Edwin Fohtung

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States 
"Edwin Fohtung"
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Liu Z, Schold E, Karpov D, et al. (2020) X‐Ray Diffractive Imaging: Needle‐Like Ferroelastic Domains in Individual Ferroelectric Nanoparticles (Adv. Electron. Mater. 5/2020) Advanced Electronic Materials. 6: 2070027
Mbatang R, Xue D, Enriquez E, et al. (2019) Enhanced magnetism in lightly doped manganite heterostructures: strain or stoichiometry? Nanoscale
Karpov D, Fohtung E. (2019) Bragg coherent diffractive imaging of strain at the nanoscale Journal of Applied Physics. 125: 121101
Paudel B, Vasiliev I, Hammouri M, et al. (2019) Strain vs. charge mediated magnetoelectric coupling across the magnetic oxide/ferroelectric interfaces Rsc Advances. 9: 13033-13041
Pateras A, Harder R, Manna S, et al. (2019) Room temperature giant magnetostriction in single-crystal nickel nanowires Npg Asia Materials. 11
Rolo TdS, Reich S, Karpov D, et al. (2018) A Shack-Hartmann sensor for single-shot multi-contrast imaging with hard X-rays Applied Sciences. 8: 737
Quiney HM, Williams GJ, Fohtung E. (2018) Editorial for special issue on coherent diffractive imaging Journal of Optics. 20: 10201
Karpov D, Liu Z, Rolo TDS, et al. (2017) Three-dimensional imaging of vortex structure in a ferroelectric nanoparticle driven by an electric field. Nature Communications. 8: 280
Nakotte H, Silkwood C, Page K, et al. (2017) Pair distribution function analysis applied to decahedral gold nanoparticles Physica Scripta. 92: 114002
Adak S, Hartl M, Daemen L, et al. (2017) Study of oxidation states of the transition metals in a series of Prussian blue analogs using x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 214: 8-19
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