California Institute of Technology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Sverre Aarseth1965 William Alfred Fowler (post-doc)
Anura Abeyesinghequantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2006 John P. Preskill (grad student)
David G. AbrechtChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Chemical Engineering2013 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Helmut Arthur AbtStellar Astrophysics1952 Jesse Leonard Greenstein (grad student)
Mustafa A. AbushagurPhotonics1984 Nicholas A. George (grad student), William B. Bridges (grad student)
Lotty Ackerman Mayer Physics2010 Sean M. Carroll (grad student)
Christoph Carl AdamiDarwinian evolution, studied theoretically, experimentally, and computationally Physics19931995 Steven E. Koonin (post-doc)
Raymond Voiles Adams1948 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Mark L. Adams2004 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Kurt Ludvig AdelbergerAstronomy and Astrophysics2002 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
Eric G. Adelbergergravitational physics, nuclear astrophysics, low-energy tests of fundamental symmetrics, and nuclear structure Physics1967 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Thomas J. AderGeophysics Geophysics2013 Jean-Philippe Avouac (grad student)
Rana Adhikari
Ali AdibiOptics2000 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
James R. AdlemanOptics Electrical Engineering2009 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Mark AdlerData compression, Space exploration1990 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Mina AganagicString theory1999 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Eric AgolExtrasolar planets, black holes, gravitational lensing Roger David Blandford (post-doc)
Oded AharonsonPlanetology, Geophysics
Jon E. AhlquistEnvironmental Sciences, Geophysics, Applied Mechanics1975 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Zeeshan Ahmeddark matter and dark energy Physics2012 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Charlene S. Ahnquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2004 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Thomas J. AhrensGeophysics
Huirong AiGeophysics2006 Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Randol W. Aikindark matter and dark energy Physics2013 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Fay Ajzenberg-Selovenuclear physics1952 Thomas Lauritsen (post-doc)
Sofia B. AkberPhysics and chemistry of planetary interiors, theoretical mineral physics
Ahmed H. AkgirayElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2013 Sander Weinreb (grad student)
Joseph A. AkinsGeophysics2003 Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Katherine A. AlataloInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis20122015 Philip Appleton (post-doc)
Victor V. AlbertTheoretical physics Physics20172020 John P. Preskill (post-doc)
Charles AlcockAstronomy and Astrophysics1977 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
Berni J. AlderMolecular dynamics1952 John Gamble Kirkwood (grad student)
Yacine Ali-Haimoud2011 Christopher M. Hirata (grad student)
Jason F. AliceaTheoretical Physics
Theodore J. Allen1988 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Daniel J. AltonQuantum optics, Quantum information science Physics2013 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Kashif Siddiq AlviGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2002 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Lee Arlow Lindblom (grad student)
Jean-Paul AmpueroGeophysics
Haipeng An
Ariel David Anbar Division of geological and planetary sciences19891996 Gerald J. Wasserburg (grad student), Yuk L. Yung (grad student)
Donald L. Anderson1962 Frank Press (grad student)
Kurt S. J. AndersonAstronomy and Astrophysics1969 J. Beverley Oke (grad student)
John Gregg Anderson
Stuart B. Anderson Physics1993 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Christopher M. Anderson1968 Guido Münch (grad student)
Thomas Foxen AndersonBiophysical chemistry1936 Don Merlin Lee Yost (grad student)
Carl D. Anderson1930 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Steven Anlagesuperconducting metamaterials, quantum chaos, high-resolution near-field microscopy1988 William L Johnson (grad student)
Philip Appleton
Johann ArboczStrucures mechanics1968 Ernest Edwin Sechler (grad student)
Charles B. Archambeautheoretical geophysics1964 Frank Press (grad student)
Jessica Arlettnanoelectromechanical systems Physics2006 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Deniz ArmaniElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Lee ArmusObservational Astrophysics
Jonathan Mark Arnold2014 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Patricio Arrangoiz-Arriola
John Robert Arrington1998 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Paul D. AsimowMineralogy, Geophysics1997 Edward M. Stolper (grad student), Geoffrey A. Blake (grad student)
Harry A. Atwaterphotovoltaics
Gordon AubrechtGeneral Physics, Sciences Education1970 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Daniel E. AustinPhysical Chemistry, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Jesse L. Beauchamp (grad student)
Jean-Philippe AvouacTectonics
Koray Aydinnanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials Applied Physics20082011 Harry A. Atwater (post-doc)
Mehrtash Babadi
Andrew Dow BacherNuclear Physics1967 Thomas Anthony Tombrello (grad student)
Robert F. Bacher
Christopher J. BackhousePartical Physics
Tom Baehr-Jones2006 Axel Scherer (grad student)
William G. BagnuoloAstronomy and Astrophysics1976 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
John Norris Bahcallnuclear astrophysics, the solar neutrino problem19621963 William Alfred Fowler (post-doc)
Radha BahukutumbiInertial Confinement Fusion, direct drive, hydrodynamics, computation Physics19901996 Steven E. Koonin (grad student)
Andrew J. BakerAstrophysics2000 Nicholas Z. (Nick) Scoville (grad student)
Nairn R. Baliber
Mislav Baloković2017 Fiona A. Harrison (grad student)
Joseph B. BaltaGeology, Geochemistry, Petrology Geology2010 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Zvonimir Z. BandicElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2000 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
Miguel A. Bandresstring theory Physics2011 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Jash Banker20152021 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Ning BaoString Theory, Information Theory2008 Andrew Childs (research assistant)
Jie Bao
Paul E. Barclay Applied Physics2007 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
James M. Bardeengeneral relativity, cosmology1965 William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Russell Keith Bardin1961 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Joseph C. BardinElectronics and Electrical Engineering Engineering and Applied Science Electrical Engineering20092010 Sander Weinreb (grad student), Ali Hajimiri (post-doc)
Charles-Edouard J. Bardyn
Igor Bargatinnanoelectromechanical systems Physics2008 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Barry Clark BarishHigh Energy Physics
Diana L. Barkan
Denis Albert BarkatsAstronomy and Astrophysics
Kristina M. BarkumeAstronomy and Astrophysics Planetary Science2008 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student)
Tyler Barnaastrophysics, multi-messenger astrophysics, computational astrophysics Astrophysics20212027 Michael William Coughlin (grad student)
Ted BarnesTheory: High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter (Quantum magnets and HTSC), Computational Physics19711977 Jon Mathews (grad student), Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Charles Andrew Barnesnuclear physics
David N. Barsic2004 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Denis Bashkirovquantum field theory Physics2012 Anton N. Kapustin (grad student)
Shabari BasuAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Mark I Richardson (grad student)
Ritoban Basu ThakurDark Matter, CMB Physics Physics20182021 James J. (Jamie) Bock (post-doc), Peter K. Day (post-doc)
Harry Batemanmathematical physics
Peter Baum20062007 Ahmed Zewail (post-doc)
David V. BaxterMaterials Physics1984 William L Johnson (grad student)
Kirk Ryan BaysHigh Energy Physics
Robert A. BeachCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2001 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
Robert Adolph Beckerspace physics Physics1941 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student)
George D. Becker Astrophysics2007 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Eric E. BecklinExperimental Astrophysics1968 Gerry Neugebauer (grad student)
David E. Beckmanquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2004 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Steven V.W. BeckwithOrigins of life, cosmology, star formation, planet formation19731978 Gerry Neugebauer (grad student)
Klejda BegaParticle Physics2004 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Bradford B. Behr2000 Judith G. Cohen (grad student)
John Winston Belcherspace plasma physics1971 Leverett Davis (grad student)
Paul Murray BellanFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics
Eric Christopher Bellmastrophysics
Laurent J. BenezechEnergy, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Aeronautics2008 Paul E. Dimotakis (grad student)
Dominic J. Benfordastrophysics19921999 Thomas G. Phillips (grad student)
Yoni Bentov
David N. Beratantheoretical chemistry1986 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Howard C. BergMolecular motors19521956 Jerome R. Vinograd (research assistant)
Edo BergerAstronomy2004 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Andrew J. BerglundQuantum optics, Biophysics2007 Hideo Mabuchi (grad student)
Kristin D. BergmannGeology, Geochemistry, Geobiology Geology2013 John P. Grotzinger (grad student)
Samuel Morris Berman1959 Richard P. Feynman (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student), Jon Mathews (grad student)
Mario A. Berta
Emanuele Berti
Varun B. BhaleraoAstrophysics, Instrumentation, Transient, Neutron stars Astrophysics Astrophysics20062012 Fiona A. Harrison (grad student), Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student), Mansi M. Kasliwal (collaborator)
Ashish I. BhardwajOptics Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Harish S. Bhat2005 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Ravinder S. Bhatia
Garrett T. Biehle19861993 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Roger David Blandford (grad student)
Johan Lambert Bijnens1985 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Igor A. Bilenko
Ersen Bilginquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2011 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Magali I. BillenGeophysics, Geology2002 Michael Gurnis (grad student)
Joseph G. BillockOptics2001 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Harry H. Bingham1960 Alvin V. Tollestrup (grad student), Robert L. Walker (grad student)
Kevin M. BirnbaumQuantum optics, Quantum information science2005 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Waheb BisharaCondensed Matter Theory Physics20032009 Chetan Nayak (grad student)
Francis Bittermagnetism19281930 Robert A. Millikan (post-doc)
Eric Drury Black
Nadejda (Nadia) Blagorodnova Mujortova Astronomy20152018 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (post-doc)
Geoffrey A. BlakeCosmochemistry & Planetary Science1986 Thomas G. Phillips (grad student)
Roger David BlandfordAstrophysics
Elliott D. BloomParticle Physics, Particle Astrophysics1967 Robert L. Walker (grad student), Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Joshua S. Bloomastronomy2002 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Fred Andrew Blum1968 Roy W Gould (grad student)
Andreea BocaQuantum optics, Quantum information science2005 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
James J. (Jamie) Bockcosmic microwave background..
