ibrahim sarpkaya
Affiliations: | 2010-2015 | Physics | Stevens Institute of Technology |
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Kim Y, Velizhanin KA, He X, et al. (2019) Photoluminescence Intensity Fluctuations and Temperature-Dependent Decay Dynamics of Individual Carbon Nanotube sp3 Defects. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Sarpkaya I, Ahmadi ED, Shepard GD, et al. (2015) Strong Acoustic Phonon Localization in Copolymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes. Acs Nano. 9: 6383-93 |
Sarpkaya I, Zhang Z, Walden-Newman W, et al. (2013) Prolonged spontaneous emission and dephasing of localized excitons in air-bridged carbon nanotubes. Nature Communications. 4: 2152 |
Walden-Newman W, Sarpkaya I, Strauf S. (2012) Quantum light signatures and nanosecond spectral diffusion from cavity-embedded carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters. 12: 1934-41 |