University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alyssa Abbey
Najeb M. Abdul-JabbarIrradiation Effects on Materials, Solid Mechanics Nuclear Engineering2014 Brian Wirth (grad student)
Philip H. Abelson1939 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Ernest Stephen Abers1963 Ariel Charles Zemach (grad student)
Elihu Abrahamstheoretical condensed matter physics Physics1952 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Zeev R. AbramsTheory Physics, General Engineering, Energy, Alternative Energy Applied Science & Technology2012 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Alexis R. Abramson2002 Chang-Lin Tien (grad student)
Victor M. AcostaElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Atomic Physics Physics2011 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Yosuke AdachiGeomorphology, Geophysics, Climate Change Geography2012 Kurt Cuffy (grad student)
Fred C. Adams1988 Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Paul C. Aebersold1939 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Anthony A. AffolderElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Mina AganagicString theory
Steven Paul AhlenEffects Of Radiation On Materials, High-Energy Physics, Particle Astrophysics1976 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Guenter Ahlersnon-linear systems1963 Kenneth S. Pitzer (grad student), Norman E. Phillips (grad student)
Ashok Ajoy
Sofia B. AkberPhysics and chemistry of planetary interiors, theoretical mineral physics2003 Mark S. T. Bukowinski (grad student)
Mehmet Akgulmicroelectromechanical systems Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2014 Clark T.-C. Nguyen (grad student)
Linda F. Al AtikCivil Engineering2008 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Venkateswararao AlapatiPhysics, Elementary Particle Physics, Particle Astrophysics.
Katherine A. AlataloInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis Astrophysics2012 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Saundra Albers Astronomy20162019 Daniel R. Weisz (grad student)
Gregory Scott AlderingGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Benjamin J. Alemanmaterials Physics2011 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
John O. Alevizos Physics1982 Nikos Papanicolaou (grad student)
Suzanne J. M. AliHigh pressure physics, dynamic compression, optical diagnostics Chemistry2015 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
A. Paul Alivisatoscolloidal inorganic nanocrystals1986 Charles Bonner Harris (grad student)
Philip Brown AllenCondensed Matter Physics1969 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Anthony D. AllenTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2000 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Thomas K. AllisonElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter Physics2010 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Samuel King Allison
Alexander N AlvaraMicro-electromechanical systems, robotics, materials, photonics, quantum materials, 2D materials Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering2018 Liwei Lin (grad student), Kristofer S. J. Pister (grad student)
Luis W. Alvareznuclear physics
Orlando Alvarezquantum field theory, string theory, physical mathematics
Muralidhar S. AmbatiMechanical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Acoustics Physics2008 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Susan Ames Astronomy Astronomy1972 George B. Field (grad student), Joseph Ivor Silk (grad student)
Dante Eric AmideiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1984 John A. Jaros (grad student), George H. Trilling (grad student)
Jason M. AminiNuclear physics2006 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Richard AnantuaRelativistic Jets2016 Eliot Quataert (post-doc)
John D. AndersonNuclear physics Physics1956 Edwin M. McMillan (grad student), A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Kinsey Amor Andersonspace physics
Clifford Donald Anger1963 Kinsey Amor Anderson (grad student)
Aram Antaramian Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Natania AntlerCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics, Low Temperature Physics Physics2014 Irfan Siddiqi (grad student)
Steven Anton Physics2013 John Clarke (grad student)
Edwin V. ApelGeophysics, Geology, Geodesy, Plate Tectonics Earth & Planetary Science2011 Roland Burgmann (grad student)
Catherine Elizabeth ApgarNuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering20182024 Lee Allen Bernstein (grad student)
David R. ArdilaTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2002 Christopher F. McKee (grad student)
Noel Arellanonanofabrication2008 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student), Roger T. Howe (grad student), Roya Maboudian (grad student)
Ludmilla AristildeToxicology, Environmental Sciences2008 Garrison Sposito (grad student)
Nima Arkani-Hamedparticle physics1997 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Michael S. Armelhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2000 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Robert D. ArmitageMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
David S. ArmstrongExperimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
Kam Arnold Physics20032010 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Jonathan AronsAstronomy and Astrophysics
Xylar S. Asay-DavisAtmospheric Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Planetology2008 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Alexandra Asghari Nuclear Engineering20122016 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
William Joseph Ashmanskashigh-energy physics Physics1998 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Leonard AuerbachElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1963 Thomas J. Ypsilantis (grad student), Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student), Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Daniel AxelrodExperimental Biophysics1974 Melvin P. Klein (grad student)
Robert G. Azevedo2007 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Kenneth Leslie BabcockSoils and Plant Nutrition1955 Roy Overstreet (grad student)
Andre M. BachElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Henri BachacouElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
Donald C. BackerAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ekaterina Y. BackhausFluid and Plasma Physics2001 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
Samuel David BaderExperimental studies of magnetic surfaces and films, ferromagnetic-superconducting multilayers, bio-inspired self-assembly of magnetic nanostructures.1974 Norman E. Phillips (grad student)
Samuel T. Badman Physics20162022 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Laurie G. BaiseCivil Engineering, Geophysics2000 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
Karthik Ratna Balakrishnan Mechanical Engineering20092014 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Sriram BalasubramanianNanofabrication2006 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Halleh B. Balchoptical spectroscopy, nanophotonics, condensed matter, climate, oceanography Physics Feng Wang (grad student)
Stuart D. BaleSpace plasma physics, plasma astrophysics
Katherine A. BallGeneral Biophysics Biophysics2013 Teresa H. Gordon (grad student)
Joseph Ballam1952 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Nitash P. Balsarapolymer physics
Carlos Balseiro Physics Leopoldo M. Falicov (research scientist)
Edward A. BaltzAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Joseph Ivor Silk (grad student)
Jordana Bandaru2001 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Mark S. BandstraAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics2010 Steven Edward Boggs (grad student)
Sumilan BanerjeeCondensed matter theory, strongly correlated system Department of Condensed Matter Physics Ehud Altman (post-doc)
Thomas I. BanksNuclear physics2007 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Kyle H. Barbary Physics2011 Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
W. Carlisle Barber Physics1948 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Korkut BardakciParticle Physics
Philippe M. Bardethigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2006 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Barry Clark BarishHigh Energy Physics1962 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student), Burton J. Moyer (grad student)
John J. BarnardHeavy Ion Fusion, Astrophysics, Beam Physics Astronomy Jonathan Arons (grad student)
Joseph A. BarrancoAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Leon R. Barrett Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Aaron J. Barthsupermassive black holes, quasars and active galactic nuclei Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Noel M. BartlowGeophysics
Steven W. BarwickAstronomy and Astrophysics1986 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Gibor Saul BasriAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ushnish BasuCivil Engineering2004 Anil K. Chopra (grad student)
Cameron Bates Nuclear Engineering20102015 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Ghassan George BatrouniCondensed matter, strongly correlated systems Physics19801983 Martin B. Halpern (grad student)
Marco BattagliaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Peter Battaglino
Roger Elwood Batzelnuclear chemistry1951 Glenn T. Seaborg (grad student)
Christian W. BauerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Amber N. BauermeisterAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics2012 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Philip Werner Baumeister1959 Francis Arthur Jenkins (grad student)
Ryan C. Bay2000 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Timur T. Bazhirovprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations Physics2013 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Alan J. Beardenbiophysics
Sara Chaya BeckAstrophysics1981 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Alex BeckerGeophysics, Civil Engineering, Geotechnology
Steven V.W. BeckwithOrigins of life, cosmology, star formation, planet formation
Gavi E. Begtrupmaterials2008 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Mikhail A. Belkin2004 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Eric Christopher Bellmastrophysics Physics2011 Steven Edward Boggs (grad student)
Laura R. Benedettinature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2001 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Lorin X. Benedictcondensed matter physics19921996 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Dominic J. Benfordastrophysics Physixs19901992 Paul L. Richards (research assistant)
Merwan Benhabib2009 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Christopher BensonAstroparticle Physics Physics2020 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (grad student)
William Berdanier Physics20152020 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Arjun Berera19891992 Stanley Mandelstam (grad student)
Micheal Stephen BergerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1991 Michael Stephen Chanowitz (grad student)
Calvin J. BerggrenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Christian W. Bauer (grad student)
Zvi Bern Martin B. Halpern (grad student)
Gary M. Bernsteingravitational lensing1989 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
William A. BertscheFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Joel Fajans (grad student)
Albert L. Betzinterstellar medium and circumstellar envelopes, high resolution infrared spectroscopy, instrumentation development1977 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Anand BhaskarBioinformatics Biology, Statistics Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2013 Yun S. Song (grad student)
Sunil Ashok Bhave2004 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
Palak BhushanRobotics, Microbotics Electrical Engineering20132019 Claire Jennifer Tomlin (grad student)
William BialekComputation & Theory1983 Alan J. Bearden (grad student)
Dubravka Bilic2001 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
Harry H. Bingham
Brian Lee Bircumshaw2005 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Charles K. Birdsallelectron beam plasma physics, plasma sciences
Jeffrey S. Birenbaum Physics2014 John Clarke (grad student)
Raymond T. Birgemolecular spectra, establishing the best values of the physical constants
Robert J. Birgeneauphases and phase transition behavior of novel states of matter
Andreas l. Birkedal-HansenElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Mary K. Gaillard (grad student)
Geoffrey A. BlakeCosmochemistry & Planetary Science19851987 Richard J. Saykally (post-doc)
Edward D. Blandfordhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2010 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Jonathan A. Blazektheoretical cosmology Physics2013 Uroš Seljak (grad student)
Leo BlitzAstronomy and Astrophysics
Craig Alan Blockerexperimental high energy physics Physics1980 William Chinowsky (grad student)
Joshua S. Bloomastronomy
William E. Blumbergbiophysics, magnetic resonance1959 Erwin Louis Hahn (grad student)
Robin J. Blume-KohoutQuantum Optics2005 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
James J. (Jamie) Bockcosmic microwave background..1994 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Marc William BockrathCondensed Matter Physics1999 Paul L. McEuen (grad student)
Peter Herman BodenheimerAstronomy and Astrophysics1965 Louis George Henyey (grad student)
Llewellyn (LMK) M. K. BoelterHeat transfer1918 Lloyd Nash Robinson (grad student)
Ann M. BoesgaardAstronomy and Astrophysics1966 George Howard Herbig (grad student)
Alistair N. Boettiger Biophysics Biophysics2011 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student), Michael Levine (grad student)
Steven Edward BoggsAstronomy and Astrophysics1998 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
David BohmQuantum physics, particle physics1943 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Jeffrey Bokornanoscale science
Alberto D. Bolatto Astronomy Astronomy20012007 Leo Blitz (research scientist), Richard Plambeck (research scientist)
Richard J. Bonventre Physics2020 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (grad student)
Ivan V. BorzenetsLow Temperature, Condensed Matter, Nanosicence, Nanotubes, Graphene Physics Richard E. Packard (research assistant), Frances Hellman (research assistant)
Dan BotezMaterials Science Engineering, Optics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering1976 Shyh Wang (grad student)
Thierry C. BotterAtomic Physics Physics2013 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Ross W. BoulangerGeneral Engineering, Geotechnology, Geophysics1990 Raymond B. Seed (grad student), H. Bolton Seed (grad student)
Ian C. BourgEnvironmental Engineering, Soil Science Agriculture, Hydrology2004 Garrison Sposito (grad student)
Raphael BoussoParticle Physics
Hervé Bouyastronomy, astrophysics
Trevor Bowen Physics2019 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Jason D. BowenAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Steven Edward Boggs (grad student)
Geoff C. BowerRadio Astronomy
Kevin J. Bowerselectron beam plasma physics, plasma sciences2001 Charles K. Birdsall (grad student)
C. Stuart Bowyerultraviolet astronomy
Charles Stuart Bowyer
Robert William BoydQuantum/Nonlinear Optics1977 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Edward K. BoydaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2004 Petr Horava (grad student)
Michael R. Boylan-KolchinCosmology, galaxy formation theory20012006 Chung-Pei Ma (grad student)
Daniel M. BraceElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2001 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
Timothy P. Brackbill Mechanical Engineering2012 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Frederick Summer Brackett
Norris Edwin Bradbury1932 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
Keith Bradley2001 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Hugh Bradner
David Brahm Physics1990 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Nathan E. Bramall2007 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Victor W. BrarElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2010 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Artur Braunsurface science, electrochemistry, phyiscal chemistry, x-ray spectroscopy, neutron scattering, metal oxides, carbon, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry Chemical engineering19992001 Elton J. Cairns (post-doc)
Jonathan Donald BrayCivil Engineering, Geophysics1990 H. Bolton Seed (grad student), Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Noah Z. Bray-AliCondensed Matter Theory2006 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Diana Brehob
Levi D. BrekkeEnvironmental Engineering, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science Physics2003 John A. Dracup (grad student)
Rachel Brem20002005 Leonid Kruglyak (post-doc)
Dimitry E. BreusNuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics2005 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Jesse Herman BrewerCondensed Matter, Particle & Nuclear Physics1972 Kenneth Morse Crowe (grad student)
Richard G. Brewerspectroscopy1958 Leo Brewer (grad student)
William Dean Brewernuclear physics, metal physics, low-temperature physics, magnetism College of Chemistry19651969 David A. Shirley (grad student)
William B. Bridgesgas lasers1962 Charles K. Birdsall (grad student)
Gilbert Oscar BrinkExperimental atomic and molecular Physics1957 Burris Bell Cunningham (grad student)
R. David BrittEPR, metalloenzymes1988 Melvin P. Klein (grad student)
Robert B. Brodeplasma physics, cosmic rays
Robert J. Broesler Materials Science & Engineering Materials Science & Engineering2010 Eugene E. Haller (grad student), Wladek Walukiewicz (grad student)
Lucas Brouwer Nuclear Engineering20112015 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Richard Comfort BrowerParticle Theory19661969 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student), Stanley Mandelstam (grad student)
Robert Reginald BrownCosmic ray time variations, auroral and ionospheric physics, geomagnetism1952 William Bache Fretter (grad student)
Gregory Brown Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Michael E. (Mike) BrownResearch Areas: Planetary Astronomy; Planetary Science1994 Hyron Spinrad (grad student), Imke de Pater (grad student)
Sarah J. BrownleeGeochemistry, Geophysics, Petrology2009 Paul R. Renne (grad student)
Erik M. BrubakerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 James L. Siegrist (grad student), Young-Kee Kim (grad student)
Niels BrucknerLow Temperature, Liquid Helium, Super-fluidity2002 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Keith A. BruecknerHigh-energy physics19471950 Robert Serber (grad student)
William BrunoTheoretical and computational molecular evolution, ion channel models William Bialek (grad student)
John E. Bryant2008 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Adam D. BryantNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2010 Yury G. Kolomensky (grad student)
Lukas Filip BuchmannTheoretical Physics20132015 Dan Stamper-Kurn (post-doc)
Matthew R. Buckley20032008 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Jennifer M. Buckley2006 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Phil H. BucksbaumAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics1980 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Dmitry BudkerElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Atomic Physics1993 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Juan Camilo Buitrago Physics20162022 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Mark S. T. BukowinskiPhysics and chemistry of planetary interiors, theoretical mineral physics, nature of bonding in deep earth minerals, modeling of geochemical processes, thermal and chemical evolution of the earth.
