Zhengli Han

Terahertz Photonics
"Zhengli Han"
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Ben-Atar K, Han Z, Frydendahl C, et al. (2023) Ultra-high-Q substrate-mode coupled resonances in complementary THz metamaterial. Optics Letters. 48: 620-623
Han Z, Takida Y, Ohno S, et al. (2022) Terahertz Fresnel-zone-plate thin-film lens based on a high-transmittance double-layer metamaterial phase shifter. Optics Express. 30: 18730-18742
Han Z, Frydendahl C, Mazurski N, et al. (2022) MEMS cantilever-controlled plasmonic colors for sustainable optical displays. Science Advances. 8: eabn0889
Han Z, Ohno S, Tokizane Y, et al. (2018) Off-resonance and in-resonance metamaterial design for a high-transmission terahertz-wave quarter-wave plate. Optics Letters. 43: 2977-2980
Han Z, Ohno S, Tokizane Y, et al. (2017) Thin terahertz-wave phase shifter by flexible film metamaterial with high transmission. Optics Express. 25: 31186-31196
Han Z, Kohno K, Fujita H, et al. (2015) MEMS reconfigurable metamaterial for terahertz switchable filter and modulator. Optics Express. 22: 21326-39
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