841986 John S. Waugh (post-doc)
Heidi B. Hammelastronomy, planetary astronomy, planetary science Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences19791982 James Ludlow Elliot (research assistant)
Jeong Woo HanTransport Through Nanoporous Materials, Chiral Surface Chemistry
Gail Gulledge HansonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1973 David H. Frisch (grad student)
David E. Hardt1979 Robert W. Mann (grad student)
Andrew Ryan Harlan2007 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Daniel L HarlowQuantum Field Theory, Astrophysics
Nicholas C Harrisquantum computing, photonics, machine learning
Philip C. HarrisHigh Energy Physics, Collider Physics, Machine Learning Physics2011 Steven C. Nahn (grad student)
George Russell HarrisonSpectroscopy
Aram Wettroth HarrowQuantum Computing and Quantum Information2005 Isaac L. Chuang (grad student)
Jacob M. Hartman Physics20022007 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
John Leslie HartonAstrophysics Physics1988 Elizabeth Susan Scott Hafen (grad student)
Charles F. HarveyHydrogeology
Martin O. HarwitInfrared astronomy1960 William P. Allis (grad student)
Akikazu HashimotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19891993 Boris L. Altshuler (research assistant)
Yasuhiro Hatsugai Physics19921993 Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc)
Hermann Anton Hausphotonics1954 Lan Jen Chu (grad student)
Leland John Haworthradar systems, magnet design
Ralf K HeilmannX-ray optics Mark L Schattenburg (research scientist)
Paul Heineyfullerenes, liquid crystals, polymers, monolayer films, quasicrystals,and other partially or non-conventionally ordered materials1982 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
Daniel J. HeinzenAtomic physics1988 Michael Stephen Feld (grad student)
Julia Heisler Physics19831986 Scott Tremaine (grad student)
Olof C. Hellman Materials Science And Engineering19871991 Nicole Herbots (grad student)
Henry F. Helmken1964 William L. Kraushaar (grad student)
Or HenNuclear physics
Brian S. HendersonHadronic Physics, Nuclear Security Physics20102016 Richard G. Milner (grad student)
Conor HendersonParticle physics Physics19992005 Gunther Roland (grad student)
David A. Hendrix20102013 Manolis Kellis (post-doc)
Allan F. HenryNuclear Engineering
Melvin Arnold Herlin1948 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
Irving P. Herman Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student)
Evelyn Herren Kip V. Hodges (post-doc)
F William HersmanRadiation Physics, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering1982 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Joshua L. HertzSolid oxide fuel cells, Ceramic thin films20012006 Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Mark P. Hertzberg
Jacqueline Nina Hewittastrophysics and cosmology19811986 Bernard F. Burke (grad student)
Paul A. Heymans1922 Edwin Bidwell Wilson (grad student)
Albert Gordon Hill
Mats Hillert Materials Science and Engineering Morris Cohen (grad student)
Michael HinczewskiTheoretical biophysics, statistical physics Physics19992005 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Andrew S. HirschFluid and Plasma Physics1977 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Jay L. HirshfieldBeam physics1960 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
Kyriakos Hizanidis1982 Abraham Bers (grad student)
John T. Hocondensed matter physics1969 J. David Litster (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Hoffman
Samuel Hokin Physics Richard S. Post (grad student)
James R. Holton1964 Jule G. Charney (grad student)
Maurik HoltropNuclear Physics1995 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Jeroen Homan20122017 Deepto Chakrabarty (research scientist), Walter H.G. Lewin (post-doc)
Won Hong Mechanical Engineering2001 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student), Jean-Jacques E. Slotine (grad student)
Norbert Antony Murray Hootsmans1992 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Mahdi Hosseiniquantum optics, quantum memory, cavity quantum electrodynamics Physics Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
Martha House Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Robert A. HouzeAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1972 James Murdoch Austin (grad student), Pauline Morrow Austin (grad student)
John A. Hrones
Andrzej Zygmunt HrynkiewiczNuclear Physics19581960 Martin Deutsch (post-doc)
Jiazhong Hu20112017 Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Qing Huapplied physics, devices, technology
Jin HuangHigh energy nuclear physics Physics20062011 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Shengxi Huang Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20112017 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student)
KC HuangCellular Organization19992004 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Kerson HuangTheoretical nuclear physics1953 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Huan Huang1990 Lee Grodzins (grad student)
Mary Hubbard Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Eric W. Hudsoncondensed matter, scanning tunneling microscopy, high temperature superconductors, strongly correlated systems, two dimensional materials
Audrey Huerta Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Vernon W. Hughesparticle physics Radiation Laboratory19421946 Britton Chance (research assistant)
Scott Alexander HughesCompact Objects: Gravitation
Linden Huhmann
Lam Hui1996 Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Randall HuletUltracold Atomic Physics Physics19781984 Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Robert Joseph Hull1961 Lee Carrington Bradley (grad student)
Robert I. HulsizerParticle Physics1948 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Benjamin Hunt20092014 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc)
Katharine Huntington Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
José Hurtado Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Mahir Saleh Husseinlaser-driven accelerators, theoretical nuclear physics, quantum chaos, and Bose–Einstein condensation1971 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
William Spencer HutchinsonMetallurgy
Elmer Hutchissonatomic physics19231924 Paul A. Heymans (research assistant)
Peter Huybersclimate, paleoclimate, agriculture2004 Carl I. Wunsch (grad student)
Terence Tai-Li 'Terry' Hwaquantitative biology, biological physics, statistical mechanics1990 Toyoichi Tanaka (grad student), Mehran Kardar (grad student)
Charles Earl HydeNuclear Physics Physics19781984 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Francesco Iachellomathematical Physical Chemistry1969 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Karl D. Iagnemmadesign, sensing, motion planning, and control of mobile robots in outdoor terrain2001 Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Icko IbenStellar Evolution Physics
Karl Uno Ingardacoustics, plasma physics, fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics1950 Richard H. Bolt (grad student)
Casey Inman Physics19901995 Stephan S. Meyer (grad student)
Erich P. Ippenfemtosecond science and ultra-highspeed devices
Amer IqbalTheory Physics Physics Barton Zwiebach (grad student)
Eric David Isaacsmagnetism, correlated electronic systems1988 Don Heiman (grad student)
Kazi Rajibul IslamQuantum Information Processing20152016 Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
Sohrab Ismail-Beigicondensed matter2000 Tomás A. Arias (grad student)
Yorgo İstefanopulos Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Operations Research Center EECS19691972 Alvin William Drake (research assistant), Michael (Athanassiades) Athans (research assistant)
Joseph A. IzattBiomedical imaging, optics, biomedical optics, biophotonics, optical coherence tomography1991 Michael Stephen Feld (grad student), James G. Fujimoto (post-doc)
Vincent Jaccarino1952 Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student)
Roman Wladimir Jackiwquantum field theory applied to particle, condensed-matter, and gravitational physics
Dugald C. Jackson
Shirley Ann JacksonTheoretical Elementary Particle Physics President1973 James Edward Young (grad student)
J. David JacksonTheoretical Physics1949 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
James M. Jacksonstar formation; radio astronomy1985 Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student)
Edward H Jacobsen1954 Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student)
Stephen Kelly Jacobsen2003 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Matthew P. Jacobsoncomputational structural biology, computer-aided drug design1999 Robert W. Field (grad student), Robert J. Silbey (grad student)
Peter Carl Lefren Jaffe1999 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Robert Loren Jaffequark substructure of matter
Bhuvnesh Jaincosmology, gravitational lensing.1994 Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Ambar Jain Physics20052009 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Joonho JangCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics Physics20122017 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc)
Pablo D. Jarillo-Herreroquantum electronic transport and optoelectronics
Ali Mortimer JavanLasers
Joel JeanSolar photovoltaics, Semiconductor device physics, Nanoelectronics2011 Vladimir Bulović (grad student)
Alejandro JenkinsHigh Energy Physics Physics20062009 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Alexander P. Ji Physics20122017 Anna Frebel (grad student)
Dezhe JinNeuroscience2008 Michale S. Fee (collaborator), H Sebastian Seung (grad student)
John D. Joannopoulostheoretical description of the properties of material systems, photonic crystals
Kenneth Alan Johnsonquantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory
Keith Huber JohnsonPhysics, Applied Chemistry, Computational Chemistry
Steven G. Johnsonnanophotonics, computation Physics2001 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Benjamin J. P. JonesParticle physics Janet Marie Conrad (grad student)
Kyungseon JooRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics1997 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Thomas Hillman Jordangeophysics
