Jay Fisher, Ph.D.

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Jay Fisher"
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Richard Superfine grad student 2007 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Development of a magnetic manipulator for microbiological and single molecule investigations.)
Nancy E. Kleckner post-doc Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
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Kanies OS, Kremer KR, Mason BM, et al. (2023) A modular microfluidic device that uses magnetically actuatable microposts for enhanced magnetic bead-based workflows. Lab On a Chip
Chu L, Liang Z, Mukhina MV, et al. (2020) One-dimensional spatial patterning along mitotic chromosomes: A mechanical basis for macroscopic morphogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Chu L, Liang Z, Mukhina M, et al. (2020) The 3D Topography of Mitotic Chromosomes. Molecular Cell
Kleckner NE, Chatzi K, White MA, et al. (2018) Coordination of Growth, Chromosome Replication/Segregation, and Cell Division in . Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 1469
Judith RM, Fisher JK, Spero RC, et al. (2015) Micro-elastometry on whole blood clots using actuated surface-attached posts (ASAPs). Lab On a Chip. 15: 1385-93
Kleckner N, Fisher JK, Stouf M, et al. (2015) Erratum to “The bacterial nucleoid: nature, dynamics and sister segregation” [Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 22 (2014) 127–137] Current Opinion in Microbiology. 25: 146
Kleckner N, Fisher JK, Stouf M, et al. (2014) The bacterial nucleoid: nature, dynamics and sister segregation. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 22: 127-37
Fisher JK, Kleckner N. (2014) Magnetic force micropiston: an integrated force/microfluidic device for the application of compressive forces in a confined environment. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 85: 023704
Fisher JK, Bourniquel A, Witz G, et al. (2013) Four-dimensional imaging of E. coli nucleoid organization and dynamics in living cells. Cell. 153: 882-95
Fisher J, Bourniquel A, Witz G, et al. (2012) Organization and Dynamics of the Living E. Coli Nucleoid at High Resolution in Space and Time Biophysical Journal. 102: 16a
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