Hans-Peter BungeGeophysics1996 Mark A. Richards (grad student)
Anthony G. BuonassisiMaterials Science Engineering, Energy2006 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Roland BurgmannGeophysics
Jason Timothy Burke2004 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Sarah A Burkecondensed matter physics, materials Physics20092010 Michael Felix Crommie (post-doc)
Sarah Elizabeth Busch Physics2011 John Clarke (grad student)
Laurie J. ButlerPhotochemistry1985 Yuan T. Lee (grad student)
Daniel P. ButterElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics Physics2010 Mary K. Gaillard (grad student)
Daniel A. ButtsInformation theory, coding, estimation, vision2000 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Robert N. CahnParticle Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics1972 J. David Jackson (grad student)
Michael J. CaiAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Frank P. CalapriceNuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1967 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Wendel A. Caldwellnature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2000 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Fabio Cammarano Barbara Romanowicz (post-doc)
Gabriel A. CandiaCivil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, General Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Andrew CaoNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2004 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Aimin CaoGeophysics2005 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Javier CaravacaAstroparticle Physics Physics2020 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (post-doc)
Andrea Carbonaro2008 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Benjamin L. Cardozo2004 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Thomas Carey Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Matthew C. CargoTheory Physics, Molecular Physics2006 Robert G. Littlejohn (grad student)
Nicole Carlson
Andrew E. Carlson2008 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
John E. CarlstromCosmology, Extragalactic Astronomy & Astrophysics, Galactic Astronomy & Astrophysics1989 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Ian S. E. Carmichael
Donald Duane Carmony1961 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Marc A. CarnahanCondensed Matter Physics2004 Daniel S. Chemla (grad student)
John R. CaryGeneral Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics1979 Allan Nathan Kaufman (grad student)
Webster C. CashAstronomy and Astrophysics19731977 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Amir CaspiAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics Physics2010 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Cynthia A. CattellSpace Plasma Physics19741980 Forrest S. Mozer (grad student)
Thomas H. Cauley2009 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Thure E. CerlingGeochemistry, Paleoecology, Paleontology Geology1977 Richard Leroy Hay (grad student)
Jeng-Da ChaiDensity Functional Theory Chemistry20062009 Martin Head-Gordon (post-doc)
Sukanya ChakrabartiTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2005 Christopher F. McKee (grad student)
Supriya ChakrabartiAstronomy and Astrophysics1982 C. V. (Chittoor Vijayaraghavalu) Ramamoorthy (grad student), C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Owen Chamberlainparticle physics19421946 Emilio Segrè (research assistant)
Danielle R. Chamberlin2001 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Matthew W. Chan Mechanical Engineering2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Kevin T. Chanprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations Physics2012 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
David Chandlerstatistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, liquids, complexity, biophysics
Bodhinanda Chandrageomechanics, granular mechanics, computational mechanics Civil and Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering20242024 Kenichi Soga (grad student), Ken Kamrin (post-doc)
Nancy C. Chang2008 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Chih-Wei Changmaterials2006 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
K. J. Chang Physics Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Chieh Chang Mechanical Engineering2009 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Jiyoung Chang Mechanical Engineering2012 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Cheng ChangCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing2007 Anant Sahai (grad student)
Su-chin ChangGeology2008 Paul R. Renne (grad student)
Lay Nam ChangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19641967 Steven Weinberg (grad student)
Connie Chang-Hasnian John R. Whinnery (grad student)
Michael Stephen ChanowitzTheoretical physics
Jarrod A. Chapman2004 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Stuart W Charles1962 George C. Pimentel (post-doc)
Andrew E. CharmanFluid and Plasma Physics, Radiation Physics2007 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
Alexander Charn Earth and Planetary Science20152020 William Drew Collins (grad student)
Robert Lee Chassoncosmic rays1952 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Juan A. ChediakMaterials Science Engineering2004 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Daniel S. ChemlaGeneral Biophysics
Yann R. ChemlaMolecular motors20012007 John Clarke (grad student), Carlos José Bustamante (post-doc)
Josephine Chen2003 John Clarke (grad student)
Xie ChenTheoretical Physics Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Guorui ChenPhysics Physics Feng Wang (post-doc)
Christopher Chen Space Sciences Laboratory20112013 Stuart D. Bale (post-doc)
Min ChenParticle Physics, Meta Material, Backward Cherenkov Radiation, Testing Babinet Principle in electron induced radiations1969 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
I-Ru ChenNanofabrication Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2014 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Huei-Ru Chenmolecular radio astronomy2004 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Minghua ChenSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)2006 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Jim C. Cheng Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2009 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Hsin-Chia Cheng Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Bernard Ru-Shao Cheo Electrical Engineering1961 Victor H. Rumsey (grad student)
David ChernoffAstrophysics Physics Physics1985 Christopher F. McKee (grad student)
Sen-Ching CheungSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)2002 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Geoffrey Foucar ChewParticle Theory
Wu-Cheng ChiGeophysics, Geology2003 Douglas S. Dreger (grad student)
Tai-Chang ChiangCondensed Matter Physics1978 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Eugene ChiangAstronomy
Mu ChiaoNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2002 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Michael J. Childress Physics2011 Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
Wing-Mai Chin
Jian-Ye ChingCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics2002 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
William ChinowskyAstrophysics
Chatpan ChintanapakdeeCivil Engineering2002 Anil K. Chopra (grad student)
Dah-Wei ChiouTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
Dmitry A. ChirkinAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Charles Bin ChiuHadron Physics, Plasma Physics, Quantum Zeno effects1967 Burton J. Moyer (grad student), Geoffrey Foucar Chew (post-doc)
Daniel H. ChiversNuclear Engineering2008 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Jongweon ChoCondensed Matter Physics Physics2010 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Nahyuyn Cho Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20142018 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Gil Y. ChoCondensed Matter Theory Physics2013 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
David J. ChoNon-linear Optics Physics2012 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Jong H. ChoiAir pollutant formation and control, motor vehicle emissions, energy and environment, regulatory policy.
Jong-Hyun Choi20012005 Robert F. Sawyer (grad student)
Sun Choi Mechanical Engineering2012 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Woon-Seng ChoongElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Kam-Biu Luk (grad student)
Rajesh V. Chopdekarnanoscale science and engineering Materials Science and Engineering20022008 Yuri Suzuki (grad student)
Anil K. ChopraCivil Engineering, Geophysics1966 Ray William Clough (grad student)
Ryan T. ChornockSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe2009 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Keng-Chang Chounonlinear optics and femtosecond time-resolved laser techniques Chemistry20012004 Gabor A. Somorjai (post-doc)
Mei-Yin Chou Physics19801986 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Steven D. ChristeAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics2007 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Jakob Christensenhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2003 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Dane T. ChristensenNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2005 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Robert F. Christytheoretical physics, astrophysics1941 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Steven Chu1976 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
You-Hua ChuAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy1981 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Chong-Sun Chu Department of Physics19911996 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
Edward Lowell ChuppGamma-Ray Astronomy1954 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Penghong Ci Materials Science and Engineering20152020 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Michael J. CichMaterials Science Engineering2002 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Jeffrey A. CinaPhysical Chemistry, Low Temperature Physics1985 Robert A. Harris (grad student)
Arman CingozAtomic Physics2009 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
David D. ClarkNeutron Physics1953 Owen Chamberlain (grad student)
John ClarkeCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, SQUID magnetometer Alexander Pines (collaborator)
John Francis Clauserinterferometry, quantum theory
Andrew N. ClelandCondensed Matter Experimental Physics1991 John Clarke (grad student)
Catherine Clewett
John D. CloseAtom lasers, ultracold atomic physics, quantum sensors Richard E. Packard (grad student)
G. Wayne Clough Civil and Environmental Engineering1969 J. Michael Duncan (grad student)
Raymond Co Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Thomas E. Coan Physics1989 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Robert S. CoeGeology, Geophysics1965 John Verhoogen (grad student)
Marvin L. Cohenprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations
Morrel H. CohenCondensed matter theory1952 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Joanne D. CohnElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Alison L. Coilarge-scale structure, redshift surveys, observational cosmology, galaxy and AGN clustering, galaxy and AGN formation and evolution, galactic winds, feedback2004 Marc Davis (grad student)
Mark W ColesGravitational wave detection, elementary particle physics Physics19741980 William Chinowsky (grad student)
William Drew CollinsClimate Change, Uncertainty of Extremes, Climate Modeling, Coupled Models of the Climate System, Global Climate Models, Solar and Terrestrial Radiation
John S. Coltonsemiconductor physics2000 Peter Y. Yu (grad student)
Julia M. Comerford2009 Marc Davis (grad student)
Eugene David ComminsAtomic, Molecular And Optical Physics
Edward Condon1926 Raymond T. Birge (grad student)
Alexander J. Conleyparticle physics, astrophysics2005 Gerson Goldhaber (grad student), Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
Amy Lynn ConnollyParticle Astrophysics2003 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Anthony Consiglio Mechanical Engineering20192020 Boris Rubinsky (grad student), Raluca O. Scarlat (grad student)
Peter S. Continature and evolution of massive luminous stars Physics1963 George Wallerstein (grad student)
Joseph M. ConverseAstrophysics Physics Astrophysics2010 Steven Stahler (grad student)
Statia H. CookAstronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences Astrophysics2012 Imke de Pater (grad student)
Kem CookAstronomy and Astrophysics
Michael C. Cooper2007 Marc Davis (grad student)
Glenn E. CooperExperimental Particle Physics2000 Herbert M. Steiner (grad student)
Sharif Corinaldi
John Michael CornwallTheoretical Elementary Particles1962 Malvin A Ruderman (grad student)
Ferdinand Coroniti1969 Wulf Bernard Kunkel (grad student)
Alfredo A. CorreaElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter2008 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Eric P. CorsiniAtomic Physics, Optics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics2012 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Dale Raymond CorsonHigh-energy physics1938 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
John F. CorsonCondensed Matter Physics2000 Joseph Orenstein (grad student)
Clarence Linus CoryElectrical engineering
Ingrid A. CotorosCondensed Matter Physics2008 Daniel S. Chemla (grad student)
Sanne CottaarGeophysics, Geochemistry Earth and Planetary Science2013 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Robert M. CottsApplications of nuclear magnetic resonance in condensed matter physics1954 Walter David Knight (grad student)
Frank S. Crawford1953 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Henry J. CrawfordElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics1979 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Vincent Crespi19881994 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Richard John Creswickcondensed matter theory, particle astrophysics19761981 Harry Lee Morrison (grad student)
Charles D. CreusereElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Remote Sensing Electrical Engineering Sanjit K. Mitra (grad student)
Robert K. CrockettTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2005 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), Richard I. Klein (grad student)
Michael Felix CrommieElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Condensed Matter Physics1991 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Kenneth Morse Crowemedium energy physics, muon physics Physics1953 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky (grad student), Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Kurt CuffyGeomorphology, Geophysics, Climate Change
John Cumingsmaterials Physics2002 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Ralph Hamilton Curtissstellar spectroscopy1905 William Wallace Campbell (grad student)
John Bartley Czirr1962 Kenneth Morse Crowe (grad student)
Michelangelo V. D'AgostinoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2009 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Matthew A. d'AlessioGeology, Geodesy2004 Roland Burgmann (grad student)
Vito DaiSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)2008 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Christopher J. DammAir pollutant formation and control, motor vehicle emissions, energy and environment, regulatory policy.19972001 Robert F. Sawyer (grad student)
William C. DanchiAstronomy and Astrophysics19831986 Charles Hard Townes (post-doc)
Sidney M. DancoffTheoretical physics1939 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Charlotte S. DanielsMechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, General Biophysics Mechanical Engineering2011 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Alex Dannenberg Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Gene Dantsker
Shideh DashtiGeotechnology, Civil Engineering2009 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Rafael V. DavalosBiomedical Engineering, Cell Biology2002 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Arthur F. DavidsenUltraviolet Telescope Physics and Astronomy1975 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Marc DavisLarge-scale structure, cosmology, evolution of galaxies
Sumner Prindle Davisastrophysics Physics1952 Francis Arthur Jenkins (grad student)
James C Séamus DavisClassical & Quantum Spin Liquids Physics19841989 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Wyatt Owen Davis2001 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Paul F. DavisElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter Applied Science & Technology2012 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Kyle S. DawsonAstrophysics2004 William L. Holzapfel (grad student)
Steven A. DawsonAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Pierre-Gilles de Gennespolymer physics, interfacial problems1959 Charles Kittel (post-doc)
André Luiz Carvalho de GouvêaElectroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model, neutrino oscillations and the origin of neutrino masses.1999 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Walter A. de HeerNanoscience and Nanotechnology1985 Walter David Knight (grad student)
Fernando de JuanCorrelated electrons, topological phases Joel E. Moore (post-doc)
Imke de PaterAstronomy, Planetary Science, Adaptive optics and Radio Observations of the giant planets, their rings and satellites
David M. Deaven19891993 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Christophe S. Debonnel2006 Per F. Peterson (grad student), Simon Shin-Lun Yu (grad student)
Jackson E. DeBuhrAstrophysics Physics Physics2012 Chung-Pei Ma (grad student)
Keith Thomas DeCondecondensed matter physics19711976 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Tonguc T. DegerGeotechnology, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Wim DegruyterFluid dynamics, computational volcanology
Amanda J. DeisherElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
David P. DeMilleAtomic Physics1994 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Michael T. Demko Mechanical Engineering2012 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Paul B. DemorestAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Donald C. Backer (grad student)
Charles M. Denby Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Rachel Brem (grad student)
Elmer DershemX-Rays and Crystal Structure
Diana M. DeRubertisPhysical Geography, Atmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics2003 Orman E. Granger (grad student)
Ahmet DervişoğluCircuits Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19801982 Charles A. Desoer (research scientist)
Bipin R. DesaiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1961 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Freija DescampsAstroparticle Physics Physics2020 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (post-doc)
Alan W DeSilvaplasma physics1961 John Marsh Wilcox (grad student), Wulf Bernard Kunkel (grad student)
Jack R. Deslippetheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science Physics2011 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Louis-Benoit DesrochesSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe2009 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Carleton Edward DeTarParticle Theory1970 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Ivan H. DeutschQuantum Optics19871992 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Thomas J. Devlinexperimental high energy physics1961 Burton J. Moyer (grad student)
Mark Joseph DevlinExperimental cosmology1993 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Donald Lad DeVoeMEMS & Microfluidics1997 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Michel H. Devoretsolid state physics, quantum mechanical electronics 19821984 John Clarke (post-doc)
Michael R. DeWeeseAuditory Cortex
Sparshita Deydark matter Physics Kevin Thomas Lesko (grad student)
Navdeep S. Dhillon Mechanical Engineering2012 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Mark Everett DickinsonGalaxy formation and evolution; high redshift galaxies; active galactic nuclei1994 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Gerhard Heinrich Diekespectroscopic techniques used in the chemical analysis of metals1927 Raymond T. Birge (grad student), John Joseph Hopfield, Sr. (grad student)
Joshua S. DillonCosmology
Denia Djokichigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2013 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Blagoje Djordjevic Physics Physics2019 Stuart D. Bale (grad student), Carl Bernhardt Schroeder (grad student)
S. George DjorgovskiAstroinformatics1985 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Mehmet Dogan Physics2018 Marvin L. Cohen (post-doc)
Henrik G. DohlmanBiochemistry Jeremy Thorner (post-doc)
David DolencGeophysics2006 Douglas S. Dreger (grad student)
Michelle J. Dolinskiexperimental neutrino physics Physics20042008 George Fitzgerald Smoot (grad student), Eric Benzo Norman (grad student)
Gerardo DominguezAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Jennifer L. DonahueCivil Engineering, Geotechnology2007 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Kaichen Dong
Jianwen Dong Xiang Zhang (post-doc)
Dimitri R. Dounas-FrazerGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics Physics2012 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
John A. DracupHydroclimatology1966 David Keith Todd (grad student)
Alex J. DragtNonlinear Dynamics, Accelerator Physics, Quantum Computing1964 Robert Karplus (grad student)
Robert M. Drake, Jr. Mechanical Engineering1950 Ralph A. Seban (grad student)
Tevian Draymathematical physics1981 Rainer Kurt Sachs (grad student)
Douglas S. DregerGeophysics
Persis S. DrellExperimental & Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology, Experimental Particle Physics1983 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Courtney D. Dressing Astronomy2015 David Brian Charbonneau (grad student)
Jonathan G. DreyerNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2012 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Frederick W. DuewerNon-linear Optics2000 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Josef D. DufekGeology, Geophysics, Fluid dynamics, granular physics, planetary flows
Philipp Dumitrescu Physics David E. Khmelnitskii (grad student)
J. Michael Duncangeotechnical engineering1965 H. Bolton Seed (grad student)
Nicholas D. Dunn Physics2012 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Maxime Dupont20162018 Nicolas Laflorencie (grad student)
David A. Durkeepolymer physics2006 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Hans-Peter Dürr1956 Edward Teller (grad student)
Daniel A. DwyerNuclear physics2007 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Rebecca J. Dylla-Spears2009 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Timothy Edberg M. Lynn Stevenson (grad student)
Jon F. EddBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics, Medicine and Surgery2006 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Blair N V Edwards Physics20112016 Daniel N. McKinsey (post-doc)
Vernon James Ehlersnuclear physics1960 William Aaron Nierenberg (grad student), Howard A. Shugart (grad student)
Florence Ehrenkranz Physics1938 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
James Christian Ehrhardt1970 Sumner Prindle Davis (grad student)
Robert Martin Eisbergnuclear physics1953 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
James P. (Jim) Eisensteinexperimental condensed-matter physics1980 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Hany B. Eitounipolymer physics2005 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Gilly Elor Physics2013 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Veit ElserCondensed Matter Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics1984 Orlando Alvarez (grad student), Robert N. Cahn (grad student)
Robert P. Elyexperimental high energy physics
Irina Ene Physics2020 Heather M. Gray (grad student)
Ongi EnglanderNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2005 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Damon EnglishAtomic Physics2007 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Emine Y. Erdem Mechanical Engineering2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Robert E. ErgunSpace Plasmas, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1989 Forrest S. Mozer (grad student)
Kristopher J. Ericksonmaterials Chemistry2012 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Camden D. Ertleyastrophysics
Ernesto J Escorcia Physics19941999 Zi Qiang Qiu (grad student)
Andrew M. EssinCondensed Matter Theory Physics2010 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Neal J. EvansAstronomy19681973 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Jarah M. EvslinParticle Physics2001 Martin B. Halpern (grad student)
Charles S. FadleySurface and Interface Physics1970 David A. Shirley (grad student)
Joel FajansFluid and Plasma Physics, Atomic Physics
Onsi J. FakhouriAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics2010 Chung-Pei Ma (grad student)
Hannah K. Fakhouri Physics2013 Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
Roger W. FalconeElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter
Leopoldo M. FalicovTheoretical physics
Houfu Fan Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Sha Li (grad student)
Michael Y.-S. Fang Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student), Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Hung-Chung FangTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Farzad FaramarziSuperconducting devices Physics20152018 Adrian Lee (grad student)
Dillard Wayne Fariesnonlinear optics1969 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Allison T. FarisCivil Engineering2004 Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Irving Fattpetroleum engineering, bioengineering
Claude-andré Faucher-giguèreGalaxy formation and evolution, including star formation, galaxy-black hole co-evolution, galactic dynamics, and connections with the intergalactic medium and cosmology. Pulsars. Astronomy Eliot Quataert (post-doc)
George FeherBiophysics1954 Arthur F. Kip (grad student), Charles Kittel (grad student)
Jack FeinbergOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Physics1977 Sumner Prindle Davis (grad student)
Joshua M. FeinbergMineralogy, Geophysics2005 Paul R. Renne (grad student)