Paul Christopher Josstheory of neutron stars, supernovae, and binary systems
Teppo Jouttenus Physics20072012 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Adrienne M. Juett Physics19992004 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
Yoon Jung Physics20142020 Nikta Fakhri (grad student)
Woochul Jung Materials Science and Engineering Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Alkan KabakçıoğluStatistical physics of biopolymers, biological networks, nonequilibrium phenomena Department of Physics19931999 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Daniel N. KabatTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1993 Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student)
Asher C. Kaboth Physics20062012 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Menas KafatosComputer Science, Geophysics1972 Philip Morrison (grad student)
Yonatan Kahn Physics2015 Jesse K. Thaler (grad student)
David I. Kaiserparticle cosmology Physics Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Charles L. KaneCondensed Matter physics1989 Patrick A. Lee (grad student)
Jay L Kane Physics19992005 Gunther Roland (grad student)
Shinwoo Kang2003 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Daekyoung Kang Physics20112014 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Morton KaplanNuclear Chemistry, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1960 Charles D. Coryell (grad student)
David L. Kaplan20042008 Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc)
Raymond E. KapralPhysical Chemistry, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1968 John Ross (post-doc)
Mehran KardarStatistical Mechanics1983 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Charles Fielding Finch Karneyplasma physics, geodesy, computational physics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19721977 Abraham Bers (grad student)
Joel Steven Karp1980 Stephen G. Steadman (grad student)
Marc A. KastnerMaterials science
Erotokritos C KatsavounidisGravitational-wave astrophysics, multi-wavelength observations, particle astrophysics, cosmic ray physics, grid computation
Arrin Katz Mechanical Engineering1999 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Emanuel KatzElectroweak Symmetry Breaking Physics2001 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Lawrence KaufmanThermodynamics, CALPHAD Metallurgy1955 Morris Cohen (grad student)
Efthimios KaxirasComputational physics and materials science1987 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Mujid S. KazimiNuclear Engineering1973 Neil Emmanuel Todreas (grad student), David Dayton Lanning (grad student)
Günter Heinrich Reinhard KegelRadiation Physics, Nuclear Physics1961 Leon E. Beghian (grad student)
Leah Camille Kelley2011 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Gregory J KelloggX+Ray scattering, low temperature physics, neutron scattering, liquid crystals, polymer physics Materials Science & Engineering19931996 Anne M. Mayes (post-doc)
Henry W. Kendallparticle physics Physics1955 Martin Deutsch (grad student)
Arthur Edwin Kennelly
Arthur K. Kermantheoretical nuclear physics1953 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Samuel Benjamin Kesner Biologically Inspired Engineering2007 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Wolfgang Ketterle Physics19901992 David E. Pritchard (post-doc)
Daniel Terrance Kettler2009 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Gaurav Kewlani2009 Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student)
Thomas C. KillianAtomic Physics19931999 Daniel Kleppner (grad student), Thomas J. Greytak (grad student)
Jae Jin Kim Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
ChangSub KimSuperconducting devices Materials Science and Engineering20132019 Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Sangtae Kim Ju Li (grad student)
Sung Joong KimNuclear Engineering Nuclear Science and Engineering Jacopo buongiorno (grad student)
Yong Baek Kim
Yongsun Kim2013 Wit Busza (grad student)
Shelby Kimmel
Jari Kinaret19871992 Patrick A. Lee (grad student)
John G. Kingmolecular and atomic beams1953 Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student)
Edward KinneyNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1988 June Lorraine Matthews (grad student)
Arthur F. Kipsolid state physics
Vera KistiakowskyExperimental Particle Physics, Astrophysics
Martin Jesse Kleinhistory of modern physics1948 Laszlo Tisza (grad student)
Daniel Kleppner
Talya Klingernumerical relativity, gravitational waves Physics20192020 Scott Alexander Hughes (research assistant)
James Knapp Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Kelly M. KneeGeneral Biophysics Biology20072011 Jonathan A. King (post-doc)
Stephen Knowlton Physics Miklos Porkolab (grad student)
Bruce Owen KnutesonExperimental Particle Physics
Dale Dean Koelling Physics John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Henri Paul Koenig1940 Manuel Sandoval Vallarta (research assistant)
Daniel Kolodrubetz Physics20112016 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Jin Au KongElectromagnetic wave theory and applications
Steven E. KooninTheoretical physics Physics1975 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models20042006 Joshua Tenenbaum (post-doc)
George F. KosterCondensed Matter Theory Physics Condensed Matter Theory1951 Bernard T. Feld (grad student), John Clarke Slater (research scientist)
Stanley B. Kowalski1963 Peter T. Demos (grad student)
Robert Harry KraichnanTheoretical Physics, Theory of Fluid Turbulence, Field Theory and General Relativity Physics19471949 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
William L. Kraushaarhigh-energy astronomy
Miriam I. Krauss Physics20022007 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
Lawrence Maxwell Krausselementary particle physics, cosmology1982 Roscoe C. Giles (grad student)
Gerard KrissAstronomy and Astrophysics1982 Claude Roger Canizares (grad student)
Michael Krol Kip V. Hodges (post-doc)
Charles H. KrugerAerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics1960 Ascher Shapiro (grad student)
Mark E KuznetsovSemiconductor lasers, photonics, VECSEL Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19811986 Erich P. Ippen (grad student), Hermann Anton Haus (grad student)
Angela LaiMechanical Circulatory Support, Coagulation, ECMO, Artificial Lungs IMES2021 Elazer R. Edelman (post-doc)
Justin T. Lan2011 Karl D. Iagnemma (research assistant)
Alexander LandePhysics Physics19591963 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
Ryan Nathan Lang Physics2009 Scott Alexander Hughes (grad student)
Bjorn Lange Physics20042007 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
David Dayton Lanning1963 Theos Jardin Thompson (grad student)
Andrew Larkoski Physics20122015 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Hugo Larocque Physics20162018 Ebrahim Karimi (grad student)
Richard Charles Larson EECS1969 Alvin William Drake (grad student)
Craig Wendell Latimer Mechanical Engineering1997 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Robert B. LaughlinQuantum Hall effect1979 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Kam Tuen Law Physics20082011 Patrick A. Lee (post-doc)
Melvin LaxOptics Physics1947 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Benjamin LaxSemiconductors, magnetics, plasma physics1949 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
Alan Jay Lazarus
Aaron E. LeanhardtOptics Physics2003 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
Yuk-Wing LeeStatistical Theory of Communication1930 Norbert Wiener (grad student)
Dung-Hai LeeCondensed Matter Physics Physics John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Karen K. Y. Lee Earth System Science20062011 Steven G. Johnson (grad student)
Christopher LeeNuclear, Particle, Astrophysics and Cosmology Physics20102012 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Keith S.M. Lee Physics20012006 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Youho LeeNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering Student Mujid S. Kazimi (grad student)
Yen-Jie Lee Physics20062011 Wit Busza (grad student)
Kyuho Lee Joseph G. Checkelsky (post-doc)
Julia C. Lee
Seung Jae Lee2010 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Peter Taeyun Lee Mechanical Engineering1996 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Patrick A. LeeTheoretical Physics1970 Marlan O. Scully (grad student)
Yen‐Jie LeeExperimental Particle Physics2011 Wit Busza (grad student)
Patrick Leehey
Benjamin V Lehmann Physics2022 Tracy Robin Slatyer (post-doc)
Anthony Christopher Leier1998 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Jean Pierre LeJacq1985 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Robert Dowling Lentz1999 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Conway B. Leovy1963 Jule G. Charney (grad student)
Susanna Richmond Leveroni Mechanical Engineering1997 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student)
Michael A. Levin Physics2006 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
Janna J LevinAstrophysics, Gravitational Waves, and Cosmology1993 Katherine Freese (grad student)
Walter H.G. LewinX-ray astronomy
Lu LiExperimental Condensed Matter Physics Physics20082011 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc)
Zeyang LiOptical clock Physics2017 Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Junang Li Physics20162022 Nikta Fakhri (grad student)
Wenbin Li Ju Li (grad student)
heliosman angelababy liphysics
Ju Li
Jun-Ru LiAMO
Tongyang LiQuantum computing Center for Theoretical Physics20202021 Aram Wettroth Harrow (post-doc)
Matthew Daniel Lichter2005 Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Elefterios LidorikisComputational Materials Science20012004 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Lawrence Mark Lidskynuclear engineering1962 David J. Rose (grad student)
Alan Paige Lightman
Jinrong Lin Physics20052011 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
Jian LinGeodynamics, lithospheric stresses and deformation
Christie Lin Nuclear Science and Engineering20122012 Brian Winey (grad student)