Marc William BockrathCondensed Matter Physics
Kimberly K. BoddyHigh Energy Physics Physics2014 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Nate Bode E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Felix BoehmNuclear physics
Peter D. BogdanoffMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Metallurgy Engineering2002 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Milan BogosavljevicAstrophysics Physics Astronomy2010 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
John Gatenby Boltonradio astronomy
Riccardo BonazzaGeneral Engineering GALCIT1992 Bradford Sturtevant (grad student)
J. Richard ("dick") Bond1979 William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
Mihai BondarescuHigh Energy Physics Physics2007 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Parsa H. Bondersonquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2012 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Thomas Wilkerson BonnerNuclear physics19341936 Charles Christian Lauritsen (post-doc)
Lyman Gaylord Bonner1935 Richard McLean Badger (grad student)
Walter Karl Bonsack1959 Jesse Leonard Greenstein (grad student)
David BoozerQuantum optics, Quantum information science2005 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Adolf BornheimHigh Energy Physics
Vadim A. Borokhov2004 Anton N. Kapustin (grad student)
Leo Borrel Physics2018 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Matthew Borselli2006 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Antonin H. BouchezAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics2004 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student)
Stephen A. Bourke
Robert R. BourretBiochemistry19871992 Melvin I. Simon (research scientist)
Daniel C. Bowden Geological and Planetary Sciences20122018 Victor C. Tsai (grad student)
Dan J. BowerGeophysics Geophysics2012 Michael Gurnis (grad student)
Mark John Bowickcondensed matter physics, soft matter, high-energy theory1983 Pierre Ramond (grad student)
J. David Bowman1967 Felix Boehm (grad student)
Charles Glenn Boyd1991 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Corinne M. Boyer
Michael Boyle Astrophysics Astrophysics2008 Lee Arlow Lindblom (grad student), Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Samuel C. BradfordCivil Engineering, Applied Mathematics Civil Engineering2007 Thomas H. Heaton (grad student)
Charles Mathias (Matt) Bradford
Hugh Bradner1941 William Vermillion Houston (grad student)
Robert J. Brady Geological and Planetary Sciences1988 Brian P. Wernicke (grad student)
Bruce Bray1999 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Robert Edward BreidenthalFluid and Plasma Physics, Aerospace Engineering1979 Anatol Roshko (grad student), Hans Wolfgang Liepmann (grad student)
Justus A. Brevikdark matter and dark energy Physics2012 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
William B. Bridgesgas lasers
Constantin BrifQuantum physics, quantum information, quantum control Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy19981999 Kip S. Thorne (post-doc)
Murray Brightman
Robert B. Brodeplasma physics, cosmic rays Physics1924 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Avery E. BroderickCosmology, Strong Gravity2004 Roger David Blandford (grad student)
Emily E. BrodskyGeophysics2001 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student), Bradford Sturtevant (grad student)
Mark L. Brongersma19982001 Harry A. Atwater (post-doc)
Peter Brooksquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2013 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Michael E. (Mike) BrownResearch Areas: Planetary Astronomy; Planetary Science
Harold Brown
Duncan A. BrownAstrophysics Physics Physics, Math, Astronomy20042007 Kip S. Thorne (post-doc)
Todd Andrew Brun1994 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
J Robert Buchlerastrophysics, chaos, supernovae William Alfred Fowler (post-doc)
Kevin BundyAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
Julian James BunnPhysics, Computer Science, Geophysics
Adam J. BurgasserAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics2002 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student), Joseph Davy Kirkpatrick (grad student)
Alexander P. Burgers
William Lionel Burke1969 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Peter Burke Physics James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (post-doc)
Keith H. BurrellFluid and Plasma Physics1974 Roy W Gould (grad student)
Michael W. BuschAstronomy Planetary Science Planetary Science2010 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student), Steven Jeffrey Ostro (grad student)
Shane ByrneGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Bruce C. Murray (grad student)
Fred E. C. CulikAerospace Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Roberto CamassaMathematics, Geophysics1990 Theodore Y. Wu (grad student)
Renato P. CamataOptics Physics Richard C. Flagan (grad student)
J. Stuart CampbellOptics1931 William Vermillion Houston (grad student)
Fabrizio Carbone Ahmed Zewail (post-doc)
David Paul CaricoQuantum astronomy1990 Eugene Woodville Cowan (grad student), Frank C. Porter (grad student), Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Robert Carlitz Physics1971 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
John Michael Carpenter
Sean M. CarrollTheoretical Cosmology, Field Theory, and Gravitation
Paul Carter1999 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Nestor Caticha1985 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Gert CauwenberghsOptics Physics, General Biophysics, Neuroscience Biology1994 Amnon Yariv (grad student), Carver Mead (grad student)
Carlton Morris CavesGeneral Physics, Quantum Physics1979 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Ronald W.P. Drever (grad student)
S. B. CenkoAstronomy Physics2009 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Martin CenturionOptics2005 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Bedri Cag Cetin1994 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Deepto ChakrabartyAstrophysics19901996 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Tara Chalermsongsak Physics2014 Rana Adhikari (grad student)
Jean-Lou Chameau
Jasper Chan Physics2012 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Adam M. ChandlerAstronomy and Astrophysics2003 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Usha Chandni James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (post-doc)
Dong E. Chang2002 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Chieh-feng Chang Electrical Engineering2015 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Yia-Chung ChangCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics1981 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
George Frederick Chapline1967 Steven C. Frautschi (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Michael ChapmanAtomic physics H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Ranga-Ram Chary IPAC20022003 Willliam Reach (post-doc)
Phairot ChatanantavetGeology, Geomorphology, Hydrology20102013 Michael P. Lamb (post-doc)
Andrew R. Chattosuperfluid helium2006 David L. Goodstein (grad student)
Goutam ChattopadhyayAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques.2000 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
I-Ming Chenwearable sensors, human-robot interaction, reconfigurable automation, parallel kinematics machines (PKM), biomorphic underwater robots, and smart material based actuators1994 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Yanbei ChenGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2003 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Edward Tann Chen Physics20012007 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Yi Chen2014 Maria Spiropulu (grad student)
Baoyi ChenGeneral Relativity Physics2015 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Mark ChenAstroparticle Physics Felix Boehm (grad student)
Ching-Tzu Chen2006 Nai-chang Yeh (grad student)
Xie ChenTheoretical Physics
Mo ChenQuantum Information20202024 Oskar J. Painter (post-doc)
Hung ChengTheoretical Physics1962 Leverett Davis (grad student), Harden M. McConnell (grad student), Jon Mathews (grad student)
Shui-uh (Steve) Cheng Physics1970 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Sergey A. Cherkis1998 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Marvin Chester Physics1961 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Clifford W. Cheungparticle physics
Keng-Hwee Chiam2004 Michael C. Cross (grad student)
Eugene ChiangAstronomy2000 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
Hsin C. Chiangcosmic microwave background Physics2009 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Andrew Childs
Gregory S. ChirikjianComputational structural biology1992 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Kyung Soo ChoiQuantum optics, Quantum information science Physics2011 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Jae-Woo ChoiOptics Electrical Engineering2011 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Eun-seo ChoiGeophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2009 Michael Gurnis (grad student)
Ami Choi Physics2021 Klaus Honscheid (post-doc)
Howie Chosetrobotics1996 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Yi ChouX-ray Astronomy Phyiscs19881990 Wei-Tou Ni (grad student)
Hou-Pu Chou2000 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Chin-wen ChouAtomic Physics, Optics Physics2006 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Chi-Keung Chow1995 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Philip R. ChristensenPlanetology, Remote Sensing, Geophysics Hugh Kieffer (grad student)
Eric R. Christian Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy1989 Edward Carroll Stone (grad student)
Micol H. ChristopherAstronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics2008 Nicholas Z. (Nick) Scoville (grad student)
Robert F. Christytheoretical physics, astrophysics
Hee-Joong Chung Physics2014 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Calin Ciocarlie2004 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Arturo Cisneros Physics1973 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Armando Cisternas SilvaSeismology1965 Frank Press (grad student)
Drew Reid Clausentheoretical astrophysics
Donald D. ClaytonTheoretical astrophysics19571962 William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
Gerald B. CleaverElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1993 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Andrew N. ClelandCondensed Matter Experimental Physics19931997 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Bruce ClemensElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Materials Science Engineering Materials Science31983 William L Johnson (grad student)
James M. Clineparticle physics/cosmology Physics1988 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Michelle Cluver20072011 Philip Appleton (post-doc)
Charles Lewis CockeMolecular Physics, Atomic Physics1967 Thomas Lauritsen (grad student)
Arthur D. Codespace astronomy
Daniel Coffman19821988 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Michael Cohen Physics1956 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Judith G. Cohennear-field cosmology1971 Guido Münch (grad student)
Justin Daniel CohenOptomechanics Applied Physics20092015 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Michael I. Cohen Physics2011 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Sidney R. Colemantheoretical physics1962 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Mark W ColesGravitational wave detection, elementary particle physics
Alessandra Contursi George Helou (post-doc)
Dave Cook2015 Mansi M. Kasliwal (post-doc)
Barbara Hope Cooper1982 Thomas Anthony Tombrello (grad student)
Asantha Roshan CoorayCosmology
Paolo CoppiHigh Energy Astrophysics Astronomy1991 Roger David Blandford (grad student), E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Theodore A. Corcovilos Physics2008 Nai-chang Yeh (grad student)
Noel Robert CorngoldApplied Physics
Stanley CorrsinFluid Mechanics1947 Hans Wolfgang Liepmann (grad student)
Michael William CoughlinGravitational waves
Stephane CoutuAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics1993 Charles W. Peck (grad student)
Silviu Doru Covrig2004 Robert D. McKeown (grad student)
Eugene Woodville Cowancosmic rays, air-pollution, earth's magnetism1948 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Donald Gerald Coyneelementary particle physics1967 Joe Hill Mullins (grad student)
H. Richard Crane1934 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student)
Teviet D. CreightonGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2000 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
David Philip Crewtherneurophysiology1978 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Rodney James Crewther1971 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Brendan P. Crillcosmic microwave background2001 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Abigail T. CritesCosmology, Extragalactic Astronomy & Astrophysics, Galactic Astronomy & Astrophysics
Michael C. CrossTheoretical physics
Elizabeth CrossonQuantum adiabatic algorithms, classical simulations of quantum spin systems.
Georgia B. CuaGeophysics, Civil Engineering2005 Thomas H. Heaton (grad student)
Uri Cummingsgas lasers2005 William B. Bridges (grad student)
Thomas Lynn CurtrightQuantum Physics, Mathematics1977 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Ronald Y. Cusson1966 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Curt J. CutlerRelativistic astrophysics
Francesco CutraleOptics Physics, General Biophysics, Image Analysis20132015 Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Nicole G. Czakondark matter and dark energy Physics2013 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Werner J. A. DahmAerospace Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics1985 Paul E. Dimotakis (grad student)
Yu (Sophia) Daiformation and evolution of galaxies
Roger F. Dashenparticle physics, quantum field theory Physics1964 Steven C. Frautschi (grad student)
Cary N. Davids1967 William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Geoffrey F. Daviesmantle dynamics1973 Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Leverett DavisTheoretical physics1941 William Vermillion Houston (grad student)
Hooman DavoudiaslHigh Energy Theory1998 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Peter K. DaySuperconducting photon detectors and amplifiers, Critical phenomena, low-noise measurement techniques.1993 David L. Goodstein (grad student)
Barak Dayan H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Walter De Logi1978 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Charles Herach Papas (grad student)
Ryan T. De Rosa
David Jarvis DeanTheoretical physics, computational physics Physics19921995 Steven E. Koonin (post-doc)
Don F. DeJongh Physics19841990 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Olivier DelaireMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2006 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Jean R. DelayenElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1978 James E. Mercereau (grad student)
Max Delbrück1937 Thomas Hunt Morgan (research scientist)
Nicolas Delfosse Physics20152017 John P. Preskill (post-doc)
Nathan Myron Denkin1977 Ralph William Kavanagh (grad student)
Stanley Desergeneral relativity
Vikram V. DeshpandeCondensed Matter Physics, Nanotechnology Engineering and Applied Science2009 Marc William Bockrath (grad student)
Luca R. Diaconescunuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology2005 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Tanio Diaz SantosGalaxy formation and evolution20112014 Lee Armus (post-doc)
Paul E. DimotakisAerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics1973 Hans Wolfgang Liepmann (grad student)
Yuanze DingPhysics Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy2022 Fiona A. Harrison (grad student)
Herbert Dingle1932 Richard C. Tolman (post-doc)
S. George DjorgovskiAstroinformatics
Jane E. DmochowskiGeophysics, Geology, Remote Sensing2005 Joann Stock (grad student)
Joanna L. DoddMaterials Science Engineering, Energy Materials Science2007 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Richard Dolen1966 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
David A. DollExperimental High Energy Physics Physics20052011 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Norman Dombey1961 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student), Fredrik Zachariasen (grad student)
Paul Leighton Donohocondensed matter physics, low temperature physics1958 Robert L. Walker (grad student)
Olivier P. Doreastrophysics and cosmology
Matthew P. DorstenHigh Energy Physics2006 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Brandon N DotsonPlanetary Science, Space Propulsion, Space Exploration Physics Edward Carroll Stone (grad student)
Michael R. DouglasQuantum Theory
C. Darren DowellAstronomical instrumentation
Timothy E. Dowlingplanetary atmospheric dynamics Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences19851989 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Ronald W.P. Drevergravitational wave detectors based on optical interferometry
Jenne Driggers Physics2015 Rana Adhikari (grad student)
Song Ming DuGeneral Relativity, Gravitational Wave and Black Holes20142019 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Philip C. Du Toit Control and Dynamical Systems2010 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Gang Duan Materials Science20022007 William L Johnson (grad student)
Javier Mauricio Duarteexperimental high energy physics Physics20112016 Maria Spiropulu (grad student)
Donald F. DuBois1959 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann Physics19831992 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Lee A. DuBridge19261928 Robert A. Millikan (post-doc)
James Johnson DuderstadtEngineering physics, statistical mechanics, plasma physics, nuclear systems, science policy, information technology, higher education policy, energy and global sustainability1968 Harold Lurie (grad student), Noel Robert Corngold (grad student)
Dmitry Duev