Jerome Arthur Feldman
Marc J. Feldman1976 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Brian S. Feldstein2007 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Adam M. Fennimorematerials2005 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Michael Fich Astronomy1983 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Lukasz FidkowskiCondensed Matter Theory. Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Rick Field1971 J. David Jackson (grad student)
Benjamin Fildier Earth and Planetary Science20132019 William Drew Collins (grad student)
Marina Rucsandra Filip Physics2018 Jeffrey B. Neaton (post-doc)
Alexei V. FilippenkoSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe
Jeffrey P. Filippiniparticle astrophysics and cosmology Physics2008 Bernard Sadoulet (grad student)
Douglas Paul FinkbeinerHigh-energy astrophysics1999 Marc Davis (grad student)
Elizabeth Fisher
Leon H. Fisherplasma physics1943 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
Michael Fitzgerald2007 James R. Graham (grad student)
Neil L. Fleishon Physics19741979 Michael Stephen Chanowitz (grad student)
Kathryn E. FletcherGeochemistry, Geomorphology, Plate Tectonics2009 Paul R. Renne (grad student)
Markus I. Flik1989 Chang-Lin Tien (grad student)
Lee R. FokMechanical Engineering, Acoustics Physics, Materials Science Engineering Mechanical Engineering2010 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Leslie Lawrance Foldytheoretical physics1948 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Ryan J. FoleySupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe2008 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Evgeny FominNon-linear Optics2006 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Norman Cornell Ford Physics1965 Carson Dunning Jeffries (grad student)
Sean R. FordGeophysics2008 Douglas S. Dreger (grad student)
Erin L. Ford Materials Science and Engineering2014 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Nancy R. FordeGeneral Biophysics Molecular Biology and Biochemistry19992004 Carlos José Bustamante (post-doc)
Harriet Herta Forsternuclear physics1949 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
John Stuart Fosternuclear physics1953 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Grant Robert Fowles1950 Francis Arthur Jenkins (grad student)
Morgan B FoxNuclear Data, Nuclear Engineering
Ronald F. FoxStochastic processes, rectified Brownian motion, quantum-classical correspondence, coherent states, quantum chaology, biophysics, origin of the genetic code, neuron fluctuations
William FrangosGeophysics, Civil Engineering, Geotechnology2000 Alex Becker (grad student)
Jeremy Adam Frank2004 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Andrea Elke Franke2000 Roger T. Howe (grad student), Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Steven C. FrautschiTheoretical physics19591961 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (post-doc)
William R. Frazerparticle physics1959 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Stuart Jay FreedmanNuclear physics1972 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
John Freeman2007 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
James K. FreericksCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, General Physics1991 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Barry M. FreifeldHydrology, Geology, Civil Engineering2001 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Scott W. FrenchGeophysics Earth and Planetary Science2014 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
William Bache Fretter1946 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Eric Freysz19911993 Yuen-Ron Shen (post-doc)
Marat Freytsis Physics2012 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Daniel Harry FriedanTheoretical physics1980 Isadore M. Singer (grad student)
Alexander FriedlandElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2000 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Henry J. FrischHigh-energy physics Physics1971 Leroy T. Kerth (grad student)
Priscilla Frisch Astronomy1977 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Dov Frohman-BentchkowskySemiconductor, EPROM [erasableprogrammable read only memory]1969 Martin H. Graham (grad student)
Henry C. FuCondensed Matter Physics2006 Dung-Hai Lee (grad student)
Deyi Fu
Yiin-Kuen Fuhmolecular spectroscopy2009 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Michael S. FuhrerTwo-dimensional Materials Physics1998 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Grant T. Fukudahigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2006 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Gary Anthony Fuller
Brent Thomas FultzCondensed Matter Physics Materials Science and Mineral Engineering1982 John William Morris (grad student)
Inez FungAtmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics
Wendell Hinkle Furryparticle physics19321934 J. Robert Oppenheimer (post-doc)
Mary K. Gaillardparticle theory
Dom GalicCivil Engineering, Geotechnology, Mining Engineering2008 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
James Martin Galliganmetallurgy1963 Jack Washburn (grad student)
Michelle L. GallowayNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2014 Steven Edward Boggs (grad student)
Angela GaltieriElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Cristhian Galvezhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2011 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Robert E. Gamblehigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2002 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Mohan GaneshalingamSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe Astrophysics2012 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Surya GanguliElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Petr Horava (grad student)
Ahmad Ganji
William J. Gannettmaterials Physics2012 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Ori J. GanorTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Hernan G. GarciaPhysical biology. Transcriptional regulation. Development of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Willard Gardnersoil science1916 E. Percival Lewis (grad student)
John William GaryElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1985 M. Lynn Stevenson (grad student), Michael Thomas Ronan (grad student), Werner Hofmann (grad student)
L Claire Gasque
Samuel David Gasster1985 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Wojciech GawlikAtomic Physics, Optics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
Thomas Ronald Geballe1974 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Theodore H. GeballeCondensed Matter, Nano Sci/Eng, Synchrotron Radiation1949 William Francis Giauque (grad student)
Ronald Geballeelectrical discharges in gases and atomic collisions1943 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
Zachary M. Geballenature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures. Earth and Planetary Science2014 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Cameron G. GeddesFluid and Plasma Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Optics Physics2005 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
Nuh GedikCondensed Matter Physics19992004 Joseph Orenstein (grad student)
Christopher GenoveseStatistics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1994 Philip B. Stark (grad student)
Reinhard GenzelAstrophysics Physics
Elizabeth Marie Georgeastronomical instrumentation, detectors Physics20082013 William L. Holzapfel (grad student)
Roozbeh Geraili MikolaGeneral Engineering, Civil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Edward Gerjuoy1942 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Brian F. Gerke2007 Marc Davis (grad student)
Pouyan GhaemiCondensed Matter Theory Physics Physics Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc), Joel E. Moore (post-doc)
Mistuni Ghosh Molecular & Biochemical Nutrition2012 Yan Mei Wang (grad student)
Hyatt GibbsOptics Physics1965 Robert Joseph Hull (grad student)
Walter Maxwell Gibsonsemiconductor detectors, X-ray optics, X-ray analysis1956 Glenn T. Seaborg (grad student)
Adam P. GibsonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 James L. Siegrist (grad student), Young-Kee Kim (grad student)
James L. Gibson2003 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Joel T. GiedtElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 Mary K. Gaillard (grad student)
Jan M. GildemeisterCondensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology.2000 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Erik P. GilsonFluid and Plasma Physics2001 Joel Fajans (grad student)
Donald Maurice Ginsbergsuperconductors1960 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Naomi Shauna Ginsbergphotosynthetic light harvesting
Caglar Giritmaterials Physics2010 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Donald A. GlaserVisual system
Steven Dan GlaserCivil Engineering, Geophysics
Sheldon L. GlashowTheoretical physics
Arianna E. Gleasonnature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures. Earth & Planetary Science2010 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Lindsay E. GlesenerGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2012 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Rolfe E. Gloversuperconducting films19541957 Arthur F. Kip (post-doc), Charles Kittel (post-doc)
Gary L. GodfreyParticle and Astrophysics1975 Clyde E. Wiegand (grad student), Gilbert Shapiro (grad student)
Fabian T. Goericke Mechanical Engineering2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Jennifer A. GoetzAstronomy and Astrophysics Social Psychology2008 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
İzzet Cem GöknarCircuits & Systems Electrical Engineering19771978 Leon Ong Chua (research scientist)
Kenneth A GoldbergShort-wavelength optics, synchrotron instrumentation, interferometry, imaging, EUV Lithography Physics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19931997 Roger W. Falcone (grad student), Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Bethany Lyles GoldblumNuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2007 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student), Lee Allen Bernstein (grad student)
Mitchell Golden Physics19811988 Michael Stephen Chanowitz (grad student)
Gerson Goldhaberparticle physics, astrophysics
Sulamith Goldhaberhigh energy physics
Paul F. GoldsmithAstronomy and Astrophysics1975 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Edwin Leo Goldwasser1950 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Sunil Golwaladark matter and dark energy2000 Bernard Sadoulet (grad student)
Enrique D. Gomezpolymer physics20022007 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Cylon Eudóxio Tricot Gonçalves da Silva1972 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Daniel A. Good2007 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Roland Hamilton Good
Richard Edwin GoodmanCharacterization and analysis of discontinuous rocks, rock mechanics1964 H. Bolton Seed (grad student)
Teresa H. GordonGeneral Biophysics
Jeffrey C. Gorestructural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies2005 Carlos José Bustamante (grad student)
Vladimir V. GorgadzeFluid and Plasma Physics2005 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
W. Miller GossRadio astronomy1967 Harold F. Weaver (grad student)
Arthur C. GossardMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics1960 Alan Mark Portis (grad student)
Harvey GouldCondensed Matter Physics, Geophysics Physics19621966 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student)
Supriya Goyal2006 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Michael D. Grabe2002 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Dorota M. GrabowskaParticle Physics, Lattice QCD
Sheryl M. GracewskiMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics, Applied Mechanics1984 David B. Bogy (grad student)
Martin H. GrahamLocal area networks, computer systems, and instrumentation; Biomedical signal processing; Grounding, noise, and crosstalk problems
Matt W. Graham20052010 Graham R. Fleming (grad student)
Orman E. GrangerPhysical Geography, Atmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics
Paul D. GrannisExperimental high-energy physics.1965 Owen Chamberlain (grad student)
Yair A. GranotGeneral Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2008 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Heather M. Gray
Corin M. GreavesElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter Applied Science & Technology2012 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Elliot Greenfield2001 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student), Harold Lecar (grad student)
Derek L. GreenfieldMicrobiology Biology, Cell Biology2009 Jan T. Liphardt (grad student)
Neil GreenhamOptoelectronics, device physics19951996 A. Paul Alivisatos (post-doc)
Thomas Gregoire2003 Lawrence John Hall (grad student), Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student)
Tom GriffinTheory Physics Physics2014 Petr Horava (grad student)
Sinead Majella GriffinCondensed matter theory, Physics
Constantine P. GrigoropoulosMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Michael K. GrobisCondensed Matter Physics2005 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Brent Grocholskinature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2008 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
David J. GrossTheoretical physics1966 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
William Grosshandler
Helene L. Grossman2003 John Clarke (grad student)
Pulkit GroverCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Anant Sahai (grad student)
Zheng Gunanoscale science Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2014 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
John GuckenheimerDynamical systems1970 Stephen Smale (grad student)
Aurélie GuilhemGeophysics
Yuan-Cheng GungGeophysics2003 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Ture K. GustafsonCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics
Philippe Guyot-SionnestQuantum Confined Semiconductors, Plasmonic Metal Nanoparticles1987 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Jennie S. GuzmanAtomic Physics Physics2012 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Julian Guzman Materials Science2011 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Miklos GyulassyHigh Energy Nuclear Theory Physics1974 Eyvind H. Wichmann (grad student), Władysław J. Świątecki (grad student)
Taekjip HaSingle molecule1996 Daniel S. Chemla (grad student)
Roy Phillip Haddock1957 Chaim Richman (grad student)
Nicholas Hadley1983 David R Nygren (grad student)
Hartmut HaeffnerAtomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Energy, High Temperature Physics
Nancy Haegel Materials Science and Mineral Engineering1981 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Brenda Haendler2006 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Hal M. HaggardTheory Physics, Quantum Physics, Applied Mathematics Physics2011 Robert G. Littlejohn (grad student)
Hyeok Hahnpolymer physics2003 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Erwin Louis HahnCondensed Matter Physics And Materials Science
Nicholaus E. Haleckyhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2010 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Jasper S. HalekasAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics2003 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Lawrence John Hall
Elmer Edgar Hall
Oskar Hallatschek Sharad Ramanathan (post-doc)
J. Woods HalleyCondensed matter and chemical physics theory, simulation and experiment with an emphasis on interfaces and models of prebiotic evolution.1965 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Daniel T. Hallinanpolymer physics20092012 Nitash P. Balsara (post-doc)
Bertrand I. HalperinTheoretical physics: condensed matter and statistical physics1965 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Martin B. HalpernParticle Physics
Julius Halpernnuclear physics19401941 Ernest O. Lawrence (post-doc)
Illan Feiman HalpernQuantum Gravity, Cosmology, Relativity, Physics20152019 Raphael Bousso (grad student)
Erin V. Hansen Physics2020 Yury G. Kolomensky (post-doc)
Charles E. HansenTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation Astrophysics2011 Christopher F. McKee (grad student)
Araina A. HansenPhysical Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry2014 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student), Joseph Cerny (grad student)
Paul K. HansmaMaterials1972 Gene I. Rochlin (grad student)
Elizabeth Hanson Physics2020 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Ron HarnikElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Andrew Irwin HarrisAstrophysics1986 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Fiona A. Harrison1993 Steven M. Kahn (grad student)
Edward W. Hart1950 Robert Serber (grad student)
Sven R. Hartmannphoton echoes1961 Erwin Louis Hahn (grad student)
Pedram HassanzadehApplied Mathematics, Atmospheric Sciences, Physical Oceanography Mechanical Engineering2013 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Michael J. Hatridge Physics2010 John Clarke (grad student)
Elizabeth A. HauslerCivil Engineering, Geophysics2002 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Wick C. HaxtonAstrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics
Connor P. HaydenCivil Engineering, Geotechnology Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Richard W. HaymakerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1967 Charles Leon Schwartz (grad student)
Evans Vaughan Haywardprecision measurements of photoatomic cross sections1947 William Bache Fretter (grad student)
Raymond Webster Haywardquantum mechanics; the weak interaction; nuclear beta decay; gravitational waves; spontaneous nuclear transitions; electromagnetism1950 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Wayne Eskett Hazencosmic ray physics1941 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Michael B. HeaneyIndustrial R&D, Quantum Foundations Physics19831990 John Clarke (grad student)
John McCaslin Heck2001 Roger T. Howe (grad student), Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Austin J. HedemanTheory Physics Physics2014 Robert G. Littlejohn (grad student)
Alan J. HeegerPhysical chemistry1961 Alan Mark Portis (grad student)
Christoph Heiden19661968 Arthur F. Kip (post-doc)
Carl E. HeilesInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis
Beate Heinemann
Dion L. HeinzMineralogy, Geophysics1986 Mark S. T. Bukowinski (grad student), Marvin L. Cohen (grad student), Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Craig R. HelfgottParticle Physics2004 Martin B. Halpern (grad student)
Frances HellmanMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
A. Carl HelmholzNuclear/high-energy physics1940 Edwin M. McMillan (grad student), Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
David A. Hendrix Molecular and Cell Biology20072010 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student), Michael S. Levine (post-doc)
Ernest Mark Henley1952 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student)
Brian Henning20092015 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Edward T. HenryNanotechnology, Quantum Physics Physics2013 Irfan Siddiqi (grad student)
Louis George Henyey
Joshua D. Heppner2007 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
George Howard Herbig1948 Harold F. Weaver (grad student)
James Nathaniel HeymanCondensed Matter Physics1992 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Johann A. HibschmanAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Jonathan Arons (grad student)
Adrienne T. Higamolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2012 Liwei Lin (grad student)
James M. HigbieAtomic Physics2005 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Roger H. Hildebrandproperties of interstellar magnetic fields and interstellar dust by means of far-infrared photometry and polarimetry1951 Burton J. Moyer (grad student), Ernest O. Lawrence (research assistant)
Davide A. HillChemical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Chemistry1989 David Soane (grad student)
Mark HilleryQuantum Physics Physics Eyvind H. Wichmann (grad student)
Richard Edwin Hillsradio astronomy, interferometry,water masers Astronomy19681973 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Travis J. Hime2007 John Clarke (grad student)
Ian HinchliffeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Luis C. HoAstronomy and Astrophysics1995 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Byron HoNanofabrication Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Kai-Ming Ho1978 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Eric David Hobbs2004 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Joan A. Hoffman2005 John Clarke (grad student)
Jennifer Eve HoffmanCondensed Matter2003 James C Séamus Davis (grad student)
Werner Hofmannnuclear physics
Michael Andrew HohenseeFundamental Symmetry Tests, Gravitation, Atomic Physics
Mikel Barry Holcombmagnetic thin films, magnetoelectrics, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, ultrafast optics, pulsed laser deposition, perovskites Physics20042009 Ramamoorthy Ramesh (grad student)
John Paul HoldrenAerospace engineering, theoretical plasma physics
Seth E. Hollar2003 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Robert Hollebeek1975 William Chinowsky (grad student)
John Richard Holmes1942 Francis Arthur Jenkins (grad student)
Ian Holmes William Bruno (post-doc)
Tova Ray HolmesHEP Experiment Physics Beate Heinemann (grad student)
Donald Holve
William L. HolzapfelAstrophysics1996 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Robert Edward Holzer
James Curtis HoneGraphene, 2D materials, NEMS, nano-biology1998 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Yoon P. HongElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
William D. HongMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2007 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Xiaoping HongOptics Physics, Nanoscience Physics2014 Feng Wang (grad student)
Benjamin H. HoobermanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Marco Battaglia (grad student)
Randolph Q. HoodQuantum Physics1994 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
John J. HopfieldModelling
John Joseph Hopfield, Sr.vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy, solar ultraviolet spectroscopy1923 Raymond T. Birge (grad student), E. Percival Lewis (grad student)
Petr HoravaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Andrew C. Hornigparticle physics theory, cosmology Physics2010 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
Peter Hosemannmaterial science
Emile M. HoskinsonLow Temperature, Liquid Helium, Super-fluidity2005 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Pavan R. HosurCondensed Matter Physics Physics2012 Ashvin Vishwanath (grad student)
Andrew W. HowardExtrasolar planets, SETI Astronomy20072012 Geoffrey W. Marcy (post-doc)
Stephen Hsu Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Qing Huapplied physics, devices, technology19871989 Paul L. Richards (post-doc)
Wayne T. HuCosmology1995 Joseph Ivor Silk (grad student)
Xunxiang HuIrradiation Effects on Materials, Solid Mechanics Nuclear Engineering2013 Brian Wirth (grad student)
Xiaosheng Huang2004 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Mong-Han HuangGeophysics Earth & Planetary Science2014 Roland Burgmann (grad student)
Yichen Huang2015 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Su-Shu HuangAstrophysics
William B. HubbardAstronomy and Astrophysics1967 Louis George Henyey (grad student)
M. King Hubbertpetroleum hydrogeology
Rupert Huber20042006 Daniel S. Chemla (grad student)
Katherine H. HuckelbridgeEnvironmental Engineering, Hydrology2008 John A. Dracup (grad student)
Eric W. Hudsoncondensed matter, scanning tunneling microscopy, high temperature superconductors, strongly correlated systems, two dimensional materials Physics19921999 James C Séamus Davis (grad student)
Hugh S HudsonSolar Physics Physics19611966 Kinsey Amor Anderson (grad student)
Robert Joseph Hull
Cassandra Hunt Alessandra Lanzara (post-doc)
Larry R Hunter Physics1981 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
John E. Huthexperimental particle physics1985 Owen Chamberlain (grad student)
George Jerome Igo1953 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Nia ImaraAstrophysics Physics Astrophysics2010 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Erich P. Ippenfemtosecond science and ultra-highspeed devices Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences1968 John R. Whinnery (grad student)
Joshua A IsaacsAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Physics Dan Stamper-Kurn (post-doc)
Masahiro Ishigami Physics19972004 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Sohrab Ismail-Beigicondensed matter Physics20002003 Steven G. Louie (post-doc)
Brett H. IsselhardtNuclear Engineering, Atomic Physics, Radiation Physics Nuclear Engineering2011 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Kohei Itoh Materials Science and Engineeing19891994 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Jodi M. Iwata Materials Science & Engineering2012 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Eric Jabart Bioengineering20092013 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Barbara V. JacakFluid and Plasma Physics, Theory Physics
Robert L. Jack20062008 David Chandler (post-doc)
Christopher JacksonAstroparticle Physics Physics2020 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (post-doc)
J. David JacksonTheoretical Physics
Theodor Siegumfeldt Jacobsenradial velocities of cepheids, binary stars1926 Joseph Haines Moore (grad student), William Wallace Campbell (grad student)
Steven L. JacquesMedical Biophysics, Optics Physics, Biomedical Engineering1984 Howard I. Maibach (grad student), Charles Süsskind (grad student)
Siddharth Jainmolecular radio astronomy2007 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Tiberiu JamnealaCondensed Matter Physics2001 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Babak Jamshidi2008 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Caron A. Jantzenhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2000 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
John A. JarosHigh-energy physics1975 Owen Chamberlain (grad student), Herbert M. Steiner (grad student), Gilbert Shapiro (grad student)
Raymond Jeanloznature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.