Xingcheng LinProtein Folding, Chromatin Folding, Molecular Dynamics
Herbert S. Lin Physics19741979 Philip Morrison (grad student)
Manuel Linares20092012 Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc)
Xi Ling Physics / EECS20122016 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (post-doc)
J. David LitsterPhysics of condensed matter; optical and light scattering studies of phase transitions; liquid crystals; X-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation1965 George B. Benedek (grad student)
John Dutton Conant LittleOperations research1955 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Zheng-Xin LiuQuantum Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics20102012 Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc)
Yun Liu Materials Science and Engineering20122016 Jeffrey C. Grossman (post-doc)
Wengsheng Vincent Liu Frank Wilczek (grad student)
Hong LiuTheoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
Jinghui Liu Physics20172022 Nikta Fakhri (grad student)
Trudy H. Liu Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1997 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Milton Stanley LivingstonHigh Energy Physics
Nilanga LiyanageElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1999 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Seth LloydTheoretical Particle Physics - Quantum Computing
Andreas M. Loeningmolecular imaging EECS19961998 Alan Jay Grodzinsky (grad student)
Eugene C. Loh Physics1961 David M. Ritson (grad student)
Earle Leonard LomonQuantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Physics1954 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Maureen Devaney LongGeophysics, Plate Tectonics Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences2006 Rob D. van der Hilst (grad student)
Edward Norton Lorenzchaos theory1948 James Murdoch Austin (grad student)
Guang Hao LowQuantum computing Physics20122017 Isaac L. Chuang (grad student)
Francis Eugene Low
Niyom LueBiomedical Engineering, Optics Physics Physics2008 Michael Stephen Feld (grad student)
Joseph Henry Lunacek1970 George B. Benedek (grad student)
Gerard LuppinoAstronomy and Astrophysics1989 George Rollins Ricker (grad student)
Joaquin Mazdak Luttingercondensed matter physics, field theory1947 Laszlo Tisza (grad student)
Guangxin Lv20222024 Gang Chen (grad student)
Joseph David LykkenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1982 Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student)
Richard Lyons
Chung-Pei MaAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics Physics1993 Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Gordon James Fraser MacDonaldgeophysics
Eugene Solomon Machlinmetallurgy1950 Morris Cohen (grad student)
Jonathan MachtaCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics Irwin Oppenheim (grad student)
Karon Elisabeth MacLean Mechanical Engineering1996 William K. Durfee (grad student)
David MacNeill
Raúl MadariagaSeismology1971 Keiiti Aki (grad student)
Theodore R. Maddengeophysics1961 Stephen Milton Simpson (grad student)
Akhil Jiten Madhani Mechanical Engineering1998 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Naomi C R MakinsRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics1994 Richard G. Milner (grad student)
Wasim Q. MalikBrain-machine interfaces, two-photon calcium imaging, neural decoding, point process theory20072010 Emery Brown (post-doc)
Willem V. R. Malkus
Gary A. MamonAstrophysics of Galaxies, Cosmology Physics19781979 Rainer Weiss (research assistant)
Vickram Suresh Mangalgiri2004 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Suliana Manleycondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology Chemical Engineering20062008 Alice P. Gast (post-doc)
Robert W. Mannbiomedical prosthetic devices1957 John A. Hrones (grad student)
Sonny Mantry Physics20012005 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Kavya Kamal Manyapu2010 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Yi MaoAstrophysics and cosmology20022008 Max E. Tegmark (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Jon Marcaide
Claudio Marcantonini Physics20052010 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Nathan Marcuvitzelectromagnetic waves Radiation Laboratory Julian Schwinger (research scientist)
Norman H. Margolus1987 Edward Fredkin (grad student)
Alessandro Marinoniplasma physics
Roger G. Mark
John F. MarkoApplications of statistical mechanics and polymer physics to biophysical problems.1989 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Simone Marzani20142015 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Yehia Mahmoud MassoudElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics1999 Jacob Keaton White (grad student)
Vicent Mateu Physics20112013 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
June Lorraine MatthewsNuclear Science1967 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Bernd Teo MatthiasSuperconductivity19471948 Arthur R. von Hippel (post-doc)
Michael E. MauelMedical Biophysics, Computer Science, Radiation Physics Electrical Engineering1978 Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student)
Robert Distler Maurerlow-loss fibers for optical communication1952 Melvin Arnold Herlin (grad student)
Nergis MavalvalaAstrophysics: Gravitational Waves and Quantum Measurement1997 Rainer Weiss (grad student)
James Davis MaxwellNuclear Physics, Polarized Targets Physics Physics20122015 Richard G. Milner (post-doc), Robert Page Redwine (post-doc)
Emanuel Maxwell Radiation Laboratory19411948 Edward Mills Purcell (research assistant), John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Joachim MayerPhysical chemistry of solids, ion transport, interfaces and size effects, solid state ionics, nanoionics
Gene F. MazenkoTheoretical physics, statistical physics1971 Karl Uno Ingard (grad student), Sidney Yip (post-doc)
Aaron D. MazzeoAdvanced manufacturing, soft materials, flexible electronics, design, and mechatronics2009 David E. Hardt (grad student)
Francesco Mazzini2011 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Adam N. McCaughan Electrical Engineering20102015 Karl K. Berggren (grad student)
Michael A. McDonaldAstrophysics
Michael E. McHenrymagnetic and superconducting materials1988 Nicholas J. Grant (grad student), Robert C. O'Handley (grad student)
Walter McKay1935 Charles Stark Draper (research assistant)
Susan Richards McKayCondensed Matter Physics1986 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Larry McKenna Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
William A. McKinleynuclear physics1948 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Dennis K. McLaughlinAerospace Engineering, Acoustics Physics1970 Morton Finston (grad student)
Ronald E. McNairLaser Physics1976 Michael Stephen Feld (grad student)
V. Faye McNeillAtmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Engineering Chemistry Chemical Engineering Mario J. Molina (grad student), Bernhardt L. Trout (grad student)
Alan Louis McWhorter1955 Richard Brooks Adler (grad student)
Ernesto A. MedinaCondensed Matter Physics19861991 Mehran Kardar (grad student)
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro2000 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Chiang C. MeiTheoretical hydrodynamics, ocean and coastal waves phenomena, fluid-solid interaction, poroelasticity, seabed mechanics, land subsidence, debris and mud flow, Mechanics of soil remediation
Daniel I. MeironMathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1981 Steven Alan Orszag (grad student)
Eugene Mele John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Fulvio MeliaAstronomy and Astrophysics1985 Paul Christopher Joss (grad student), Saul A. Rappaport (grad student)
Adrian C. MelissinosAstronomy and Astrophysics1958 Francis Bitter (grad student)
Ely Mencher1938 Hervey Woodburn Shimer (grad student)
Emilio E. MendezExperimental solid-state physics.1979 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student)
Yue Meng CIVIL ENGINEERING20182022 Ruben Juanes (grad student)
Robert Hilton Meservey
Eric MetodievParticle physics, collider physics, machine learning Physics2020 Jesse K. Thaler (grad student)
Ralf Metzler20002002 Mehran Kardar (post-doc)
Marc Oliver Mewes Physics19911997 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
Stephan S. MeyerCosmology19791984 Rainer Weiss (post-doc)
Alan MigdallQuantum optics, single photon devices, metrology, quantum information 1984 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Perry A. Mileselectrical engineering
Michael MillerAstroparticle Physics Physics Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc)
Jeffrey B MillerNanoscience Physics Marc A. Kastner (post-doc)
Gerald A. Miller1972 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
Walter E. Millett Radiation Laboratory19421945 Edward Mills Purcell (research assistant)
Andrew John MillisTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics1986 Patrick A. Lee (grad student)
Richard G. MilnerExperimental Nuclear Physics
Sava Milosevic19691971 H. Eugene Stanley (grad student)
Burke J Minsleygeophysics, hydrogeophysics, permafrost Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences20022007 F. Dale Morgan (grad student)
David Mintzer1949 Leo Beranek (grad student)
Leonid A. MirnyPopulation genetics and evolutionary theory; Polymer physics theory and simulation; Statistical interpretation of genome-wide data
Bernhard Mistlberger Physics20182020 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Tushar MittalNumerical modeling, planetary processes, geodynamics, magmatic systems
Sanjoy K. Mitter
Yifei Mo Materials Science and Engineering20102013 Gerbrand Ceder (post-doc)
Simon G. J. Mochriesoft matter, laser physics, surfaces and biomaterials1984 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
Prajwal T MohanMurthyExperimental Fundamental Symmetries Physics20132020 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Nikolaj MollCondensed Matter Theory, Quantum Computing19982000 John D. Joannopoulos (post-doc)
Paul Rene MonasterioCondensed Matter Theory20062010 Sidney Yip (grad student)
Ernest Jeffrey Monizenergy, science and technology, and national security policy.
