Peter Abbamonte | Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry | | | | Philip M Platzman (grad student) |
Gabriel Aeppli | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Guenter Ahlers | non-linear systems | | | | |
Shlomo Alexander | NMR, superconductors, condensed matter | | | 1962 | Philip Warren Anderson (post-doc) |
A. Paul Alivisatos | colloidal inorganic nanocrystals | | | 1988 | Louis E. Brus (post-doc) |
Orson L. Anderson | | | | | |
Philip Warren Anderson | magnetic properties of matter | | | | |
Joel A. Appelbaum | Surface physics | | | | |
Arthur Ashkin | Laser trapping, solar power | | | | |
Raymond Ashoori | Condensed Matter Physics | 11117 Semiconductor Research | 1990 | 1992 | Horst L. Störmer (post-doc) |
David Erik Aspnes | Electronic Materials, Optics | | | | |
John Bardeen | | | | | |
Moungi G. Bawendi | quantum dots | | 1988 | 1990 | Louis E. Brus (post-doc) |
David J. Bishop | MEMS/NEMS, Nanotechnology, Quantum Fluids, Superconductivity, MEMS | | | | |
Eugene Irving Blount | solid state physics | | | | |
William E. Blumberg | biophysics, magnetic resonance | | | | Robert G. Shulman (collaborator) |
Ralph Bown | radio broadcasting, ship-to-shore communication, aircraft radios, intercontinental telephony | | | | |
Willard Sterling Boyle | | | | | |
Walter Houser Brattain | | | | | |
William Frank Brinkman | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Truman R. Brown | Magnetic resonance applications | | | 1979 | Robert G. Shulman (collaborator) |
Solomon J. Buchsbaum | Plasma physics | | | | |
Oliver Ellsworth Buckley | radio communication | | | | |
Premala Chandra | Theoretical Physics, Condensed Matter | 1111 Theory Group | 1984 | | Peter B Littlewood (grad student) |
Steven Chu | | | | | |
Alan G. Chynoweth | | | | | |
Patricia E. Cladis | liquid crystals | | | | |
Albert McCavour Clogston | solid state physics, magnetism, and superconductivity | | | | |
Karl Kelchner Darrow | Physics, science writer | | | | |
Clinton Joseph Davisson | crystallography, electromagnetism | | | | |
Joseph Francis Dillon | | | | | |
Gerald J. Dolan | Condensed matter physics | | 1976 | 1977 | Theodore Alan Fulton (post-doc) |
Robert C. Dynes | Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry | | | | |
Peter Eisenberger | | | | | |
James P. (Jim) Eisenstein | experimental condensed-matter physics | | | | |
George Feher | Biophysics | | | | |
Daniel S. Fisher | statistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology | | | | |
James Brown Fisk | Applied physics | | | 1939 | Mervin Joe Kelly (research scientist), Ralph Bown (research scientist) |
Harvey Fletcher | Stereophonic Sound | | | | |
Paul A Fleury | Condensed matter physics | | | | |
Theodore Alan Fulton | Condensed matter physics | | | | |
John Kirtland Galt | Solid state physics | | | | |
Stanley Geschwind | experimetal condensed matter physics, light scattering in solids, electron paramagnetic resonance, optical spectroscopy and inelastic light scattering, magnetic linear chains | | | | |
George Hudson Gilmer | Atomistic modeling of nanowire formation using vapor/solid and vapor/ liquid/solid crystal growth. | | | | |
Joseph Anthony Giordmaine | nonlinear optics | | | | |
James M. Goldey | silicon transistor and integrated circuit development | | | | |
James Power Gordon | | | | | |
Arthur C. Gossard | Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
David G. Grier | Soft matter physics | | 1989 | 1991 | Cherry A. Murray (post-doc) |
Homer Dupre Hagstrum | Surface Physics | | | | |
Bertrand I. Halperin | Theoretical physics: condensed matter and statistical physics | | | | |
Donald Robert Hamann | Condensed matter physics | | | | |
W. Conyers Herring | solid-state physics | | | | |
Pierre Claude Hohenberg | Condensed matter physics, statistical physics, non-equilibrium phenomena, foundations of quantum mechanics and philosophy of science | | | | |
Leo Hollberg | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | | | | Steven Chu (post-doc) |
John J. Hopfield | Modelling | | | | |
David A. Huse | Statistical physics, phase transitions, quantum many-body physics of ultracold atoms, many-body localization, magnetic ordering in materials and in spin models, superconductivity, out of equilibrium quantum dynamics. | | | | |
Eric David Isaacs | magnetism, correlated electronic systems | | | | |
Herbert Eugene Ives | optics, photography, imaging, telephotography, television | | | | |
Vincent Jaccarino | | | | | |
Shirley Ann Jackson | Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics | | | | |
Aiyasami Jayaraman | High-Pressure Physics | | | | |
Frank Baldwin Jewett | | | | | |
