
Sign in to add mentor
Willis Eugene Lamb grad student 1955 Columbia
 (Fine structure of singly ionized helium.)


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Norman H. Tolk grad student Columbia
Paul D. Feldman grad student 1964 Columbia
Edward B. Saloman grad student 1967 Columbia (Chemistry Tree)
Richard S. Wolff grad student 1969 Columbia (E-Tree)
H. S. (Peter) Stockman grad student 1973 Columbia (Astronomy Tree)
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Shaw PS, Hanany S, Liu Y, et al. (2007) Publisher's Note: "The polarization dependence of x-ray photoelectron yield of a Au photocathode” [J. Appl. Phys. 76, 4358 (1994)] Journal of Applied Physics. 102: 89901
Soffitta P, Costa E, Kaaret P, et al. (1998) Proportional counters for the Stellar X-Ray Polarimeter with a wedge and strip cathode pattern readout system Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 414: 218-232
Hanany S, Shaw PS, Liu Y, et al. (1995) Systematic errors in polarization-dependent electron yield experiments Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B. 101: 231-239
Shaw PS, Hanany S, Liu Y, et al. (1994) The polarization dependence of x-ray photoelectron yield of a Au photocathode Journal of Applied Physics. 76: 4358-4361
Hanany S, Shaw PS, Liu Y, et al. (1993) Measurement of the electron yield of CsI with polarized x rays. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 48: 701-709
Soffitta P, Barbanera L, Costa E, et al. (1993) Status of the development of the imaging proportional counters for the Stellar X-Ray Polarimeter Il Nuovo Cimento C. 16: 703-707
Costa E, Piro L, Soffitta P, et al. (1992) SXRP: an X-ray polarimeter for the SPECTRUM-X-Gamma Mission Il Nuovo Cimento C. 15: 791-799
Shaw P, Hanany S, Liu Y, et al. (1991) Vectorial photoelectric effect at 2.69 keV Proceedings of Spie. 1548: 118-131
Kaaret PE, Novick R, Shaw P, et al. (1991) Status of the stellar x-ray polarimeter for the Spectrum-X-Gamma mission Proceedings of Spie. 1548: 106-117
Elsner RF, Weisskopf MC, Kaaret PE, et al. (1990) Off-axis effects on the performance of a scattering polarimeter at the focus of an X-ray telescope Optical Engineering. 29: 767-772
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