Benjamin MonrealHigh Energy Experimental Physics Physics Physics Peter H. Fisher (grad student), Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc)
Jocelyn R. Monroe Physics20062009 Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc)
Jagadeesh S. MooderaExperimental condensed matter physics1981 Robert Hilton Meservey (research scientist)
Aram Mooradiansemiconductor and tunable lasers, laser communications, photochemistry, nonlinear optics, remote sensing, gas lasers, and materials processing with lasers
James M. MoranRadio Astronomy, Supermassive Black Holes, Massive Star Formation, Active Galactic Nuclei, Extragalactic Distance Scale, Cosmic Masers. Department of Electrical Engineering1968 Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student)
Dane D MorganMaterials Science Engineering, Geophysics Gerbrand Ceder (post-doc)
F. Dale Morgan1981 Theodore R. Madden (grad student)
John Bryant Morrell Mechanical Engineering1996 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student)
John William Morrisdesign and behavior analysis of metals and alloys Metallurgy and Materials Science19641969 Philip Louis De Bruyn (grad student)
Philip MorrisonAstrophysics, Nuclear Physics
Philip M. MorseTheoretical Physics
Simon C. MossCondensed Matter Physics Metallurgy1963 Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student), Robert E. Ogilvie (grad student)
Shanaz Motakef Materials Science And Engineering19881990 Nicole Herbots (grad student)
Ian Moult Physics20112016 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Thomas H. Moyer Mechanical Engineering1992 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Christopher Mudry Physics19941997 Xiao-Gang Wen (post-doc)
Alfred H. Muellerhigh-energy physics1965 Kerson Huang (grad student)
Mark Theodore Muellertheoretical physics
Michael MulliganCondensed Matter Theory, String Theory
Robert Sanderson Mulliken19161917 James Flack Norris (research assistant)
Michael P. Muno Physics20002002 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
Earll M. MurmanAircraft systems engineering
Bruce C. MurrayGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics1956 Ely Mencher (grad student), Walter Lucius Whitehead (grad student)
Cherry A. Murraysurface, condensed matter and complex fluid physics1978 Thomas J. Greytak (grad student)
Matthew M MusgraveNuclear Physics2016 Richard G. Milner (post-doc)
Matthew Muterspaugh Physics20012005 Bernard F. Burke (grad student)
Frank Evans Myers1941 Robert Jemison Van de Graaff (research scientist)
Philip C. Myers1972 Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student)
Darragh Edmund Nagle1947 Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student)
Steven C. Nahn Physics1998 Peter H. Fisher (grad student)
Rahul Mahajan NandkishoreCondensed Matter Theory Physics20082012 Leonid S. Levitov (grad student)
Emilio Alessandro Nanni Physics20082013 Richard J. Temkin (grad student)
Austin NapierElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1979 Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student)
Prineha Narang20162017 Marin Soljačić (post-doc), John D. Joannopoulos (post-doc)
Vasant Natarajan19881993 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Priyamvada Natarajan1990 Alan H. Guth (research assistant)
Tchefor Tumasang Ndukum20102012 Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (post-doc)
Lina Necib Physics2017 Jesse K. Thaler (grad student)
John William NegeleParticle Theory
Duff Neill Physics20122016 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Arif Z. Nelson Chemical Engineering Patrick S Doyle (post-doc)
Roland Netz Physics19891991 A. Nihat Berker (grad student)
Ulrich NeuenschwanderChemical Engineering; Physical and Analytical Chemistry20122013 Klavs Flemming Jensen (post-doc)
Leo J. Neuringer
Harvey B. NewmanParticle physics1974 Louis S. Osborne (grad student)
Daniel Nezich Physics2010 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student)
Mason Ng Physics20182024 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
Tiffany NicholsHistory, History of Science, History of Physics, History of Astrophysics, Environmental History HASTS Kate Brown (grad student)
Travis L NicholsonUltracold atoms, Quantum metrology, Quantum optics Center for Ultracold Atoms20152017 Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
John W. Nielsen-GammonAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1990 Randall M. Dole (grad student)
Antti J Niemi Physics1983 Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student)
Farnaz Niroui Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20112017 Vladimir Bulović (grad student)
Omid NohadaniCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics20062009 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
John Torrey NortonMetallurgy1933 William Spencer Hutchinson (grad student)
Blaine NorumNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1979 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Wayne Buckles Nottinghamphysical electronics and thermionics
Michael A. Nowak
Robert Norton Noycemonolithic integrated circuits Physics1953 Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student)
Amos Michael NurGeophysics Earth and Planetary Sciences1969 Marvin Gene Simmons (grad student)
Hamed O.GhaffariPhysics of Rocks and Earthquakes ; Condensed Matter physics;
Noah S. Oblathneutrinos Laboratory for Nuclear Science20092011 Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc)
Benjamin Mark OckoLiquid interfaces, nanoscale wetting, monolayer and nanoparticle self-assembly, chemical patterns, surface x-ray scattering Physics1984 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
G. Robert Odette1971 Thomas Owens Ziebold (grad student)
Robert E. Ogilvie1955 John Torrey Norton (grad student)
M. Ö. Oktel19962000 Leonid S. Levitov (grad student)
Stanislaw Olbert1953 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Selim OlcumMicro- and nanodevices, microfluidics, single-cell biophysics, personalized medicine in cancer
William D. OliverAMO Physics, Condensed Matter, Electrical Engineering, Information Sci/Tech, Laser Physics, Nano Sci/Eng, Photonics, Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Optics, Statistical Physics
Masahiro Ono2007 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Abraham Hans Oortclimate science1963 Victor P. Starr (grad student)
Elizabeth Opila Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Charles Hugh Oppenheimer1993 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Rona OranPlasma physics, space and planetary science, scientific computing
Joseph OrensteinCondensed Matter Physics And Materials Science Physics1981 Marc A. Kastner (grad student)
Konstantinos Nikolaou OrginosParticle Theory20042005 John William Negele (post-doc)
Terry Philip OrlandoSuperconducting Circuits and Quantum Computing
Egon Orowanmetallurgy, plastic deformation
Steven Alan Orszagfluid mechanics
Louis S. OsborneParticle physics1950 Bernard T. Feld (grad student)
Richard M. OsgoodOptics Physics, Nanoscience1973 Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student)
Richard Ott Physics20052013 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Mark Peter Ottensmeyer Mechanical Engineering2001 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student)
Ertugrul Mustafa Ozbudak Physics Alexander van Oudenaarden (grad student)
Maya Paczuski1991 Mehran Kardar (grad student)
Lyman Alexander PageAstronomy and Astrophysics1989 Stephan S. Meyer (grad student)
Yash Palcosmic rays1958 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Kimberly Jackson PalladinoNeutrino Astronomy, Direct Dark Matter Physics (LNS) Physics (LNS)20132014 Jocelyn R. Monroe (post-doc), Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc)
Jeffrey Shane Palmer Mechanical Engineering2008 Mary Cunningham Boyce (grad student)
Evangelos G. PapadopoulosRobotics, Mechatronics, Control Systems, Dynamic Systems Modeling, Design1991 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
David M. Parksmechanical properties of solids
Felix I. Parra Plasma Science and Fusion Center2009 Peter Catto (grad student)
Erwin Parthe John Torrey Norton (post-doc)
Horacio M. PastawskiQuantum Transport, Solid State NMR, Loschmidt Echoes, Quantum Dynamical Phase Transitions Condensed Matter Theory19891992 Patrick A. Lee (research scientist)
Aditya Pathak Physics20112017 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Bruce Riley Pattonhigh temperature superconductivity, magnetic ordering in frustrated crystals, liquid crystals
Christoph M. E. PausHigh-energy physics
Mike C. Payne Physics1992 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Donald R. PeacorGeology, Geophysics, Mineralogy1962 Martin Julian Buerger (grad student)
David C. Peaslee1948 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Roberto Daniele PecceiTheoretical Elementary Particle Physics1969 Kenneth Alan Johnson (grad student)
Edwin E. Pedrozo-PeñafielAtomic physics Physics20162021 Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
Chaim Leib Pekeristheoretical geophysics1934 Carl-Gustaf Rossby (grad student)
John R. PellamLow Temperature Physics1947 Samuel Cornette Collins (grad student)
James Pelletier Physics20122020 Nikta Fakhri (grad student)
Pai PengNMR quantum simulation
Sheldon Penman James E. Darnell (research scientist), Alexander Rich (post-doc)
Kerstin M. PerezParticle Physics
Alan Jay Perlis1950 Philip Franklin (grad student)
Michael J PersonObservational Astronomy Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences19992006 James Ludlow Elliot (grad student)
Steven Conrad Peters2012 Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student), Karl D. Iagnemma (research assistant)
Alexander A. Petrauskas1941 Lester Clare Van Atta (grad student)
