Homer Dupre Hagstrum, PhD

1936-1940 Physics and Mathematics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
 1940- Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, United States 
Surface Physics
"Homer Dupre Hagstrum"

(1915 - 1994)

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John Torrence Tate grad student 1940 UMN
 (On an extension of the mass spectrometric method of study of ionization and dissociation processes in diatomic molecules under electron impact and its application to the study of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen, and oxygen.)
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Chaban EE, Hagstrum HD, Petrie P. (1989) Apparatus and experimental procedures for surface electron spectroscopies using incident ions, metastable atoms, and photons Review of Scientific Instruments. 60: 3647-3655
Hagstrum HD, Petrie P, Chaban EE. (1988) Interaction of He+ and Ne+ ions with Ni(100)-K and Cu(100)-K surfaces having variable potassium coverage. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 38: 10264-10279
Hagstrum HD, Chaban EE, Petrie P. (1984) Summary Abstract: The study of surfaces using both ions and metastable atoms Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 2: 841-842
Hagstrum HD. (1979) Excited-Atom Deexcitation Spectroscopy using Incident Ions Physical Review Letters. 43: 1050-1053
Appelbaum JA, Baraff GA, Hamann DR, et al. (1978) Hydrogen chemisorption on the 100 (2 × 1) surfaces of Si and Ge Surface Science. 70: 654-673
Sakurai T, Hagstrum HD. (1978) A study of surface reproducibility and impurity segregation using ion neutralization and photoemission spectroscopies Surface Science. 70: 617-628
Sakurai T, Cardillo MJ, Hagstrum HD. (1977) Kinetics of the generation of atomic hydrogen and its adsorption on Si(110) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 14: 397-399
Sakurai T, Hagstrum HD. (1976) Hydrogen chemisorption on the silicon (110) 5×1 surface Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 13: 807-809
Sakurai T, Hagstrum HD. (1976) Abstract: Greater surface sensitivity of ion neutralization spectroscopy with respect to uv photoemission spectroscopy Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 13: 196-196
Hagstrum HD. (1976) The determination of energy-level shifts which accompany chemisorption Surface Science. 54: 197-209
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