Duff Neill

2012-2016 Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Duff Neill"
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Neill D, Ringer F, Sato N. (2021) Leading jets and energy loss Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021
Neill D. (2021) The fragmentation spectrum from space-time reciprocity Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021
Cal P, Neill D, Ringer F, et al. (2020) Calculating the angle between jet axes Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020
Kang Z, Lee K, Liu X, et al. (2020) The soft drop groomed jet radius at NLL Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020
Neill D, Waalewijn WJ. (2019) Entropy of a Jet. Physical Review Letters. 123: 142001
Chen X, Gehrmann T, Glover EN, et al. (2019) Precise QCD description of the Higgs boson transverse momentum spectrum Physics Letters B. 788: 425-430
Neill D, Papaefstathiou A, Waalewijn WJ, et al. (2019) Phenomenology with a recoil-free jet axis: TMD fragmentation and the jet shape Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Makris Y, Neill D, Vaidya V. (2018) Probing transverse-momentum dependent evolution with groomed jets Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018: 167
Moult I, Nachman B, Neill D. (2018) Convolved substructure: analytically decorrelating jet substructure observables Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018: 2
Larkoski AJ, Moult I, Neill D. (2018) Factorization and resummation for groomed multi-prong jet shapes Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018
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