Timothy R. DulaneyHigh Energy Physics Physics2011 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Jesse W. M. DumondTheoretical and nuclear physics1929 William Vermillion Houston (grad student)
Pol E. DuwezMaterials science19331935 Fritz Zwicky (post-doc), Theodore von Kármán (post-doc)
Alexei Dvoretskii Physics20002006 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Sheila E. Dwyer
John Joseph Dykla Physics1972 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Ulyana A. DyudinaAtmospheric Science Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Radiation Physics2002 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Bertrand Echenard Physics2008 David G. Hitlin (research scientist)
Christopher R. Echols
Lauren A. EdgarGeology, Planetology, Astronomy and Astrophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2013 John P. Grotzinger (grad student)
Samantha F. Edgingtoncosmic microwave background2004 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Anamaria Effler
Matt Eichenfield Physics2010 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
James P. (Jim) Eisensteinexperimental condensed-matter physics
Kamil L. EkinciNanomechanics, Nanofluidics, Nanophotonics, Applications of MEMS and NEMS19992002 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Mohamed El-NaggarGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Physics2007 David G. Goodwin (grad student)
Ahmed Ettaf ElbannaMechanics of Earthqakes, Granular Materials, Networked Materials, Fracture Mechanics, Mechanical Metamaterials Civil Engineering and Seismolab Mechanical Engineering and Seismolab Thomas H. Heaton (grad student), Nadia Lapusta (grad student)
Jean E. ElkhouryGeophysics
Brent L. Ellerbroek1979 Wilhelmus Anthonius Josephus Luxemburg (grad student)
Stephen Dean Ellis1971 Steven C. Frautschi (grad student), Jon Mathews (grad student)
Richard S. EllisAstrophysics
Manuel A. Endres
Kevin Engel Physics2013 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Nader EnghetaOptics, electrodynamics, metamaterials, nanophotonics, plasmonic optics1982 Charles Herach Papas (grad student)
Paul Sophus EpsteinParticle Theory
Dawn K. ErbAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
Rebecca J. Erwinnuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology Physics2007 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Andrew M. EssinCondensed Matter Theory
Robley D. Evansnuclear medicine1932 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Matthew John EvansGravitational Waves2002 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Gary Evans1975 Charles Herach Papas (grad student)
Aaron S. EvansObservational Astrophysics19961999 Nicholas Z. (Nick) Scoville (post-doc)
Oleg Evninstring theory2006 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Hua Fang2007 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Andrei FaraonQuantum Physics, Photonics, Applied Physics
Alison J. FarmerPlanetary Science2005 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
Christopher Daniel FassnachtAstronomy and Astrophysics1999 Anthony C. Readhead (grad student)
Javier FavelaGeophysics, Civil Engineering2004 Thomas H. Heaton (grad student)
Randall M. FeenstraCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering1982 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
Gerald W. FeigensonGeneral Biophysics1974 Sunney I. Chan (grad student)
Philip X.L. FengNanotechnology2006 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Razvan C. Fetecau2003 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Richard P. FeynmanPhysics
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics Christof Koch (post-doc)
Alexei V. FilippenkoSupernovae, active galaxies, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and the expansion of the Universe1984 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Jeffrey P. Filippiniparticle astrophysics and cosmology Physics20082014 Andrew Evan Lange (post-doc)
Bradley W. FilipponeExperimental Nuclear Physics & Low Energy Particle Physics
Aaron D. Finck Physics2012 James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (grad student)
Mark H. Finger Physics1988 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Jeffrey Paul Fingler Applied Physics2007 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Wolfgang Fink19982001 Steven E. Koonin (post-doc)
Lee Samuel FinnGravitational Physics & Cosmology1987 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Kyle D Finnergravitational lensing; cosmology; galaxy clusters; telescope instrumentation Astronomy Ranga-Ram Chary (post-doc)
Peter H. Fisherexperimental detection of dark matter Physics1988 Felix Boehm (grad student)
Richard Alan Flammang1982 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Eanna E. FlanaganGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics19881993 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
James Chipman Fletcheraerodynamics, shock waves1948 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Martin Fluder
Bartosz FornalHigh Energy Physics Physics2014 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
William Alfred FowlerNuclear Physics, nuclear astrophysics19331936 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student), J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student), Fritz Zwicky (grad student)
Geoffrey FoxComputer Science
Timothy S. Frank1998 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Scott E. Fraserbiophysics, embryonic development, imaging R Andrew Cameron (collaborator)
Steven C. FrautschiTheoretical physics
Eric Fries Physics Math and Astronomy2022 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Jay A. FrogelAstronomy and Astrophysics1971 Guido Münch (grad student)
Chu-Chen Fu2003 Nai-chang Yeh (grad student)
Christopher FuchsQuantum information science H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Felix Fuerst20122015 Fiona A. Harrison (post-doc)
Aki Fujii
George Michael FullerTheoretical Astrophysics. Theoretical Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics.1981 William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
Brent Thomas FultzCondensed Matter Physics
Bing-Man FungOrganic Chemistry, Optics Physics, Physical Chemistry1967 Sunney I. Chan (grad student)
Akira FurusawaQuantum optics, Quantum information science H. Jeff Kimble (research scientist)
Todd Charles Gaierastrophysics
Roy R. Gal2001 S. George Djorgovski (grad student)
Chad R. Galley
Jiansong GaoAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques. Engineering and Applied Science2008 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
Haiyan GaoNuclear Physics1994 Robert D. McKeown (grad student)
Ana Asenjo GarciaQuantum Optics
Gordon P. GarmireAstronomy and Astrophysics
Shea Cyrus Garrison-Kimmel2015 Philip F. Hopkins (post-doc)
Marat I. GataullinParticle physics2006 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Nuh GedikCondensed Matter Physics20042008 Ahmed Zewail (post-doc)
Murray Gell-Mann
Nicholas A. Georgeelectronic imaging and optoelectronics1959 Charles Herach Papas (grad student)
Andrea Ghezstar formation, investigate the proposed massive black hole at the center of our Galaxy1993 Gerry Neugebauer (grad student)
Kostantinos P. GiapisChemical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Molecular Physics
Konstantinos P. GiapisChemical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Materials Science Engineering Klavs Flemming Jensen (grad student)
Luc Gilles
Paul E. Gillett
Kim Gillies
Robert M. Gingrichquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2002 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Viktoriya GiryanskayaTheoretical Astrophysics
Stephen C. Glade2001 William L Johnson (grad student)
Donald A. GlaserVisual system1950 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Timothy D. GlotchGeology George R. Rossman (post-doc)
Vera GluscevicCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics Astrophysics2013 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Thomas H. W. GoebelGeophysics
Alexander Goetzmolecular physics, aerosols
Lisa M. Goggingravitational waves Physics2008 Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Omid GolamiHybrid quantum devices
Walter D. GoldbergerHigh Energy Physics2001 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Marvin Leonard GoldbergerParticle Theory
Peter Martin GoldreichPlanetary Science
Sunil Golwaladark matter and dark energy Departmet of Physics19891993 Rene A. Ong (research assistant)
Thiago S. GoncalvesAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy2012 Christopher Martin (grad student)
David L. Goodsteinsuperfluid helium
J. William Goodwinenonlinear control, dynamical systems, applied mechanics and predictive biosimulation1998 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Sarang Gopalakrishnan2015 Gil Refael (post-doc)
Walter Gordymolecular spectroscopy19411942 Linus Carl Pauling (post-doc)
Mark H. Goroff1986 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
David N. Gosset
Roy W GouldPlasma Physics, Microwave Technology1956 Lester M. Field (grad student)
Kovid Goyalquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2009 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Jason A. GraetzMaterials Science Engineering, Energy, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2003 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Heather M. Gray2011 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Paul GraysonGeneral Biophysics, General Physics Physics2007 Robert B. Phillips (grad student)
Jesse Leonard GreensteinAstronomy
Moira I. GreshamHigh Energy Physics Physics2010 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Roman O. GrigorievGeneral Physics Michael C. Cross (grad student)
Daniel GrinCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics Astronomy2010 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Hartmut Grote
John P. GrotzingerGeology, Planetology, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ivan S. Grudinin Physics2008 Kenneth G. Libbrecht (grad student)
Martin W. Grünewald1993 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Sergei G. GukovString theory
Lawrence C. Gunn Electrical Engineering2005 Axel Scherer (grad student)
James E. Gunnobservational cosmology, dark matter1966 Guido Münch (grad student)
Ruiqiang GuoHeat transfer, Thermal Science, Thermal functional materials Austin Minnich (post-doc)
Qiushi GuoIntegrated photonics, nonlinear optics, 2-D materials Electrical Engineering20202023 Alireza Aminkhani Marandi (post-doc)
Xin Guo Geological and Planetary Sciences20042009 Mark I Richardson (grad student)
Rajan GuptaTheoretical Particle Physics, Lattice QCD, Statistical Mechanics, Computational Biology, Energy Security Geoffrey Fox (grad student)
Arun K. Gupta1990 Mark B. Wise (grad student), John P. Preskill (grad student)
Anchal GuptaGravitational Waves Astronomy, precision measurement, optics, electronics Physics2018 Rana Adhikari (grad student)
Michael GurnisGeophysics Geophysics19861988 Bradford H. Hager (post-doc)
Yekta Gürsel1982 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Volkan GursesElectrical Engineering and Applied Physics2020 Ali Hajimiri (grad student)
Jeongwan Haahquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2013 John P. Preskill (grad student)
George D. A. Haas1993 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Bradford H. HagerGeophysics
Alan Andrew Hahn1977 Felix Boehm (grad student)
Gregg W. Hallinan
Erika T. Hamden2014 Christopher Martin (post-doc)
Emily A. Hamecher Geological and Planetary Sciences20092013 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Shahram Hamidi1987 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Lin HanGeneral Biophysics2008 Robert B. Phillips (grad student)
Mehmet Selim HanayNEMS, Nanotechnology, Mass Spectrometry2011 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Bradley M. HansenTheoretical Astrophysics1996 E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Carl L. HansenGeneral Biophysics Applied Physics2004 Stephen R Quake (grad student)
Jeanne L. HardebeckGeophysics2001 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student)
David Garrison Harkriderseismological wave propagation1963 Frank Press (grad student)
John Harmon Engineering and Applied Science2007 William L Johnson (grad student)
James W. Harringtonquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2004 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Franklin Stewart Harris1941 Alexander Goetz (grad student)
William Douglas Harrison1966 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Fiona A. Harrison
John W. Harter
Alexa W. Hartersuperfluid helium2001 David L. Goodstein (grad student)
Michael D. HartlTheoretical Astrophysics2003 E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
James B. Hartlegeneral relativity1964 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Jeffrey Alan HarveyTheory Physics19771981 Pierre Ramond (grad student)
Utku Hatipoglunems, quantum optics, optomechanics, nanophotonics Applied Physics Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Jay Hauser19791985 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Michael G. HauserInfrared astrophysics1967 Robert L. Walker (grad student)
Patrick HaydenQuantum Information20012004 John P. Preskill (post-doc)
Paul O. HaynePlanetary Science, Planetary Astronomy, Cryosphere, Remote Sensing, Mission Formulation
Christopher Charles HaywardTheoretical Astrophysics
Thomas H. HeatonGeophysics1978 Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Nicholas G HeavensPlanetary atmospheres Geological and Planetary Sciences20052010 Mark I Richardson (grad student)
Michael J. HebenCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry1990 Nathan Saul Lewis (grad student)
Laura B. HebertGeochemistry, Mineralogy Geological and Planetary Sciences Geological and Planetary Sciences20042008 Michael Gurnis (grad student), Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Vanessa HeckmanCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering2014 Thomas H. Heaton (grad student)
William A. Heindl Physics19871994 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Donald V. HelmbergerGeophysics
George Helouinfrared space astronomy
Daniel HembergerGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics
Shoubaneh Hemmati
Burton Lehman Henkephysics of low energy x rays and electrons1953 Jesse W. M. Dumond (grad student)
Erik A. HenriksenCondensed matter physics, graphene20092013 James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (post-doc), Michael Lee Roukes (research assistant)
Michael David Henry Applied Physics2010 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Jinseong HeoCondensed Matter Physics Applied Physics2008 Marc William Bockrath (grad student)
Antonio Hernandez-Garduno2002 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Matthew Heydeman2019 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Albert Hibbs1955 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Kevin P. HickersonExperimental Nuclear Physics & Low Energy Particle Physics Physics2013 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Adrian HightowerMaterials Science Engineering2001 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Sergi R. Hildebrandt
Christopher T HillTheoretical Physics, Cosmology Physics19721977 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Roger Calvert Hillquantum mechanics1969 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Jeffrey T. Hill Applied Physics2013 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Henry H Hilton Physics1960 Richard P. Feynman (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Alexander I. HimmelParticle physics Physics2011 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Anil N. Hirani2003 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
David G. HitlinExperimental High Energy Physics
Vala HjorleifsdottirGeophysics Geophysics2007 Jeroen Tromp (grad student)
Wilson HoSurface Science19741975 W. Henry Weinberg (research assistant)
Michael Hochberg Applied Physics2006 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Kari A. Hodgegravitational waves Physics2014 Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Douglas C Hofmann Materials Science2009 William L Johnson (grad student)
David W. HoggAstronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy1998 Roger David Blandford (grad student)
James Curtis HoneGraphene, 2D materials, NEMS, nano-biology2000 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Ting HongGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics Applied Physics2013 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
John H. Hong1987 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
John J. HopfieldModelling
Philip F. HopkinsTheoretical Astrophysics
Asa S. HopkinsQuantum optics, Biophysics Physics2009 Hideo Mabuchi (grad student)
Hans G. HornungAerospace Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics, Remote Sensing
Hang G. HornungAerospace Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics
William Frank HornyakLow Energy Nuclear Physics, Mediterranean Archeology1949 William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
Viva R. Horowitzsemiconductor spintronics
William Vermillion Houstonspectroscopy and the theory of electrons in atoms and solids
Andrew W. HowardExtrasolar planets, SETI
Archibald HowieScanning transmission electron microscopy1957 Richard P. Feynman (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Hung-Te HsiehOptics2005 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Chia-Lung HsiehOptics Electrical Engineering2011 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
David Hsieh
Jingqing Huang Electrical Engineering2012 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Yichen Huang
Xue M. Huangnanoelectromechanical systems2004 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
John P. HuchraAstronomy and Astrophysics1977 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Elisha Huggins Physics1962 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Evelyn HughesNuclear Physics
Emlyn W. HughesParticle Physics
Scott Alexander HughesCompact Objects: Gravitation1998 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Howard Hui
Chen-Lung Hung20112014 H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Garry E HuntAtmospheric Physics
