Carlos R. Stroud, Ph.D.

Optics University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
Quantum Optics
"Carlos Ray Stroud"
Mean distance: 14.16


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Edwin Thompson Jaynes grad student 1969 Washington University
 (Quantum and semiclassical radiation theories.)


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Sultan Abdul Wadood grad student 2015- Rochester
William Burckel grad student 1974 Rochester
Felix Schuda grad student 1974 Rochester
Mary Citron grad student 1977 Rochester
Baise Renaud grad student 1977 Rochester
Richard Whitley grad student 1977 Rochester (Management Tree)
Jacob de Meijere grad student 1978 Rochester
Kurt Edmund Oughstun grad student 1978 Rochester (E-Tree)
William Molander grad student 1983 Rochester
David Cardimona grad student 1984 Rochester
Lloyd Hillman grad student 1984 Rochester
Karl Koch grad student 1990 Rochester
Jonathan Parker grad student 1990 Rochester
John A. Yeazell grad student 1990 Rochester
Jake Bromage grad student 1999 Rochester
Alberto M. Marino grad student 2006 Rochester
Luke J. Bissell grad student 2011 Rochester
Justin T. Schultz post-doc 2016- Rochester
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Wadood SA, Schultz JT, Vamivakas AN, et al. (2019) Do remote boundary conditions affect photodetection? Journal of Modern Optics. 66: 1116-1123
Lukishova SG, Winkler JM, Bissell LJ, et al. (2013) Resonance in quantum dot fluorescence on a band-edge of a 1-Dphotonic bandgap cholesteric structure under cw-laser excitation Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8642
Lukishova SG, Bissell LJ, Winkler J, et al. (2012) Resonance in quantum dot fluorescence in a photonic bandgap liquid crystal host. Optics Letters. 37: 1259-61
Winkler JM, Lukishova SG, Bissell LJ, et al. (2012) Glassy chiral photonic bandgap structures doped with quantum dots for single-photon source applications 2012 Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo 2012
Winkler JM, Lukishova SG, Bissell LJ, et al. (2012) Glassy chiral photonic bandgap structures doped with quantum dots for single-photon source applications 2012 Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo 2012
Bissell LJ, Lukishova SG, Sehmid AW, et al. (2011) Room-temperature single photon sources with definite circular and linear polarizations based on single-emitter fluorescence in liquid crystal hosts Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7993
Bissell LJ, Lukishova SG, Schmid AW, et al. (2011) Chiral photonic bandgap microcavities doped with single colloidal semiconductor quantum dots Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7993
Bissell LJ, Lukishova SG, Stroud CR. (2011) Circularly-polarized resonances at the photonic band-edge of chiral liquid crystal microcavities Optics Infobase Conference Papers
Lukishova SG, Bissell LJ, Winkler J, et al. (2011) Room-temperature single-photon sources with definite circular and linear polarizations Optics Infobase Conference Papers
Bissell LJ, Lukishova SG, Stroud CR. (2011) Circularly-polarized resonances at the photonic band-edge of chiral liquid crystal microcavities Optics Infobase Conference Papers
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