Sverre Petterssen
Arthur V Phelpsgas breakdown, ionized gases, scattering cross sections, gas lasers,1950 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
William D. Phillips1976 Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Philip W. PhillipsStrongly Correlated Electrons
Raymond T. PierrehumbertGeophysics Aero Astro19771980 Sheila Evans Widnall (grad student)
Alexander Pinesnuclear magnetic resonance1972 John S. Waugh (grad student)
Stephen Sidney PinskyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1968 Kerson Huang (grad student)
Kevin P. PipeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics Electrical Engineering Rajeev Jagga Ram (grad student)
Dan Pirjol Physics20032006 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Antonio F.R. Toledo Piza19631966 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
Jean-Sébastien Plante2006 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Irwin Abraham PlessExperimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
Lois Pollackbiophysics, instrument development1989 Thomas J. Greytak (grad student)
Tresa M. Pollock1989 Ali S. Argon (grad student)
Gerald C. PomraningNuclear Engineering Nuclear Science and Engineering1962 Melville Clark (grad student)
Miklos PorkolabPlasma Physics
Richard S. Postplasma physics, fusion, and plasma-material interaction
Andrew Cole Potterquantum materials, topological phases of matter, strongly correlated electron systems, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, many-body localization Department of Physics20082013 Patrick A. Lee (grad student)
Michelle PovinelliNanoscience, Optics Physics Physics19992004 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Kenneth Grant Powellaerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics1987 Earll M. Murman (grad student)
Manu Prakashphysical biology2008 Neil A. Gershenfeld (grad student)
Mara PrentissAMO physics, biophysics19801986 Shaoul Ezekiel (grad student)
David E. Pritchardatom optics
Basil ProimosRadiotherapy Electrical Engineering1958 John George Trump (grad student)
Dimitrios PsaltisAstronomy and Astrophysics20002001 Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc)
Jason L. PuchallaBiophysics1995 Stephan S. Meyer (grad student)
Jianming QianElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1990 Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student)
Xiaofeng Qianelectronic structure theory; computational materials science; first-principles nonlinear optics; topological materials; 2D materials20112014 Sidney Yip (grad student), Ju Li (post-doc)
Brian Patrick QuinnNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1984 Aron Myron Bernstein (grad student)
Henry H. Rachford1950 Ernst Alfred Hauser (grad student)
Fredric RaichlenMechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Plasma Physics1962 Arthur T. Ippen (grad student)
Krishna RajagopalTheoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
Peter Rakichexperimental nonlinear optics and spectroscopy2006 Erich P. Ippen (grad student)
Chandrasekhar Ramanathannuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance Nuclear science and engineering1996 David Cory (post-doc), Jerome L. Ackerman (grad student)
Ying Ran Physics2007 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
Lisa J. Randalltheoretical particle physics, cosmology
Jacobo RapaportNuclear Physics1963 William Weber Buechner (grad student)
Saul A. RappaportAstrophysics: Compact Objects - Binary Evolution Physics1968 Hale V. Bradt (grad student)
Norman Carl Rasmussennuclear energy risk assessment1956 Robley D. Evans (grad student)
Leonardo RastelliTheoretical physics.2000 Daniel Z. Freedman (grad student), Washington Taylor (grad student)
Robert H. Rediker1950 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Edward F. Redishnuclear theory1969 Felix Villars (grad student)
Sidney RednerTheory Physics, Applied Mathematics1977 H. Eugene Stanley (grad student)
Robert Page RedwineExperimental Nuclear Physics
Elizabeth Anne Reed2012 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Richard J. Reed1949 Hurd C. Willett (grad student)
Eric Perkins Reidemeister1988 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Jie Ren Chemistry Jianshu Cao (post-doc)
Nilton O. RennoThermodynamics, Systems Engineering, Instrument Design Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Atmospheric Sciences1992 Kerry A. Emanuel (grad student), Peter H. Stone (grad student)
Philip Reppert Earth Resources Laboratory19952000 F. Dale Morgan (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Charles RevolHigh Energy Physics1981 Ulrich Becker (grad student)
Sergio Machado RezendeMagnetism, Magnetic materials, Spintronics Electrical Engineering1968 Frederic Richard Morgenthaler (grad student)
Charles Kirkham RhodesHigh energy density states of matter1969 Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student), Abraham Szöke (grad student)
Burton Richter1956 Bernard T. Feld (grad student), Louis S. Osborne (grad student)
Louis Nicot Ridenourradar
Gregory Ridgway Physics20172022 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Brandon M. RoachParticle physics, astrophysics Physics20172023 Kerstin M. Perez (grad student)
Clark Shove RobinsonAccelerator Physics1942 Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student)
Jose RoessetCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geophysics1964 John Melvin Biggs (grad student)
Warren Max Rohsenowheat transfer
Gunther Roland
Harold Emil Rorschachsolid materials1952 Melvin Arnold Herlin (grad student)
David J. Roseplasma physics1950 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
Nathan RosenTheoretical physics1932 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Michael J. Rosenthe mechanisms of disability and applying engineering science and design to reduce the functional deficits which result
Walter A. RosenblithPsychoacoustics
Lawrence RosensonHigh-Energy Physics
Bruno Benedetto Rossiparticle physics and cosmic rays
Stanley R. RotmanImage processing, Hyperspectral data analysis Materials Science and Engineering19801985 Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Stephen G. RowleyStatistics, machine learning, translational medicine, nuclear many-body theory, adiabatic scattering Physics19821994 Michel Baranger (grad student)
Georgi Gary RozenmanBose–Einstein condensate Ultracold Molecules Surface Gravity Waves Exciton Polaritons Nonlinear Optics
André Rubbia1993 Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student)
Leonard Rubin Materials Science And Engineering Nicole Herbots (grad student)
Boris RubinskyMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering1981 Ernest G. Cravalho (grad student)
Alyssa RudelisAtomic Physics Physics2018 Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Carolyn RuppelGeophysics Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Rebecca Russell Physics20102016 Richard G. Milner (grad student)
Nathaniel Rutman1995 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Seunghwa RyuComputational Nanomechanics and Nanomaterials civil engineering20122013 Markus J. Buehler (post-doc)
Adam Kamil Rzepniewski2001 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Aleksander Sadowski20142017 Deepto Chakrabarty (post-doc)
Hartmut Friedrich-Wilhelm SadrozinskiParticle Physics1973 Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student)
Cyrus R. SafinyaNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems1981 Robert J. Birgeneau (grad student)
Samuel SafranSoft matter and biological physics1978 Benjamin Lax (grad student)
Kasturi Saha Paola Cappellaro (grad student)
Anant SahaiCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science2001 Sanjoy K. Mitter (grad student)
Edward Aaron Saibel1928 Philip Franklin (grad student)
Ali Akbar Salehinuclear engineering Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering1977 Michael J. Driscoll (grad student), Owen L. Deutsch (grad student)
J. Kenneth Salisburymedical robotics and surgical simulation, and the design for robots for interaction with and near humans
Sarah Saltzer Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi Physics Pablo D. Jarillo-Herrero (grad student)
Gary Hilton Sandersparticle physics, gravitational waves, optical telescopes, high-energy physics1971 Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student)
Robyn Ellyn Sandersondark matter2011 Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student)
Tiffany Santos2007 Jagadeesh S. Moodera (grad student)
Christopher Sarabalis Physics20112013 Wolfgang Ketterle (research assistant)
Edward Stuart SarachikAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics19711973 Jule G. Charney (research scientist)
Demetrios George SarantitesNuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry1963 Charles D. Coryell (grad student)
David Stephen Saxontheoretical nuclear physics1944 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Mark L Schattenburg
Paul SchechterAstrophysics, Cosmology
Frank ScherbAstrophysics1959 George W. Clark (grad student), Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Leonard I. SchiffTheoretical physics1937 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Taylor Schildgen2007 Kip V. Hodges (grad student), Kelin X. Whipple (grad student)
Tye Anthony Schlegelmilch1999 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Monika Schleier-SmithQuantum Optics, Atomic Physics, Quantum Information Science Physics2011 Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Daphne Esther SchlesingerComputational medicine, machine learning
Hilke Elisabeth SchlichtingAstrophysics, Exoplanets
Axel W. SchmidtExperimental Nuclear and Particle Physics Physics Physics20162019 Richard G. Milner (grad student), Or Hen (post-doc)