Carson Dunning Jeffriescrystal structures and electrical properties of solids
Francis Arthur Jenkinsmolecular spectroscopy
Jaeseok JeonNanofabrication Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2011 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Seongeun JeongCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2009 John A. Dracup (grad student), Xu Liang (grad student)
Eunhwa Jeong2007 George Fitzgerald Smoot (grad student)
Myron Alton Jeppesen19561957 Francis Arthur Jenkins (research scientist)
Na JiNon-linear Optics2005 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Chung-Hsiang JiangMechanical Engineering, Geophysics Mechanical Engineering2010 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Peihua JingIrradiation Effects on Materials, Solid Mechanics2008 Brian Wirth (grad student)
John D. Joannopoulostheoretical description of the properties of material systems, photonic crystals1974 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Andrew Y JoeCondensed matter experiment, 2D materials Physics20212023 Feng Wang (post-doc)
Amanda M. JohnsenNuclear Engineering2008 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Randy Allan JohnsonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1975 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
John Asher Johnson20002007 Geoffrey W. Marcy (grad student)
Jedediah E. Johnson Physics2012 John Clarke (grad student)
R. Victor Jonessemiconductor electronics1956 Carson Dunning Jeffries (grad student), Walter David Knight (research assistant)
Lawrence W. Joneshigh energy physics1952 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Bernard J.T. Jonesformation of galaxies Joseph Ivor Silk (post-doc)
Aditya A. JoshiLow Temperature, Liquid Helium, Super-fluidity Physics2013 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Tenzing H. JoshiNuclear Engineering, Radiation Physics Nuclear Engineering2014 Eric Benzo Norman (grad student)
Chao Justring theory
Kenji Kadota2004 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Pamela M. KaercherMineralogy, Geophysics, Geology Earth and Planetary Science2014 Hans-Rudolf Wenk (grad student)
Steven M. KahnExperimental & Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology1980 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Benjamin KainElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2007 Mary K. Gaillard (grad student)
Michio KakuParticle Theory19691972 Stanley Mandelstam (grad student)
Paul Kalas
George Randolph KalbfleischElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1961 M. Lynn Stevenson (grad student)
Theodoros KalogeropoulosExperimental Particle Physics1959 Gerson Goldhaber (grad student)
Pankaj KalraNanofabrication2008 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Hei KamNanofabrication2009 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Ann M. KammererCivil Engineering2002 Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Waruntorn KanitpanyacharoenGeophysics, Mineralogy, Geology Earth & Planetary Science2012 Hans-Rudolf Wenk (grad student)
Colleen L. KantnerCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2010 Joe Orenstein (grad student)
Wei-Chun KaoComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2011 Yun S. Song (grad student)
Karl N. KapplerGeophysics2008 James W. Rector (grad student)
Henry C. Kapteynlaser spectroscopy1989 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Joseph I. KapustaNuclear Physics, Theory Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics1978 Władysław J. Świątecki (grad student), Korkut Bardakci (grad student)
Gregory S. KarczmarGeneral Biophysics, Medicine and Surgery, Oncology, Radiology1984 Melvin P. Klein (grad student)
Robert Karplustheoretical physics, science education
Daniel N. KasenAtomic, Molecular And Optical Physics2004 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Allan Nathan Kaufmanplasma theory
Abby KavnerGeophysics1997 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Roland Kenji KawakamiCondensed Matter Physics1999 Zi Qiang Qiu (grad student)
Emi Kawamuraelectron beam plasma physics, plasma sciences2003 Charles K. Birdsall (grad student)
Andrew J. KeanAir pollutant formation and control, motor vehicle emissions, energy and environment, regulatory policy.19982002 Robert F. Sawyer (grad student)
Jakub T. Kedzierskinanoscale science2001 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Cynthia A. KeelerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2008 Petr Horava (grad student)
Frederic Keffer1952 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Joseph Michels Keller1940 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Michael C. Kelley1970 Forrest S. Mozer (grad student)
Hugh P. KellyAtomic Physics, Many-Body Perturbation Theory Physics19591963 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student)
Nathan D. Kelso Physics2009 John Clarke (grad student)
James Chalmers Kemp1961 Jerome Ralph Singer (grad student), Erwin Louis Hahn (post-doc)
Saad Al Kenany Nuclear Engineering20162021 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
John T. M. Kennis19982000 Graham R. Fleming (post-doc), Richard Alfred Mathies (post-doc)
Branko KerkezCivil Engineering, System Science Engineering, Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2012 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
Nicholas S. Kersting2002 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Leroy T. Kerth1957 Edwin M. McMillan (grad student)
Brian M. Kesslermaterials Physics2010 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Devesh R. Khanal Materials Science & Engineering2010 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Bijan KhazaiGeotechnology, Civil Engineering, Geology2004 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Khoonghong Khootheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2007 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Carolyn A. Kierans Physics2018 Steven Edward Boggs (grad student)
William B. Kilgore Physics19871994 Michael Stephen Chanowitz (grad student)
Junghyun Kim Mechanical Engineering20132018 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Min Gyu KimCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials Robert J. Birgeneau (post-doc)
Dai Sik Kim1990 Peter Y. Yu (grad student)
Bom S. KimTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2009 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
Yihwan KimMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Young-Kee KimOptics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Chang-Jin CJ KimMEMS and nanotechnology1991 Albert P. Pisano (grad student), Richard S. Muller (grad student)
Yong-Deog KimIrradiation Effects on Materials, Solid Mechanics Nuclear Engineering2012 Brian Wirth (grad student)
Jongbaeg KimNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2004 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Derek F. KimballAtomic Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Optics Physics2005 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Hikari KimuraCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry Physics2009 Robert C. Dynes (grad student)
Ivan R. Kingstar clusters
Tsu-Jae King LiuNanofabrication
Kay KinoshitaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1982 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Emmanouil S. Kioupakistheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2008 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Arthur F. Kipsolid state physics19351939 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
Jessica A. Kirkpatrick Physics2012 Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
Paul Harmon Kirkpatrickx-rays1923 Elmer Dershem (grad student)
Leo KirschLow Energy Nuclear Science Nuclear Engineering20152018 Lee Allen Bernstein (grad student)
Janos Kirzx-ray microscopy, spectromicroscopy, holography, and diffraction imaging Physics1963 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student), Robert D. Tripp (grad student)
Vera KistiakowskyExperimental Particle Physics, Astrophysics1952 Glenn T. Seaborg (grad student)
Charles KittelCondensed Matter Physics
Jonas A. KjallCondensed Matter Theory Physics2012 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Melvin P. Kleinbiophysics1963 Melvin Calvin (collaborator), Cornelius Anthony Tobias (research assistant)
Christopher R. Klein Astrophysics2014 Joshua S. Bloom (grad student)
Stanley A. KleinVision Thom Carney (collaborator), Dennis Levi (collaborator)
Leonard KleinmanMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering1960 James C. Phillips (grad student), Charles Kittel (grad student)
William L. KlemmElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Edward Alan KnappHigh Energy Physics1958 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Walter David Knightphysics of metals
Kimberly B. KnightGeochemistry, Geology2006 Paul R. Renne (grad student)
Aaron Jay Knobloch2003 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Bruce Owen KnutesonExperimental Particle Physics2000 Mark W. Strovink (grad student)
Laura K. KoglerNuclear physics Physics2011 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Aaron A. KohnertIrradiation Effects on Materials, Solid Mechanics Nuclear Engineering2014 Brian Wirth (grad student)
Belita Koiller1975 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Yury G. KolomenskyNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics19951998 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Lukasz KomzaQuantum devices Physics2021 Alp Sipahigil (grad student)
John KouvetakisCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Chemistry Neil Bartlett (grad student)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven19921994 Paul L. McEuen (post-doc)
Charles D. KovenGeophysics, Atmospheric Sciences2006 Inez Fung (grad student)
Matthew S KowittParticle physics, CMBR, instrumentation Physics Physics19901992 Kam-Biu Luk (grad student), Herbert M. Steiner (grad student)
Alina Kozindamolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2014 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Robert Paul KraftAstrophysics1955 George Howard Herbig (grad student), Otto Struve (grad student)
Julia Kregenow Astronomy2007 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Mariska Therese KriekGalaxy Evolution
Michael N. KrishnanSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR) Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2014 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Julian H. KrolikAstronomy and Astrophysics1977 Christopher F. McKee (grad student)
Richard Gordon KronExtragalactic Astronomy & Astrophysics, Galactic Astronomy & Astrophysics1978 Ivan R. King (grad student)
Sam KruckerGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mark R. KrumholzTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2005 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), Richard I. Klein (grad student)
Nelson Kuan2001 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Austin L. KuhnNuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Physics2002 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Fred H. Kulhawy1969 H. Bolton Seed (grad student), J. Michael Duncan (grad student)
Shrinivas R. KulkarniAstronomy1984 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Tonushree KunduFluid and Plasma Physics, Atmospheric Science Physics2001 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Wulf Bernard KunkelFusion Research1951 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
Chao-Lin KuoExperimental & Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology2003 William L. Holzapfel (grad student), Martin White (grad student)
Franz Newell Devereux Kurie1932 Ernest O. Lawrence (post-doc)
Shuichi KusakaTheoretical physics1942 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Paul G. Kwiat Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Joanna T. LaiNanofabrication2008 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Chih-Wei E. LaiCondensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics2004 Daniel S. Chemla (grad student)
Kien-Bang LamNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2005 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Willis Eugene Lamb1938 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Brian J. Lambsonnanoscale science Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2013 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Paul Edward Lammert19891993 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Benjamin J LandNeutrino Physics Physics20142019 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (grad student)
Richard Leon Lander1957 Wilson Marcy Powell (grad student)
Oscar E. Lanfordmathematical physics, dynamical systems
Paul G. Langacker Physics1972 Mahiko Suzuki (grad student)
Andrew Evan Langecosmic microwave background1987 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Donald Newton Langenberg1959 Arthur F. Kip (grad student)
Matthew C. LangnerCondensed Matter Physics2009 Joseph Orenstein (grad student)
Joseph Edward LannuttiHigh Energy Physics1957 Gerson Goldhaber (grad student), Sulamith Goldhaber (grad student)
Alessandra LanzaraHigh Temperature Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Thibault Laplace Nuclear Engineering20172019 Bethany Lyles Goldblum (post-doc)
Jill Huston Larkin1975 Frederick Reif (grad student)
Grant E. Larsenparticle physics theory, cosmology Physics2014 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
Rudolph R Larsen
Daniel T. Larson20002005 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Michael R. Lauferhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2013 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Ted A. LaurenceGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology2002 Daniel S. Chemla (grad student)
Gabriel LavellaNanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Michel Martin Maharbiz (grad student)
Conor M. LaverAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geology2008 Imke de Pater (grad student)
Ernest O. LawrenceNuclear Physics
John Hundale Lawrencepioneer of nuclear medicine
Jesse Leaman20022008 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Rich LebedElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1994 Mahiko Suzuki (grad student)
Carlito B. LebrillaGeneral Biophysics1985 Wilhelm F. Maier (grad student)
Harold Lecarion channels
Christian A. Ledezma ArayaCivil Engineering2007 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Donovan T. LeeNanofabrication2009 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Wonyong LeeAstronomy and Astrophysics1961 Gerson Goldhaber (grad student), Sulamith Goldhaber (grad student)
Joon-Hyung Leepolymer physics2002 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Hana Lee Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Rachel Brem (grad student)
Kanani K. Leenature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2003 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Seungkyun Lee2005 John Clarke (grad student)
Dung-Hai LeeCondensed Matter Physics
Eve Jihyun Lee Astronomy20122017 Eugene Chiang (grad student)
Adrian Lee
Jun-Ho LeeTheoretical and computational condensed matter physics
Nathan A. LeeferAtomic Physics Physics2013 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Amy A. Lefebvrepolymer physics2002 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Christina J. LeggettNuclear Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Nuclear Engineering2012 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Stefan LeichenauerTheory Physics Physics2011 Raphael Bousso (grad student)
Sigmund Waldemar Leifson1925 John Joseph Hopfield, Sr. (grad student)
Vedran LekicGeophysics2009 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Thomas Richard LembergerSolid State Physics, Quantum Physics19781981 John Clarke (post-doc)
Victor Fritz Lenzenphilosophy, physics1913 Benjamin Abram Bernstein (research assistant), Clarence Irving Lewis (research assistant)
Mat Leonard
Frederick Leonard19191922 Armin Otto Leuschner (grad student), William Wallace Campbell (grad student), Joseph Haines Moore (grad student)
Douglas Christopher Leonard2000 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Adam K. LeroyAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy20012007 Leo Blitz (grad student), Alberto D. Bolatto (grad student)
Kevin Thomas LeskoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics
Sabrina R. LeslieAtomic Physics2008 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Chun Ming Leung astronomy George B. Field (grad student)
Armin Otto Leuschner
Alejandro X. Levander Materials Science & Engineering Materials Science & Engineering2012 Junqiao Wu (grad student), Oscar D. Dubon (grad student)
Eli M. Levenson-FalkElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Nanoscience, Radiation Physics, General Physics Physics2013 Irfan Siddiqi (grad student)
Evan S. LevineAstronomy and Astrophysics2007 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Dan Levy2005 Rainer Kurt Sachs (grad student)
Niv B. LevyCondensed Matter Physics Physics2010 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
E. Percival Lewisinfrared and far ultraviolet spectroscopy
Steven P. Lewis Physics1993 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Harold Warren Lewishigh energy physics1948 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Laurence Lewis Nuclear Engineering20152018 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Samantha Michelle Lewis Nuclear Engineering20152020 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Michael A. LeytonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2009 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
Hanhan LiQuantum Physics Physics2014 K. Birgitta Whaley (grad student)
Chih-Hao LiAtomic Physics2005 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Shaofin LiApplied Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Mechanical Engineering
Tai-De LiCondensed Matter Physics BioEngineering20092014 Daniel A. Fletcher (post-doc)
Jensen LiMetamaterials, Acoustics, Photonic Crystals Xiang Zhang (post-doc)
Zi-Xiang LiCondensed matter physics
Wan Lispintronics, magnetics, graphene Chemistry Ke Xu (research scientist)
Je-Luen Litheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2002 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Sha Li2006 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Sonny X. Li2006 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Edison P. LiangAstronomy and Astrophysics1971 Rainer Kurt Sachs (grad student)
Christopher Y. Liao Materials Science & Engineering2010 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
James W. LiebertAstronomy and Astrophysics1976 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Wei-Cheng Lien Applied Science and Technology2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Zoltan LigetiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Robert J. LillisAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics2006 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Kevin Limkrailassirimolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2013 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Liwei LinNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators1993 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Yuyi LinMachine design; Mechanical spring and valve train dynamics1989 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Karin S. Lintheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2000 Steven G. Louie (grad student), Daryl C. Chrzan (grad student)
Chih-Ming Lin Mechanical Engineering2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Robert Peichung Linexperimental space physics1967 Kinsey Amor Anderson (grad student)
Yu-Ping LinCondensed Matter Theory Physics Physics2022 Joel E. Moore (post-doc), Dung-Hai Lee (post-doc)
Wen-Hsiung LinCivil Engineering2002 Anil K. Chopra (grad student)
Ryan R. LindbergFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
Aaron M. LindenbergElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter2001 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Dennis W. LindlePhysical Chemistry, Molecular Physics David A. Shirley (grad student)