Matthew P. HuntActive galactic nuclei
Cynthia L. Huntcosmic microwave background2004 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Todd Russell HunterStar formation, protostars, masers, outflows, millimeter interferometry Physics, Math and Astronomy19911996 Thomas G. Phillips (grad student)
Ali Husain2004 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Stephan R. IchiriuCondensed Matter Physics2005 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
Carl Iddings Physics1960 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Kiyohito Iigaya20172021 John P. O'Doherty (post-doc)
Hanae Inami
Andrew Perry IngersollPlanetary Atmospheres, Planetary Science
Erdal İsmet İnönüTheoretical physics, neutron transport Department of Physics1952 Robert F. Christy (grad student)
James Reid IpserTheoretical Physics Physics1969 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Martin H. IsraelAstronomy and Astrophysics1969 Rochus E. (Robbie) Vogt (grad student)
Anton B. IvanovAstronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geophysics2002 Duane Owen Muhleman (grad student)
Shankar IyerCondensed Matter Theory Physics2013 Gil Refael (grad student)
Kiwamu Izumi
Kenneth Charles Jacobs1968 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Bryan A. JacobyAstronomy2005 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Bruce M. JakoskyAstronomy and Astrophysics1983 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student), Duane Owen Muhleman (grad student)
Raymond Jeanloznature and evolution of planetary interiors, as well as the properties of materials at high pressures.1979 Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Fredrick A. JenetAstronomy and Astrophysics2001 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Alejandro JenkinsHigh Energy Physics2006 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
David Jewitt1983 Yuk L. Yung (grad student)
Suoqing Ji Physics20182021 Philip F. Hopkins (post-doc)
Liang Jiang Physics20092012 John P. Preskill (post-doc)
Thomas Johnson Applied Physics2009 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
William L Johnson1974 Pol E. Duwez (grad student)
Helen M. JohnstonAstronomy1992 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Glenn E. JonesElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics Electrical Engineering2010 Sander Weinreb (grad student)
Tucker JonesAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics2013 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
William Claude JonesCosmic Microwave Background2005 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
G. M. JonesParticle Physics2004 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Thomas Hillman Jordangeophysics Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences1973 Donald L. Anderson (grad student)
Howard Kabakow Physics1969 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Marc P. KamionkowskiCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics
Hiroo KanamoriGeophysics
Stephen Dongmin KangMaterials Science Materials Science20132018 G. Jeffrey Snyder (grad student)
Monica Jinwoo KangTheoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics
David L. Kaplan2004 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Anton N. Kapustinquantum field theory1997 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Rassul Karabalinnanoelectromechanical systems Physics2008 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Durmus U Karatay Applied Physics20102010 Harry A. Atwater (research assistant)
Emil P. Kartalov
William Karzas Physics1955 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Mansi M. KasliwalAstronomy Astrophysics2011 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Victoria KaspiRadio transients, Neutron stars, Pulsars19941996 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (post-doc)
Erotokritos C KatsavounidisGravitational-wave astrophysics, multi-wavelength observations, particle astrophysics, cosmic ray physics, grid computation1996 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Leon Katznuclear physics1943 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Steven Kauffmann Physics1973 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Ralph William Kavanaghnuclear physics1956 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student)
Sharon KedarGeophysics, Seismology Geology and Planetary Sciences19891996 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student)
Scott Kelbernanoelectromechanical systems Physics2013 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Andrew J. Keller
Herbert Bishop Keller
Michael S. KelleyAstronomy and Astrophysics IPAC20032004 Willliam Reach (grad student)
Melinda J. Kellogg2005 James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (grad student)
Michael Kelsey Physics19901996 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Roy James Kennedyknown for the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment1926 Robert A. Millikan (post-doc)
Daniel Kennefick Physics History of Science1996 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Diana L. Barkan (grad student)
Drew G. KeppelGravitational Wave Physics Physics Physics Physics20052009 Kipp Cannon (collaborator), Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Arthur K. Kermantheoretical nuclear physics19531954 Robert F. Christy (post-doc)
Michael KesdenAstronomy and Astrophysics2005 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Uday K. Khankhoje Electrical Engineering20052010 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Steven B. KidderGeology Geological and Planetary Sciences2012 Jean-Philippe Avouac (grad student)
Hugh Kieffer Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student), Bruce C. Murray (grad student)
Jennifer Kile Physics Physics2007 Mark B. Wise (grad student), Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Kun W. KimCondensed Matter Theory Applied Physics2014 Gil Refael (grad student)
Choongnyun P. Kim2001 William L Johnson (grad student)
Yong-Hoon Kimdensity functional theory, quantum transport, optical excitations, nano-materials, nano-devices20022004 William A. Goddard (post-doc)
Jai Sam Kim1982 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Jae-Hong Kim Physics20132019 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
ChangSub KimSuperconducting devices Applied Physics/Materials Science20112013 Sossina M. Haile (research assistant)
Youn-Geun KimElectrochemical Surface science
Isaac H. Kim Physics20072013 John P. Preskill (grad student)
H. Jeff KimbleQuantum optics, Quantum information science
William Morris Kinnersleygeneral relativity1968 Jon Mathews (grad student), Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Tobias J. KippenbergOptics Physics2004 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student), H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Evan N. Kirbyformation and evolution of galaxies
Elias Kiritsis1988 John P. Preskill (grad student)
David Philip KirkbyElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1996 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Robert P. Kirshnerobservational astronomy1975 J. Beverley Oke (grad student)
Deepan Kishore KumarPhysics, Electrical Engineering Physics Electrical Engineering20182020 Nai-chang Yeh (grad student), Axel Scherer (grad student)
Mark Kislinger Physics1970 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Alexei KitaevTheoretical Physics and Mathematics
John KitchingGeneral Physics, Atomic Physics Applied Physics19901995 Amnon Yariv (grad student)
Stanley A. KleinVision Derek H. Fender (research scientist)
Robert Kline1974 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Talya Klingernumerical relativity, gravitational waves Physics20222027 Saul Arno Teukolsky (grad student)
Gunnar Ulrich KlinkhammerQuantitative investment1992 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Leon KnopoffGeophysics1949 William H. Pickering (grad student)
Jin KodaAstronomy.
Oleg Kogan Materials Science2009 Michael C. Cross (grad student)
Danny Towsian Koh Physics1998 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Donald Kohler1959 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Warner Tjardus KoiterApplied mechanics
Edward William KolbAstronomy and Astrophysics19781980 William Alfred Fowler (post-doc)
Jeffrey Koller1984 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Steven E. KooninTheoretical physics
John KormendyAstronomy and Astrophysics1976 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
William Z. Korth Physics2016 Rana Adhikari (grad student)
John M. Kovacastrophysics Andrew Evan Lange (post-doc)
Robert L. Kovach Donald L. Anderson (grad student)
Attila Kovács2006 Thomas G. Phillips (grad student)
Henry KozachkovAmorphous Metals Applied Physics20082015 William L Johnson (grad student)
Rostyslav KozhanMathematics Mathematics2010 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Ruben Krasnopolsky2000 Roger David Blandford (grad student)
Richard M Kremer1987 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Max G. KreschMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science2009 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Arian Krieschphysics, optics, nanotechnology, plasmonics, data analysis, engineering Applied Physics Harry A. Atwater (collaborator)
Ushma KriplaniCondensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Materials Science Engineering2000 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Hulikal Ramaiyengar KrishnamurthyTheoretical condensed matter physics, especially quantum many body theory and statistical physics. Specifically, Quantum Impurity Physics, Strongly Correlated Electron Systems such as Manganites, Cuprates, etc., Models and Mechanisms of Metal-Insulator Tr
Marc J. Kuchnerastrophysics2001 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student)
Shrinivas R. KulkarniAstronomy
Shwetank KumarAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques. Applied Physics2008 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
Thomas Kupfer
Alexander M. Kuzmichinteracting quantum systems H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Nikolaos KylafisAstrophysics19791981 Peter Martin Goldreich (post-doc)
Gillian M. Kyne
Matthew D. LaHayeQuantum effects in macroscopic systems, Fundamental limits of measurement, The physics and applications of Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS).20052009 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Hsin-Hua Lai Physics2012 Olexei I. Motrunich (grad student)
Seppo J. Laine19891990 Mauri Valtonen (grad student)
Andrew J. Landahlquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2002 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Walter LandryGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics
Charles E. LaneParticle Physics1988 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Andrew Evan Langecosmic microwave background
Wolfgang LangeQuantum optics H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Charles A. LangstonGeophysics1976 Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Lauranne Lanz
James E. Larkinextragalactic astrophyics, adaptive optics (AO) and infrared instrumentation1996 B. Thomas Soifer (grad student)
James Daniel Larson1965 William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Raymond H. Spear (grad student)
Kirsten L. Larson20152019 Lee Armus (post-doc), Tanio Diaz Santos (post-doc)
Sharon Lynn Laubach1999 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Stuart J. LaurenceAerospace Engineering2006 Hans G. Hornung (grad student)
Charles Christian LauritsenNuclear physics19271929 Robert A. Millikan (grad student), Ralph D. Bennett (research assistant)
Thomas Lauritsen1939 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student)
David R. LawAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Astrophysics2009 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
Thorne LayGeophysics1983 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student), Donald L. Anderson (grad student), Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Tony E. Lee Physics2012 Michael C. Cross (grad student)
Hudson T. LeeGeology, Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2008 Oded Aharonson (grad student)
David Li Lee1974 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Wonhee Lee2008 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Christopher LeeNuclear, Particle, Astrophysics and Cosmology2005 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student), Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Clarence L. Y. Lee1994 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Hyon-Jee Lee2003 William L Johnson (grad student)
Hok Kong (Wilfred) Leestring theory2005 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Samuel K. LeeCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics Astrophysics2012 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Hansuek Lee Applied Physics20082015 Kerry J. Vahala (post-doc)
Peter Byungho Lee2003 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Hyuk Lee1985 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Adam Keith LeibovichHigh energy theory1998 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Robert B. Leightonsolid state physics, cosmic ray physics, the beginnings of modern particle physics, solar physics, planetary photography, infrared astronomy, and millimeter- and submillimeter-wave astronomy1947 Paul Sophus Epstein (grad student), William Vermillion Houston (grad student)
Melvin Leok2004 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Sebastien LeprinceElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geodesy, Continental Dynamics Electrical Engineering2008 Jean-Philippe Avouac (grad student)
Benjamin L. LevQuantum matter, ultracold atoms, cavity QED19992006 Hideo Mabuchi (grad student)
Yuri Levin Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Michael J LevineComputational Physics1963 Richard P. Feynman (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student), William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Robert F. Christy (grad student)
David B. LevitanAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics2013 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Hans Joachim Lewerenz
Cheng LiPlanetary Science Geological and Planetary Sciences20112016 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Yunxuan Li2015 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Chao LiInvestment Banking20042008 Yanbei Chen (grad student), Asantha Roshan Cooray (grad student), Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Mo LiNanophotonics, NEMS/MEMS, Optomechanics, 2D Material Optoelectronics, Opto-spintronics.2007 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Xiang Liquantum measurement, optomechanics, quantum optics, gravitational wave2016 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Zhenyu LiOptics Electrical Engineering2008 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
John J. Li Applied Physics2009 William L Johnson (grad student)
Kenneth G. Libbrecht
Christoph Lienau19921994 Ahmed Zewail (post-doc)
Ron Y. Lifshitz19951999 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Alan Paige Lightman1974 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Soon Wei Daniel Lim Applied Physics20142017 Sandra M. Troian (research assistant)
Qiao Linmicroelectromechanical systems1998 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Yunung N. LinGeophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2013 Jean-Philippe Avouac (grad student)
Jiao LinMaterials Science Engineering2004 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
David Arthur Lindexperimental nuclear physics1948 Jesse W. M. Dumond (grad student)
Lee Arlow LindblomAstronomy and Astrophysics, Theory Physics
Elliot Lipeles2004 Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Edward D LipsonBiophysical Science Physics19711974 Max Delbrück (post-doc), Felix Boehm (grad student)
Arthur E. Lipsteinstring theory Physics2011 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Dariusz C. (Darek) LisMolecular astrophysics, astrochemistry, volatile composition of comets
Yoram LithwickPlanet formation, dynamics of planetary systems, accretion disks, MHD turbulence, cosmological halo formation, gamma-ray bursts.2002 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
Wenhai LiuOptics2001 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Zhiwen LiuOptics2002 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Yuk Tung LiuGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2003 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Lee Arlow Lindblom (grad student)
Junjun LiuPlanetary Science2006 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
Junyu LiuHigh energy theory Physics Physics Physics2016 Clifford W. Cheung (grad student), David W. Simmons-Duffin (grad student), John P. Preskill (grad student)
Qinya LiuGeophysics2006 Jeroen Tromp (grad student)
Hoi-Kwong LoTheory Physics, Quantum Physics Physics1994 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Michael LoewenbergCondensed Matter Physics Chemical Engineering19821988 George R. Gavalas (grad student)
Boonrat LohwongwatanaMetals and alloys2007 William L Johnson (grad student), Jin-Yoo Suh (collaborator)
Marko Loncar2003 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Mark C. Lonergan Nathan Saul Lewis (post-doc)
Alejandro Lopez OrtegaAerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering Aeronautics2013 Daniel I. Meiron (grad student)
Donald Holt Loughridge1927 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Geoffrey Mark LovelaceGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics Physics2007 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Lee Arlow Lindblom (grad student), Harald P. Pfeiffer (grad student)
Ming Lu1995 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Mingwu Lu H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Robert R. LuccheseCondensed Matter Physics Chemistry Basil Vincent McCoy (grad student)
Milivoje LukicMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2011 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Nathan Lundbladultracold atomic physics20002006 Kenneth G. Libbrecht (grad student)
Ragnhild LunnanUnusual transients, time-domain astronomy, observational astronomy.