Dominik A. SchnebleExperimental atomic physics; ultracold quantum gases.20012004 Wolfgang Ketterle (post-doc), David E. Pritchard (post-doc)
Christopher H. ScholzGeology, Geophysics1967 William F. Brace (grad student)
George J. Schulzatomic-collision physics, low-energy electron beams, and sharp energy resonances1954 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student)
Reinhard A. SchumacherNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics19781983 June Lorraine Matthews (grad student)
Charles Leon SchwartzTheoretical physics Physics1954 Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student)
Roy Frederick SchwittersParticle Physics Physics1971 Louis S. Osborne (grad student)
Ignazio Scimemi Physics20072008 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Sara Seagerexoplanet atmospheres and interiors
Barbara A. SeatonMedical Biophysics1983 Gregory A. Petsko (grad student)
Kenneth J. SegallLow Temperature, Condensed Matter, Superconductivity, Bolometers, Detectors, Tunneling Junctions20002003 Terry Philip Orlando (post-doc)
Gino C. SegrèTheoretical High Energy Physics Physics1963 Francis Eugene Low (grad student)
Huankiat Seh Materials Science and Engineering Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Alexander SeidelCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics2003 Patrick A. Lee (grad student)
Uroš Seljaktheoretical cosmology Physics1995 Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student)
Leonardo SenatoreTheoretical Particle Physics2006 Alan H. Guth (grad student), Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Dilan Seneviratne Materials Science and Engineering Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Stephen D. Senturia Physics1966 George B. Benedek (grad student)
Philip E. Serafimelectromagnetic propagation in random media, remote sensing, and nonlinear optics Electrical engineering1963 Louis Dijour Smullin (grad student)
Mario A. SernaPhysics, Nanotechnology, Quantum Information1999 Lisa J. Randall (grad student), Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Selim ShahriarGravity wave detection, cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, quantum computing, optical communication, optical coherence tomography.1992 Shaoul Ezekiel (grad student)
Vivek SharmaPolymer physics, foams, rheology, structural color, food science, fluid mechanics, food science20082012 Gareth H. McKinley (post-doc)
V Prasad ShastriMaterials Science, Regenerative Medicine, Cell Signaling, Drug Delive19941998 Robert S. Langer (post-doc)
Mansour Shayeganphysics of semiconductors1983 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student)
Zongqi ShenCondensed Matter Physics, Ultrafast Dynamics
Krishna V. ShenoyMotor control / prostheses19901995 Clifton G. Fonstad (grad student)
Zachary Sherman20132019 James W. Swan (grad student)
Zhe Shi20162021 Ju Li (grad student)
Edward I. ShibataElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1970 David H. Frisch (grad student)
Zvi ShillerRobotics, motion planning, autonomous vehicles1987 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Hervey Woodburn Shimer
Nora Shipp
William B. Shockley1936 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
Clifford G. Shull
Gennady ShvetsElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics Department of Physics1995 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
Eugene Shwageraus Nuclear Engineering20012004 Mujid S. Kazimi (grad student)
Valerian Sibille Physics2016 Joseph A. Formaggio (post-doc)
Benjamin M. Siegelelectron microscopy1940 Louis Harris (grad student)
Rich Signell1989 W. Rockwell Rocky Geyer (grad student), Robert Beardsley (grad student)
Manfred Sigrist Department of Physics19931995 Patrick A. Lee (post-doc)
Kevin S. Silmoresoft matter physics, colloids, polymers, numerical methods Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering20162021 Michael S. Strano (grad student), James W. Swan (grad student)
David Silverberg Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Robert A. SimcoeAstrophysics: Cosmology - Optical
Steven H SimonPhysics Physics19951997 Patrick A. Lee (post-doc)
Jonathan Simon Physics Vladan Vuletić (grad student)
Frederik Jozef Maurits SimonsSeismology, Wavelet analysis, Inverse theory, Spectral analysis, Satellite observations, Large-scale tectonics, Earthquake Early Warning, Physical and theoretical geodesy Geosciences2002 Rob D. van der Hilst (grad student)
Stephen Milton Simpson1953 Patrick M. Hurley (grad student)
Jonathan P. Singermicro/nanomanufacturing, thermocapillarity, electrohydrodynamics, self-assembly Materials Science and Engineering20082013 Edwin L. Thomas (grad student)
Madhusudan SinghElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Flexible Electronics, Sensors, Condensed Matter Physics
Witold SkibaTheoretical Elementary Particle Physics1997 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
John Clarke Slatertheoretical chemistry
Tracy Robin Slatyerparticle physics, cosmology and astrophysics
Alexander Slocum Mechanical Engineering1985 David E. Hardt (grad student)
Cyril Stanley Smithphysical metallurgy1926 Carle R. Hayward (grad student)
Charles Sydney Smithx-ray diffraction1940 Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student)
Kord SmithNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering19761980 Allan F. Henry (grad student)
Henry I. Smithlithography methods
Stephen Roger Smithquantum optics1969 David H. Frisch (grad student)
George Fitzgerald Smootcosmology1970 David H. Frisch (grad student)
Louis Dijour SmullinPlasma physics1939 John George Trump (grad student)
Daniel K. SodicksonElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics1994 Robert G. Griffin (grad student), John S. Waugh (grad student)
Joel SokolOperations Research, General Biophysics1999 Thomas L. Magnanti (grad student)
Jeffrey SokoloffGeneral Physics, Solid State Physics, Polymer Chemistry George F. Koster (grad student)
Marin Soljačić
Sean C. Solomonoceanographic expeditions, spacecraft missions1971 M. Nafi Toksöz (grad student)
Akira SoneQuantum information Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering20132019 Paola Cappellaro (grad student)
Xiang SongTransportation Engineering, Marketing Science, Management Science Sloan School of Management20132016 John Dutton Conant Little (grad student)
Qichen Song
Thomas J SonleyAstroparticle Physics Physics2009 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Joseph Samuel Spano2000 H. Harry Asada (grad student)
James Stephen Speck Materials Science and Engineering19831989 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student)
Matthew Julius SpenkoControl, Dynamics, and Mechanical Design2005 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant), Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Paraskevas Andreas SphicasHigh Energy Physics1988 Jean-Pierre Charles Revol (grad student)
William Edward Spicerphotoelectron spectroscopy1951 Wayne Buckles Nottingham (research assistant)
Lev Spodyneiko Physics20162021 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Larry Spruchnuclear theory, atomic structure, scattering, reaction theory, a quantum electrodynamics (QED) approach to longrange atomic forces, and astrophysics19481950 Herman Feshbach (post-doc), Victor Frederick Weisskopf (post-doc)
Samuel Nash SpruntCondensed Matter Physics1989 J. David Litster (grad student)
David Hudson Staelin1965 Alan Hildreth Barrett (grad student)
Dan Stamper-KurnAtomic Physics Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
H. Eugene StanleyStatistical physics
Giordon H Stark Physics Physics20112011 Rainer Weiss (research assistant), Samuel J. Waldman (research assistant)
Victor P. Starratmospheric general circulation
Constantine StassisNeutron diffraction from magnetic crystals, polarized neutron investigation of spin densities in metals, spin waves in metals, lattice dynamics.1970 Clifford G. Shull (grad student)
William Osborne StattonPolymers1950 Arthur R. von Hippel (grad student)
Stephen G. SteadmanNuclear Science
Gary Steele Raymond Ashoori (grad student)
Todd Stefanik Materials Science and Engineering Harry L. Tuller (grad student)
Paul G. SteffesElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Astronomy and Astrophysics1977 David Hudson Staelin (grad student)
Peter Cedric SteinExperimental particle physics; national security policy analysis; arms control; educational policy analysis1957 Bernard T. Feld (grad student)
Leo C SteinGeneral relativity, gravitation, gravitational waves, compact objects, black holes Physics20062012 Scott Alexander Hughes (grad student)
Peter W. StephensExperimental solid-state physics.1978 John G. King (grad student)
Gerard James StephensonNonperturbative quantum field theory, low-energy particle properties, especially of neutrinos1964 Felix Villars (grad student)
Michael L Stevens Physics2009 John Winston Belcher (grad student)
H. Guyford SteverEngineering Sciences Radiation Laboratory19411942 Henry Victor Neher (research scientist)
Iain W. Stewart
Joann StockGeophysics Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Donald C. Stockbarger1926 Harry Manley Goodwin (grad student)
Peter H. StoneAtmospheric dynamics; interaction of baroclinic eddies with mean flows; general circulation of atmosphere diagnostic studies; development and application of simple climate models and coupled atmosphere-ocean models; global change; climate predictability
A Douglas Stonetheoretical condensed matter and optical physics, quantum transport phenomena in disordered media, mesoscopic electron physics, non-linear and chaotic dynamics, quantum and wave chaos, quantum measurement, quantum computing.1982 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Raymond Stora Quantum Theory1958 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Malcom W.P. StrandbergMicrowave physics and the physics of biological system1948 Albert Gordon Hill (grad student)