Benjamin R. Lintnerelementary particle physics, astrophysics, geophysics Department of Physics2003 Richard A. Muller (grad student), Inez Fung (grad student)
Jan T. LiphardtGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology2001 Carlos José Bustamante (post-doc), Ignacio Tinoco (post-doc)
Everett A. LipmanExperimental Biological Physics Department of Physics19941998 Charles Hard Townes (grad student), William C. Danchi (grad student)
Julian M. Lippmann2008 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Tony Michael LissElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics19801984 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Jack J. LissauerAstronomy and Astrophysics1982 Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Carolina R. Lithgow-BertelloniGeophysics, Mantle dynamics1994 Mark A. Richards (grad student)
Alan Michael LitkeParticle physics, Neuroscience Biology19731975 M. Lynn Stevenson (post-doc)
Robert G. LittlejohnQuantum Physics1980 Allan Nathan Kaufman (grad student)
Xiaohu LiuApplied Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Mechanical Engineering2006 Shaofin Li (grad student)
Kaihui Liu Department of Physics20092014 Feng Wang (post-doc)
Weitao LiuNon-linear Optics2008 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Yongmin LiuOptics Physics, Materials Science Engineering2009 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Hsin-I LiuSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR) Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Michael C. LiuTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2000 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), James R. Graham (grad student)
Milton Stanley LivingstonHigh Energy Physics1931 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Austin Troy LoNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering20182020 Lee Allen Bernstein (grad student)
Cheuk C. Lonanoscale science Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2011 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Wei-Cheng LoEnvironmental Engineering, Hydrology, Geophysics2003 Garrison Sposito (grad student)
Leonard B. LoebPhysics of gas discharges
Edward Joseph Lofgren1946 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Andrea N. LommenAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Donald C. Backer (grad student)
Michael Joseph Longoexperimental elementary particle physics1961 Burton J. Moyer (grad student)
Stanisław Loria
Peter LoscutoffElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2013 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
George Davis LouderbackGeology1899 Andrew Cowper Lawson (grad student)
Steven G. Louietheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science1976 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Carrie Wing-Zin Low2007 Roger T. Howe (grad student), Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Xinghau LuCondensed Matter Physics2006 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Xiaochuan Lu20092015 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Jau-Huai Lu
Henry Joseph LubattiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1966 William Bache Fretter (grad student)
Philip M. LubinAstrophysics and Cosmology1980 George Fitzgerald Smoot (grad student)
Stephen H LubowAstrophysics1977 Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Donald LucasMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Engineering
Alex Luce Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Martin LuekerAstrophysics Physics2010 William L. Holzapfel (grad student)
Paul J. LujanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
Kam-Biu LukElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Jennifer R. Lukes2001 Chang-Lin Tien (grad student)
Katherine A. LundquistMechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences Mechanical Engineering2010 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Loraine L. LundquistAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
ZhongSheng LuoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2005 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Weidong Luoprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or2004 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Lei LuoNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2007 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Howard C. LuongElectronics and Electrical Engineering1994 Theodore van Duzer (grad student)
Eleonora LuppiTheoretical Chemistry20112012 Martin Head-Gordon (post-doc)
Xudong LvQuantum sensing, quantum computing Alexander Pines (grad student)
Alexander I. LvovskyQuantum optical technology19981999 Yuen-Ron Shen (post-doc)
Yuan Ma Cynthia Hipwell (post-doc)
Yue (Eric) Ma
shang-keng mamany-body physics1974 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student), Gene F. Mazenko (collaborator)
Chung-Pei MaAstronomy and Astrophysics
James B. Macelwane1923 Elmer Edgar Hall (grad student)
Stephanie A Mack
Ralph Stuart MackayBiophysics Physics1952 Harvey Elliott White (grad student)
Kenneth Ross MacKenzieexperimental plasma physics1940 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Stephan A. MacLarenFluid and Plasma Physics2000 Joel Fajans (grad student)
Vidya MadhavanCondensed Matter Physics19992002 Michael Felix Crommie (post-doc)
Armon Mahajerinmolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2012 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Gerald D. MahanCondensed matter theory, Transport and optical properties, Solid-state devices1964 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Michel Martin MaharbizBiosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)2003 Roger T. Howe (grad student), Jay D. Keasling (grad student)
Joseph G. Makin2008 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Roger Frank Malinaastrophysics, arscience,experimental publishing1979 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Brad D. Maloneprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations Physics2012 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
H. J. Mamin
Michael ManagaGeophysics, Condensed Matter Physics
Tomáš Mančal20032006 Graham R. Fleming (post-doc)
Sourav K. MandalElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Theory Physics Physics2010 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Mark MandelkernBiomedical Engineering1967 William Chinowsky (grad student)
Stanley MandelstamParticle Theory
Vuk Mandicparticle astrophysics and cosmology2004 Bernard Sadoulet (grad student)
Holly L. ManessAstrophysics Physics Astrophysics2010 Geoffrey W. Marcy (grad student)
Juan Manfredi Nuclear Engineering20182020 Bethany Lyles Goldblum (post-doc)
Curtis V. ManningAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Wei MaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Ture K. Gustafson (grad student)
Elad MaorMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Biophysics2009 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Philip Stephen MarcusAstronomy and Astrophysics
Geoffrey W. MarcyAstronomy and Astrophysics
Peter J. Mardahlelectron beam plasma physics, plasma sciences2001 Charles K. Birdsall (grad student)
Jeremy Mardonparticle physics theory, cosmology Physics2011 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
Bruce Margon1973 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Alysia D. MarinoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics2004 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Ruza MarkovElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Applied Mathematics Physics2012 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
Richard MarrusAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics1959 William Aaron Nierenberg (grad student)
Jerrold Eldon Marsden
Lauriston Calvert Marshall1929 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
G. Edward MartiUltracold gases, Atomic Physics
George E. MartiAtomic Physics Physics2014 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Richard Martin
Christopher MartinAstronomy; Physics Physics1986 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Fabian C. Martinez2005 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
John M. MartinisCondensed Matter Experimental Physics1986 John Clarke (grad student)
Charles J. MartoffGeneral Physics, Astrophysics Physics1980 Kenneth Morse Crowe (grad student)
Henry B. MasonCivil Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Mohammad Massoudi
Joseph Walter Matherplasma physics1952 Edwin M. McMillan (grad student)
John Cromwell Mather1974 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Thomas D. MathesonSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe2000 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Peter MatheuNanofabrication Applied Science & Technology2012 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
William George Mathews Astronomy1965 Louis George Henyey (grad student)
Robert D. MathieuStructure, kinematics and dynamics of star clusters and star-forming regions; stellar binary populations; blue stragglers and other objects on alternative stellar evolution pathways; stellar angular momentum evolution.1983 Ivan R. King (grad student)
Demetrios Nicholas Matsakisatomic clocks1978 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Sara MattafirriRadiation Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology Nuclear Engineering2010 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Tyler S. Matthews Materials Science & Engineering2013 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Kasuen Mauldin Molecular & Biochemical Nutrition2010 Yan Mei Wang (grad student)
Philip D Mauskopf1997 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Reed M. MaxwellHydrology, Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering19951998 William E. Kastenberg (grad student)
Michael Melville May1952 William Bache Fretter (grad student)
Marie A. Mayer Materials Science & Engineering2012 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Edward Dorris McAlisterphotosynthesis1928 Raymond T. Birge (grad student), Frederick Summer Brackett (grad student)
Robert Lane MccarthyExperimental elementary particle physics.1971 Donald Henry Miller (grad student)
Matthew McCluskeyHigh pressure and semi-conductor physics.1997 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Nicholas J. McConnellAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics Astronomy2012 Chung-Pei Ma (grad student), James R. Graham (grad student)
Colin F. McCormickQuantum Optics2003 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Christopher D. McCoy Mechanical Engineering2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Peter McCulloughAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Astronomy1993 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Robert F. McDermott2002 John Clarke (grad student)
Kyle P. McElroyCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2005 Joseph Orenstein (grad student)
Tess R. McEnultyPlanetology, Fluid and Plasma Physics Earth & Planetary Science2012 Imke de Pater (grad student)
Patrick L. McGaughey1982 Glenn T. Seaborg (grad student)
John A. McGuireNon-linear Optics2004 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Christopher F. McKeeTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation1970 George B. Field (grad student)
Daniel N. McKinsey
Robert A. McLarenInfrared astronomy19731975 Charles Hard Townes (post-doc)
Gregory C. McLaskeyApplied Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Geophysics Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
William McLean
Michael McManus Physics2022 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Edwin M. McMillanNuclear chemistry Ernest O. Lawrence (post-doc)
Ryan S. McWilliamsnature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2008 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Charles M. Melby-ThompsonTheory Physics, Quantum Physics Physics2012 Petr Horava (grad student)
Bryan J. Mendez2002 Marc Davis (grad student)
Teresa MengSignal Processing1988 David Gavin Messerschmitt (grad student)
Carlos A. MerilesNuclear Physics Chemistry19982002 Alexander Pines (grad student)
Ronald Mermod1955 Emilio Segrè (post-doc)
Ronald Thomas MerrillGeophysics1967 John Verhoogen (grad student)
Jean-Michel Mestdagh Yuan T. Lee (post-doc)
Peter MészárosHigh energy astrophysics1972 George B. Field (grad student)
Brian David Metzgertheoretical astrophysics20032009 Eliot Quataert (grad student)
Curtis A. Meyertheoretical high energy physics1987 Kenneth Morse Crowe (grad student)
Peter D. MeyersParticle Astrophysics Physics1983 Leroy T. Kerth (grad student), Mark W. Strovink (grad student)
Joshua E. Meyers Physics2012 Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
William E. Mickelsonmaterials2005 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Owen Miller Electrical Engineering20072012 Eli Yablonovitch (grad student)
Nathaniel R. Miller Materials Science & Engineering2010 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Adam A. Miller Astrophysics2013 Joshua S. Bloom (grad student)
Douglas L. MillsCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics1965 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Kyoungwon MinGeology2002 Paul R. Renne (grad student)
Aleksey L. MintsTheory Physics2007 Raphael Bousso (grad student)
Shridhar M. MishraCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2009 Anant Sahai (grad student), Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Morgan W. MitchellQuantum Optics Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Tushar MittalNumerical modeling, planetary processes, geodynamics, magmatic systems Earth and Planetary Science2019 Mark A. Richards (grad student)
Lowell M. MiyagiMineralogy, Geophysics, Geology2009 Hans-Rudolf Wenk (grad student)
Leonard D. Mlodinow Physics Physics1981 Nikos Papanicolaou (grad student), Eyvind H. Wichmann (grad student)
Lyle Fred MockrosChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics1962 Hans Albert Einstein (grad student)
Subhanjoy MohantyAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Gibor Saul Basri (grad student)
Peter J. Mohr Physics1973 Eyvind H. Wichmann (grad student)
Walter Y mokSynchrotron Light Source, Nuclear fusion Physics19731978 Erwin Louis Hahn (grad student)
Eva H. Mok2008 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Paul Rene MonasterioCondensed Matter Theory20042006 Brian Wirth (research assistant)
Pierre Monceau
Roger MongCondensed Matter Theory Physics2012 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Wren B. Montgomerynature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2007 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Joel E. MooreCondensed Matter Theory Physics2001 Xiao-Gang Wen (grad student)
Nathan P. MooreQuantum Physics Physics2014 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
José Luis Morán Lópeztheoretical physics, solid state physics, materials science19771979 Leopoldo M. Falicov (post-doc)
Dane D MorganMaterials Science Engineering, Geophysics1998 Didier deFontaine (grad student), Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Jonathan T MorrellNuclear physics, nuclear engineering Nuclear Engineering20172021 Lee Allen Bernstein (grad student)
John William Morrisdesign and behavior analysis of metals and alloys
Harry Lee Morrisonstatistical mechanics
Philip MorrisonAstrophysics, Nuclear Physics19361940 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Robb E. MossCivil Engineering2003 Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Joel Marshall MossNuclear Physics1969 Bernard George Harvey (grad student), David Lowery Hendrie (grad student)
Telemachos C. MouschoviasAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy1975 George B. Field (grad student)
Jonathan E. Moussaprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations2008 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Leonidas Moustakas1998 Marc Davis (grad student)
Burton J. Moyernuclear physics, high energy physics
Forrest S. MozerSpace Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics, Electrical Engineering
Robert F. Mozley1950 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky (grad student), Edwin M. McMillan (grad student), Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Stanisław Wojciech Mrozowskisolid state physics of carbon19391940 Ernest O. Lawrence (research scientist)
Holger MuellerAtomic Physics
Johannes Muelmenstaedtclimate, clouds, aerosols2007 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Lilac Muller2000 Roger T. Howe (grad student), Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Richard A. Mullerelementary particle physics, astrophysics, geophysics1969 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Scott A. Mullinpolymer physics Chemical Engineering2011 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Vadim R. Munirov Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (post-doc)
Hitoshi MurayamaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kater W. MurchAtomic Physics2008 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student), Irfan Siddiqi (grad student)
Margaret M. Murnanefemtosecond laser spectroscopy1989 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
Padraig G. MurphyCondensed Matter Theory2008 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Joseph A. Murphy-Boesch1979 Jerome Ralph Singer (grad student)
Ruth Murray-ClayTheoretical Astrophysics20022008 Eugene Chiang (grad student)
Whittier R. Myers2006 John Clarke (grad student)
Ofer NaamanCondensed Matter Physics Physics Irfan Siddiqi (post-doc)
Michael Nahum1992 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Koo Hyun Nam Mechanical Engineering2010 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Albert NarathSolid state physics1959 William D. Gwinn (grad student)
Rhesa NathanaelNanofabrication Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Anthony NdirangoTheory Physics2006 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
Alisyn J. Nedomapolymer physics Chemical Engineering2010 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Ralph A. NeffSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)2000 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Cailin A. Nelson2002 Marc Davis (grad student)
Alan C. Nelson1980 Cornelius Anthony Tobias (grad student)
Harry N. NelsonHigh Energy Experimental Physics Physics19791981 P. Buford Price (research assistant)
Heidi J. NewbergAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics1992 Richard A. Muller (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Newman2000 Marc Davis (grad student)
Riley David NewmanExperimental elementary particle and gravitational physics Physics1966 William Chinowsky (grad student)
Vinh V. NgoNuclear Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Radiation Physics2004 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Tuan NguyenAtomic Physics2005 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Clark T.-C. Nguyenmicroelectromechanical systems Electrical Engineering1994 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
Thinh P. NguyenSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)2003 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Leah G. NicholsEnergy and Resources2007 Gene I. Rochlin (grad student)
Amy N. NicholsonNuclear Theory
William Aaron Nierenbergmolecular beam research, cascade theory
Kelotchi Nieves Emmanouil S. Kioupakis (grad student)
Fenglei Niuhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2003 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Nnaemeka Nnamani Nuclear Engineering20132019 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Jesse D. Noffsingerprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations Physics2011 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Yookyung NohCosmology Astrophysics2013 Martin White (grad student)
David Douglas NolteOptics, Physics, Biomedical, Biophotonics, Holography Physics19831988 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Yasunori Nomuraparticle physics theory, cosmology
