Chrysovalantis Constantinou, Ph.D.

2003-2009 Physics National Technical University of Athens, Greece 
 2009-2016 Physics University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States 
 2016-2017 Physics Yale University, New Haven, CT 
 2017-2019 Physics Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL, United States 
 2019-2022 CaSToRC The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus 
 2023- STARC The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus 
Nuclear Structure, Computational Physics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Machine Learning
"Chrysovalantis Constantinou"
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Constantinou C, Caprio MA, Vary JP, et al. (2017) Natural orbital description of the halo nucleus 6He Nuclear Science and Techniques. 28
Constantinou C, Caprio MA, Vary JP, et al. (2014) Scaling properties of the harmonic oscillator basis calculations for N = Z nuclei in the infrared limit with the JISP16 potential Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2014
Caprio MA, Luo FQ, Cai K, et al. (2012) Generalized seniority for the shell model with realistic interactions Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 85
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