Sheng-Nian Luo Geological and Planetary Sciences19992003 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Harold Lurie1950 Ernest Edwin Sechler (grad student)
Mark T. LuskGeneral Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Optics Physics Applied Mechanics1992 James K Knowles (grad student)
Theresa W. LynnQuantum optics, Quantum information science2003 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Vyacheslav Lysov
Yousi MaParticle physics Physics2012 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Hong Ma1988 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Evan Ma Applied Physics1989 William L Johnson (grad student)
Hideo MabuchiQuantum optics, Biophysics1998 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
David Brian MacfarlaneParticle Physics and Astrophysics19781984 Frank Joseph Sciulli (grad student)
Chris Mach
Donald Campbell MacPhail
Sanjoy Mahajan E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Matthew A. Malkanobservational cosmology1983 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Anna MaltsevMathematics Mathematics2010 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Prabha Mandayam Doddamanequantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2011 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Ilya MandelGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics Physics2008 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Vuk Mandicparticle astrophysics and cosmology Department of Physics Barry Clark Barish (post-doc)
Koichi Mano Physics1955 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Peter H. Mao2002 Fiona A. Harrison (grad student)
Alireza Aminkhani Marandi
Neil Marcus1984 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Dragoljub Markovićgravitation Physics1994 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Jerrold Eldon Marsden
Zachary L. MarshallParticle Physics Physics2010 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Michael J. MartinOptical metrology, Quantum optics
Christopher MartinAstronomy; Physics
Denis Martynov Physisc2015 Rana Adhikari (grad student)
Jay MarxParticle physics, heavy ion nuclear physics, gravitational waves
Egon Marx-Oberländerfield theory, relativistic quantum mechanics, and electromagnetism1963 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student), Fredrik Zachariasen (grad student)
Sotirios K. Masmanidisnanoelectromechanical systems Applied Physics2007 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
James E. Mason2001 Kenneth G. Libbrecht (grad student)
Daniel C. Mastersastrophysics
Peter A. MastromarinoParticle Physics2004 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Matthew Matheny2016 Oskar J. Painter (post-doc), Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Georgios MatheouAerospace Engineering Aeronautics2008 Paul E. Dimotakis (grad student)
Jon Mathewstheoretical physics1957 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Christopher Matthews Physics19871993 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Brett Maune2006 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Dimitri Mawet
Walter Max-MoerbeckActive galaxies, radio astronomy Astronomy20062013 Anthony C. Readhead (grad student)
Benjamin A. MazinAstrophysics and Cosmology2005 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
Dan McCammonAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics Physics Gerry Neugebauer (research assistant), Robert B. Leighton (research assistant)
Thomas B. McCordGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics1968 Bruce C. Murray (grad student)
Basil Vincent McCoytheoretical chemistry
James A. McCrayExperimental biological physics and laser applications1962 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student), Robert F. Christy (grad student)
Arthur B. McDonaldparticle physics1970 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Kirk Thomas McDonaldHigh Energy Physics1972 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Timothy McGarveyQuantum optics, Biophysics Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2006 Hideo Mabuchi (grad student)
Thomas C. McGillCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering1969 Carver Mead (grad student)
Jessica Mciver
Jason McKeeverQuantum optics, Quantum information science2004 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Robert D. McKeownweak interactions in nuclei, neutrino oscillations, parity-violating electron scattering, and the electromagnetic structure of nuclei and nucleons
William B. McKinnonOuter Solar System Geology, Geophysics1980 Henry Jay Melosh (grad student), Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student), Duane Owen Muhleman (grad student), Eugene Merle Shoemaker (grad student)
William Burdette McLean1939 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student), William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
Tristan McLoughlin2005 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Edwin M. McMillanNuclear chemistry Linus Carl Pauling (research assistant)
William McNeely1971 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Willaim R. Mcveigh
Sean M. Meenehan Applied Physics2015 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Chiang C. MeiTheoretical hydrodynamics, ocean and coastal waves phenomena, fluid-solid interaction, poroelasticity, seabed mechanics, land subsidence, debris and mud flow, Mechanics of soil remediation1963 Theodore Y. Wu (grad student)
Daniel I. MeironMathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Henry Jay MeloshAstronomy and Astrophysics1973 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Michael P. MendenhallExperimental Nuclear Physics & Low Energy Particle Physics Physics2014 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Lingsen MengGeophysics Geophysics2013 Jean-Paul Ampuero (grad student)
James E. Mercereau1959 John R. Pellam (grad student)
Frank Smith MerrittExperimental physics, particle physics. Physics1977 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Joannah M. MetzPlanetology, Sedimentary Geology Geological and Planetary Sciences2010 John P. Grotzinger (grad student)
Richard A. Mewaldt
Shu MiaoMaterials Science Engineering Materials Science2007 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Christopher P. Michael Applied Physics2009 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
F. Curtis Michelhigh-energy astrophysics, space plasma physics, planetary science1962 Thomas Lauritsen (grad student)
Sophie Middleton Physics2019 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
Melissa M. Midzornanoelectromechanical systems2001 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Dimitri MihalasAstronomy and Astrophysics1964 J. Beverley Oke (grad student)
Park H. Miller1940 Jesse W. M. Dumond (grad student)
Sarah A. Miller Geological and Planetary Sciences20032006 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Walter E. Millett1950 William Ralph Smythe (post-doc)
Robert A. Millikan
Geoffrey Blount MillsHigh Energy Physics1986 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Richard G. MilnerExperimental Nuclear Physics1985 Robert D. McKeown (grad student)
Bumki MinOptics Physics Applied Physics2006 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Jean-Bernard MinsterGeophysics1973 Charles B. Archambeau (grad student)
Mohammad MirhosseiniQuantum Optics, Quantum Acoustodynamics, Circuit QED Institute for Quantum Information and Matter2016 Oskar J. Painter (post-doc)
Ryan Mishmash
Thomas P. Mitchell1956 Milton Spinoza Plesset (grad student)
Allan Charles Gray Mitchell1927 Richard C. Tolman (grad student)
Tomonari Scott (Tomo) Miyashita
Tomonari Miyashita Physics20132019 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
Carlos Mochonquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2005 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Pritiraj MohantyEnergy materials for hydrocarbon exploration2001 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Lorenzo Moncelsi
Raquel Rodriguez Monje
David Craig MooreParticle physics Physics2012 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Sean M. Moran Astronomy2008 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
Christine C. Moran
Fernando B. Morinigo1963 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Duncan Andrew MorrisPhysics Physics19831987 Geoffrey Fox (grad student)
Christophe MoserOptical neural networks, imaging, volumetric 3D printing Department of Electrical Engineering2000 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Auna L. MoserFluid and Plasma Physics Applied Physics2012 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Olexei I. MotrunichTheoretical Physics
Marcus Motzkus19951996 Ahmed Zewail (post-doc)
Forrest S. MozerSpace Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics, Electrical Engineering19511956 William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
David F. Mross
Sundeep Mukherjee2005 William L Johnson (grad student)
Joe Hill MullinsHigh Energy Physics1959 Robert F. Bacher (grad student)
Jose MumbruOptics2002 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Guido Münchastrophysics
Juan A. Muniz Physics2017 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Bruce C. MurrayGeology, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Sam MusallamBrain-machine interfaces, Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Daniel NadeauAstronomy and Astrophysics1981 Gerry Neugebauer (grad student)
Akshay NaikNEMS based mass spectrometry, Noise in Nanoelectromechanical System, NEMS sensors, Strain Engineering20062008 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Issei Nakamura Chemical Engineering Zhen-Gang Wang (post-doc)
Prineha Narang20112015 Harry A. Atwater (grad student), William A. Goddard (grad student)
Ramesh NarayanAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy19831984 Roger David Blandford (post-doc)
Danny H. NatawidjajaGeology, Geophysics2003 Kerry Sieh (grad student)
Bret J. NaylorAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques. Physics2008 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
Terrell D. Neal Electrical Engineering2006 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Seth H Neddermeyercosmic rays1935 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
David R Needell
Henry Victor Nehercosmic rays1931 Earnest Charles Watson (grad student)
Irina NenciuMathematics2005 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Gerry Neugebauerinfrared astronomy1960 Robert L. Walker (grad student)
Daniel NeuhauserPhysical, Theory, Theoretical Chemistry Physics19821987 Steven E. Koonin (grad student)
Harvey B. NewmanParticle physics
Andrew B. Newman Astrophysics2013 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
Thong Q NguyenHigh energy physics Physics2015 Maria Spiropulu (grad student)
Wei-Tou Nigravitational physics, astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, quantum optics Physics1972 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
David A. Nichols Physics2012 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Philip D. NicholsonAstronomy and Astrophysics1978 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
André NicolovPlasma Physics20192025 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Jens Rud NielsenPhotoelectric effect, Raman spectroscopy1924 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Nathan A. NiemiGeology, Geodesy Geological and Planetary Sciences19942002 Brian P. Wernicke (grad student)
Atsushi Nishizawa
Robert G. Nolty2002 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Omid NoroozianAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques. Electrical Engineering2012 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
Richard A. Norte Physics2015 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Tracy E. NorthupAtomic Physics Physics2008 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Robert W. NoyesSolar and stellar seismology; solar structure and dynamics; detection and characterization of planets around other stars; origin and evolution of planetary systems.1963 Robert B. Leighton (grad student)
Harry Nunns
Donal O'ConnellHigh Energy Physics Physics2007 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Richard John O'ConnellGeophysics1969 Gerald J. Wasserburg (grad student)
Robert W. O'ConnellAstronomy and Astrophysics1970 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student), J. Beverley Oke (grad student)
Tomas Jochym O'Connor
Evan P. O'Connor Physics2012 Christian D. Ott (grad student)
Francis T. O'Donovan Astronomy2007 David Brian Charbonneau (grad student)
Thomas G O'Neill1994 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Richard William O'ShaughnessyGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2004 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Juan P. Ochoa RicouxParticle physics Physics2010 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Gregory H. Ogin Physics2013 Kenneth G. Libbrecht (grad student)
Ryan C. Ogliore Physics2007 Edward Carroll Stone (grad student)
Emile A. OkalGeophysics19741978 David Garrison Harkrider (grad student)
J. Beverley Okestellar and extragalactic astronomy
Gregory S. OkinBiogeochemistry, Physical Geography, Environmental Sciences, Remote Sensing2001 Bruce C. Murray (grad student)
Neal C. OldhamMaterials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, General Physics2004 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
Anna H. OlsenCivil Engineering, Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering2008 Thomas H. Heaton (grad student)
Piti OngmongkolkulExperimental High Energy Physics Physics20062013 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
José Nelson OnuchicTheoretical Biological Physics1987 John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Hirosi OoguriTheoretical Physics
Frank Oppenheimerparticle physics1939 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student)
Mhair-Armen H. OrchanianParticle physics Physics2012 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Toyoko J. OrimotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics20062009 Harvey B. Newman (post-doc)
Glenn S. Orton Geological and Planetary Science1975 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Magdalena R. OsburnGeobiology Geobiology Earth and Planetary Sciences2013 John P. Grotzinger (grad student), Alex L. Sessions (grad student)
Patrick Stewart OsmerAstronomy and Astrophysics1970 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Eric P. OstbyOptics Physics Electrical Engineering2009 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
James Patrick OstrowskiRobotics, Nonlinear Control Theory1996 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Christian D. Ott
Stephen M. OuelletteHigh Energy Physics2001 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
David Gonzalez Ovejero
Robert Owengravitation Physics Physics2007 Kip S. Thorne (grad student), Lee Arlow Lindblom (grad student), Richard H. Price (grad student)
Benjamin James OwenGravitational Physics & Cosmology1998 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
James Oyang Physics19931996 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
