William C. Barott, Ph.D.

2006 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
"William Barott"
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Paul G. Steffes grad student 2006 Georgia Tech
 (Volumetric phased arrays for satellite communications.)
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Harp GR, Ackermann RF, Astorga A, et al. (2018) The Application of Autocorrelation SETI Search Techniques in an ATA Survey The Astrophysical Journal. 869: 66-66
Barott WC, Fucharoen S. (2017) Experimental Time-Modulated Beamformer for Interference Mitigation in a Radio Spectrometer Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 11: 271-281
Harp GR, Richards J, Tarter JC, et al. (2016) SETI OBSERVATIONS OF EXOPLANETS WITH THE ALLEN TELESCOPE ARRAY The Astronomical Journal. 152: 181
Torres J, Barott WC. (2015) Simplified design of an X/Ku-band Vivaldi array for rocket exhaust plume diagnostics Ieee Antennas and Propagation Society, Ap-S International Symposium (Digest). 2015: 2327-2328
Barott WC, Scott KM. (2014) Coherent Passive Backscatter Communications Using Ambient Transmitters International Journal of Handheld Computing Research. 5: 23-43
Barott WC. (2014) Effect of beamforming errors on the efficacy of maximal ratio and equal gain combining Conference Proceedings - Ieee Southeastcon
Barott WC, Engle J. (2014) Single-antenna ATSC passive radar observations with remodulation and keystone formatting Ieee National Radar Conference - Proceedings. 159-163
Barott WC, Himed B. (2014) Time-modulated array pattern for sidelobe blanking in spectrometry and radar Ieee Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 13: 1015-1018
Rudolph DL, Barott WC. (2014) Reduction of near-field grating lobes in sparse linear phased arrays Ieee Antennas and Propagation Society, Ap-S International Symposium (Digest). 1155-1156
Barott WC, Butka B. (2012) SABER-TDA: Passive coherent location of aircraft using XM-Radio and a small ground station Ieee National Radar Conference - Proceedings. 0342-0347
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