Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Carlsson P, Dewald P, Shenolikar J, Friedrich N, Crowley J, Brown S, Bernard F, Zhou L, Fry J, Brownwood B, Hallquist M, Tsiligiannis E, Kangmin X, Holzinger R, Fuchs H, et al. New insights into the gas-phase oxidation of isoprene by the nitrate radical from experiments in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR The Egu General Assembly. DOI: 10.5194/Egusphere-Egu2020-11196 |
0.384 |
2019 |
Nagori J, Janssen RHH, Fry JL, Krol M, Jimenez JL, Hu W, Arellano JVd. Biogenic emissions and land–atmosphere interactions as drivers of the daytime evolution of secondary organic aerosol in the southeastern US Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19: 701-729. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-19-701-2019 |
0.391 |
2019 |
Draper DC, Myllys N, Hyttinen N, Moller KH, Kjaergaard HG, Fry JL, Smith JN, Kurten T. Formation of Highly Oxidized Molecules from NO3 Radical Initiated Oxidation of Delta-3-Carene : A Mechanistic Study Egyptian Computer Science Journal. 3: 1460-1470. DOI: 10.1021/Acsearthspacechem.9B00143 |
0.357 |
2018 |
Pye HOT, Zuend A, Fry JL, Isaacman-VanWertz G, Capps SL, Appel KW, Foroutan H, Xu L, Ng NL, Goldstein AH. Coupling of organic and inorganic aerosol systems and the effect on gas-particle partitioning in the southeastern US. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18: 357-370. PMID 29963078 DOI: 10.5194/Acp-18-357-2018 |
0.332 |
2018 |
Fry JL, Brown SS, Middlebrook AM, Edwards PM, Campuzano-Jost P, Day DA, Jimenez JL, Allen HM, Ryerson TB, Pollack I, Graus M, Warneke C, de Gouw JA, Brock CA, Gilman J, et al. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields from NO3 radical + isoprene based on nighttime aircraft power plant plume transects Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18: 11663-11682. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-18-11663-2018 |
0.422 |
2017 |
Ng NL, Brown SS, Archibald AT, Atlas E, Cohen RC, Crowley JN, Day DA, Donahue NM, Fry JL, Fuchs H, Griffin RJ, Guzman MI, Herrmann H, Hodzic A, Iinuma Y, et al. Nitrate radicals and biogenic volatile organic compounds: oxidation, mechanisms, and organic aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 17: 2103-2162. PMID 30147712 DOI: 10.5194/Acp-17-2103-2017 |
0.378 |
2017 |
Kurtén T, Møller KH, Nguyen TB, Schwantes RH, Misztal PK, Su L, Wennberg PO, Fry JL, Kjærgaard HG. Alkoxy Radical Bond Scissions Explain the Anomalously Low Secondary Organic Aerosol and Organonitrate Yields from α-Pinene + NO3. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. PMID 28586218 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpclett.7B01038 |
0.365 |
2017 |
Palm BB, Campuzano-Jost P, Day DA, Ortega AM, Fry JL, Brown SS, Zarzana KJ, Dube W, Wagner NL, Draper DC, Kaser L, Jud W, Karl T, Hansel A, Gutiérrez-Montes C, et al. Secondary organic aerosol formation from in situ OH, O 3 , and NO 3 oxidation of ambient forest air in an oxidation flow reactor Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 17: 5331-5354. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-17-5331-2017 |
0.36 |
2017 |
Edwards PM, Aikin KC, Dube WP, Fry JL, Gilman JB, de Gouw JA, Graus MG, Hanisco TF, Holloway J, Hübler G, Kaiser J, Keutsch FN, Lerner BM, Neuman JA, Parrish DD, et al. Transition from high- to low-NOx control of night-time oxidation in the southeastern US Nature Geoscience. 10: 490-495. DOI: 10.1038/Ngeo2976 |
0.349 |
2016 |
Romer PS, Duffey KC, Wooldridge PJ, Allen HM, Ayres BR, Brown SS, Brune WH, Crounse JD, De Gouw J, Draper DC, Feiner PA, Fry JL, Goldstein AH, Koss A, Misztal PK, et al. The lifetime of nitrogen oxides in an isoprene-dominated forest Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 16: 7623-7637. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-16-7623-2016 |
0.346 |
2016 |
Feiner PA, Brune WH, Miller DO, Zhang L, Cohen RC, Romer PS, Goldstein AH, Keutsch FN, Skog KM, Wennberg PO, Nguyen TB, Teng AP, DeGouw J, Koss A, Wild RJ, ... ... Fry JL, et al. Testing Atmospheric Oxidation in an Alabama Forest Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 73: 4699-4710. DOI: 10.1175/Jas-D-16-0044.1 |
0.38 |
2015 |
Pye HO, Luecken DJ, Xu L, Boyd CM, Ng NL, Baker KR, Ayres BR, Bash J, Baumann K, Carter WP, Edgerton ES, Fry J, Hutzell WT, Schwede D, Shepson PB. Modeling the current and future roles of particulate organic nitrates in the southeastern United States. Environmental Science & Technology. PMID 26544021 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Est.5B03738 |