Arkadas I. Ozakin2004 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student), Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Don Nelson PageCosmology, theoretical gravitational physics1976 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Kaveh PahlevanAstronomy and Astrophysics, Planetology Planetary Science2010 David J. Stevenson (grad student)
Oskar J. Painternanophotonics, quantum optics, superconducting quantum circuits, quantum information science2001 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Margaret Pan2006 Re'em Sari (grad student)
An PanComputational Imaging, Biophotonics, Microscopy20182019 Changhuei Yang (grad student)
Yi PanGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2006 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Alexey A. PankineAtmospheric Science Physics2001 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky1941 Jesse W. M. Dumond (grad student)
Gina Panopoulou20172019 Anthony C. Readhead (post-doc)
George PanotopoulosOptics2003 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Alexander B. PapandrewMaterials Science Engineering2006 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Charles Herach PapasTheory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Natalie Paquette Physics2017 Shamit Kachru (grad student)
Deborah Paradis IPAC20082010 Willliam Reach (post-doc)
Ajith Parameswaran Alan Jay Weinstein (post-doc), Yanbei Chen (post-doc), Kip S. Thorne (post-doc)
Namkyoo Park Applied Physics Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Chan Y. Parkstring theory Physics2014 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Peter Donald MacDougall ParkerNuclear Astrophysics1963 Ralph William Kavanagh (grad student)
Eugene Newman Parkermagnetospheric physics and geomagnetism, solar physics and space physics, cosmic ray dynamics, and cosmical magnetic fields1951 Howard Percy Robertson (grad student), Leverett Davis (grad student)
Julio Parra-MartinezPhysics
Richard A. Partridge
Fernando M. Pastawski
Ashay Naren Patelatomic physics Physics2018 Nicholas R. Hutzler (grad student)
Apoorva Dayaram PatelLattice gauge theory, Quantum computation High Energy Physics19801984 Geoffrey Fox (grad student)
Rahul I. Patel
Ryan B. Patterson
Clair Cameron Pattersongeophysics
Carl E. PattonElectricity and Magnetism Physics, General Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering1967 Floyd B. Humphrey (grad student), Charles Harold Wilts (grad student)
Suzanne E. PaulsonAtmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Engineering, Geophysics John H. Seinfeld (grad student)
Vasiliki PavlidouAstronomy and Astrophysics20082011 Anthony C. Readhead (post-doc)
Tina PavlinParticle Physics2003 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
John Davie Pearson1963 Thomas Lauritsen (grad student), William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student), Ralph William Kavanagh (grad student)
Timothy J. Pearson
Charles W. Peck1964 Robert L. Walker (grad student)
David N. Pekarek Mechanical Engineering2010 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
John R. PellamLow Temperature Physics
Leora Peltz
Cristián H. PeñaHigh Energy Physics, Quantum Sensors, Quantum Information Physics20172017 Maria Spiropulu (grad student), Maria Spiropulu (collaborator)
Kerstin M. PerezParticle Physics Physics2011 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Antonio Perreca
Vincent Zetterberg PetersonHigh energy physics
Andreea O. PetricAstronomy and Astrophysics20082011 Lee Armus (post-doc)
Ryan PettersonGeology, Geochemistry Geological and Planetary Sciences2009 Brian P. Wernicke (grad student)
Harald P. PfeifferGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics
Byron J. Philhourcosmic microwave background2002 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Belle PhilibosianGeology Geological and Planetary Sciences2013 Kerry Sieh (grad student)
Robert B. PhillipsBiophysics
Thomas G. Phillipsmillimeter and submillimeter-wave detection for astronomy
E. Sterl PhinneyTheoretical Astrophysics
Timofei PiatenkoExperimental High Energy Physics Physics20032009 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
William H. Pickering1936 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Jerome Pineelectrophysiology of neurons in culture
Eugene PivovarovCondensed Matter Theory
Philip M Platzmanscattering and low-energy physics Physics1960 Richard P. Feynman (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student), Robert F. Christy (grad student)
Milton Spinoza Plessethydrodynamics, cavitation1932 Paul Sophus Epstein (post-doc)
Boris PodolskyParticle Theory19301931 Paul Sophus Epstein (grad student), Richard C. Tolman (post-doc)
Eric PoissonAstronomy and Astrophysics Kip S. Thorne (post-doc)
H. David PolitzerTheoretical physics
Johannes PollanenNMR, low temperature physics James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (post-doc)
Alexios P. PolychronakosTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1987 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Eugene Simon PolzikQuantum Optics Physics19901995 H. Jeff Kimble (research scientist)
Nicolas F. PonchautAerospace Engineering2005 Hans G. Hornung (grad student)
Costin R. Popescustring theory2001 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Zoya PopovicElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics1990 David B. Rutledge (grad student)
Carolyn C. PorcoSaturn's rings, Endeladus Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences19741983 Peter Martin Goldreich (grad student)
Frank C. PorterHigh-energy physics
Henk W. Ch. Postmananoscience and technology20022006 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc), Marc William Bockrath (post-doc)
David PoulinQuantum Physics Physics Physics20182018 Alexei Kitaev (collaborator), John P. Preskill (post-doc)
Darden PowersGeneral Physics1962 Ward Whaling (grad student)
Ernest Prabhakar Physics19891995 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Steven E. PrackoFluid and Plasma Physics2007 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Edward J. PreislerCondensed Matter Physics2003 Thomas C. McGill (grad student)
Charles Young Prescottexperimental particle physics Physics1966 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student), Robert L. Walker (grad student)
John P. Preskillquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity
Frank Press
William H. Press1973 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Richard H. PriceRelativity, Cosmology1971 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Thomas A. (Tom) PrinceAstrophysics
Jonathan R. PritchardAstrophysics, Cosmology Physics2007 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Stephen Priviteragravitational waves Physics2014 Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Stefano ProfumoTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, General Physics Marc P. Kamionkowski (post-doc), Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (post-doc)
Leonid Prokhorov
Demetri PsaltisOptics
Emerson Martindale PughHall Effect in Ferromagnetic Materials1929 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Anthony R. PullenCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics Physics2011 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Patricia Marie PurdueGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2003 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Justin PurewalMaterials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Molecular Physics Materials Science2010 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Milind PurohitElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1984 Frank Joseph Sciulli (grad student), Michael Herman Shaevitz (grad student)
Roland De Putter
Xin Qianexperimental particle physics, neutrinos, experimental nuclear physics Kellogg Radiation Laboratory20102013 Robert D. McKeown (post-doc)
Stephen R Quakebiophysics, genomics
Alice QuillenAstronomy and Astrophysics E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Alvise RaccanelliCosmology, Astrophysics, Physics, Astronomy Jet Propulsion Laboratory Olivier P. Dore (post-doc)
David Radice
Guruprasad Raghavan2017 Matthew W. Thomson (grad student)
Fredric RaichlenMechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Eric Raiten1991 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Russell W. RaittGeophysics1935 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Malik RakhmanovHigh Energy Physics2000 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Alexander Rakitin Physics20082011 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
Ramakrishna Ramaswamynonlinear science, systems biology Chemistry19781980 Rudolph A. Marcus (post-doc)
Michael J. Ramsey-Musolfnuclear physics, high energy physics, and cosmology
Shanti R. Rao2003 Kenneth G. Libbrecht (grad student)
Franco Rasetti19281929 Robert A. Millikan (post-doc)
Adam RasheedAerospace Engineering2001 Hans G. Hornung (grad student)
Yasser Rathore2005 Roger David Blandford (grad student)
Ralph Ronald Rau1948 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Vikram Ravi
Finn Ravndal Physics1971 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Paul S. Ray Physics19891995 Thomas A. (Tom) Prince (grad student)
Charles F. RaymondGeophysics19641969 W. Barclay Kamb (grad student)
Anthony C. Readheadobservational cosmology
Naveen A. ReddyAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
Ian H. Redmountgravity Physics1984 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Gil RefaelCondensed Matter Theory
Christian L ReichardtCosmology, Physics Physics20012008 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
David Benjamin ReissTheoretical physics
David Howard Reitze
Soo-Jong Rey1988 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Won-Kyu RhimCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, High Temperature Physics chemical Engineering1973 Robert Walton Vaughan (post-doc)
R. Michael Rich
Paul G. RichardsSeismology Geology and Tectonophysics1970 Charles B. Archambeau (grad student)
Mark A. Richards1986 Bradford H. Hager (grad student), Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Joseph L. Richards Physics2012 Anthony C. Readhead (grad student)
Mark I Richardson
Jeffrey David RichmanHigh Energy Experimental Physics19801985 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Reed L. RiddleRobotic astronomy, adaptive optics, instrumentation, stellar astronomy, exoplanets
Louis Nicot Ridenourradar1936 Don Merlin Lee Yost (grad student), Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student)
Vincent C. Rideoutelectrical engineering, biomedical engineering1940 Royal W. Sorensen (grad student)
Adric R. Riedel
Elizabeth (liz) Rivers
Gil Rivlis1991 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Luke F. Roberts
Howard Percy RobertsonMathematical Physics1925 Harry Bateman (grad student), Paul Sophus Epstein (grad student)
Leon Rochester Physics1968 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Markus Roehrken
Christopher S. Roganexperimental particle physics Physics2013 Maria Spiropulu (grad student)
John David Rogers Physics1961 Felix Boehm (grad student)
James William RohlfElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics1980 Geoffrey Fox (grad student)
Hossein Rokhsari AzarOptics Physics, Acoustics Physics2005 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Roger W. RomaniExperimental & Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology, Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology1988 Roger David Blandford (grad student)
Carlos A. Romero TalamasFluid and Plasma Physics, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2005 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Thomas F. Rosenbaumquantum mechanics
Margaret A. RosenburgPlanetology Geological and Planetary Sciences2014 Oded Aharonson (grad student)
Carl RosenfeldElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1977 Charles W. Peck (grad student)
Philip Rosenthal1993 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Shane D. Ross2004 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Michael Lee Roukesnanoelectromechanical systems, neurotechnology, single-molecule analysis, precision/quantum measurement
Helene Roussel20012005 George Helou (post-doc)
Malvin A RudermanTheoretical astrophysics, neutron stars, pulsars, early universe, cosmic gamma rays1951 Robert Jay Finkelstein (grad student)
Gwen C. RudieAstrophysics Physics Astrophysics2013 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
Marcus C. Runyancosmic microwave background2003 Andrew Evan Lange (grad student)
Damon S. RussellElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics Electrical Engineering2013 Sander Weinreb (grad student)
Armistead G. RussellEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics, Environmental Sciences1985 Glen R. Cass (grad student)
James J. Russell19821985 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
David B. RutledgeRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas
Inge-Juliana Christy Sackmann
Amirreza Safaripour
Amir H. Safavi-Naeini Applied Physics2013 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Eric J. Sage
Augusto SagnottiField Theory and Gravity, Statistical Physics19831984 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Michael P. SalemHigh Energy Physics Physics2007 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Charles G. SammisGeophysics1971 Donald L. Anderson (grad student)
Alexander SamuelHigh-energy physics2006 Frank C. Porter (grad student)
David J. SandAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
Allan Rex SandageCosmology1953 Walter Baade (grad student)
Gary Hilton Sandersparticle physics, gravitational waves, optical telescopes, high-energy physics
Jagmit S. SandhuAstronomy2001 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Ramanathan M. SankaranChemical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Materials Science Engineering2004 Konstantinos P. Giapis (grad student)
Deborah H. Santamore2003 Michael C. Cross (grad student)
Wallace L. W. Sargent19591962 Jesse Leonard Greenstein (post-doc)
Re'em SariAstrophysics
Behnam Darvish Sarvestani
Balachandran Sathiapalan1983 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Brian SavageGeophysics2004 Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Martin J. SavageNuclear Physics1990 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Kunio M. SayanagiAtmospheric Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences20082012 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (post-doc)
Jack Sayersdark matter and dark energy Physics2008 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Paul SchechterAstrophysics, Cosmology1975 James E. Gunn (grad student)
Janet D. Scheel2007 Michael C. Cross (grad student)
Mark Scheel
Matthew A. SchenkerAstronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics2015 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
Axel Scherer
Zachary Schiffer Division of Engineering and Applied Science Harry A. Atwater (post-doc)
Rafe Hyam SchindlerElementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics19821985 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
Eva Schinnerer19992002 Nicholas Z. (Nick) Scoville (post-doc)
