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Andrew Evan Lange grad student 1996 UC Berkeley
 (The Hubble Constant and Cluster Peculiar Velocities from Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effectt at Millimeter Wavelengths)


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Chao-Lin Kuo grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
Kyle S. Dawson grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
Thomas J. Plagge grad student 2009 UC Berkeley
Martin Lueker grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Yuki D. Takahashi grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Erik D. Shirokoff grad student 2011 UC Berkeley
Elizabeth Marie George grad student 2008-2013 UC Berkeley
Christian L Reichardt post-doc 2008-2014 UC Berkeley
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Nadolski A, Vieira JD, Sobrin JA, et al. (2020) Broadband, millimeter-wave antireflection coatings for large-format, cryogenic aluminum oxide optics. Applied Optics. 59: 3285-3295
Bleem LE, Bocquet S, Stalder B, et al. (2020) The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 247: 25
Bianchini F, Wu WLK, Ade PAR, et al. (2020) Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from the 500 deg2 SPTPOL Lensing Power Spectrum The Astrophysical Journal. 888: 119
Huang N, Bleem LE, Stalder B, et al. (2020) Galaxy Clusters Selected via the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect in the SPTpol 100-square-degree Survey The Astronomical Journal. 159: 110
Sayre JT, Reichardt CL, Henning JW, et al. (2020) Measurements of B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background from 500 square degrees of SPTpol data Physical Review D. 101: 122003
Haan Td, Suzuki A, Boyd STP, et al. (2020) Recent Advances in Frequency-Multiplexed TES Readout: Vastly Reduced Parasitics and an Increase in Multiplexing Factor with Sub-Kelvin SQUIDs Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 199: 754-761
Raghunathan S, Patil S, Baxter E, et al. (2019) Detection of CMB-Cluster Lensing using Polarization Data from SPTpol. Physical Review Letters. 123: 181301
Wu WLK, Mocanu LM, Ade PAR, et al. (2019) A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing Potential and Power Spectrum from 500 deg2 of SPTpol Temperature and Polarization Data The Astrophysical Journal. 884: 70
Viero MP, Reichardt CL, Benson BA, et al. (2019) Measurements of the Cross-spectra of the Cosmic Infrared and Microwave Backgrounds from 95 to 1200 GHz The Astrophysical Journal. 881: 96
Bocquet S, Dietrich JP, Schrabback T, et al. (2019) Cluster Cosmology Constraints from the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ Survey: Inclusion of Weak Gravitational Lensing Data from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope The Astrophysical Journal. 878: 55
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