0.376 |
2015 |
Ayres BR, Allen HM, Draper DC, Brown SS, Wild RJ, Jimenez JL, Day DA, Campuzano-Jost P, Hu W, de Gouw J, Koss A, Cohen RC, Duffey KC, Romer P, Baumann K, ... ... Fry JL, et al. Organic nitrate aerosol formation via NO3 + BVOC in the Southeastern US Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 15: 16235-16272. DOI: 10.5194/Acpd-15-16235-2015 |
0.404 |
2015 |
Draper DC, Farmer DK, Desyaterik Y, Fry JL. A comparison of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) yields and composition from ozonolysis of monoterpenes at varying concentrations of NO2 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 15: 14923-14960. DOI: 10.5194/Acpd-15-14923-2015 |
0.388 |
2015 |
Ayres BR, Allen HM, Draper DC, Brown SS, Wild RJ, Jimenez JL, Day DA, Campuzano-Jost P, Hu W, De Gouw J, Koss A, Cohen RC, Duffey KC, Romer P, Baumann K, ... ... Fry JL, et al. Organic nitrate aerosol formation via NO3+ biogenic volatile organic compounds in the southeastern United States Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 15: 13377-13392. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-15-13377-2015 |
0.392 |
2015 |
Draper DC, Farmer DK, Desyaterik Y, Fry JL. A qualitative comparison of secondary organic aerosol yields and composition from ozonolysis of monoterpenes at varying concentrations of NO2 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 15: 12267-12281. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-15-12267-2015 |
0.392 |
2015 |
Allen HM, Draper DC, Ayres BR, Ault A, Bondy A, Takahama S, Modini RL, Baumann K, Edgerton E, Knote C, Laskin A, Wang B, Fry JL. Influence of crustal dust and sea spray supermicron particle concentrations and acidity on inorganic NO3− Aerosol during the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 15: 10669-10685. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-15-10669-2015 |
0.389 |
2015 |
Fry JL, Koski C, Bott K, Hsu-Flanders R, Hazell M. Downwind particulate matters: Regulatory implications of secondary aerosol formation from the interaction of nitrogen oxides and tree emissions Environmental Science and Policy. 50: 180-190. DOI: 10.1016/J.Envsci.2015.02.017 |
0.347 |
2015 |
Washenfelder RA, Attwood AR, Brock CA, Guo H, Xu L, Weber RJ, Ng NL, Allen HM, Ayres BR, Baumann K, Cohen RC, Draper DC, Duffey KC, Edgerton E, Fry JL, et al. Biomass burning dominates brown carbon absorption in the rural southeastern United States Geophysical Research Letters. 42: 653-664. DOI: 10.1002/2014Gl062444 |
0.32 |
2014 |
Fry JL, Draper DC, Barsanti KC, Smith JN, Ortega J, Winkler PM, Lawler MJ, Brown SS, Edwards PM, Cohen RC, Lee L. Secondary organic aerosol formation and organic nitrate yield from NO3 oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 11944-53. PMID 25229208 DOI: 10.1021/Es502204X |
0.362 |
2013 |
Fry JL, Draper DC, Zarzana KJ, Campuzano-Jost P, Day DA, Jimenez JL, Brown SS, Cohen RC, Kaser L, Hansel A, Cappellin L, Karl T, Hodzic Roux A, Turnipseed A, Cantrell C, et al. Observations of gas- and aerosol-phase organic nitrates at BEACHON-RoMBAS 2011 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13: 8585-8605. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-13-8585-2013 |
0.404 |
2012 |
Fuchs H, Simpson WR, Apodaca RL, Brauers T, Cohen RC, Crowley JN, Dorn HP, Dubé WP, Fry JL, Häseler R, Kajii Y, Kiendler-Scharr A, Labazan I, Matsumoto J, Mentel TF, et al. Comparison of N2O5 mixing ratios during NO3Comp 2007 in SAPHIR Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 5: 2763-2777. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-5-2763-2012 |
0.343 |
2012 |
Fry JL, Sackinger K. Model investigation of NO3 secondary organic aerosol (SOA) source and heterogeneous organic aerosol (OA) sink in the western United States Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12: 8797-8811. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-12-8797-2012 |
0.374 |
2011 |
Fry JL, Kiendler-Scharr A, Rollins AW, Brauers T, Brown SS, Dorn HP, Dubé WP, Fuchs H, Mensah A, Rohrer F, Tillmann R, Wahner A, Wooldridge PJ, Cohen RC. SOA from limonene: Role of NO3 in its generation and degradation Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11: 3879-3894. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-11-3879-2011 |
0.405 |
2011 |
Hoyle CR, Boy M, Donahue NM, Fry JL, Glasius M, Guenther A, Hallar AG, Huff Hartz K, Petters MD, Petäjä T, Rosenoern T, Sullivan AP. A review of the anthropogenic influence on biogenic secondary organic aerosol Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11: 321-343. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-11-321-2011 |