Stefan SchlampAerospace Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Optics Physics, Remote Sensing2000 Hans G. Hornung (grad student)
Hilke Elisabeth SchlichtingAstrophysics, Exoplanets2009 Re'em Sari (grad student)
Riccardo Schmid2014 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Christof Schmidhuber1993 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Maarten Schmidtquasars
Patricia Schmidt
Robert J. Schoelkopfquantum-effect and single-electron devices1995 Thomas G. Phillips (grad student), Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
David N. Schramm1971 William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Gerald J. Wasserburg (grad student)
Joseph P. Schramm Materials Science2010 William L Johnson (grad student)
Bernard Frederick SchutzStability and Pulsation of Rotating Stars, Post-Newtonian Methods, Numerical Relativity, Gravitational Wave Detection1971 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Keith Charles Schwablow temperature physics, quantum devices, quantum optomechanics19962000 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Megan E. SchwambPlanetology, Geology, Astronomy and Astrophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2011 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student)
Steven E. SchwarzSolid-State Devices; Nano-Optoelectronics, Electromagnetics/Plasmas1964 Nicholas A. George (grad student)
John H. Schwarzstring theory
Yonathan Schwarzkopf Physics2011 J. Doyne Farmer (grad student), Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Frank Joseph Sciullielementary particles
Nicholas Z. (Nick) Scoville
Leonard Searle
Mordechai SegevNonlinear Optics, Solitons, Sub-wavelength Imaging, Lasers, Quantum Electronics Department of Physics19901994 Amnon Yariv (post-doc)
L. Elizabeth Seiberling Physics Thomas Anthony Tombrello (grad student)
Michael D. Seiffert
Jonathan V. SelingerPhysical Chemistry Chemical Engineering19911992 Zhen-Gang Wang (research scientist)
Fernando J. Selman2004 Nicholas Z. (Nick) Scoville (grad student)
Michelle M. SelvansGeophysics, Plate Tectonics, Remote Sensing Geophysics2011 Joann Stock (grad student)
Kevin Setterquantum field theory Physics2013 Anton N. Kapustin (grad student)
Kyle L SeylerCondensed matter physics, Quantum optoelectronics, Optical spectroscopy Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy2018 David Hsieh (post-doc)
Shawn C. Shadden2006 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Shahriar ShadkhooCondensed Matter, Active Matter
Jerry W. ShanAerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2001 Paul E. Dimotakis (grad student)
Wenjin ShaoParticle Physics2004 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Jerome L. Shapiro
Alice Shapley2003 Charles C. Steidel (grad student)
Murali Sharma1993 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Henry F. ShawIsotope gechemistry Geological and Planetary Sciences19771984 Gerald J. Wasserburg (grad student)
Peter Shawhan19992002 Barry Clark Barish (post-doc)
Michael J. Shearn Applied Physics2010 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Krishna V. ShenoyMotor control / prostheses19952001 Richard A. Andersen (post-doc)
Christopher A SheraAuditory biophysics Physics19841992 George Zweig (grad student)
Richard Sherman Physics1971 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Adam P. ShowmanAstronomy and Astrophysics Division of Geological and Planetary Science19921998 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Robert G. ShulmanBiophysics1950 Don Merlin Lee Yost (post-doc)
Esayas Shume
Alexander ShvorobParticle physics2001 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
J. B. ShyuGeology2006 Kerry Sieh (grad student)
Kerry SiehGeology, Geophysics
Jonathan L. Sievers2004 Anthony C. Readhead (grad student)
Kris SigurdsonCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics2005 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Steinn SigurdssonAstronomy and Astrophysics1992 E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Daniel M. Silevitch
Andre Da Silva Schneider
Brian SimanekMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2012 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Robert A. SimcoeAstrophysics: Cosmology - Optical2004 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Barry M. Simon
Michal Joseph SimonAstronomy and Astrophysics19691971 Jesse Leonard Greenstein (post-doc)
Neil Sinclair Maria Spiropulu (post-doc)
Leo P. Singergravitational waves Physics2015 Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Tom Siofer
George SiopsisElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1987 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Alp SipahigilQuantum devices Oskar J. Painter (post-doc)
Krittanon SirorattanakulEarthquake Physics, Geodesy, Statistical Seismology, Friction
Paul Skerritt Physics2013 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Andrew Brett Slatkin1999 Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Simon Slutsky
Tristan L. SmithCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics Physics2008 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Graeme S. B. Smithquantum computing, quantum information, physics of information2006 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Rory J. Smith
Peter L. SmithAstrophysics1972 Ward Whaling (grad student)
Darryl Lyle Smith
William Ralph Smytheelectromagnetism
B. Thomas SoiferGalaxy Evolution & Infrared Instrumentation
Salvatore Solimeno Amnon Yariv (grad student)
Natalia V. Solomatova Geological and Planetary Sciences20132017 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Sameer SonarQuantum optics Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Kazuo SoneAerospace Engineering Aeronautics2007 Daniel I. Meiron (grad student)
Justin Song
Teh-Ru A. SongGeophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2007 Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Shiyan SongCivil Engineering, Geophysics Civil Engineering2014 Thomas H. Heaton (grad student)
Hidenori Sonodaquantum field theory1985 H. David Politzer (grad student), Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Royal W. Sorensen
Rafael SorkinTheory Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1974 James E. Gunn (grad student), Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Sonja SpasojevicGeophysics, Continental Dynamics, Plate Tectonics Geophysics2011 Michael Gurnis (grad student)
Federico M. Spedalieriquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity2003 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Gerald Speisman Physics1955 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Ian B. Spielman2004 James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (grad student)
Sean M. SpillaneOptics Physics2004 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Maria Spiropuluexperimental particle physics
Lev Spodyneiko
Roxanne P. Springerweak interactions, quantum chromodynamics1991 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Jono Squire
Kartik Srinivasan2006 Oskar J. Painter (grad student)
Brian StandleyNanoscience, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Applied Physics2012 Marc William Bockrath (grad student)
Geoff StaneffMaterials Science Engineering2005 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Daniel Paul StarkGalaxy Formation and Evolution, cosmic reionization Astronomy2008 Richard S. Ellis (grad student)
Giordon H Stark Physics20112012 Rana Adhikari (research assistant)
Hans Heinrich Staub19371938 Charles Christian Lauritsen (post-doc)
John R. Staufferastrophysics
Gregory J. SteckmanOptics2001 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Charles C. SteidelAstronomy and Astrophysics1990 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Leo C SteinGeneral relativity, gravitation, gravitational waves, compact objects, black holes Physics20152018 Yanbei Chen (post-doc)
Seth A. SteinGeophysics19751978 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student)
Bryan Steinbach
Charles L. Steinhardt
Paul J. Steinhardtparticle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, condensed-matter physics1974 Richard P. Feynman (research assistant), Barry Clark Barish (research assistant), Frank Joseph Sciulli (research assistant)
Eve StensonFluid and Plasma Physics Applied Physics2012 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Reiner Stenzel1970 Roy W Gould (grad student)
Ryan C Stephensoncosmology, superconducting devices
Lawrence M. Stepp
Edward Abraham SternXAFS1955 Henry Victor Neher (grad student)
Ari Stern Applied and Computational Mathematics2009 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Matthew A. Stevenson Astronomy2014 Anthony C. Readhead (grad student)
David J. StevensonAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics
H. Guyford SteverEngineering Sciences19401941 William H. Pickering (grad student), Henry Victor Neher (grad student)
Iain W. Stewart1999 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Sarah T. Stewart-MukhopadhyayGeophysics2002 Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Sabrina R. StierwaltAstronomy and Astrophysics20092012 Lee Armus (post-doc)
Joann StockGeophysics
John K. StocktonQuantum optics, Biophysics Physics2007 Hideo Mabuchi (grad student)
Bogdan Stoica Physics2016 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Mihai StoiciuMathematics2005 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Robert G. StokstadNuclear physics1967 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Howard Alvin StoneFluid Mechanics1988 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Howard D. Stone1988 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Edward Carroll Stoneplanetary science and space exploration
Natalia I. Storch Physics2015 Dong Lai (grad student)
John Donovan StrongInfrared spectroscopy
Amber Lynnell StuverGravitational waves Physics20072012 Joseph Anthony Giaime (post-doc)
Wai-Mo SuenAstronomy and Astrophysics1985 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Jin-Yoo Suh
Junho Suhnanoelectromechanical systems Physics2011 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Piotr Sulkowski
Martin Summerfieldrocket science Aerospace Engineering19371941 Theodore von Kármán (grad student), John Donovan Strong (grad student)
Matthew C. SumnerAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques. Physics2011 Jonas Zmuidzinas (grad student)
Werner M. Sungravitational waves2003 Alan Jay Weinstein (grad student)
Xuan Sun Physics, Math and Astronomy2022 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Willy Supatto20062010 Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Sudipto Sur1997 Joel W. Burdick (grad student), Richard M. Murray (grad student)
Sherry H. Suyucosmology Physics Physics2008 Roger David Blandford (grad student), Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Lawrence H. SverdrupFluid and Plasma Physics2002 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
James W. Swan20042010 John F. Brady (grad student)
Tabitha L. Swan-WoodCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2006 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Christopher M. Swank
Ian Swansonstring theory2005 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Peter TaborekLow Temperature Physics, Condensed Matter Physics1980 David L. Goodstein (grad student)
Richard Michael TalmanAccelerator physics; electromagnetic radiation; nonlinear mechanics; computer simulation; accelerators as x-ray sources1963 Alvin V. Tollestrup (grad student)
Heywood TamTheoretical Cosmology, Field Theory, and Gravitation Physics2010 Sean M. Carroll (grad student)
Eh TanGeophysics2006 Michael Gurnis (grad student)
Hongjin TanMaterials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering Materials Science2013 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Youqi TANGPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry19501951 James Holmes Sturdivant (grad student), Linus Carl Pauling (grad student), Linus Carl Pauling (post-doc)
Hong TangNonlinear and Quantum Photonics, Quantum Electronics, Hardware for Quantum Computing2002 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Molei Tao Engineering and Applied Science2011 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Lian Tao
Carl TapeGeophysics Geophysics2009 Jeroen Tromp (grad student)
Tiamhock Tay Physics2011 Olexei I. Motrunich (grad student)
Marcus L. Teague Physics2013 Nai-chang Yeh (grad student)
Uğur TeğinSpatiotemporal nonlinear fiber optics and applications in ultrafast lasers, photonic neural networks and optical computing Department of Medical Engineering20212022 Lihong V. Wang (post-doc)
Howard M. Temin1960 Renato Dulbecco (grad student), Harry Rubin (grad student)
Shriharsh P. TendulkarAstronomy Astrophysics2014 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Anthony Emerson TerranoInvestment Banking1981 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Saul Arno TeukolskyGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics19701973 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Marion Y. ThomasGeology Geology2014 Jean-Philippe Avouac (grad student)
Claire W. ThomasGeology, Geophysics, Geochemistry Geological and Planetary Sciences2013 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
James Hayden ThomasNuclear Physics, Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Double Beta Decay, Gravitational Physics (Exp.) Physics Felix Boehm (post-doc)
Kip S. ThorneGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics
William Grant Tifftgalaxies, superclusters, redshift surveys1958 Arthur D. Code (grad student)
Vladlen TimciucParticle physics Physics2013 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
James Waldo ToevsNuclear Astrophysics1970 William Alfred Fowler (grad student), Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Anthony D. ToigoAstronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Science Physics2001 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Mayya TokmanMathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2001 Daniel I. Meiron (grad student), Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
M. Nafi Toksözgeophysics1963 Frank Press (grad student)
Alvin V. TollestrupHigh-energy physics1950 Charles Christian Lauritsen (grad student), William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
Richard C. Tolmanstatistical mechanics
Theodore Tomaras19801983 Murray Gell-Mann (post-doc)
Tom TombelloNuclear Physics
Thomas Anthony TombrelloNuclear physics19611963 William Alfred Fowler (post-doc)
Benjamin F. Tonerquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2007 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Charles Hard Townesmicrowave physics, masers and lasers1939 William Ralph Smythe (grad student)
Lisa A. Tracy Physics2008 James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (grad student)
Sally June TracyMaterials Science, Mineral Physics, Extreme Conditions
Amy R. Trangsruddark matter and dark energy Physics2012 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Scott TremaineAstronomy and Astrophysics19751977 Peter Martin Goldreich (post-doc)
Stephen Trentalange1983 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student), Steven E. Koonin (grad student)