Arnold Theodore Nordsieckphysics1935 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Eric Benzo Normannuclear astrophysics, neutrino physics
Henry Pierre Noyes1950 Robert Serber (grad student)
Peter NugentAstronomy and Astrophysics
David R NygrenParticle physics
Morrough Parker O'BrienHydraulic engineering
Thomas A. O'HalloranHigh-energy physics1963 Gerson Goldhaber (grad student), Sulamith Goldhaber (grad student)
Niels A. Oberstheoretical physics Physics19871991 Martin B. Halpern (grad student)
Thomas M. ODonnellNuclear physics Physics2011 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Omolola Odusanyapolymer physics2007 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Stella S. OffnerTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation Physics2009 Christopher F. McKee (grad student)
Takemichi Okui2003 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Daniel OliveActinide speciation Jeff Terry (grad student)
Steven Oliver Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Arthur OlsonCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics19701976 David H. Templeton (grad student)
Nai Phuan OngCondensed Matter Physics1976 Alan Mark Portis (grad student)
Hirosi OoguriTheoretical Physics
J. Robert Oppenheimernuclear physics
Raymond L. Orbachsolid state physics, magnetic resonance, energy1960 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Gabriel D Orebi GannAstroparticle Physics
Joseph OrensteinCondensed Matter Physics And Materials Science
Joe OrensteinCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Toyoko J. OrimotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Yury G. Kolomensky (grad student)
Ilya L. OsipenkovElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Yury G. Kolomensky (grad student)
Eve Charis OstrikerAstronomy and Astrophysics1993 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Niels F. Otanicomputer modeling and theory1986 Charles K. Birdsall (grad student)
David M. OttenBiomedical Engineering2000 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Grigol G. Ovanesyanparticle physics theory, cosmology Physics2010 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
James Martin Overduingravitation,cosmology,astrophysics,particle physics Astronomy19911991 C. Stuart Bowyer (research assistant)
Albert W. OverhauserCondensed Matter Physics19481951 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Roy OverstreetSoil chemistry1936 William Francis Giauque (grad student)
Atilla ÖZMEN Physics1957 Howard A. Shugart (grad student)
Richard E. PackardLow Temperature, Liquid Helium, Super-fluidity
Alvaro PadillaNanofabrication2008 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Brent Page Physics/SSL2024 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Harikrishna R. PalaiyanurCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2011 Anant Sahai (grad student)
Moorthi Palaniapan2002 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
Wendy R. Paneronature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.2001 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Mark P. PanningGeophysics2004 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky
Anastasios Y. Papaioannou2008 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Alexandros Prodromos Papavasiliou2001 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Siddharth A. ParameswaranCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics, Nanoscience Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Francesco Leone Paresce Marconi1972 Charles Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Seung-min ParkSmart Toilet, Precision Health, Nanobiotechnology Bioengineering20102014 Luke Lee (post-doc)
Seung-min Parknanofabrication methods and the application of engineered nanosystems for research and device applications Bioengineering20102014 Luke Lee (post-doc)
Jaehyun ParkElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Michel Martin Maharbiz (grad student)
Yeonjoon ParkMaterials Science Engineering2003 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Moon Jeong Parkpolymer physics20062009 Nitash P. Balsara (post-doc)
Cheol H. Parktheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science Physics2009 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Inkyu Park2007 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Sang-Won Park2008 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Eung S. ParkNanofabrication Electrical Engineering2013 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Hongkun Park A. Paul Alivisatos (post-doc), Paul L. McEuen (post-doc)
Earl R. Parker
Erika A. Parramolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2010 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Eric ParsonnetAMO, Condensed Matter
Sidney Bailey Parsons1966 Louis George Henyey (grad student)
Ann M Parsonsnuclear instrumentation, space science missions1993 Bernard Sadoulet (grad student)
Aaron R. ParsonsAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Donald C. Backer (grad student)
Andrea F. PasquaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2005 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
Laurence Passell1955 Henry Briggs Silsbee (grad student)
Amish J. Patelpolymer physics20012007 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Shrayesh N. Patelpolymer physics Chemical Engineering20072013 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Mehul V. Patelsemiconductor physics2001 Peter Y. Yu (grad student)
Joshua S. PaulStatistics, Genetics, Computer Science, General Biology Computer Science2012 Yun S. Song (grad student)
Sebastien Payen2007 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Ivan V. PechenezhskiyCondensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience, Molecular Physics Physics2014 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Kathryn M. PeekAstronomy and Astrophysics2009 Geoffrey W. Marcy (grad student)
Joshua E. PeekInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis2008 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Steven J. Pembertonhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2002 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Jasquelin PenaEnvironmental Engineering, Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry2009 Garrison Sposito (grad student)
Robert O. PepinPlanetary Science1964 John Hamilton Reynolds (grad student)
Pedro A. PerezMechanical Engineering2006 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Daniel A. Perez-BeckerTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation Physics20092013 Eugene Chiang (grad student)
Daniel A. PerleyAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Astrophysics2011 Joshua S. Bloom (grad student)
Saul Perlmutter1986 Richard A. Muller (grad student)
Fred Eugene Pernot1912 Clarence Linus Cory (grad student)
Michael Dale Perry1988 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Per F. Petersonhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management1988 Chang-Lin Tien (grad student)
Jeffrey B. Petersonobservational cosmology1985 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Vincent Zetterberg PetersonHigh energy physics1950 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky (grad student)
Melba Newell PhillipsPhysics education1933 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
James C. PhillipsPseudopotential theory; electronic structure of solids, especially semiconductors; structure and properties and microscopic theories of glasses; metal-insulation transitions; microscopic theories of cuprate (high-Tc) superconductivity.19581959 Charles Kittel (post-doc)
Roger Jay PhillipsGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics Engineering1968 Stanley Harry Ward (grad student)
Nitipat PholchaiElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Nanoscience, General Physics Applied Science and Technology2012 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Gianluca Piazza2005 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Warren E. PickettTheoretical Condensed Matter Theory, physics, magnetism, superconductivity19761977 Marvin L. Cohen (post-doc)
Aaron Pierce19982002 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Mark D. PilloffQuantum Optics2004 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Philip Pincuscondensed matter physics, complex fluids, polymers1962 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Alexander Pinesnuclear magnetic resonance
David Pinner Physics2014 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Albert P. Pisano
Charles Richard Piskoti2000 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Thomas J. PlaggeAstrophysics Physics2009 William L. Holzapfel (grad student)
Richard Plambeck Physics19711978 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Jonathan PoberAstrophysics Physics Astrophysics2013 Aaron R. Parsons (grad student)
Robert Ta-pang Poeelementary particle physics1963 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student)
Lionel Poisson20012003 Daniel M. Neumark (post-doc)
David PolandTheoretical Elementary Particle Physics2008 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
Joseph G. PolchinskiHigh Energy Theoretical Physics1980 Stanley Mandelstam (grad student)
Aleksandr N. PolyakovElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter Applied Science & Technology2012 Roger W. Falcone (grad student)
David M. Ponce-MarquezElectron and Ion Dynamics of Warm Dense Matter2002 Roger W. Falcone (grad student), Simon Shin-Lun Yu (grad student)
Benjamin James Spinks PopeAstrophysics, exoplanets, interferometry Charles Hard Townes (research assistant)
Andrew Poppespace physics, interplanetary dust
Frank C. PorterHigh-energy physics1977 Harry H. Bingham (grad student)
Alan Mark Portiselectron paramagnetic resonance1953 Arthur F. Kip (grad student), Charles Kittel (grad student)
Ionut Dragos Potirniche Ehud Altman (grad student)
Andrew Cole Potterquantum materials, topological phases of matter, strongly correlated electron systems, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, many-body localization Department of Physics20132016 Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Wilson Marcy Powellelementary particle physics
Matthew J. Powell-PalmThermodynamics, cryopreservation, kinetics Mechanical Engineering20172020 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Jessica A. PreciadoMechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2007 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Kyle G. PresselAtmospheric Sciences, Climate Change, Meteorology Civil and Environmental Engineering20082012 William Drew Collins (grad student)
P. Buford PriceAstrophysics
Peter PringsheimLuminescence
Yehiam PriorNonlinear Optics19711977 Erwin Louis Hahn (grad student)
Themis Prodromakis EECS Leon Ong Chua (grad student)
Themis ProdromakisMemristors EECS Leon Ong Chua (post-doc)
Jeff ProutyAstroparticle Physics Physics2020 Gabriel D Orebi Gann (grad student)
Stanley Gerald Prussinnuclear physics, chemistry, and instrumentation
Nen-Wen Punanoscale science2000 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Marc P. Pulupa Physics2010 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Thomas P. PurdyAtomic Physics2009 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Nicholas H. Putnam2004 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
John Alpheus PutnamPetroleum Engineering1943 Morrough Parker O'Brien (grad student)
Roland De Putter Physics2010 Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
Robert Victor PyleNuclear Engineering1951 Robert B. Brode (grad student)
Yabing Qi2008 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Weiguang Qiuelectron beam plasma physics, plasma sciences2001 Charles K. Birdsall (grad student)
Zi Qiang Qiu
Daniel R. QueenCondensed Matter Physics
Chris Quigg Physics1970 J. David Jackson (grad student)
Brian J. QuiterNuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering2010 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Bahman Rabii2002 George Fitzgerald Smoot (grad student)
C. V. (Chittoor Vijayaraghavalu) Ramamoorthysoftware engineering
Michael RammAtomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Energy, High Temperature Physics Physics2014 Hartmut Haeffner (grad student)
Ying Ran Physics Physics Dung-Hai Lee (post-doc), Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Markus B. RaschkeGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics19992001 Yuen-Ron Shen (post-doc)
Ola Rashed
Andrija Rasin Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Michael W. RayCondensed Matter Physics Physics20102011 Richard E. Packard (post-doc)
Keith G. Raytheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science Physics2013 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
William James Raymondelectrical measurements and harmonic motion
Willliam Reach Astronomy19851991 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
James W. RectorGeophysics
Alfred G. RedfieldStudies of Macromolecules by Magnetic Resonance19701972 Daniel E. Koshland (research scientist)
Brian C. ReganNanoElectronics, Photonics, Architectonics2001 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
William R. Reganmaterials Physics2012 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Emma C. Regan2D materials, optics
Douglas C. ReherElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2000 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Christian L ReichardtCosmology, Physics Physics20082014 William L. Holzapfel (post-doc)
Paul A. Reichardt2006 John Clarke (grad student)
Frederick Reif
Philippe Renaud Physics19881989 John Clarke (post-doc)
Paul R. RenneMineralogy, Geophysics Geology1986 Garniss Curtis (grad student)
Joshua E. RennerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2014 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
Vikram RentalaTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2010 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Lester E. Reukema1926 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
John Hamilton Reynoldsgeochronology, nuclear cosmochronology
Benedict J. Reynoldspolymer physics2005 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Jonathan M. Rheaume Mechanical Engineering2010 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Junkee RhieGeophysics2006 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Filipe J. Ribeiroprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations2004 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Paul L. RichardsCondensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology. Physics1960 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Mark A. Richards
John Reginald Richardsoncyclotron development1937 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Chaim Richman1943 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Matthew J. RichterAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Astronomy19891995 James R. Graham (grad student)
Adam G. Riess19961999 Alexei V. Filippenko (post-doc)
William Rison
Mark O. Robbinsnon-equilibrium processes1983 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Morton S. Roberts1958 Harold F. Weaver (grad student)
Megan L. Robertsonpolymer physics20012006 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Timothy Levi Robertson2005 John Clarke (grad student)
Richard D. Robinson Chemistry20042008 A. Paul Alivisatos (post-doc)
Lloyd Nash RobinsonElectrical Engineering1917 Fred Eugene Pernot (grad student)
Timothy RobishawInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis2008 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Tristan Orion RocheleauCapacitive-gap and optomechanic RF-MEMS devices: RF front-end filters, CMOS-MEMS integrated oscillators.2011 Clark T.-C. Nguyen (post-doc)
Simon M. RochesterAtomic Physics Physics2010 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Gene I. RochlinEnergy and Resources
Stephen Elliot Rock1970 Owen Chamberlain (grad student)
Jorge H. RodriguezQuantum Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry19972000 James K. McCusker (post-doc)
Sergio RodriguezPhysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Mathematical Physics1958 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Nayeli A. Rodriguez BrionesPhysics, Quantum Information, Quantum Thermodynamics
Adrian Rodriguez-MarekCivil Engineering2000 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Elena Rodriguez-VieitezNuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering2007 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Henry G. RoeAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Imke de Pater (grad student)
Robert A. Rohde Physics2010 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Daniel S. RokhsarComputation & Theory
Eric S. RomanCondensed Matter Physics Physics2010 Ivo Souza (grad student)
Barbara RomanowiczGeophysics
Michael Thomas Ronanelementary particle physics
Daniele Rosa Earth and Planetary Science20082014 William Drew Collins (grad student)
Arthur H. Rosenfeldbubble chamber physics ; energy efficiency technologies
Vladimir RosenhausTheory Physics Physics2014 Raphael Bousso (grad student)
Erik W. RosolowskyAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Grant M. Rotskoff2017 Phillip L. Geissler (grad student), Gavin E. Crooks (grad student)
David J. Roundyprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations2001 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Michael Rousseasmaterials Physics2013 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Boris RubinskyMedical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Angel Rubio19921994 Marvin L. Cohen (post-doc)
Lawrence Ruby
Malvin A RudermanTheoretical astrophysics, neutron stars, pulsars, early universe, cosmic gamma rays
Daniel Ruderman William Bialek (grad student)
Victor H. Rumseyelectrical engineering
Benjamin R.K. RunkleEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Plant Physiology Civil and Environmental Engineering2009 John A. Dracup (grad student), Xu Liang (grad student)
David B. RutledgeRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas1980 Steven E. Schwarz (grad student)
Keri L. RyanCivil Engineering2004 Anil K. Chopra (grad student)
Jaiyoung RyuMechanical Engineering, Turbulence Shawn C. Shadden (post-doc)
Shinsei RyuGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Ravinder SachdevaMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering2005 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Rainer Kurt SachsBiophysics
Lorraine E. SadlerAtomic Physics2006 Dan Stamper-Kurn (grad student)
Bernard Sadouletparticle astrophysics and cosmology
Anant SahaiCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing
Myron B. SalamonCondensed Matter Physics engineering19611966 Alan Mark Portis (grad student)
Firas N. SammouraNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2006 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Rodolfo B. SancioCivil Engineering2003 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Leonard M. SanderTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics1968 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Nathan Sandford Astronomy2017 Daniel R. Weisz (grad student)
Karin M. Sandstrom Astronomy20022009 Alberto D. Bolatto (grad student)
Jack SandweissExperimental Elementary Particle Physics1956 Chaim Richman (grad student), Maurice Goldhaber (grad student)
Enrico Santamato Physics19891991 Yuen-Ron Shen (research scientist)
William C. SaslawCosmology, radio galaxies, stellar dynamics19701971 George B. Field (research assistant), E. Margaret Burbidge (post-doc), Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge (post-doc)
Yuki SatoLow Temperature, Liquid Helium, Super-fluidity2007 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Jay D. Sauprimary goal is to understand and predict materials properties at the most fundamental level using atomistic first principles (or "ab initio") quantum-mechanical calculations2008 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Robert F. SawyerAir pollutant formation and control, motor vehicle emissions, energy and environment, regulatory policy.
