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Consoli F, Andreoli PL, Cipriani M, et al. (2021) Sources and space-time distribution of the electromagnetic pulses in experiments on inertial confinement fusion and laser-plasma acceleration. Philosophical Transactions. Series a, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 379: 20200022 |
Istokskaia V, Stránský V, Giuffrida L, et al. (2021) Experimental tests and signal unfolding of a scintillator calorimeter for laser-plasma characterization Journal of Instrumentation. 16: T02006-T02006 |
Simpson RA, Scott GG, Mariscal D, et al. (2021) Scaling of laser-driven electron and proton acceleration as a function of laser pulse duration, energy, and intensity in the multi-picosecond regime Physics of Plasmas. 28: 013108 |
Danson CN, White M, Barr JRM, et al. (2021) A history of high-power laser research and development in the United Kingdom High Power Laser Science and Engineering. 9 |
Mirfayzi SR, Yogo A, Lan Z, et al. (2020) Proof-of-principle experiment for laser-driven cold neutron source. Scientific Reports. 10: 20157 |
Manuel MJ, Tang H, Russell BK, et al. (2020) Enhanced spatial resolution of Eljen-204 plastic scintillators for use in rep-rated proton diagnostics. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 91: 103301 |
Duff MJ, Wilson R, King M, et al. (2020) High order mode structure of intense light fields generated via a laser-driven relativistic plasma aperture. Scientific Reports. 10: 105 |
Liao G, Liu H, Scott GG, et al. (2020) Towards Terawatt-Scale Spectrally Tunable Terahertz Pulses via Relativistic Laser-Foil Interactions Physical Review X. 10 |
Frazer TP, Wilson R, King M, et al. (2020) Enhanced laser intensity and ion acceleration due to self-focusing in relativistically transparent ultrathin targets Physical Review Research. 2 |
Williamson SDR, Wilson R, King M, et al. (2020) Self-Referencing Spectral Interferometric Probing of the Onset Time of Relativistic Transparency in Intense Laser-Foil Interactions Physical Review Applied. 14 |