Woowon Kang | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | 1992 | 1994 | Horst L. Störmer (post-doc) |
Mervin Joe Kelly | vacuum tubes, solid state physics | | | | |
John Larry Kelly, Jr. | | | | | |
Jungsang Kim | Photonics, Micro-electronic mechanical machines, Sensing and Sensor Systems, Semiconductors, Quantum Information, Integrated Nanoscale Systems | | 1999 | 2000 | David J. Bishop (post-doc) |
Dai Sik Kim | | | 1991 | 1993 | Jagdeep Shah (post-doc) |
Young Bae Kim | low-temperature physics, cryogenic engineering, superconductivity | | | | |
Martin Koch | | | 1995 | 1997 | Jagdeep Shah (post-doc) |
Rudolf Kompfner | microwave amplifiers, klystrons, traveling-wave tube | | | | |
Robert Harry Kraichnan | Theoretical Physics, Theory of Fluid Turbulence, Field Theory and General Relativity | | | | |
Robert B. Laughlin | Quantum Hall effect | | | 1980 | Mark J. Cardillo (post-doc) |
Melvin Lax | Optics Physics | | | | |
Patrick A. Lee | Theoretical Physics | | | | |
Alfred Leitenstorfer | | | 1997 | 1998 | Jagdeep Shah (post-doc), Martin C. Nuss (post-doc) |
Juerg Leuthold | Optics, Plasmonics, THz, Electromagnetic Fields, Communications | | | | |
Harold Warren Lewis | high energy physics | | | | |
Peter B Littlewood | | | | | |
Adalbert Mayer-Heinricy | Molecular structure and function of hemoglobin | | 1972 | 1974 | Robert G. Shulman (post-doc) |
William Lauchlin McMillan | condensed matter physics | | 1964 | 1966 | Philip Warren Anderson (post-doc) |
George H. Mealy | Finite State Machines, Synthesis, Implementation | | | | |
Andrew John Millis | Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Sidney Millman | | | | | |
Edward F. Moore | Finite State Machines, Synthesis, Implementation | | | | |
Cherry A. Murray | surface, condensed matter and complex fluid physics | | | | |
Douglas D. Osheroff | low temperatures | | | | |
C. Kumar N. Patel | CO2 laser, Experimental Condensed Matter | | | | |
William G. Pfann | zone-melting, semi-conductive devices, and crystal growth techniques | | | 1945 | William B. Shockley (collaborator) |
James C. Phillips | Pseudopotential theory; electronic structure of solids, especially semiconductors; structure and properties and microscopic theories of glasses; metal-insulation transitions; microscopic theories of cuprate (high-Tc) superconductivity. | | 1956 | 1958 | W. Conyers Herring (post-doc) |
Julia Mae Phillips | | | | | |
Ronald S. Pindak | | | | | |
Philip M Platzman | scattering and low-energy physics | | | | |
Sérgio Pereira da Silva Porto | | | | | |
Mara Prentiss | AMO physics, biophysics | | 1986 | 1988 | Steven Chu (post-doc) |
Thomas Maurice Rice | Condensed Matter Physics | | | | |
Dennis Ritchie | C, UNIX, Plan 9 (from Bell Labs) | | | | |
John M. Rowell | | | | | |
Michael Rubinstein | Polymer Theory and Computer Simulations | | 1983 | 1985 | Eugene Helfand (post-doc) |
Myriam P. Sarachik | Condensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics | | 1962 | 1964 | Theodore H. Geballe (post-doc) |
Arthur Leonard Schawlow | Laser Physics | | | | |
Jagdeep Shah | | | | | |
William B. Shockley | | | | | |
Robert G. Shulman | Biophysics | | | 1979 | John J. Hopfield (collaborator) |
George Elwood Smith | | | | | |
Neville V. Smith | photoemission spectroscopy | | | | |
Horst L. Störmer | | | | | |
Harry Suhl | statistical mechanics and critical effects in non-equilibrium systems, magnetism on macroscopic and mesoscopic length scales, reaction kinetics and non-linear dynamics | | | | |
Jan Tauc | semiconductors | | | | |
Gordon Albert Thomas | optics, biophysics | | | | |
David Gilbert Thomas | Solid State Physics | | | | |
Charles Hard Townes | microwave physics, masers and lasers | | | | |
Daniel C. Tsui | condensed matter physics | | | | |
J. Anthony Tyson | dark matter distribution, gravitational lens effects, cosmic shear, the nature of dark energy, and instrumentation for optical astronomy | | | | |
James Valles | condensed matter physics, biophysics | | | | Robert C. Dynes (post-doc) |
Gabriel Weinreich | nonlinear optics, musical physics | | | | |
Robert Lee Willett | | | | | |
Michael Duryea Williams | | | | 1978 | David Erik Aspnes (research assistant) |
Robert Woodrow Wilson | | | | | |
Kensall D. Wise | | | | | |
Peter Adalbert Wolff | Diluted magnetic semiconductors; optical properties of subwavelength hole arrays. | | | | |
Chris Xu | Optics Physics, Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering | | | | Winfried Denk (post-doc) |
Arjun G. Yodh | condensed matter physics, medical and biophysics, the optical sciences | | 1987 | 1988 | Steven Chu (post-doc), Harry W. K. Tom (post-doc) |