University of Connecticut

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Douglas AbrahamElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics
Arlene Diane AlbertBiochemistry, General Biophysics
S Pamir AlpayMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics
Tolga AltinolukElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics, Radiation Physics2011 Alex Kovner (grad student)
Carlos A. Alvarado DiazNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization2005 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Lawrence ArmstrongGeneral Biophysics, Recreation
Januka AttanayakeGeophysics, Planetology Integrative Geosciences2012 Vernon F. Cormier (grad student)
Dirk A. AurinPhysical Oceanography, Optics Physics, Remote Sensing2011 Heidi Dierssen (grad student)
Leonid V AzároffMaterials Science
Mahalingam BalasubramanianXAS, syncrotron studies, energy storage, materials Physics Physics19911996 Douglas M. Pease (grad student), Joseph I. Budnick (grad student)
Zhigang BanMaterials Science Engineering2003 S Pamir Alpay (grad student)
Rajeev BansalElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Gokce K. BasarElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2011 Gerald V. Dunne (grad student)
J C. BeallPhilosophy, Logic, Metaphysics
Jc BeallPhilosophy, Logic, Metaphysics
Nora BerrahAtomic Physics
Paul BloomfieldPhilosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics
Douglas R. BolsterNutrition, Recreation2001 Lawrence Armstrong (grad student)
Mikhail BraginOptimization, power systems, manufacturing, supply chain, micro grids, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Joseph I. BudnickCondensed Matter Physics
Frank Thanh CaoExperimental Nuclear Physics Physics20132019 Kyungseon Joo (grad student)
Andrew CarmichaelAtomic Physics2008 Juha Javanainen (grad student)
Ryan A. CarolloAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, ultracold molecules, trapped ions Physics20062015 William C. Stwalley (grad student)
Rose K Cersonsky
Anita B. ChaudhariBiochemistry, General Biophysics2001 Challa V. Kamar (grad student)
Michael A. ChiedaAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2012 Edward Eugene Eyler (grad student)
Myungjin ChoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2011 Bahram Javidi (grad student)
Niloy ChoudhuryOptics Physics2000 Niloy K. Dutta (grad student)
Matthew R. ClemensPhilosophy, Theoretical Mathematics Philosophy2012 J C. Beall (grad student)
Scott C. CorleyBiochemistry, General Biophysics2010 Arlene Diane Albert (grad student)
Vernon F. CormierGeophysics
Joseph Noel Robin CôtéAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Aaron J. CotnoirPhilosophy, Logic, Metaphysics2010 J C. Beall (grad student)
Mehdi DaneshPanahElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2010 Bahram Jaridi (grad student)
Million DanielCondensed Matter Physics2001 Douglas M. Pease (grad student)
Michael DarreOceanography Biology, Acoustics Physics
Heidi DierssenPhysical Oceanography, Optics Physics, Remote Sensing
Louis Franklin DiMauroOptics Physics1980 David Eldon Wood (grad student)
Hao DongOptics Physics2006 Niloy K. Dutta (grad student)
Puneit DuaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2005 Niloy K. Dutta (grad student)
Cesim K. DumluElectricity and Magnetism Physics2012 Gerald V. Dunne (grad student)
Bruce C. DuncanAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2001 Phillip Lloyd Gould (grad student)
Gerald V. DunneTheory Physics, Quantum Physics
Nilay K. DuttaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Niloy K. DuttaOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Mostafa A. El-AasserElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2002 Nilay K. Dutta (grad student)
Samuel B. EmeryCondensed Matter Physics2011 Barrett O. Wells (grad student)
Edward Eugene EylerAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Gayanath FernandoCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics, Nanoscience
Marcel Fuciman Department of Chemistry20102011 Harry Alan Frank (post-doc)
Marko Gacesaatomic and molecular physics, planetary physics, astrophysics20062010 Joseph Noel Robin Côté (grad student), Vasili Kharchenko (grad student)
David J. GiblinNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization2007 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
George N. Gibson Physics1990 Charles Kirkham Rhodes (grad student)
Wesley P. GohnRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics Physics2012 Kyungseon Joo (grad student)
Hami GolbayaniNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization2012 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Phillip Lloyd GouldAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Arthur GunzlPathology, General Biophysics
