
Sign in to add mentor
Julian Schwinger grad student 1954 Harvard
 (Bound state problems in electrodynamics)


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John C. Reynolds grad student
Leo Phillip Kadanoff grad student 1960 Harvard
N. David Mermin grad student 1961 Harvard
Pierre Claude Hohenberg grad student 1962 Harvard
Alexander L Fetter grad student 1963 Harvard
Peter Alan Fedders grad student 1965 Harvard
Dieter Forster grad student 1969 Harvard
Tom C. Lubensky grad student 1969 Harvard
Eric D. Siggia grad student 1972 Harvard
John Robinson Tucker grad student 1972 Harvard
Harvey A Rose grad student 1968-1975 Harvard & Radcliffe
André-Marie Tremblay grad student 1974-1978 MIT
George F. Carnevale grad student 1974-1979 Harvard
Boris I. Shraiman grad student 1983 Harvard
Scott T. Milner grad student 1986 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
Gene F. Mazenko post-doc Harvard
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Hohenberg PC, Martin PC. (2000) Microscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium Annals of Physics. 281: 636-705
Kadanoff LP, Martin PC. (2000) Hydrodynamic equations and correlation functions Annals of Physics. 281: 800-852
Martin PC, Glashow SL. (1995) Julian Schwinger: Prodigy, Problem Solver, Pioneering Physicist Physics Today. 48: 40-46
Milner ST, Martin PC. (1986) Fluctuating hydrodynamics of smectic-A liquid crystals. Physical Review Letters. 56: 77-80
Milner ST, Martin PC. (1986) Critical slowing of chemical reactions. Physical Review. A. 33: 1996-2002
Carnevale GF, Martin PC. (1982) Field Theoretical Techniques in Statistical Fluid Dynamics: With Application to Nonlinear Wave Dynamics Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 20: 131-163
Shraiman B, Wayne CE, Martin PC. (1981) Scaling theory for noisy period-doubling transitions to chaos Physical Review Letters. 46: 935-939
Tremblay AM, Patton BR, Martin PC. (1980) Kinetic equations in superconductors and the nature and decay rate of a new mode Annals of Physics. 124: 401-448
Tremblay AM, Patton B, Martin PC, et al. (1979) Microscopic calculation of the nonlinear current fluctuations of a metallic resistor: The problem of heating in perturbation theory Physical Review A. 19: 1721-1740
Deser S, Feshbach H, Finkelstein RJ, et al. (1979) Preface Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 96: viii-ix
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