Elizabeth C. Thompson, Ph.D.

2013-2018 Department of the Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
 2018-2019 Department of Earth And Planetary Sciences Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
 2019- Department of Earth and Environmental Systems Sewanee: The University of the South 
"elizabeth lily thompson sewanee"
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Fischer RA, Campbell AJ, Chidester BA, et al. (2018) Equations of state and phase boundary for stishovite and CaCl2-type SiO2 American Mineralogist. 103: 792-802
Chidester BA, Pardo OS, Fischer RA, et al. (2018) High-pressure phase behavior and equations of state of ThO2 polymorphs American Mineralogist. 103: 749-756
Thompson EC, Davis AH, Bi W, et al. (2018) High‐Pressure Geophysical Properties of Fcc Phase FeHX Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 19: 305-314
Thompson EC, Campbell AJ, Tsuchiya J. (2017) Elasticity of ε‐FeOOH: Seismic implications for Earth's lower mantle Journal of Geophysical Research. 122: 5038-5047
Thompson EC, Chidester BA, Fischer RA, et al. (2016) Equation of state of pyrite to 80 GPa and 2400 K American Mineralogist. 101: 1046-1051
Thompson EC, Campbell AJ, Liu Z. (2016) In-situ infrared spectroscopic studies of hydroxyl in amphiboles at high pressure American Mineralogist. 101: 706-712
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