Similar researchers to Tim Kietzmann: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Tim Christian Kietzmann (Info) Cambridge (Neurotree) vision, object recognition, visual attention, visual representations, awareness, machine learning silversurfer2025 2008‑07‑30
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (Info) NIMH (Neurotree) object vision, IT, pattern-information analysis kathleen 2005‑05‑21 Sim(0.26)
wei li (Info) Iowa State (Cell Biology Tree) maize genetics and development cipherchina 2018‑06‑09 Sim(0.28)
Samuel Kim (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) Chemistry samkimhis 2019‑08‑25 Sim(0.3)
George T. Reynolds (Info) Princeton cosmic rays; bioluminescence and X-ray diffraction jandh 2015‑06‑13 Sim(0.31)
Jeremy Jackson (Info) Scripps Oceanography (Evolution Tree) adgrass 2010‑12‑01 Sim(0.33)
Christopher Summerfield (Info) Oxford (Neurotree) Perception, decision-making csummerfield 2007‑10‑16 Sim(0.33)
Aaron Dembe (Info) University of Utah (EduTree) zeimel 2019‑10‑30 Sim(0.34)
Sudhir K. Keshri (Info) SUNY Albnay (Chemistry Tree) Organic chemistry 2022‑08‑24 Sim(0.35)
Zhenhao Duan (Info) Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS (Chemistry Tree) GeChem 2016‑06‑07 Sim(0.36)
Leonardo Fernandino (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin (Neurotree) Neuroscience of language, neuroimaging lfernandino 2006‑08‑27 Sim(0.36)
Thomas B. Christophel (Info) Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Berlin (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience precuneus 2012‑09‑28 Sim(0.36)
David C. Plaut (Info) Carnegie Mellon (Neurotree) Psycholinguistics, computational modeling mmb 2006‑08‑18 Sim(0.38)
Reza Ebrahimpour (Info) Sharif University of Technology (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience; Decision Making; Object Recognition; AI hkarimi 2017‑09‑11 Sim(0.38)
Dzmitry Kaliukhovich (Info) KU Leuven (Neurotree) hans.opdebeeck 2018‑02‑27 Sim(0.39)
Uri Hasson (Info) Princeton (Neurotree) Cognitive neuroscience david 2006‑03‑26 Sim(0.39)
Uri Hasson (Info) University of Trento (Neurotree) Cognition, neuroimaging kathleen 2005‑03‑26 Sim(0.4)
Felipe Pegado (Info) Aix Marseille Université (Neurotree) hans.opdebeeck 2018‑02‑27 Sim(0.4)
Sarah Gouzoules (Info) Emory (Neurotree) pwaser 2014‑10‑24 Sim(0.4)
Sam Musallam (Info) McGill Brain-machine interfaces, rishir 2012‑07‑19 Sim(0.4)
Michael E. Hildebrand (Info) University of Toronto (Neurotree) ion channels, pain mikehildebrand 2011‑03‑21 Sim(0.4)
Marijke Brants (Info) KU Leuven (Neurotree) hans.opdebeeck 2018‑02‑27 Sim(0.41)
Samuel M. Schacher (Info) Columbia (Neurotree) Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Synapses and Circuits, Axon Pathfinding and Synaptogenesis, Cellular/Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience david 2016‑01‑10 Sim(0.41)
Jakob Heinzle (Info) ETH/Uni Zurich (Neurotree) Neural Computation, fMRI jheinzle 2007‑08‑07 Sim(0.41)
Matthias S. Treder (Info) TU Berlin (Neurotree) bahramisharif 2011‑07‑04 Sim(0.42)
Daniel Otzen (Info) Aarhus University (Chemistry Tree) fmulder 2021‑11‑30 Sim(0.42)
Guy Wallis (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics (Neurotree) MartinaFeierabend 2009‑01‑12 Sim(0.42)
George Henry Falkiner Nuttall (Info) Cambridge (ID Tree) parasites and insect carriers of diseases, immunology jandh 2011‑06‑26 Sim(0.42)
Chih-Han Yu (Info) Harvard (Computer Science Tree) pq 2016‑01‑05 Sim(0.43)
William W. Graves (Info) Rutgers University -- Newark (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience, Language, fMRI wgraves 2007‑08‑13 Sim(0.43)
J Swaroop S. Guntupalli (Info) Dartmouth (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience, Object recognition, fMRI swaroopgj 2009‑07‑15 Sim(0.43)
Lisa J. Delissio (Info) Salem State University (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) Plant ecology, tropical forest ecology, climate change, science education ldelissio 2012‑03‑05 Sim(0.43)
Niklas Wilming (Info) Institute of Cognitive Sciene / University of Osnabrück (Neurotree) Visual Attention luen 2008‑05‑09 Sim(0.43)
Thomas Serre (Info) Brown (Neurotree) vision, computational neuroscience, learning, object recognition tserre 2007‑09‑27 Sim(0.44)
James J. DiCarlo (Info) MIT (Neurotree) Visual Cortex david 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.44)
Stephen Jose Hanson (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroimaging yarikoptic 2009‑06‑04 Sim(0.45)
Nancy Petry (Info) University of Connecticut Health Center (Neurotree) jeremiah.weinstock 2020‑06‑11 Sim(0.46)
Jacob E Lucero (Info) Texas A&M - College Station (Microtree) Ecology, Conservation, Global Change 2024‑10‑15 Sim(0.47)
Mark Forehand (Info) University of Washington (Neurotree) Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology pq 2016‑06‑01 Sim(0.47)
Anthony J. Bailey (Info) UBC (Neurotree) Autism mnc 2010‑07‑10 Sim(0.47)
Angelia F. Wang (Info) Brown (Neurotree) Neuroplasticity, Development, Sensorimotor Processing angeliawang 2014‑01‑18 Sim(0.47)
Griffin E. Koch (Info) University of Pittsburgh (Neurotree) mnc 2015‑11‑17 Sim(0.48)
Dorota Smolarek (Info) Université Paris 7 (Neurotree) doc_fr 2017‑02‑07 Sim(0.49)
Regan Bernhard (Info) Harvard (Neurotree) dillonplunkett 2016‑09‑08 Sim(0.49)
Vicente Luis Malave (Info) UCSD (Neurotree) EEG, ERP, fMRI, machine learning, vision, learning, object recognition vmalave 2009‑05‑07 Sim(0.49)
Mark Vida (Info) Carnegie Mellon (Neurotree) 2019‑04‑15 Sim(0.49)
Jiang Mao (Info) Penn (Neurotree) computational perception JiangMao 2017‑12‑01 Sim(0.49)
Gert Van den Bergh (Info) KU Leuven (Neurotree) hans.opdebeeck 2011‑04‑01 Sim(0.49)
Dana H. Ballard (Info) UT Austin (Neurotree) visual system,computational neuroscience david 2005‑07‑08 Sim(0.49)
Maxine Sherman (Info) University of Sussex (Neurotree) kanair 2014‑01‑20 Sim(0.49)
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