Evan Scannapieco2001 Marc Davis (grad student), Joseph Ivor Silk (grad student)
Raluca O. Scarlathigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2012 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Robert Schefer
Olivia Scheideler Bioengineering20142019 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Heidi Marie SchellmanInteractions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics.1984 George H. Trilling (grad student)
Philip H. ScherrerExperimental & Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology1973 John Marsh Wilcox (grad student)
Maxwell I. Scherzer Physics2011 Beate Heinemann (grad student)
Leonard I. SchiffTheoretical physics19381940 J. Robert Oppenheimer (research scientist)
Lawrence F. Schloss2001 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Fred Henry Schmidtexperimental nuclear physics, elementary particle physics1945 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Stephen Richard SchnetzerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1981 Herbert M. Steiner (grad student)
J Martin ScholtzBiochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, protein chemistry19841989 Paul Allan Bartlett (grad student)
Stefan Schoppmannneutrino physics
Maria C. Schriver Mechanical Engineering2012 Lydia Lee Sohn (grad student)
Patricia Schuster Nuclear Engineering20112016 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Keith Charles Schwablow temperature physics, quantum devices, quantum optomechanics physics19901996 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Richard Alan Schwartzsolar flares1984 Kinsey Amor Anderson (grad student), Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Charles Leon SchwartzTheoretical physics
Steven E. SchwarzSolid-State Devices; Nano-Optoelectronics, Electromagnetics/Plasmas
John H. Schwarzstring theory1966 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Katherine T. Schwarzelementary particle physics, astrophysics, geophysics2008 Richard A. Muller (grad student)
Julian Schwingerquantum electrodynamics, quantum mechanics1942 J. Robert Oppenheimer (post-doc)
Nicholas D. ScielzoNuclear physics2003 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Karen Lemay Scott2003 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
David K. Scott
Glenn T. SeaborgNuclear chemistry Chemistry19371939 George Ernest Gibson (grad student), Darleane Christian Hoffman (collaborator), Gilbert N. Lewis (post-doc)
Frederick Hanley Seares18951899 Armin Otto Leuschner (research assistant)
Ralph A. Sebanheat transfer and fluid flow Mechanical Engineering1940 Llewellyn (LMK) M. K. Boelter (grad student)
Raymond B. SeedCivil Engineering, Geophysics1983 J. Michael Duncan (grad student)
H. Bolton Seed
Faiza Seftahigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2013 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Emilio SegrèManhattan Project
Peter SeidlFluid and Plasma Physics
Jeffrey E. Seifriedhigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Nuclear Engineering2011 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Alexander SelemCondensed Matter Theory Physics2013 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Daniel Seligsonsemiconductor manufacture, immunology diagnostics, economic development, marriage systems Physics19781983 John Clarke (grad student)
Uroš Seljaktheoretical cosmology
Debbie G. (Jones) SeneskyMEMS, Nano, Aerospace2007 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Robert Serber
Ashwin Arunkumar Seshia2002 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
Kirk Patrick Seward2001 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
LeeAnne Sgro
Alireza ShabaniQuantum Physics, Quantum Control
Joshua W. Shaevitzbiophysics Miller Fellow20042007 Daniel A. Fletcher (post-doc)
Franklin D Shaffervisualization, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, multiphase flows Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering20102021 Omer Savas (research scientist)
Hsien ShangStar Formation, Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics, Meteorites, Origins of the Solar System Astronomy Department1998 Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Charles V. ShankUltrafast dynamics of molecular vibrations and chemical reactions are studied with femtosecond optical pulses.1969 Steven E. Schwarz (grad student)
Ramamurti Shankarquantum field theory1974 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Gilbert ShapiroHigh-energy physics
Marjorie D. ShapiroTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1985 David R Nygren (grad student)
Kristen L. ShapiroAstrophysics Physics Astrophysics2010 Reinhard Genzel (grad student)
Noad A. ShapiroMaterials Science Engineering2002 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Stephen Roger SharpeParticle and Nuclear physics19781983 Michael Stephen Chanowitz (grad student)
Paul SheldonElementary Particles and High Energy Physics19801986 George H. Trilling (grad student), Gerson Goldhaber (research assistant)
Steven W. Shelton Materials Science and Engineering2014 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Benjamin C. Shenexperimental high energy physics1965 Gerson Goldhaber (grad student)
Yuen-Ron ShenNon-linear Optics
Peter G. ShepardElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2006 Petr Horava (grad student)
Christopher S. ShermanGeophysics Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
Mark S. SherwinCondensed Matter Experimental Physics1988 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Sushil ShettyAtmospheric Sciences, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Remote Sensing2008 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Sufei Shispintronics, magnetics, quantum materials, optoelectronics Physics20122015 Feng Wang (post-doc)
Zhiwen ShiCondensed matter physics, nano-optics, graphene, plasmonics Feng Wang (post-doc)
Joseph C. ShieldsAstronomy and Astrophysics1991 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Albert Y. ShihAstrophysics Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, General Physics2009 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Sheng-Yu D. ShihTheory Physics, Mathematics Physics2014 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
Tomoko Shimizu2007 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Kyoungsub ShinNanofabrication2006 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Changhwan ShinNanofabrication Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2011 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Swanee Shin Materials Science & Engineering2009 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Erik D. ShirokoffAstrophysics Physics2011 William L. Holzapfel (grad student)
Isaac Shivvers2018 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Gary ShoemakerEnergy, Physics Education Physics Geoffrey Foucar Chew (research assistant)
Hari Shroffstructural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies2006 Carlos José Bustamante (grad student)
Frank H. ShuAstronomy and Astrophysics
Howard A. Shugart1957 Henry Briggs Silsbee (grad student)
Michael D. Shumwaynanoscale science2004 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Irfan SiddiqiLow Temperature, Condensed Matter, Superconductivity, Bolometers, Detectors, Tunneling Junctions
Warren D. SiegelTheoretical physics; strings. Physics1977 Martin B. Halpern (grad student)
Jacob J. SiegelGeneral Biophysics2009 Jan T. Liphardt (grad student)
James L. SiegristElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Albert J. SieversExperimental Condensed Matter Physics, Nonlinear Lattices1962 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Joseph Ivor SilkCosmology
Isaac Franklin Silveraultra high pressure and low-temperature physics of quantum fluids1965 Michael Tinkham (grad student)
Jeffrey M. SilvermanSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe Astrophysics2011 Alexei V. Filippenko (grad student)
Albert Silvermanparticle physics1950 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky (grad student), A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Hughes H. Silvestri2004 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Maria Simanovskaia Nuclear Engineering20132019 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Raymond Wiley Simmonds2002 James C Séamus Davis (grad student)
Joshua D. SimonAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Robert SinclairMaterials Science19731977 Gareth Thomas (post-doc)
Jerome Ralph SingerQuantum Electronics and Magnetic Resonance
Kanwal Gurbax Singh19891993 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Steven K. Sinha2008 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Sumeet K SinhaLiquefaction, Centrifuge Testing, Pile Foundation, Redistribution, Sensing Technologies Civil and Environmental Engineering2022 Kenichi Soga (post-doc)
Alp SipahigilQuantum devices
Nicholas SitarCivil Engineering, Geophysics
Louise A. Skinnari Physics2012 Beate Heinemann (grad student)
Spiros Skourtis William Bialek (grad student)
Frederick Slatemechanics
Tycho SleatorAtmospheric Sciences, Physical Chemistry, General Physics Physics1986 Erwin Louis Hahn (grad student)
Daniel Slichterquantum information20072011 Irfan Siddiqi (grad student)
Owen I. Smithchemistry and fluid mechanics of high temperature reacting flows19731977 Robert F. Sawyer (grad student)
Wesley H. SmithHigh-Energy Physics Physics1981 Leroy T. Kerth (grad student)
Holland M. Smith Materials Science and Engineering2013 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Howard Alan SmithResearch Area Stars and the Interstellar Medium1976 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Harding Eugene SmithAstronomy and Astrophysics1974 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
George Fitzgerald Smootcosmology
David Tunison Snow1965 Parker Davies Trask (grad student), Irving Fatt (grad student)
Hartland Sweet Snydertheory of cosmic rays, scattering theory, and quantum field theory1940 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Hongyun So Mechanical Engineering2014 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Chukman SoQuantum Physics Physics2014 Jonathan Syrkin Wurtele (grad student)
Lee G. SobotkaRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1982 Luciano G. Moretto (grad student)
Nicholas D. SocciComputational Biology19871992 William Bialek (grad student)
Ryan Sochol Mechanical Engineering Liwei Lin (grad student)
Kenichi Soga1994 James K. Mitchell (grad student)
Lydia Lee Sohn
Michael David SokoloffNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1983 Harry H. Bingham (grad student)
Daniel R. SolliQuantum Optics2004 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Yun S. SongBiosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Theory (THY); Applied Probability and Statistics
Volker J. SorgerOptics Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Nanoscience Mechanical Engineering2011 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Brian D. Sosnowchikmolecular spectroscopy2008 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Ivo SouzaCondensed Matter Physics
Marshall Scott Sparks Physics1961 Charles Kittel (grad student)
Catalin-Dan Spatarutheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2004 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Dylan K. Spauldingnature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures. Earth & Planetary Science2010 Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
Danielle H. Speller Physics2017 Bernard Sadoulet (grad student)
Fred Noel Spiessoceanography1951 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Hyron Spinradgalactic evolution, physical constitution of comets1961 Albert Edward Whitford (grad student), Nicholas Ulrich Mayall (grad student)
Anatoly SpitkovskyAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Jonathan Arons (grad student)
Garrison SpositoEnvironmental Engineering, Hydrology, Geophysics1965 Kenneth Leslie Babcock (grad student)
Stanley J Sramek Physics1976 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student)
Mansi Srivastava2009 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
John David StackAstronomy and Astrophysics1965 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Steven StahlerAstrophysics Physics
Jason E. StalnakerAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2005 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
H. Eugene StanleyStatistical physics19681969 Charles Kittel (research scientist)
Harvey J. Stapleton1961 Carson Dunning Jeffries (grad student)
Chauncey Starratomic power19421946 Ernest O. Lawrence (research scientist)
John R. Staufferastrophysics1981 Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Jonathan StebbinsGeochemistry, Geophysics Geology Ian S. E. Carmichael (grad student)
Albert Joseph StebbinsCosmology, Astrophysics Physics Department19801986 Joseph Ivor Silk (grad student)
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex19942000 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
David R. StegmanGeophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Mark A. Richards (grad student)
Aephraim Matthew SteinbergQuantum optics, quantum information, ultracold atoms, BEC, quantum measurement, foundations of quantum mechanics19891994 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Herbert M. SteinerExperimental Particle Physics1956 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Philip J. Stephanou2006 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
M. Lynn Stevenson1953 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Christopher Stewart Nuclear Engineering20172020 Bethany Lyles Goldblum (post-doc)
Christopher B. StipeAir pollutant formation and control, motor vehicle emissions, energy and environment, regulatory policy.19992003 Robert F. Sawyer (grad student)
Lars Peter StixrudeGeophysics1991 Mark S. T. Bukowinski (grad student)
Daniel J. Stolarskiparticle physics theory, cosmology Physics2010 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
Gregory M. Stonepolymer physics Chemical Engineering2012 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
John W. V. StoreyAstrophysics19761980 Charles Hard Townes (post-doc)
Donald Harvey Storkexperimental particle physics1953 Chaim Richman (grad student)
Daniel Strasser20042008 Stephen R. Leone (post-doc)
Karl StrauchHigh Energy Physics1950 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Michael Abram Straussextragalactic astronomy, observational cosmology Astrophysical Sciences1989 Marc Davis (grad student), Hyron Spinrad (grad student)
Dan A. StrellisNuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering2001 Stanley Gerald Prussin (grad student)
Mark W. StrovinkAstrophysics
David A. Strubbetheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science Physics20052012 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Otto StruveAstrophysics
Philip Anthony Stupar2001 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Yu-Chuan SuNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2003 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Guillaume Sudrepolymer physics20112012 Nitash P. Balsara (post-doc)
Joonki Suh Materials Science and Engineering20102015 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Aziza Suleymanzade
Robert G. Summers-Gill1956 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Xin Sun Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Cheng Sun Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Haoyu Sunstring theory Physics20142020 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
Kyle M. Sundqvistparticle astrophysics and cosmology Physics2012 Bernard Sadoulet (grad student)
Richard SuperfineNanotechnology, Biophysics19861991 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Clifford M. SurkoMolecular Physics, Radiation Physics Physics1968 Frederick Reif (grad student)
Alexander SushkovAtomic Physics2006 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Allen Sussmanmaterials Physics2013 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Rebecca A. SuttonGeochemistry2004 Garrison Sposito (grad student)
Mahiko Suzukiparticle physics
Yuri SuzukiMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology
Erik L. SwanbergNuclear Engineering, Radiation Physics Nuclear Engineering2012 Eric Benzo Norman (grad student)
Abigail L.S. SwannAtmospheric Sciences, Biogeochemistry Earth & Planetary Science2010 Inez Fung (grad student)
Jonathan J. Swiftmolecular radio astronomy2006 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Frank J. TackmannElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Hitoshi Murayama (grad student)
Kerstin TackmannElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2008 Marco Battaglia (grad student)
Anthony J. TagliaferroTheory Physics Physics2012 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
Yuki D. TakahashiAstrophysics Physics2010 William L. Holzapfel (grad student)
Ichiro Takeuchi19961999 Peter G. Schultz (post-doc), Xiao-Dong Xiang (post-doc)
Wai-tian TanSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)2000 Avideh Zakhor (grad student)
Chung-i TanParticle Theory19651968 Geoffrey Foucar Chew (grad student)
Liang Z. Tantheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science Physics2014 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Hai S. TanGeneral Physics Physics2013 Ori J. Ganor (grad student)
Tomohiko TanabeElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Marco Battaglia (grad student)
Rahul TandraCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2009 Anant Sahai (grad student)
Jonathan Eric Tannenhausertheoretical particle physics Physics2001 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Carol E. TannerAtomic Physics Physics1985 Eugene David Commins (grad student)
Gregory TarléAstronomy and Astrophysics1978 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Mouslim M. TatarkhanovNon-linear Optics2009 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Ken Toshio Tatebeastrophysics2007 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Washington TaylorTheoretical Physics1993 Orlando Alvarez (grad student)
Max E. TegmarkAstronomy and Astrophysics1994 Joseph Ivor Silk (grad student)
Kwok S. TehNanotechnology; design and manufacturing of microsensors and microactuators2004 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Georges Maxime TemmerNuclear physics1949 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Dennise C. TempletonGeophysics, Geology2007 Roland Burgmann (grad student)
Alexander A. Teranpolymer physics Chemical Engineering2013 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Jerry D Tersofftheory of nanowire growth and nanoscale effects in heteroepitaxy1982 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Kent Melville Terwilligerhigh energy physics1952 A. Carl Helmholz (grad student)
Chayut Thanapirom Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Roy Therrien2002 John Clarke (grad student)
Theos Jardin Thompsonreactor technology1952 Emilio Segrè (grad student), Owen Chamberlain (grad student)
Charles B ThornString Theory, Field Theory Physics19671971 Stanley Mandelstam (grad student)
Robert Lyster Thornton
Murilo L. Tiagotheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2003 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Chuanshan Tian Physics20062010 Yuen-Ron Shen (post-doc)
Chang-Lin Tien
Michael Tinkham
Hrvoje TkalcicGeophysics2001 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Albert C. ToCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2005 Steven Dan Glaser (grad student)
Akiko ToGeophysics2006 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Cornelius Anthony Tobiasradiobiology1942 Emilio Segrè (grad student), Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student), Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Paul W. ToddChemical Engineering, Biochemistry, General Biophysics1964 Cornelius Anthony Tobias (grad student)
David Keith Toddgroundwater engineering1953 John Alpheus Putnam (grad student)
Richard C. Tolmanstatistical mechanics
Harry W. K. Tomnonlinear optics and femtosecond time-resolved laser techniques1984 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Lauren TompkinsExperimental Particle Physics Physics2011 Beate Heinemann (grad student)
Brandy M. TonerGeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology Biology2004 Garrison Sposito (grad student)
Yuguang Tong Physics2019 Stuart D. Bale (grad student)
Roy B. TorbertFluid and Plasma Physics1979 Forrest S. Mozer (grad student)
Kenneth Stephen TothNuclear physics1958 John O. Rasmussen (grad student)
Charles Hard Townesmicrowave physics, masers and lasers
Andreas Heinz TrabesingerNMR, magnetometry20002002 Alexander Pines (post-doc)
Parker Davies TraskGeological Engineering1923 Andrew Cowper Lawson (grad student), George Davis Louderback (grad student)
Athena L. TrattnerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics2006 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Thaleia TravasarouCivil Engineering, Geotechnology2003 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Eliane H. TrepagnierGeneral Biophysics, Materials Science Engineering2007 Jan T. Liphardt (grad student)
George H. TrillingHigh-energy physics
Robert D. TrippHigh-energy physics Physics Physics1955 Owen Chamberlain (grad student), Emilio Segrè (grad student), Clyde E. Wiegand (grad student), Thomas J. Ypsilantis (grad student)