George H. TrillingHigh-energy physics1955 Carl D. Anderson (grad student)
Virginia Louise TrimbleStudies of the historical development of our understanding of the early universe1968 Guido Münch (grad student)
John Michael TrischukNuclear Physics1967 Felix Boehm (grad student)
Sandip P. Trivedi1990 John P. Preskill (grad student), Mark B. Wise (grad student), Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Alvin W. Trivelpiece1958 Roy W Gould (grad student)
Jaroslav Trnkaparticle physics
Jeroen TrompGeophysics
Samantha Trumbo Planetary Science20152020 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student)
Thai V. TruongNon-linear Optics20062012 Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Victor C. Tsaisolid and fluid mechanics of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow20002004 Hiroo Kanamori (research assistant)
Mankei TsangOptics2006 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Raymond Hei Man Tsang2013 Robert D. McKeown (grad student)
Chien-Yao TsengHigh Energy Physics Physics2013 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Chang-chyi TsueiCondensed matter physics1966 Pol E. Duwez (grad student)
Rebecca S. Tuckerdark matter and dark energy Physics2014 Sunil Golwala (grad student)
Slawek M. TulaczykGeology, Geophysics Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences19931998 W. Barclay Kamb (grad student)
Sean Michael Tulin2009 Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Donald Lawson TurcotteGeophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Computer Science, Astronomy and Astrophysics1958 Frank E. Marble (grad student)
Edwin L. TurnerAstronomy and Astrophysics1976 Wallace L. W. Sargent (grad student)
Tomasz M. Tyranowski Applied and Computational Mathematics2014 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Patricia S. Udomprasert2004 Anthony C. Readhead (grad student)
Tristan S. UrsellGeneral Biophysics Applied Physics2009 Robert B. Phillips (grad student)
Kerry J. VahalaOptics Physics, Materials Science Engineering1985 Amnon Yariv (grad student)
Gabriele Vajente
Michele VallisneriGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics2002 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Charles William Van AttaTurbulence1965 Donald Earl Coles (grad student)
Ramon van HandelQuantum optics, Biophysics Physics2007 Hideo Mabuchi (grad student)
Michiel Jacques Van Nieuwstadt1997 Richard M. Murray (grad student), Joel W. Burdick (grad student)
Maurice H. P. M. Van Putten1992 E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
David Van ValenGeneral Physics, General Biophysics Applied Physics2011 Robert B. Phillips (grad student)
Jakob J. van Zyl Department of Electrical Engineering1986 Charles Herach Papas (grad student)
Vijay VarmaPhysics Physics Physics20142019 Yanbei Chen (grad student), Mark Scheel (grad student)
Sergiy Vasylkevych2004 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Chris Veazey Materials Science2008 William L Johnson (grad student), Jay C. Hanan (research assistant)
Luz V. Vela-Arevalo2002 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
Anupama VenkataramanGeophysics2002 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student)
Greg Ver Steegquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2009 John P. Preskill (grad student)
Charles VerdelGeology, Plate Tectonics Geophysics2009 Brian P. Wernicke (grad student)
Frank L. Vernon1959 Richard P. Feynman (grad student), Robert W. Hellwarth (grad student)
David W. VernooyQuantum optics, Quantum information science2000 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Benjamin VestOptics, Nanophotonics, Plasmonics Applied Physics Harry A. Atwater (post-doc)
Jan VeverkaParticle physics Physics2013 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
John E. VidaleGeophysics1987 Bradford H. Hager (grad student), Robert Webster Clayton (grad student), Thomas J. Ahrens (grad student)
Joaquin D. VieiraCosmology, Extragalactic Astronomy & Astrophysics, Galactic Astronomy & Astrophysics20092013 Andrew Evan Lange (post-doc)
Guillermo VillanuevaNEMS/MEMS for sensing20092012 Michael Lee Roukes (post-doc)
Jean-Roch V. VlimantElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Petr Vogel
R Bruce VogelaarAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics1989 Ralph William Kavanagh (grad student)
Rochus E. (Robbie) VogtLaser Interferometer Gravitational- wave Observatory
Sándor Volkán-KacsóChemical Physics20112018 Rudolph A. Marcus (post-doc)
Ketan Vyasquantum field theory Physics2010 Anton N. Kapustin (grad student)
Saurabh Vyawahare2006 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Meenakshi WadhwaGeochemistry, Geology, Astronomy and Astrophysics20052006 Donald S. Burnett (research scientist)
Kelvin H. WagnerOptics and Photonics1987 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
William G. Wagner1962 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Robert V. Wagonergravitational astrophysics19651968 William Alfred Fowler (post-doc)
Sameer S. Walavalkar Applied Physics20112013 Axel Scherer (grad student), Scott E. Fraser (post-doc)
Christopher Walker Electrical Engineering2010 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Robert C. Walker1989 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Robert L. Walkerhigh-energy physics
Terry C. Wallace Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
George Wallersteinchemical composition of stellar atmospheres1958 Walter Baade (grad student), Jesse Leonard Greenstein (grad student)
Christopher W Walter Physics1997 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Chun-Ming Wang Applied Physics1998 Scott E. Fraser (grad student)
Zitao WangCondensed Matter Theory, Topological Phases of Matter Physics20132019 Xie Chen (grad student)
Haimin WangSolar Physics, Space Weather Astronomy19831988 Harold Zirin (grad student)
Huiqun WangAtmospheric Science Physics2004 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Peng Wang Physics Physics2007 Mark B. Wise (grad student), Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf (grad student)
Guodong Wang2004 Emlyn W. Hughes (grad student)
Theodore A. Waniuk2004 William L Johnson (grad student)
Gerald J. Wasserburgisotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry, meteoritics and astrophysics.
Earnest Charles Watson
Duncan L. WeathersAtomic Physics, Optics Physics1989 Thomas Anthony Tombrello (grad student)
Theodore S. Webb1955 William Alfred Fowler (grad student)
William J. Webersuperfluid helium2000 David L. Goodstein (grad student)
Chris Wegg E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Jean-Jacques Weiglebacteriophage λ19481949 Max Delbrück (research scientist)
Nevin N. WeinbergCosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysics, particle physics2005 Marc P. Kamionkowski (grad student)
Sander WeinrebElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Alan Jay Weinsteingravitational waves
Willard Henry Wells Physics1959 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Michael J Wenglersuperconducting devices, SIS mixers, Position determination with radio systems, radio channel, multiple antennas Physics Physics19801988 Thomas G. Phillips (grad student), David P Woody (grad student)
Michael Wolock Wernerinfrared astronomy Gerry Neugebauer (research scientist)
Brian P. WernickeGeology, Plate Tectonics
Margaret E. WesslingHigh Energy Physics2005 Mark B. Wise (grad student)
Matthew West2004 Jerrold Eldon Marsden (grad student)
James A. WestphalPlanetary Sciences
Andrew R. WetzelCosmology
Robert T. WeverkaOptics and Photonics Applied Physics19841986 Demetri Psaltis (research assistant)
Ward Whaling
Stanley E WhitcombGravitational wave detection; submillimeter astronomy
Jeffrey Owen White1984 Amnon Yariv (grad student)
Donald M. Wiberg1964 Jerome L. Shapiro (grad student)
Susanna Leigh Widicus WeaverAstrochemistry2005 Geoffrey A. Blake (grad student)
Mark E. Wiedenbeck
Aaron Wiest Materials Science2010 William L Johnson (grad student)
Sloane J. WiktorowiczAstronomy Planetary Science2009 Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (grad student)
Clifford Martin WillAstronomy and Astrophysics1971 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Brian Willettquantum field theory Physics2012 Anton N. Kapustin (grad student)
Ellen D. WilliamsNanostructures1981 W. Henry Weinberg (grad student)
Nneka N. WilliamsGeology, Geophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2013 Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Robert S Williamson IIIcold atom collisions, radioactive species trapping, non-linear optics, LIDAR, lasers Physics19871988 Felix Boehm (research assistant)
Robert Woodrow Wilson19611962 John Gatenby Bolton (grad student), Maarten Schmidt (grad student)
Kenneth Geddes Wilson1961 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Dalziel J. WilsonGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Physics2012 H. Jeff Kimble (grad student)
Charles Harold Wilts1948 William Ralph Smythe (grad student)
Bruce Darrell Winstein1970 Clemens A. Heusch (grad student)
Michael L. WinterroseMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics Materials Science2011 Brent Thomas Fultz (grad student)
Mark B. WiseHigh Energy Physics
Charles K. Witham2000 William L Johnson (grad student)
Jeremy Witzens2005 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Aaron S. WolfMineralogy, Geophysics Geological and Planetary Sciences2013 Paul D. Asimow (grad student)
Emma Edwin Wollman Applied Physics20092015 Keith Charles Schwab (grad student)
Henry Tsz-King Wong19841991 Felix Boehm (grad student)
Ian Wong Planetary Science20132018 Michael E. (Mike) Brown (grad student)
Joyce Y. Wong2000 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Manwah WongMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2009 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Pakorn Wongwaitayakornkul2020 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Truman Woodruff Physics1955 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
David P WoodyCBR, SIS Mixers, Radiotelescopes
Hao-yi (heidi) Wu
Shiu-Chin Wu1978 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Xinkai Wu2004 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Lei Xia2003 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Kaiwen XiaGeophysics, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2005 Hiroo Kanamori (grad student)
Jing XiaTopological materials and quantum computing, Medical Imaging, Low temperature physics, Fiber optical interferometry, Strongly Correlated electrons, Magnetic sensing20082011 James P. (Jim) Eisenstein (post-doc)
Donghua Xu2005 William L Johnson (grad student)
Itamar Yaakovquantum field theory Physics2012 Anton N. Kapustin (grad student)
Amos YahilAstrophysics.1970 Steven C. Frautschi (grad student), George Zweig (grad student)
Hitoshi YamamotoElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1985 Barry Clark Barish (grad student)
Jack Ya-Tang Yangmicrofludics Electrical Engineering2006 Michael Lee Roukes (grad student)
Jie Yang Physics2008 Hirosi Ooguri (grad student)
Lan Yang Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Da Yang20082014 Andrew Perry Ingersoll (grad student)
Songhoon Yang Physics19921995 David G. Hitlin (post-doc)
Yunping YangOptics2003 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Huan YangGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics Astrophysics2013 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Yong YangParticle physics Physics2013 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Kiyoul YangPhotonics Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Jun YeOptical metrology, Quantum optics H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
David Yeaton-Massey Physics2015 Rana Adhikari (grad student)
Howard Kwong Chew YeeAstronomy and Astrophysics1981 J. Beverley Oke (grad student)
Sina YeganehPhysical, Energy Related, Biophysical, Catalysis, Energy and Environmental, Nanoscience, Theoretical, Materials Chemistry20002004 Harry Barkus Gray (research assistant)
Nai-chang YehNanoscience
Tim Yen1991 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Xu Yioptical microresonator, microcombs, nonlinear optics, quantum optics. Applied Physics20122017 Kerry J. Vahala (grad student)
Tomoyuki Yoshie2004 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Sarah A. Yost2004 Fiona A. Harrison (grad student)
Albert Raymond YoungRadiation Physics19901992 Felix Boehm (post-doc)
Kenneth YoungTheoretical Physics1972 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Jeffrey W. Yu1988 Demetri Psaltis (grad student)
Luke Chia-Liu Yuan1940 Robert A. Millikan (grad student)
Ren-Feng Yuan1988 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Junhua Yuan2006 Bradley W. Filippone (grad student)
Gunsu S. YunFluid and Plasma Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics Applied Physics2008 Paul Murray Bellan (grad student)
Harold Yura1962 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Fredrik Zachariasentheoretical physics1956 Robert F. Christy (grad student)
Cosmas K. ZachosElementary Particle Physics Theory, Mathematical Physics1979 John H. Schwarz (grad student)
Herman Zanstraastrophysics19251926 Paul Sophus Epstein (post-doc)
Anton J. Zensus19851988 Anthony C. Readhead (post-doc)
Johann Anton Zensus
Zhongwen ZhanGeophysics Geophysics2014 Donald V. Helmberger (grad student)
Yue Zhang
Zhaoyu Zhang Electrical Engineering2007 Axel Scherer (grad student)
Sean Xiao-He Zhangntellectual property1990 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Fan Zhang Physics2014 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
Zhicai ZhangPhysics Physics2021 Harvey B. Newman (grad student)
Yi Zhao Physics20092012 H. Jeff Kimble (post-doc)
Liuyan Zhao
Valentin P. Zhigulin2004 Michael C. Cross (grad student)
(Edmond) Tingtao ZhouStatistical mechanics, condensed matter theory, astrophysics Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering20212021 John F. Brady (post-doc), Chiara Daraio (post-doc)
Yanong Zhu Physics19831989 David G. Hitlin (grad student)
Aaron Zimmerman Physics2013 Yanbei Chen (grad student)
William ZimmermannExperimental study of superfluidity in liquid 4He and 3He/4He mixtures.1958 Charles Andrew Barnes (grad student)
Mark Edward Zimmermann Theoretical Astrophysics1979 Kip S. Thorne (grad student)
Harold Zirinsolar astronomy
Andrej ZlatosMathematics2003 Barry M. Simon (grad student)
Jonas ZmuidzinasAstronomy and astronomical instrumentation; airborne astronomy; coherent and incoherent detection; superconducting detectors; microwave techniques.
Jonas Stasys Zmuidzinas1963 Fredrik Zachariasen (grad student), Murray Gell-Mann (grad student)
Yue Zou2011 Gil Refael (grad student)
Lin Zuo E. Sterl Phinney (grad student)
Robert Walter Zwanzignonequilibrium statistical mechanics and thermodynamics1952 John Gamble Kirkwood (grad student)
George ZweigHEP Theory, Neurobiology1964 Richard P. Feynman (grad student)
Barton ZwiebachTheoretical Particle Physics Physics Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy1983 Murray Gell-Mann (grad student), Sylvester James Gates (grad student)
Michael P. Zwolakquantum computing, quantum matter, and quantum gravity Physics2008 John P. Preskill (grad student)