Argonne National Laboratory

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alexei A. Abrikosovcondensed matter theory
C. Austen Angellphysical chemistry, glass science, water, ionic liquids, energy storage19641966 Dieter M. Gruen (post-doc)
Pablo Villar Arribi20192020 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
John Robert Arrington
Mahalingam BalasubramanianXAS, syncrotron studies, energy storage, materials Advanced Photon Source19971999 Carlos Melendres (post-doc)
Yaroslaw BazaliyCondensed Matter Physics, General Physics20002003 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Edmond Louis BergerHigh Energy Physics
H. Gordon BerryAtomic Physics
Anand Bhattacharyacondensed matter physics, materials science
Lowell Moyer BollingerNuclear physics
Antia Sanchez Botana20152018 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Joseph Canon Boyce
Terence Bretz-Sullivan Materials Science Division2017 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Zonghai ChenPhysical Chemistry, Energy Chemical Sciences and Engineering20042006 Khalil Amine (post-doc)
Fritz Coester
Justin G. ConnellMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Inorganic Chemistry Materials Science20132016 Nenad Markovic (post-doc)
George William CrabtreeSolid state physics
Cary N. Davids
Benjamin Downing Daylow-energy nuclear physics theory
Carlos S. de MeloCondensed Matter Physics19911993 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Pulak DuttaNanoscale order in soft materials, surfaces and interfaces, X-ray scattering studies of self-assembled molecular layers.19791981 Sunil K. Sinha (post-doc)
Dean Eric EastmanCondensed Matter Physics
Matthias Eschrig19992001 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Christopher G. FasanoNuclear Theory
Patrick James FasanoNuclear theory Physics Division2023 Alessandro Lovato (post-doc)
Roland Fehrenbacher19931995 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Bradley W. FilipponeExperimental Nuclear Physics & Low Energy Particle Physics1983 Cary N. Davids (grad student)
Timothy FisterSpectroscopy, X-Ray Chemical Sciences and Engineering20122014 Paul A Fenter (post-doc)
Dillon D. FongMaterials Science, Soft Condensed Matter, Surface and Interface Science
Yuan GaoApplied physics Stephen Southworth (post-doc)
Han Gao Chemical Sciences and Engineering2016 Zonghai Chen (post-doc)
Jihyeon Gimenergy storage Chemical Sciences and Engineering2015 Zonghai Chen (post-doc)
Denis Golosov19961998 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Leonard Seymour Goodmannuclear physics
Nancy Lee Grossman
Hermann A. GrunderNuclear physics
Benjamin Gutierrezcomputational physics
Gian G. Guzman-VerriCondensed Matter Physics Materials Science Division20122014 Peter B Littlewood (post-doc)
Yeonsook HeoArchitectural Engineering, Architecture20112013 Victor Zavala (post-doc)
Norman Hilberrynuclear physics, physical optics
Jason Hoffmancorrelated electrons, complex oxide interface, magnetism, ferroelectrics, magnetoelectric coupling Materials Science Division20102014 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Axel Hoffmann
Roy J. HoltNuclear Physics
Ran HongPhysics
Deshun Hong MSD2017 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
David Rittenhouse Inglisnuclear physics
Eric David Isaacsmagnetism, correlated electronic systems
Boldizsár JankóTheoretical Condensed Matter Physics19981999 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Heshani JayatissaNuclear Astrophysics Physics K. Ernst Rehm (post-doc)
Cheng JiHigh pressure science; Material science; Sychrotron X-ray techniques; Advanced Photon Source20122013 Jon Tischler (post-doc)
Chunguang -j Jing
David (Daid) KahlNuclear physics, Astrophysics Physics20052005 K. Ernst Rehm (research assistant)
Benjamin P. Kay Physics Division20042007 Sean J. Freeman (grad student)
John B. Kettersonelectronic properties of metals, liquid helium, superconductivity, cold trapped gasses, magnetism, liquid crystals and Langmuir films, non linear optics
Sanghyeon Kimmaterials, energy storage, spectroscopy Chemical Sciences20192022 John Vaughey (post-doc)
Soojeong Kimsyncrotron spectroscopy Chemical Sciences and Engineering20152018 Timothy Fister (post-doc)
Jae Jin Kim Chemical Sciences and Engineering Chemical Sciences and Engineering20182018 Timothy Fister (post-doc), Brian J. Ingram (research scientist)
Alexios KlironomosCondensed Matter Physics20032006 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Dale Dean Koelling
Dieter Kurath
Jonathan Lang Alan Ira Goldman (grad student)
Saul H. LapidusExperimental solid-state physics.