0.353 |
2010 |
Wooldridge PJ, Perring AE, Bertram TH, Flocke FM, Roberts JM, Singh HB, Huey LG, Thornton JA, Wolfe GM, Murphy JG, Fry JL, Rollins AW, Lafranchi BW, Cohen RC. Total Peroxy Nitrates (ΣPNs) in the atmosphere: The Thermal Dissociation-Laser Induced Fluorescence (TD-LIF) technique and comparisons to speciated PAN measurements Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 3: 593-607. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-3-593-2010 |
0.315 |
2010 |
Rollins AW, Fry JL, Hunter JF, Kroll JH, Worsnop DR, Singaram SW, Cohen RC. Elemental analysis of aerosol organic nitrates with electron ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 3: 301-310. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-3-301-2010 |
0.347 |
2010 |
Fuchs H, Ball SM, Bohn B, Brauers T, Cohen RC, Dorn HP, Dubé WP, Fry JL, Häseler R, Heitmann U, Jones RL, Kleffmann J, Mentel TF, Müsgen P, Rohrer F, et al. Intercomparison of measurements of NO2 concentrations in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR during the NO3Comp campaign Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 3: 21-37. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-3-21-2010 |
0.359 |
2010 |
Hoyle CR, Boy M, Donahue NM, Fry JL, Glasius M, Guenther A, Hallar AG, Huff Hartz K, Petters MD, Petäjä T, Rosenoern T, Sullivan AP. Anthropogenic influence on biogenic secondary organic aerosol Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 10: 19515-19566. DOI: 10.5194/Acpd-10-19515-2010 |
0.355 |
2009 |
Rollins AW, Kiendler-Scharr A, Fry JL, Brauers T, Brown SS, Dorn HP, Dubé WP, Fuchs H, Mensah A, Mentel TF, Rohrer F, Tillmann R, Wegener R, Wooldridge PJ, Cohen RC. Isoprene oxidation by nitrate radical: Alkyl nitrate and secondary organic aerosol yields Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9: 6685-6703. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-9-6685-2009 |
0.387 |
2009 |
Fry JL, Kiendler-Scharr A, Rollins AW, Wooldridge PJ, Brown SS, Fuchs H, Dubé W, Mensah A, Dal Maso M, Tillmann R, Dorn HP, Brauers T, Cohen RC. Organic nitrate and secondary organic aerosol yield from NO3 oxidation of β-pinene evaluated using a gas-phase kinetics/aerosol partitioning model Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9: 1431-1449. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-9-1431-2009 |
0.371 |
2008 |
Matthews J, Fry JL, Roehl CM, Wennberg PO, Sinha A. Vibrational overtone initiated unimolecular dissociation of HOCH2OOH and HOCD2OOH: evidence for mode selective behavior. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 128: 184306. PMID 18532811 DOI: 10.1063/1.2912063 |
0.354 |
2006 |
Fry JL, Matthews J, Lane JR, Roehl CM, Sinha A, Kjaergaard HG, Wennberg PO. OH-stretch vibrational spectroscopy of hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 110: 7072-9. PMID 16737255 DOI: 10.1021/Jp0612127 |
0.398 |
2006 |
Fry JL, Drouin BJ, Miller CE. Rotational spectroscopy and dipole moment of cis-cis HOONO and DOONO. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124: 084304. PMID 16512713 DOI: 10.1063/1.2163341 |
0.366 |
2006 |
Drouin BJ, Miller CE, Fry JL, Petkie DT, Helminger P, Medvedev IR. Submillimeter measurements of isotopes of nitric acid Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 236: 29-34. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jms.2005.12.004 |
0.342 |
2005 |
McCoy AB, Fry JL, Francisco JS, Mollner AK, Okumura M. Role of OH-stretch/torsion coupling and quantum yield effects in the first OH overtone spectrum of cis-cis HOONO. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 122: 104311. PMID 15836319 DOI: 10.1063/1.1859273 |
0.643 |
2005 |
Nizkorodov SA, Crounse JD, Fry JL, Roehl CM, Wennberg PO. Near-IR photodissociation of peroxy acetyl nitrate Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 5: 385-392. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-5-385-2005 |
0.55 |
2004 |
Drouin BJ, Fry JL, Miller CE. Rotational spectrum of cis-cis HOONO. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 120: 5505-8. PMID 15267425 DOI: 10.1063/1.1687311 |
0.389 |
2004 |
Fry JL, Nizkorodov SA, Okumura M, Roehl CM, Francisco JS, Wennberg PO. Cis-cis and trans-perp HOONO: action spectroscopy and isomerization kinetics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121: 1432-48. PMID 15260688 DOI: 10.1063/1.1760714 |
0.653 |
Show low-probability matches. |