Ashok Gurung
Yukap Hahn
Kurt Haller
Zhaohui HanCondensed Matter Physics2006 Joseph I. Budnick (grad student)
Jason Neal HancockCondensed Matter Physics
Timothy A. HankeGeneral Biophysics, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation2006 David Tiberio (grad student)
Kuang HeGeophysics2010 Vernon F. Cormier (grad student)
Rory Henderson Civil and Environmental Engineering20092010 Dan R. Glaser (grad student)
Amelia M Henkelblack holes, gravitational waves Department of Physics20172020 Jonathan R. Trump (research assistant)
Ye HuangAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2006 Edward Eugene Eyler (grad student)
Ting-Yu HuangSolid State Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2010 Douglas M. Pease (grad student)
Adolfo HuetTheory Physics, Quantum Physics2010 Gerald V. Dunne (grad student)
Bahram JaridiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Juha JavanainenAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics
Bahram JavidiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Nada JevticAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Jeffrey S. Schweitzer (grad student)
Kyungseon JooRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics
Elizabeth A. JuarrosAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics2007 Joseph Noel Robin Côté (grad student)
Challa V. KamarBiochemistry, General Biophysics
Lawrence A. Kappers
Kazem KazerounianNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization
Judith A. KellyGeneral Biophysics
Quentin KesselCondensed Matter Physics
Vasili Kharchenkoatmospheric physics; atomic collision theory
Jennifer F. KlauRecreation2011 Lawrence Armstrong (grad student)
Anup Kollanoor JohnyAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture2011 Michael Darre (grad student)
Marijan KostrunAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics2002 Juha Javanainen (grad student)
Alex KovnerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
Andriy A. KurylovAuditory Midbrain Physiology2002 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Julie A. LaCombElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2010 Rajeev Bansal (grad student)
Tom LaueGeneral Biophysics Chemistry1981 David Andrew Yphantis (grad student)
Dong-Ik LeeOptics Physics2005 Chandra Roychoudhuri (grad student)
Ming Li Physics George N. Gibson (grad student)
Gerald Lim
Edwin Lim-LombridasGauge Theories Physics Physics Physics19941995 Gerald V. Dunne (collaborator), Kurt Haller (grad student), Philip Mannheim (grad student)
Xinsheng Sean LingCondensed matter physics Physics19871992 Joseph I. Budnick (grad student)
Lanbo LiuGeophysics
Zijian LiuBiomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geophysics2011 Lanbo Liu (grad student)
Juan A. LozanoCondensed Matter Physics2001 Quentin Kessel (grad student)
Kunzhong LuOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Niloy K. Dutta (grad student)
Shaozhen MaOptics Physics2012 Niloy K. Dutta (grad student)
Ronald L. MallettAstronomy and Astrophysics
Philip MannheimTheory Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
Nikolay MarkovRadiation Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2012 Kyungseon Joo (grad student)
Daniel John McCarronAtomic, molecular and optical physics, quantum science
Hashini R. MohottalaCondensed Matter Physics2006 Barrett O. Wells (grad student)
William Moreau1966 Arnold Russek (grad student)
Aimee M. Morey-OppenheimInorganic Chemistry, Solid State Physics2011 Steven L. Shib (grad student)
Zongliang MuNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization2005 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Max S. NamAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Ronald L. Mallett (grad student)
Magesh NandagopalPolymer Chemistry2005 Marcel Utz (grad student)
Ashok NedungadiHybrid Vehicle Technology1988 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Yuefeng NieCondensed Matter Physics, Solid State Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Materials Science Engineering2011 Barrett O. Wells (grad student)
Anguel N. NikolovAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2000 Edward Eugene Eyler (grad student)
Otim OdongLow Temperature Physics, Atomic Physics2012 Juha Javanainen (grad student)
Mahmut B. OkatanMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2010 S Pamir Alpay (grad student)
Ebenezer Otu-NyarkoAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture2010 Michael Darre (grad student)
Douglas C. OwingsPhilosophy, Logic, Metaphysics2012 J C. Beall (grad student)