Tsung-Shung Harry Lee
Oleksandr LevchenkoCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics20092011 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Ming Liu Center for Nanoscale Materials20102012 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Changjiang Liu Materials Science Division2016 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Alessandro Lovato
Jeremy Robert Love
Tianyuan Ma Chemistry20132017 Zonghai Chen (grad student)
Sarah Louise MancinaPhysics, Neutrinos, IceCube, Neutrino Astronomy, Multimessenger Astrophysics
Jonathan C. Marcksquantum information/quantum physics
Walter Eugene MasseyTheoretical physics
Steven J. May Materials Science Division20072009 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Anna E. McCoyNuclear theory
Ian McNultycondensed matter, x-rays
Carlos Melendres
Ashot MelikyanCondensed Matter Physics20062008 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Tobias Micklitz20072009 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Vivek MishraSuperconductivity, Strongly Correlated Electron20122015 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Lawrence Jay NodulmanHigh Energy Physics
Michael Ray NormanCondensed Matter Physics Materials Science19831986 Dale Dean Koelling (post-doc)
Theodore Burton NoveyHigh Energy Physics
Ozhan Ozataynanoscale science and engineering Axel Hoffmann (collaborator)
Haesun Park Materials Science2018 Peter Zapol (post-doc)
William David Parkercondensed matter theory, electronic structure, computational materials physics
Indranil PaulCondensed Matter Physics20052007 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Murray Peshkin
Steven Charles Piepercomputational physics
Robert Leroy Platzmanradiation physics and chemistry
John Gorham PowerAccelerator Physics
Gianfrano Preosti19971998 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Peter PringsheimLuminescence
Revaz Ramazashvili20012004 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
K. Ernst Rehm
Juergen Reichenbacher
Paul E ReimerMedium Energy Nuclear Physics
Jose RepondGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Zoran Ristivojevic20092010 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Leslie C. Rogersparticle physics
Nina Rohringer20052007 Robin Santra (post-doc)
James B. RosenzweigParticle Beam Physics High Energy Physics1988 James D. Simpson (grad student)
Mayly SanchezHigh Energy Physics, Experimental Neutrino Physics, Neutrino Oscillations
Tiffany Santos Center for Nanoscale Materials20072010 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
John P. Schifferexperimental nuclear physics
Sönke Seifert
James D. Simpson
Sunil K. SinhaX-ray and neutron scattering, condensed matter physics, surfaces and interfaces, thin films, magnetism
Robert P SnuggsParticle Physics20202020 Walter Hopkins (research scientist)
Kok Wee SongCondensed Matter Physics
Stephen Southworth
Timothy Maurice Paul TaitElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics HEP HEP19992002 Edmond Louis Berger (grad student), Carlos E.M. Wagner (post-doc)
Daniel Timbie Materials Science Division20192020 F. Joseph Heremans (research assistant)
Jon Tischler
Frank Sargent Tomkinsatomic and molecular spectroscopy
Louis Alexander Turneratomic physics, spectroscopy, nuclear physics and thermodynamics
David G UnderwoodHigh EnetgyPhysics
Victor I. VakaryukCondensed Matter Physics20102012 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Jasper van Wezel20102012 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Yuri Vilk19951997 Michael Ray Norman (post-doc)
Valerii Vinokur
Kameshwar C. Walihigh energy physics
Gang WanPhysical Chemistry of Solids, Reaction Engineering, X-ray Science, Energy Materials and Devices
Robert Bruce Wiringanucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions, quantum Monte Carlo calculations of nuclear structure and reactions, and variational studies of dense nucleon matter and neutron stars
Dieter wolf
Friederike Wrobel2017 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Stephen Mingda Wu Materials Science Diivision20132016 Anand Bhattacharya (post-doc)
Lei Xia
Cosmas K. ZachosElementary Particle Physics Theory, Mathematical Physics
Peter Zapol Larry Curtiss (post-doc)
Yuexing (Zee) Zhang
Bo ZhangSoft matter, Active matter
Xufeng Zhang
Walter Henry ZinnNuclear physics