Katherine W Trippbiophysics
Alvin W. Trivelpiece
Thomas H. TrolandAstronomy and Astrophysics1980 Carl E. Heiles (grad student)
Gregory D. TroszakBiomedical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2011 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
Robert Julius Trumpler
Peter Truölnuclear and elementary particle physics19671969 Kenneth Morse Crowe (post-doc)
Thai V. TruongNon-linear Optics2005 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Yu-Chih Tsengnanoscale science2009 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Philippos K. TsourkasMechanical Engineering, Genetics2004 Boris Rubinsky (grad student)
San Fu TuanHigh Energy Physics1958 Robert Karplus (grad student)
Norm M. TubmanQuantum Physics2015 K. Birgitta Whaley (post-doc)
David Tucker-Smith Physics2001 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Yeh-Kai TungFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2000 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Ari M. TurnerCondensed Matter Physics Ashvin Vishwanath (post-doc)
Jean L. Turner1984 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Brock A. Tweedieparticle physics theory, cosmology2007 Yasunori Nomura (grad student)
Robert Tycko1984 Alexander Pines (grad student)
Susie TzengMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Edwin Albrecht Uehlingquantum theory of transport processes, effect of vacuum polarization, condensed matter physics in particular the theory of ferroelectricity19341936 J. Robert Oppenheimer (post-doc)
Erick Ulin-AvilaNanoscience, Nanotechnology, General Physics Mechanical Engineering2013 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Roger K. Ulrich Astronomy1968 Louis George Henyey (grad student)
Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta Nuclear Engineering20142019 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Harold Clayton UreyPhysical Chemistry1923 Gilbert N. Lewis (grad student)
Eugenio Urquizahigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management Mechanical Engineering2009 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
M. Iqbal Bakti UtamaMaterials physics, nanotechnology20152020 Feng Wang (grad student)
Dyas Utomointerstellar medium Astronomy20142017 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Christopher ValeCosmology2006 Martin White (grad student)
William Foster van AltenaAstronomy and Astrophysics1966 Stanislaus Vasilevskis (grad student)
Karl A. van BibberNuclear Physics; Particle Physics; Particle Astrophysics; Nuclear Instrumentation; Accelerator Science & Technology
Case M. van GenuchtenEnvironmental Engineering, Biochemistry Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2013 Jasquelin Pena (grad student), Ashok J Gadgil (grad student)
Dale Jay Van HarlingenCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics19781981 John Clarke (post-doc)
Alan K. Van OrdenCondensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience Richard J. Saykally (grad student)
Paul Adrian Vanden BoutStar Formation, Interstellar Medium, Molecular Spectroscopy Physics19621966 William Aaron Nierenberg (grad student)
Robert VandenboschNuclear chemistry1957 Glenn T. Seaborg (grad student)
Justin A Vandenbrouckeparticle astrophysics, neutrino astronomy, gamma-ray astronomy, cosmic rays Physics20032009 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Jiri VanicekTheoretical chemical physics20032005 William Hughes Miller (post-doc)
Uday VaradarajanElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
Erich Ward VarnesElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1997 Mark W. Strovink (grad student)
Dominique VautherinElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Reinaldo VegaNanofabrication Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Vetri Velan
Jairo Velasco Jr.Condensed Matter Physics20122015 Michael Felix Crommie (post-doc)
Hélène Gertrude J Veltman1990 Mary K. Gaillard (grad student)
Xavier Vera-GrunauerCivil Engineering, Geophysical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering2014 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Gregory Francisco VeramendiHigh-energy physics2003 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student), Young-Kee Kim (grad student)
Simon VergheseOptics Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics1993 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
John VerhoogenGeophysics
John P. VeroncoeurNuclear Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Randall H. VictoraCondensed Matter Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics1985 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Sebastian VicunaEnvironmental Engineering2007 John A. Dracup (grad student)
Varadarajan VidyaNanofabrication2007 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Gabriele Vigevani Mechanical Engineering2011 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Victor E. Viola, Jr.Nuclear Chemistry1961 Glenn T. Seaborg (grad student)
Patrick R. ViradorHuman Development, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology2000 Kam-Biu Luk (grad student)
Justin M. Virgilipolymer physics Chemical Engineering2009 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Joseph S. VirziElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2012 Marjorie D. Shapiro (grad student)
Ashvin VishwanathCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics
Stamatios VokosGeneral Physics, Sciences Education1990 Bruno Zumino (grad student)
George Michael Volkoff1940 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Joshua S. Von KorffAstrophysics Physics Physics2010 Steven Edward Boggs (grad student)
Andrew Steven VoylesLow Energy Nuclear Reactions/Isotope Production Nuclear Engineering20142018 Lee Allen Bernstein (grad student)
Jacob G. Wackerparticle physics2003 Nima Arkani-Hamed (grad student), Mary K. Gaillard (grad student)
Johannes Wagner Physics2020 Heather M. Gray (grad student)
Peter E. Wagner1956 Leonard B. Loeb (grad student)
Lawrence L WaldMedical Imaging Physics Physics19921993 Erwin Louis Hahn (grad student), Erwin Louis Hahn (post-doc)
Harold WalkeNuclear physics19351937 Ernest O. Lawrence (research assistant)
George Wallersteinchemical composition of stellar atmospheres
Melanie A. WallingCivil Engineering, Geophysical Engineering2009 James W. Rector (grad student)
Frederick M. WalterAstronomy and Astrophysics.1981 C. Stuart Bowyer (grad student)
Jessica M. WalterGeneral Biophysics, Microbiology Biology, Cell Biology2008 Jan T. Liphardt (grad student)
Cory Waltz Nuclear Engineering20122016 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Nisita S. Wanakulepolymer physics Chemical Engineering2010 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Yan Mei Wang2002 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Barbara S. WangRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Nuclear Engineering2014 Eric Benzo Norman (grad student)
Yuan Wang2009 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Sheng Wang2009 Xiang Zhang (grad student)
Andrew Y. Wang David E. Wemmer (research assistant)
Xilu Wangparticle astrophysics, nuclear astrophysics
Shyh Wangsolid-state
Haichen WangElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Feng WangCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science
Linghua WangAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics2009 Robert Peichung Lin (grad student)
Fa WangCondensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics2009 Ashvin Vishwanath (grad student)
Kevin Wang20092015 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Stanley Harry WardEngineering Geosciences
Clinton G. Warren Mechanical Engineering2010 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Jack Washburn1954 Earl R. Parker (grad student)
Dan Martin Watsonobservational infrared and radio astronomy, and the development of infrared detector arrays and astronomical instruments Physics1983 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Floyd Rowe Watsonacoustics Physics1899 Frederick Slate (research assistant)
Kenneth M. Watsonmany body theory
Benjamin A. Weaver2001 P. Buford Price (grad student)
Harold F. Weaver Astronomy1942 Robert Julius Trumpler (grad student)
Bryan Ronald Webber
Eicke R. WeberMaterials Science Engineering, Optics Physics
Zodiac T. Webstermolecular radio astronomy2002 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Neal J. WeinerCosmology, Particle Physics2000 Lawrence John Hall (grad student)
Jonathon M. Weinermicrowave physics, masers and lasers2002 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Irwin D. WeismanDiagnostic Radiology1967 Walter David Knight (grad student)
Richard Jerome Weiss Francis Arthur Jenkins (research assistant)
David Weisz Nuclear Engineering20132017 Karl A. van Bibber (grad student)
Daniel R. WeiszAstronomy
William Jack Welchmolecular radio astronomy1960 Victor H. Rumsey (grad student)
Frederick Charles Wellstoodexperimental superconductivity, including quantum computing and 3D magnetic imaging using SQUIDs. Physics1988 John Clarke (grad student)
Yu-Chieh Wen20122016 Yuen-Ron Shen (post-doc)
Jian-gang Weng2001 Chang-Lin Tien (grad student)
Renata M. M. WentzcovitchSolid State Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics1988 Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Mark J. WenzelGeophysics, Condensed Matter Physics2006 Michael Managa (grad student)
Michael Wolock Wernerinfrared astronomy19691972 Charles Hard Townes (post-doc)
Dan WerthimerAstrophysics Physics Astronomy1985 Donald C. Backer (grad student)
Robert M. Westerveltmesoscopic physics1977 Carson Dunning Jeffries (grad student)
Oscar Westesson Bioengineering2012 Ian Holmes (grad student)
Gerald WestheimerVisual psychophysics Manfred Fahle (collaborator)
Andrew R. WetzelCosmology Astrophysics2010 Martin White (grad student)
John R. Whinnery Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences1948 Lester E. Reukema (grad student)
Fred Lawrence WhippleAstrophysics1931 Armin Otto Leuschner (grad student)
Richard M. Whitewireless microsensors and energy scavenging devices for use in electric power systems and a portable particulate matter monitor for measuring concentrations of airborne aerosols and diesel exhaust particulates
Harvey Elliott Whiteatomic spectroscopy
Milton Grandison WhiteNuclear physics1935 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
R Stephen White1951 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Martin WhiteCosmology
Daniel O. WhitesonExperimental Particle Physics2003 Mark W. Strovink (grad student)
Eric WhittleCFC's, Chemistry, gas kinetics
David Harvey Whittum19841990 Andrew Marienhoff Sessler (grad student), Jonathan Arons (grad student)
Eyvind H. Wichmann
Gian-Carlo Wicktheoretical physics
Clyde E. WiegandHigh-energy physics1951 Edwin M. McMillan (grad student), Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Wilburpolymer physics2008 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
John Marsh WilcoxSolar physics1954 Burton J. Moyer (grad student)
Gary Allen Williamssuperfluid helium1974 Richard E. Packard (grad student)
Robley C. Williamstobacco mosaic virus
Howel WilliamsGeophysics19261929 Andrew Cowper Lawson (post-doc)
John Harry Williamsnuclear physics1931 Samuel King Allison (grad student)
Jonathan Peter Williams Astronomy Astronomy1995 Leo Blitz (grad student), William Jack Welch (grad student)
Donald. Roger Willis
Gregg M. Wilmespolymer chemistry20042006 Nitash P. Balsara (post-doc)
David J. WilnerAstronomy and Astrophysics1993 William Jack Welch (grad student)
Robert Rathbun WilsonHigh-energy physics1940 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
James Ricker Wilsonnuclear astrophysics1952 Roland Hamilton Good (grad student)
Celeste D. WinantCondensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology.2003 Paul L. Richards (grad student)
Brian Lee Winer1991 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
William Paul WinnLightning and Atmospheric Electricity, Atmospheric Physics, Instrumentation, Electrical discharges in gases
Lindley A. WinslowNuclear physics2008 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Wesley T. WinterNuclear physics2007 Stuart Jay Freedman (grad student)
Brian WirthIrradiation Effects on Materials, Solid Mechanics
Kelly G. WisemanGeophysics Earth & Planetary Science2012 Roland Burgmann (grad student)
Ed Wishnowspectroscopy, astronomical instrumentation
James E. Wisshigh-energy physics1977 William Chinowsky (grad student)
Sarah Wodin-Schwartz Mechanical Engineering2013 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Stanley George WojcickiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1961 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student), Myron Lindsay Good (grad student), Harold Klein Ticho (grad student)
George Henry Wolf1987 Mark S. T. Bukowinski (grad student), Raymond Jeanloz (grad student)
James Phillip WolfeCondensed Matter Physics1971 Carson Dunning Jeffries (grad student)
Peter Adalbert WolffDiluted magnetic semiconductors; optical properties of subwavelength hole arrays. Physics1951 Robert Serber (grad student)
Eric Robert Wollmanastrophysics, cosmology1976 Charles Hard Townes (grad student)
Dillon WongPhysics Physics2017 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
David T. Wongpolymer physics Chemical Engineering2012 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Tony H. WongAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Leo Blitz (grad student)
Darien Robert WoodHigh-energy physics Physics19821987 George H. Trilling (grad student), Gerson Goldhaber (grad student)
William M. Wood-Vasey2004 George Fitzgerald Smoot (grad student), Saul Perlmutter (grad student)
Michael T. WoodsideProtein folding, misfolding and aggregation; RNA folding and function; misfolding diseases; single-molecule approaches to biology2001 Paul L. McEuen (grad student)
Siegfried Adolf WouthuysenTheoretical physics1948 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Kristen A. WoyachCommunications & Networking, Information Theory, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sharing Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Distributed and Networked Control Signal Processing Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2013 Anant Sahai (grad student)
S. Courtenay Wrightparticle physics1949 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Jon Alan Wright1965 Stanley Mandelstam (grad student)
Jason T Wrightextrasolar planets, SETI19992006 Geoffrey W. Marcy (grad student)
Byron Terry Wright1941 Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Jiaer WuCivil Engineering, Geotechnology2002 Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Rongzong WuCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2005 Raymond B. Seed (grad student)
Alan C. WuNuclear Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2007 John P. Veroncoeur (grad student)
Stephen Mingda Wu2012 Robert C. Dynes (grad student)
Junqiao Wu2002 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Yue Wusolid state NMR, metallic glass, interfacial water Alexander Pines (post-doc)
Chien-Shiung WuNuclear physics1940 Emilio Segrè (grad student), Ernest O. Lawrence (grad student)
Liang Wu Physics20162018 Joseph Orenstein (post-doc)
Jonathan Syrkin WurteleQuantum Physics1985 Andrew Marienhoff Sessler (grad student)
John R. WygantSpace Plasma Physics1983 Forrest S. Mozer (grad student)
Dawnelle I. Wynne2005 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Bin Xiang Andrew M. Minor (grad student)
Xiao-Dong XiangCondensed Matter Physics1998 Peter G. Schultz (post-doc)
Shiying Xiongnanoscale science2004 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Junwen (Robin) Xiong Physics2020 Heather M. Gray (grad student)
Nuo XuNanofabrication Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Cenke XuCondensed Matter Theory2007 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Chong-Ye Xu2000 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Peiqi Xuannanoscale science2003 Jeffrey Bokor (grad student)
Xiao XudongEnergy, Nanotechnology, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering1992 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Nguyen-Huu XuongMolecular Biology, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry1962 Luis W. Alvarez (grad student)
Ryan T. YamachikaCondensed Matter Physics Physics2009 Michael Felix Crommie (grad student)
Qimin Yan20132016 Jeffrey B. Neaton (post-doc)
Renbin Yan2007 Marc Davis (grad student)
Luyi YangGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics2013 Joseph Orenstein (grad student)
I-Sheng YangTheory Physics Physics2009 Raphael Bousso (grad student)
Da Yang
Jui-Ming Yangmolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2009 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Chu-Yeu P. Yangmolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2010 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Li YangTheoretical condensedmatter20062009 Marvin L. Cohen (post-doc)
Hong Yaotheoretical condensed matter physics Physics Dung-Hai Lee (post-doc)
Jaime M. YassifGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Radiology Biophysics2012 Jan T. Liphardt (grad student)
Jack YaungNanofabrication Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2014 Tsu-Jae King Liu (grad student)
Mengqi YeMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Constantine P. Grigoropoulos (grad student)
Ryan M. YeeNuclear Engineering, Radiation Physics Nuclear Engineering2013 Eric Benzo Norman (grad student)
Ming Yicondensed matter Physics2014 Robert J. Birgeneau (post-doc)
Joanne W. Yim Materials Science & Engineering2011 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Zheng Yin Physics1999 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Ryan M YohlerHuman evolution, geophysics Integrative Biology Integrative Biology2018 Leslea J. Hlusko (grad student), Tim D. White (grad student)
Young-Kook K. YooCondensed Matter Physics2001 Joseph Orenstein (grad student)
Young-Gui Yoontheoretical condensed matter physics and materials science2001 Steven G. Louie (grad student)
Herbert Frank YorkNuclear physics1949 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Carl Monroe YorkElementary particles. High energy particle physics.1951 William Bache Fretter (grad student)
Andrew N. YoudinTheory of the interstellar medium and of star formation2003 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), Frank H. Shu (grad student)
Nicholas P. Youngpolymer physics Chemical Engineering20082014 Nitash P. Balsara (grad student)
Ashraf YoussefAtmospheric Science Physics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2000 Philip Stephen Marcus (grad student)
Thomas J. YpsilantisHigh-energy physics1955 Emilio Segrè (grad student)
Peter Y. Yusemiconductor physics
Kin Man Yu Materials Science and Mineral Engineering19821987 Eugene E. Haller (grad student)
Qian YuIn situ TEM20092012 Andrew M. Minor (grad student)
Thomas D. Yuzvinskymaterials2006 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Y Z2010 David Chandler (grad student)
Victor Zackay1952 Earl R. Parker (grad student)
William Allen ZajcNuclear Physics19751982 Kenneth Morse Crowe (grad student)
Avideh ZakhorSignal Processing (SP) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) Graphics (GR)
Michael P. ZaletelCondensed Matter Theory Physics2014 Joel E. Moore (grad student)
Anna M. Zaniewskimaterials Physics2012 Alex K. Zettl (grad student)
Ariel Charles Zemach
Frank Jesse Zendejas2007 Roger T. Howe (grad student)
Seth C. ZenzElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics2011 James L. Siegrist (grad student)
Alex K. Zettlmaterials
Xiang Zhang
Shuang ZhangMetamaterials, nanophotonics, nonlinear optics Mechanical Engineering20062010 Xiang Zhang (post-doc)
Keming Zhang Astronomy2023 Joshua S. Bloom (grad student)
Luning ZhangNon-linear Optics2008 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Xiang Zhang Costas P. Grigoropoulos (grad student)
Shengbai ZhangCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Marvin L. Cohen (grad student)
Yi Frank Zhang Physics20072012 Ashvin Vishwanath (grad student)
Haihua Zhaohigh-temperature reactors, high level nuclear waste processing, and nuclear materials management2003 Per F. Peterson (grad student)
Ri-an ZhaoMaterials Science Engineering, Optics Physics2002 Eicke R. Weber (grad student)
Yong Zheng
Zhao ZhengGeophysics Earth and Planetary Science2014 Barbara Romanowicz (grad student)
Shuyun ZhouCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2007 Alessandra Lanzara (grad student)
Jian Zhou20102015 Junqiao Wu (grad student)
Qin Zhoumolecular spectroscopy Mechanical Engineering2011 Liwei Lin (grad student)
Tom Zick Astronomy2018 Daniel R. Weisz (grad student)
Donatas Zigmantas20032006 Graham R. Fleming (post-doc)
Jason R. ZimbaMathematical Physics2001 Raymond Y. Chiao (grad student)
Valerie L. ZimmerGeological Engineering, Geophysics Civil and Environmental Engineering2011 Nicholas Sitar (grad student)
Jonas ZmuidzinasAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques.1987 Christopher F. McKee (grad student), Albert L. Betz (grad student)
Jie ZouLamb wave resonator
Bruno ZuminoTheory Physics
Alex Zunger Marvin L. Cohen (post-doc)
Joshua D. ZupanCivil Engineering, Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering2014 Jonathan Donald Bray (grad student)
Kathryn M. Zurek