Tolga Altinoluk, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics, Radiation PhysicsGoogle:
"Tolga Altinoluk"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAlex Kovner | grad student | 2011 | University of Connecticut | |
(High Energy Evolution: From JIMWLK/KLWMIJ to QCD Reggeon Field Theory.) |
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Altinoluk T, Armesto N. (2020) Particle correlations from the initial state The European Physical Journal A. 56 |
Altinoluk T, Boussarie R, Marquet C, et al. (2020) Photoproduction of three jets in the CGC: gluon TMDs and dilute limit Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020 |
Agostini P, Altinoluk T, Armesto N. (2019) Effect of non-eikonal corrections on azimuthal asymmetries in the color glass condensate The European Physical Journal C. 79 |
Agostini P, Altinoluk T, Armesto N. (2019) Non-eikonal corrections to multi-particle production in the color glass condensate The European Physical Journal C. 79 |
Altinoluk T, Boussarie R, Marquet C, et al. (2019) TMD factorization for dijets + photon production from the dilute-dense CGC framework Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019 |
Altinoluk T, Boussarie R, Kotko P. (2019) Interplay of the CGC and TMD frameworks to all orders in kinematic twist Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019 |
Altinoluk T, Armesto N, Kovner A, et al. (2018) Double and triple inclusive gluon production at mid rapidity: quantum interference in p-A scattering. The European Physical Journal. C, Particles and Fields. 78: 702 |
Altinoluk T, Armesto N, Wertepny DE. (2018) Correlations and the ridge in the Color Glass Condensate beyond the glasma graph approximation Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018 |
Altinoluk T, Armesto N, Kovner A, et al. (2018) Soft photon and two hard jets forward production in proton-nucleus collisions Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018 |
Altinoluk T, Armesto N, Beuf G, et al. (2017) Quark correlations in the color glass condensate: Pauli blocking and the ridge Physical Review D. 95 |