Similar researchers to Marcin Szwed: Advanced Search
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Marcin Szwed (Info) (Neurotree) ehud 2008‑09‑30
Laurie S. Glezer (Info) Georgetown (Neurotree) Vison, Language lsglezer 2009‑03‑23 Sim(0.13)
Amir Amedi (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Neurotree) Cortical plasticity, TMS, fMRI, cross-modal plasticity giladj 2007‑03‑01 Sim(0.15)
Sara Fabbri (Info) Western University (Neurotree) Movement planning and execution jvs 2012‑01‑11 Sim(0.15)
Matthew K. Leonard (Info) UCSF (Neurotree) speech, cortex jeff 2006‑11‑10 Sim(0.16)
Monika Wrzolek (Info) Staten Island University Hospital (Neurotree) george.perry 2010‑08‑04 Sim(0.17)
William Gurecky (Info) UT Austin (E-Tree) haasda 2019‑01‑03 Sim(0.17)
Robert Zatorre (Info) McGill (Neurotree) Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience david 2005‑11‑13 Sim(0.17)
Velia Cardin (Info) (Neurotree) david 2009‑03‑23 Sim(0.18)
Kuniyoshi L. Sakai (Info) University of Tokyo (Neurotree) Neuroimaging yhotta 2008‑12‑12 Sim(0.18)
Fang Fang (Info) Peking University (Neurotree) Vision Science Verstraten 2007‑01‑22 Sim(0.18)
Thomas Richard Holtz (Info) University of Maryland (Evolution Tree) Vertebrate Paleontology, Dinosaur Phylogenetics, Functional Anatomy, Paleobiogeography tholtz 2013‑09‑03 Sim(0.18)
Leslie Ungerleider (Info) NIMH (Neurotree) Vision, cognition david 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.18)
Camilo Libedinsky (Info) Harvard Medical School (Neurotree) mrponceman 2006‑09‑30 Sim(0.19)
Chris I. Baker (Info) National Institutes of Mental Health (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience 2006‑10‑14 Sim(0.19)
Glenn E. Adams (Info) Stanford (PsychTree) Social psychology, cultural psychology pq 2015‑10‑20 Sim(0.19)
Joseph FX DeSouza (Info) York University (Neurotree) Attention, eye movements, frontal cortex, fMRI, dance/music jdesouza 2006‑04‑02 Sim(0.19)
Kenneth F. Valyear (Info) Western University (Neurotree) Perception and action culham 2006‑04‑02 Sim(0.2)
Meike Grol (Info) Leiden (Neurotree) Neuro-imaging Verstraten 2005‑09‑26 Sim(0.2)
Vincent Walsh (Info) UCL (Neurotree) cohenkadosh 2006‑10‑28 Sim(0.2)
Mortimer Mishkin (Info) NIMH (Neurotree) Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.2)
Wei Song S. Ong (Info) UCLA (Neurotree) mirpour 2009‑05‑21 Sim(0.2)
Kristen A. La Mont (Info) Harvard (Neurotree) Development of Numerical Cognition pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim(0.2)
Malcolm McNeil (Info) University of Pittsburgh (CSD Tree) neurogenic speech and language disorders with emphasis in information processing and comprehension, and in the assessment and differential diagnosis of aphasia and apraxia of speech sgrubb 2014‑08‑20 Sim(0.2)
Yi Luo (Info) Columbia (Neurotree) PrachiPatel1 2017‑12‑29 Sim(0.2)
Kalanit Grill-Spector (Info) Stanford (Neurotree) Visual cortex kathleen 2005‑02‑14 Sim(0.21)
Lawrence H. Snyder (Info) Washington University (Neurotree) sensory motor neurophysiology hanks 2005‑10‑08 Sim(0.21)
Eric Mooshagian (Info) UCSD (Neurotree) visuomotor integration, spatial representation, eye-hand coordination, bimanual coordination laterality, hemispheric specilaization emooshag 2008‑06‑20 Sim(0.21)
David L. Sheinberg (Info) Brown (Neurotree) hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim(0.21)
Alla Ignashchenkova (Info) hertie institute for clinical brain research (Neurotree) surya 2009‑02‑03 Sim(0.21)
Sabine Kastner (Info) Princeton (Neurotree) hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim(0.21)
Michael A. Silver (Info) UC Berkeley (Neurotree) Visual cortex, attention david 2005‑01‑22 Sim(0.21)
Mingsha Zhang (Info) ION, CAS (Neurotree) system neuroscience mingsha 2008‑06‑17 Sim(0.21)
Gaston Bachelard (Info) Université de Paris-Sorbonne (History of History Tree) prpr 2019‑02‑17 Sim(0.21)
Richard J. Krauzlis (Info) NIH (Neurotree) visual neuroscience boynton 2005‑10‑04 Sim(0.21)
Victor A.F. Lamme (Info) Amsterdam (Neurotree) Cognitive neuroscience hanks 2005‑10‑15 Sim(0.21)
Stanislas Dehaene (Info) Neurospin, CEA, Inserm (Neurotree) hayden 2005‑08‑08 Sim(0.21)
Melanie Wilke (Info) Caltech (Neurotree) avmaier 2008‑08‑20 Sim(0.21)
Josef P. Rauschecker (Info) Georgetown (Neurotree) Cortical Plasticity/ Sensory mhuntsman 2006‑01‑10 Sim(0.22)
Yale E. Cohen (Info) Penn (Neurotree) auditory system, prefrontal cortex david 2005‑02‑02 Sim(0.22)
Melissa Treviño (Info) University of Houston (Neurotree) Visual Attention, Visual Working Memory jjacob 2015‑02‑28 Sim(0.22)
Jody C. Culham (Info) Western University (Neurotree) Visual system, brain imaging, perception and action david 2005‑10‑03 Sim(0.22)
Kari L. Hoffman (Info) York University (Neurotree) face processing, learning and memory avmaier 2006‑03‑24 Sim(0.22)
Nakia Gordon (Info) UNC Charlotte (Neurotree) AgnesJasinska 2011‑01‑13 Sim(0.22)
Stefan Lutz (Info) Emory (Chemistry Tree) Protein Engineering Ludwig 2014‑04‑10 Sim(0.22)
James Haxby (Info) Dartmouth (Neurotree) Object recognition; computational fMRI kathleen 2005‑02‑14 Sim(0.22)
Hans Op de Beeck (Info) KU Leuven (Neurotree) visual and cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01 Sim(0.23)
Richard A. Andersen (Info) Caltech (Neurotree) Systems hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.23)
Gordon C. Baylis (Info) University of South Carolina (Neurotree) visual attention, perceptual organization jlbrooks 2006‑08‑17 Sim(0.23)
Gemma A. Calvert (Info) University of Bath (Neurotree) Multisensory perception npholmes 2007‑12‑10 Sim(0.23)
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