Chaminda K. PalandageCondensed Matter Physics, Theory Physics, Nanoscience2010 Gayanath Fernando (grad student)
Zoran PavlovicAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Quantum Physics2011 Joseph Noel Robin Côté (grad student)
Douglas M. PeaseCondensed Matter Physics1973 Leonid V Azároff (grad student)
Joseph A. PechkisAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2010 Phillip Lloyd Gould (grad student)
Hyewon K. PechkisAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2010 Edward Eugene Eyler (grad student)
Javier PeressuttiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics2009 Alex Kovner (grad student)
Monsak PimsarnNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization2005 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Edward Pitkin
Edward PollackAtomic Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Stephen J. Puglianuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology2001 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Renuka RajapakseAtomic Physics, Quantum Physics2011 Susanne F. Yelin (grad student)
Michael J. Ramsey-Musolfnuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology
Kumaraswamy S. RaoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Gerald V. Dunne (grad student)
Andrew G. RinzlerCondensed Matter Physics, Nanotechnology1991 Lawrence A. Kappers (grad student)
Chandra RoychoudhuriElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Chandras RoychoudhuriElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
Gian F. Sacconuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology2004 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Nolan S. SamboyLow Temperature Physics, Quantum Physics2011 Joseph Noel Robin Côté (grad student)
Jerome C. SandersAtomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Low Temperature Physics2011 Juha Javanainen (grad student)
Timothy P. ScheettGeneral Biophysics, Recreation2002 Lawrence Armstrong (grad student)
Peter M. ScheifeleOceanography Biology, Acoustics Physics2003 Michael Darre (grad student)
Stefan Schreier
Jeffrey S. SchweitzerAstronomy and Astrophysics
Ryan P. SearsCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2003 Boris Sinkovic (grad student)
Steven L. ShibInorganic Chemistry, Solid State Physics
Uttam M. ShresthaQuantum Physics, Atomic Physics2009 Juha Javanainen (grad student)
Nicholas R. SilvaggiGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology2003 Judith A. Kelly (grad student)
Ionel SimbotinAtomic Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2012 Joseph Noel Robin Côté (grad student)
Boris SinkovicCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Ilya Sochnikovcondensed matter, quantum sensing, nanotechnology
Frederick Edward Steigertexperimental nuclear physics
William C. Stwalleyspectroscopy
Yunquan SunNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization2004 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Moncef B. TayahiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2000 Nilay K. Dutta (grad student)
Donald A. TelescaCondensed Matter Physics2010 Boris Sinkovic (grad student)
Mark Terasaki
David TiberioGeneral Biophysics, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation
David TongAtomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics / Systematic Theology and Apologetics19992007 Phillip Lloyd Gould (grad student), Edward Eugene Eyler (grad student), Joseph Noel Robin Côté (grad student)
Marcel UtzCondensed Matter Physics
Greig WatsonRecreation, Animal Physiology Biology2005 Lawrence Armstrong (grad student)
Claire V. WeissMaterials Science Engineering2011 S Pamir Alpay (grad student)
Barrett O. WellsCondensed Matter Physics
Barry Wells
Jeffrey R. WisdomPhilosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics2010 Paul Bloomfield (grad student)
Shuihua WuNano-bio mechanical systems, analysis and design of mechanisms, machines and gear systems, robotics, analytical and computational kinematics, design optimization Mechanical Engineering2012 Kazem Kazerounian (grad student)
Jing Yang Mechanical Engineering20072012 Greg Huber (grad student)
Susanne F. YelinAtomic Physics, Quantum Physics
Seokwon YeomElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Bahram Javidi (grad student)
David Andrew Yphantis
Shan Zhong2007 S Pamir Alpay (grad student)
Chaoguang ZhouGeophysics2000 Lanbo Liu (grad student)
Lieyuan ZhuGeophysics2007 Lanbo Liu (grad student)
Guanghao ZhuOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Niloy K. Dutta (grad student)
Zhihai ZhuCondensed Matter Physics Physics Physics2009 Barrett O. Wells (grad student), Joseph I. Budnick (grad student)
James ZickefooseRadiation Physics, Astrophysics Physics2011 Jeffrey S. Schweitzer (grad student)