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Viet NA, Dat NV, Han NS, et al. (2017) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Dirac systems from the discretized Kaluza-Klein theory Physical Review D. 95: 11 |
Shankar KH, Balaraman A, Wali KC. (2012) Metric theory of gravity with torsion in an extra dimension Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 86 |
Shankar KH, Wali KC. (2010) Kaluzaklein theory with torsion confined to the extra dimension Modern Physics Letters A. 25: 2121-2130 |
Wali KC. (2009) An e6 invariant action leading to an su(5) grand unification on a domain wall International Journal of Modern Physics A. 24: 3316-3326 |
Davidson A, George DP, Kobakhidze A, et al. (2008) SU(5) grand unification on a domain-wall brane from an E6-invariant action Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 77 |
Macesanu C, Wali KC. (2006) The higgs sector on a two-sheeted space-time International Journal of Modern Physics A. 21: 4519-4541 |
Wali K. (2006) Creating the measure of Chandrasekhar’s life Physics Today. 59: 12-13 |
Wali KC. (2005) Matter fields on a two-sheeted space-time International Journal of Modern Physics A. 20: 1346-1352 |
Dando G, Davidson A, George DP, et al. (2005) Clash of symmetries in a Randall-Sundrum-like spacetime Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 72: 1-10 |
Rozowsky JS, Volkas RR, Wali KC. (2004) Domain wall solutions with Abelian gauge fields Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 580: 249-256 |