Oo-Kaw Lim, Ph.D.

2006 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Optics Physics
"Oo-Kaw Lim"
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Mark Saffman grad student 2006 UW Madison
 (Nonclassical correlations and entanglement in intracavity second harmonic generation.)
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Bhagwat AR, Alon G, Lim OK, et al. (2013) Fundamental eigenmode of traveling-wave phase-sensitive optical parametric amplifier: experimental generation and verification. Optics Letters. 38: 2858-60
Alon G, Lim OK, Bhagwat A, et al. (2013) Optimization of gain in traveling-wave optical parametric amplifiers by tuning the offset between pump- and signal-waist locations. Optics Letters. 38: 1268-70
Lim OK, Boland B, Saffman M. (2007) Observation of twin beam correlations and quadrature entanglement by frequency doubling in a two-port resonator Epl. 78
Lim OK, Saffman M. (2006) Analysis of EPR correlated twin beam generation by frequency doubling in a dual ported resonator Optics Infobase Conference Papers
Lim OK, Saffman M. (2006) Intensity correlations and entanglement by frequency doubling in a two-port resonator Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 74
Lim OK, Saffman M. (2005) Analysis of twin beam generation by frequency doubling in a dual ported resonator 2005 European Quantum Electronics Conference, Eqec '05. 2005: 281
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