Samuel Wesley Strattonmathematics, physics, electrical engineering
Julius Adams Strattoncommunications and theoretical physics1925 Edward Lindley Bowles (grad student)
Daniel DeWitt Strawser2012 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Michael Robert Strayer1971 Arthur K. Kerman (grad student)
Erik W StreedQuantum Physics, Ion Trapping, Quantum Thermodynamics, Diffractive Optics, Biophysics Physics20002005 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
Andrew E. Stromingerquantum gravity, string theory1981 Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student)
David A. Strubbetheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science materials science and engineering20122016 Jeffrey C. Grossman (post-doc)
Shufang SuTheoretical elementary particle physics Physics2000 Lisa J. Randall (grad student)
Vivek Anand Sujan2002 Steven Dubowsky (grad student), Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Craig Daniel Sunada1994 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Choongki Sung Nuclear Science and Engineering2015 Anne E. White (grad student)
James W. Swan
Melody SwartzBiomedical Engineering, General Biophysics Chemical Engineering1998 Linda Griffith (grad student), Rakesh K. Jain (grad student)
Nitish Swarup Mechanical Engineering1995 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant), J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Brian Swingle2011 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
James J SzaboPlasmas, Space Propulsion
Abraham Szökelaser fusion, High Energy Density Plasmas Ali Mortimer Javan (post-doc)
Frank TabakinNuclear Physics1963 Felix Villars (grad student)
Keith Aaron Tabor1988 Woodie Claude Flowers (research assistant), J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Frank J. TackmannElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics20082011 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Yuichi TakasePlasma physics Department of Physics Miklos Porkolab (grad student)
Tzer Han Tan Physics20142020 Nikta Fakhri (grad student)
Kong Ooi TanNMR
Si-Hui TanQuantum computing, quantum optics, quantum cryptography Physics20042010 Seth Lloyd (grad student)
Eugen TarnowShort term memory, Alzheimer's Disease, Big Data1989 John D. Joannopoulos (grad student)
Cyrus C TaylorParticle Physics Physics Physics19801984 Kenneth Alan Johnson (grad student), Philip Morrison (research assistant)
Washington TaylorTheoretical Physics
Paul M. Tedrow Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory1967 Emanuel Maxwell (research assistant), Robert Hilton Meservey (research scientist)
Max E. TegmarkAstronomy and Astrophysics
Richard J. Temkin
Jeffrey A TemplonNuclear Physics, High-Energy Physics, Distributed Computing Laboratory for Nuclear Science19951996 William Bertozzi (post-doc)
Norman TepleyMagnetoencephalography
Ronald G. Tepper
Michele Tesciuba1995 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Stuart H. TessmerCondensed Matter Physics, General Biophysics Physics19951998 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc)
Jesse K. Thalerparticle physics
Juzar Yahya ThingnaMaster equations, Quantum transport, Quantum thermodynamics Chemistry20152016 Jianshu Cao (post-doc)
Zachary Thomas Physics2014 Jesse K. Thaler (grad student)
John Edward ThomasAMO Ali Mortimer Javan (grad student)
Edwin L. ThomasMaterials Science and Engineering
charles thompsonacoustics, systems, fluid dynamics Mech Eng Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering EE and CS19781982 Karl Uno Ingard (grad student), Patrick Leehey (grad student), Richard Lyons (grad student), Amar Gopal Bose (grad student)
Theos Jardin Thompsonreactor technology
Carl V. Thompsonresearch on thin films and nanostructures for use in micro- and nano-systems, especially electronic, electromechanical systems and electrochemical systems
Lara R. ThompsonTheoretical Condensed Matter20112013 Patrick A. Lee (post-doc)
James K. ThompsonAtomic Physics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Science, Precision Measurement, Laser-cooled atoms Physics Physics20032006 David E. Pritchard (grad student), Vladan Vuletić (post-doc)
Robert Walder Thompsoncosmic rays1948 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Jeffrey D. ThompsonNeutral atom quantum computing, Rare earth ions, quantum networks, nanophotonics, cavity QED
Clifford H. ThurberGeophysics Earth and Planetary Sciences1981 Keiiti Aki (grad student)
Mark S. TillackFluid and Plasma Physics1984 Mujid S. Kazimi (grad student), Lawrence Mark Lidsky (grad student)
Samuel C.C. TingHigh Energy Physics
Michael Tinkham1954 Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student)
John H. Tinlothigh energy physics1948 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Laszlo Tiszaquantum mechanics and thermodynamics
Senthil TodadriCondensed Matter Theory
Neil Emmanuel TodreasNuclear engineering1966 Warren Max Rohsenow (grad student)
Walter H. TokiParticle Physics1976 Ulrich Becker (grad student)
M. Nafi Toksözgeophysics
Richard C. Tolmanstatistical mechanics1910 Arthur A. Noyes (grad student)
Terry Tomboulis Physics1976 Roman Wladimir Jackiw (grad student)
Eric TorrenceElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1997 Richard Kumeo Yamamoto (grad student)
Miguel Angel Torres1993 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Henry Cutler Torrey
Charles Hard Townesmicrowave physics, masers and lasers
William Thomas Townsend Mechanical Engineering1988 J. Kenneth Salisbury (grad student)
John R TrammComputational Nuclear Engineering
André-Marie TremblayCondensed Matter Physics Physics19741978 Paul Cecil Martin (grad student), Bruce Riley Patton (grad student)
Sokratis Trifinopoulos
John George Trumphigh voltage engineering1933 Robert Jemison Van de Graaff (grad student)
Leung TsangRemote sensing, wave scattering, wave propagation in random media and rough surfaces, electromagnetic theory, photonic crystals and plasmonics, signal integrity, electromagnetic compatibility Department of Electrical Engineering1976 Jin Au Kong (grad student)
Peldon Tschering Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Arnold Tubisatomic, nuclear, and high energy physics; aero-, physical, psychological, physiological, and musical acoustics Physics1959 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Laurette S Tuckermanfluid dynamics, numerical methods, bifurcation theory, hydrodynamic instabilities, pattern formation Applied Mathematics1984 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Donald Winston Tufts1960 Norbert Wiener (grad student), Yuk-Wing Lee (grad student)
Harry L. TullerSolid state ionics, Electronic structure and transport properties of oxide ceramics, and gas sensors
Leslie TungBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology Electrical Engineering Roger G. Mark (grad student)
William Ernest Turchinetz
Andrew P TurnerHigh Energy Particle Theory Physics2014 Washington Taylor (grad student)
Henry TyeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1974 Francis Eugene Low (grad student)
Dimitrios Spyridon Tzeranis2005 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Paul Eugene UlmerNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1987 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Gregory H. UnderhillImmunology, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology Sangeeta N. Bhatia (post-doc)
Abolhassan Vaezi Physics2011 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
Varun Vaidya Physics20192022 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Manuel Sandoval Vallarta1924 Paul A. Heymans (grad student)
George Edward Valleycosmic ray physics
Lester Clare Van Atta
Karl A. van BibberNuclear Physics; Particle Physics; Particle Astrophysics; Nuclear Instrumentation; Accelerator Science & Technology1976 Stephen G. Steadman (grad student)
Robert Jemison Van de GraaffVan de Graaff generator
Roel van de KrolSolar Fuels Materials Science and Engineering2001 Harry L. Tuller (post-doc)
Alexander van OudenaardenBiophysics
Olivier Vancauwenberghe Materials Science And Engineering19871991 Nicole Herbots (grad student)
Wallace Earl Vander Velde1956 Walter McKay (grad student)
Andrew M. VanderburgExoplanets
Aaron Pace VanDevenderQuantum Information, Dark Matter Physics19982001 Selim Shahriar (research assistant)
Jean-Claude Vannay Kip V. Hodges (post-doc)
Zsigmond Varga20132018 James W. Swan (grad student)
Jayson R VavrekNuclear security Nuclear Science and Engineering Areg Danagoulian (grad student)
Mukund Vengalattore Physics2005 David E. Pritchard (grad student)
Putcha VenkateswarluSpectroscopy1952 Richard Collins Lord (post-doc)
Simon VergheseOptics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
Sarah J. Vigeland Physics20062012 Scott Alexander Hughes (grad student)
Felix Villarsquantum electrodynamics, nuclear physics, atmospheric physics, mathematical analysis of biological systems
George H. Vineyardsolid-state physics1943 John Clarke Slater (grad student), Donald C. Stockbarger (research assistant)
Karen Viskupic Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
Gherardo Vita Physics20152020 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
John DeWayne Vogan2004 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Mark Philipp VogelsbergerTheoretical Astrophysics
William Stelling von Arx1955 Victor P. Starr (grad student)
Arthur R. von Hippelmaterial science
Vladan VuletićLaser cooling and trapping, quantum physics, quantum entanglement, quantum optics, quantum information processing.
