Ronnie Shepherd, Ph.D.

1987- Physics Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States 
Plasma physics
"Ronnie Shepherd"
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Larry Jones grad student 1987 LANL
Don Kania grad student 1987 LANL
Ronald M. Gilgenbach grad student 1981-1987 University of Michigan (E-Tree)
Hans R. Griem grad student 1984-1987 University of Maryland
 (Assisted with thesis.)


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Lee Elverson grad student University of Maryland
Jerry Clark grad student 2018- Florida A&M University
Gilliss M. Dyer grad student 2002-2007 UT Austin
Ed Von Marley grad student 2011-2016 UC Davis
Andrew McKelvey grad student 2014-2019 University of Michigan
BETA: Related publications


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Jiang S, Lazicki AE, Hansen SB, et al. (2020) Measurements of pressure-induced Kβ line shifts in ramp compressed cobalt up to 8 Mbar. Physical Review. E. 101: 023204
Ruyer C, Bolanos S, Albertazzi B, et al. (2020) Growth of concomitant laser-driven collisionless and resistive electron filamentation instabilities over large spatiotemporal scales Nature Physics. 16: 983-988
Ping Y, Whitley HD, McKelvey A, et al. (2019) Heat-release equation of state and thermal conductivity of warm dense carbon by proton differential heating. Physical Review. E. 100: 043204
Weller ME, Beiersdorfer P, Lockard TE, et al. (2019) Observation of He-like Satellite Lines of the H-like Potassium K xix Emission The Astrophysical Journal. 881: 92
Higginson DP, Korneev P, Ruyer C, et al. (2019) Laboratory investigation of particle acceleration and magnetic field compression in collisionless colliding fast plasma flows Communications in Physics. 2: 60
Hell N, Lockard T, Beiersdorfer P, et al. (2018) Experimental comparison of spherically bent HAPG and Ge crystals. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 89: 10F121
Beiersdorfer P, Magee EW, Brown GV, et al. (2018) High resolution, high signal-to-noise crystal spectrometer for measurements of line shifts in high-density plasmas. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 89: 10F120
Chen SN, Atzeni S, Gangolf T, et al. (2018) Experimental evidence for the enhanced and reduced stopping regimes for protons propagating through hot plasmas. Scientific Reports. 8: 14586
Ellison CL, Whitley HD, Brown CRD, et al. (2018) Development and modeling of a polar-direct-drive exploding pusher platform at the National Ignition Facility Physics of Plasmas. 25: 072710
McKelvey A, Kemp GE, Sterne PA, et al. (2017) Thermal conductivity measurements of proton-heated warm dense aluminum. Scientific Reports. 7: 7015
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