Dimitri Vvedensky Materials Science and Engineering1979 Keith Huber Johnson (grad student)
Wouter Waalewijn Physics20072010 Iain W. Stewart (grad student)
Michael WagmanLattice QCD
J. Dirk WaleckaTheoretical Nuclear Physics1958 Victor Frederick Weisskopf (grad student)
Thomas Walker Physics20052009 Joseph A. Formaggio (grad student)
Christopher Bland WalkerSolid State Physics1951 Bertram Eugene Warren (grad student)
James Newman Walpole1966 Alan Louis McWhorter (grad student)
Joseph M. Wander1985 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
RQ Wangenvironmental fluid mechanics
Juven C. WangTheoretical Physics. Mathematical Physics. Condensed Matter Theory. High Energy Physics. Quantum Many-Body Systems. Physics2015 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
Richard Dick Wang1995 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Shenshen Wang Arup K. Chakraborty (post-doc)
Gang Wang20132018 James W. Swan (grad student)
Yanming WangComputational materials; Nano-mechanics; Nano-synthesis; Energy materials; Machine Learning
Guoqing WangAtomics physics, Quantum computation, Quantum sensing, NV centers, Quantum simulation Physics20232023 Vladan Vuletić (post-doc), Paola Cappellaro (grad student)
Zhongxiang Wang Physics19992004 Deepto Chakrabarty (grad student)
Lifeng WangSolid Mechanics, Composites, Advanced Materials, Nanomaterials, Metamaterials Mechanical Engeering20062011 Mary Cunningham Boyce (post-doc)
Christopher Charles Ward2007 Karl D. Iagnemma (grad student)
Bertram Eugene WarrenX-ray crystallography Physics19271929 W. Lawrence Bragg (grad student)
John F Waymouthphysics and chemistry of electric discharge lamps1950 Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student), Francis Bitter (collaborator)
Watt W. Webbdynamics of the biomolecular processes of life1955 Carl Wilhelm Wagner (grad student), John Torrey Norton (grad student)
Ferris WebsterPhysical Oceanography, Geophysics Geology and Geophysics1961 William Stelling von Arx (grad student)
Peter J. WebsterAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics Meteorology1971 Norman A. Phillips (grad student)
Risa H. WechslerTheoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Physics19951996 Jeffrey A Templon (research assistant)
Dorothy Walcott Weeksatomic spectroscopy1930 Norbert Wiener (grad student)
Nevin N. WeinbergCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics
Sander WeinrebElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics Electrical Engineering1963 Jerome Bert Wiesner (grad student)
Lawrence B. WeinsteinNuclear Physics1988 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Roy WeinsteinBulk Superconductivity, Residual Field, Vacuum Polarization, Relativity1954 Sanborn Conner Brown (grad student), Martin Deutsch (grad student)
William Ira WeisbergerTheoretical elementary particle physics1964 Francis Eugene Low (grad student)
Rainer WeissExperimental Atomic Physics, Atomic Clocks, Laser Physics,Experimental Gravitation, Millimeter and Sub - millimeter, Astronomy, Cosmic Background Measurements,1962 Jerrold R. Zacharias (grad student), John G. King (grad student)
Victor Frederick Weisskopf
George Robert WelchPhysics and Astronomy1989 Daniel Kleppner (grad student)
Xiao-Gang WenCondensed Matter Theory, Topological Phases of Matter
Brian P. WernickeGeology, Plate Tectonics Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences19781982 B. Clark Burchfiel (grad student)
Peter Jocelyn Westerveltnonlinear acoustics Physics1951 Richard H. Bolt (grad student)
Anne E. White Nuclear Science and Engineering2008 Troy A. Carter (grad student)
Arthur White Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
William S. Widnall
Sheila Evans Widnall1964 Marten Teodor Landahl (grad student)
Benjamin J WiederTopological materials, solid-state physics, condensed matter theory
Carl Edwin Wieman1973 Daniel Kleppner (research assistant)
Jerome Bert Wiesnerelectrical engineering
Frank WilczekTheoretical physics
Sebastian Will2015 Martin W. Zwierlein (post-doc)
Harvey Bradford Willard1950 Clark Goodman (grad student)
Robert Lee Willett1988 Horst L. Störmer (grad student)
Hurd C. Willett
Robert W. Williams1948 Bruno Benedetto Rossi (grad student)
Mike WilliamsExperimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
Kindle Shea WilliamsElectrochemistry, Catalysis Chemical Engineering20162021 Karthish Manthiram (grad student)
Claude M. Williamson
Benjamin Wilson HASTS David I. Kaiser (grad student)
Thomas L. Wilsonradioastronomy, astrophysics1969 Bernard F. Burke (grad student)
Edwin Bidwell Wilson
Andreas Reinhold Wingert2002 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Joshua Nathan WinnAstrophysics: Stars, Planets, Optical Observations. Physics2001 Jacqueline Nina Hewitt (grad student)
Lindley A. WinslowNuclear physics
Samuel Winslow Chemical Engineering20152020 James W. Swan (grad student), William A. Tisdale (grad student)
Emmett A. Witmer
August F. Wittsurface chemistry
Cameron Wobus Kip V. Hodges (grad student)
George WolfVitamin A
Peter Adalbert WolffDiluted magnetic semiconductors; optical properties of subwavelength hole arrays.
George Jacob Wolga1957 Malcom W.P. Strandberg (grad student)
Teng-fong WongGeophysics Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences19761980 William F. Brace (grad student)
William M. WoodwardHigh energy nuclear physics
Walter Wrigley Physics19371941 Charles Stark Draper (grad student), Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Sau Lan WuElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19701972 Samuel C.C. Ting (post-doc)
John WulffMechanical metallurgy
Bolesław (Bolek) WysłouchHigh-Energy Physics1987 Ulrich Becker (grad student)
Guangrui Xia EECS20002006 Judy L. Hoyt (grad student)
Mengjiao Xiaoparticle experiment2018 Kerstin M. Perez (post-doc)
Feihu XuQuantum Communication, Single-Photon Imaging
Richard Kumeo Yamamotoexperimental elementary particle physics1963 Irwin Abraham Pless (grad student)
Yang YangAdvanced transmission electron microscopy, Extreme environments Nuclear Science and Engineering20122018 Ju Li (grad student)
Masayuki Yano David Louis Darmofal (grad student)
Xiaojun Yao Physics20192022 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
M. K. (Peter) YauAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics1977 Pauline Morrow Austin (grad student)
Sina YeganehPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry20092011 Troy A. Van Voorhis (post-doc)
Nai-chang YehNanoscience1988 Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus (grad student)
Selçuk YerciSolar cells, silicon photonics, photovoltaics, materials engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering20112014 Gang Chen (post-doc)
Bilge Yildiz2003 Michael Warren Golay (grad student)
Sidney YipCondensed Matter Theory, Solid Mechanics
Theodore J. Yoder Physics20122017 Isaac L. Chuang (grad student)
Christian Yoo Anne E. White (grad student)
Andrea YoungExperimental Condensed Matter Physics Physics20112014 Raymond Ashoori (post-doc)
James Edward Youngparticle physics1953 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
John A. Younglarge-scale atmospheric wind dynamics and turbulence near the earth's surface1966 Edward Norton Lorenz (grad student)
Mostafa Youssef2013 Bilge Yildiz (grad student)
David Andrew Yphantis1955 David Floyd Waugh (grad student)
Haocun Yu Physics20152020 Nergis Mavalvala (grad student)
Haoyong Yurobotics, medical devices, rehabilitation engineering, intelligent control2002 Steven Dubowsky (grad student)
Kristie Yu2000 Steven Dubowsky (research assistant)
Horace YuenTheory of quantum optics and communication, the foundations of quantum physics, new quantum devices, quantum cryptography. Electrical Engineering1970 Robert S. Kennedy (grad student)
Nicolas Yunes20102011 Scott Alexander Hughes (post-doc)
Y Z2010 Sidney Yip (grad student), Sow-Hsin Chen (grad student)
Jerrold R. Zachariasmolecular and atomic beams
Ismail Zahed1983 Michel Baranger (grad student)
Markus ZahnHigh Voltage Engineering Electrical Engineering19671970 James Russell Melcher (grad student)
Avideh ZakhorSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)1987 Alan Victor Oppenheim (grad student)
Matias ZaldarriagaAstronomy and Astrophysics1998 Edmund W. Bertschinger (grad student), Uroš Seljak (grad student)
Herbert J. ZeigerPhysics of maser and laser, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, molecular physics
Tianyi Zhang2D materials, chemical vapor deposition, optical spectroscopy Research Laboratory of Electronics2021 Jing Kong (post-doc)
Yang ZhangCondensed matter physics20192022 Liang Fu (post-doc)
Zhuomin ZhangMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics1992 Markus I. Flik (grad student)
Yong Zhao Physics20162019 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Xiaochao Zheng Physics19992002 William Bertozzi (grad student)
Tian Zhongquantum optics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20072013 Jeffrey H. Shapiro (grad student)
Shijie ZhongAstronomy and Astrophysics Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences19972000 Maria Theresa Zuber (research scientist)
Bing ZhouExperimental Elementary Particle Physics Physics1987 Samuel C.C. Ting (grad student)
(Edmond) Tingtao ZhouStatistical mechanics, condensed matter theory, astrophysics20132019 Sidney Yip (research assistant)
HuaXing Zhu Physics20152017 Iain W. Stewart (post-doc)
Royce King-Ping ZiaTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics1968 Herman Feshbach (grad student)
Thomas Owens Ziebold Metallurgy1965 Robert E. Ogilvie (grad student)
Craig Buchanan Zilles Mechanical Engineering1995 J. Kenneth Salisbury (research assistant)
Henry J. Zimmermannmicrowave systems, nonlinear circuits, and signal processing1942 Wilmer L. Barrow (grad student)
Alfred Zong
Maria Theresa ZuberGeophysics
Paolo ZucconExperimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
George ZweigHEP Theory, Neurobiology
Barton ZwiebachTheoretical Particle Physics
Martin W. ZwierleinAtomic Physics2007 Wolfgang Ketterle (grad student)
Stanislaus A. Zygmuntcomputational materials, computational catalysis, Materials Science and Engineering19841988 Keith Huber Johnson (grad student)