Scott Giorgis, Ph.D. - Publications

2003 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 

17 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Giorgis S, Horsman E, Burmeister KC, Rost R, Herbert LA, Pivarunas A, Braunagel M. Constraints on Emplacement Rates of Intrusions in the Shallow Crust Based on Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Geophysical Research Letters. 46: 12815-12822. DOI: 10.1029/2019Gl084025  0.645
2017 Giorgis S, Weber J, Sanguinito S, Beno C, Metcalf J. Thermochronology constraints on Miocene exhumation in the Central Range Mountains, Trinidad Geological Society of America Bulletin. 129: 171-178. DOI: 10.1130/B31363.1  0.516
2016 Giorgis S, Michels Z, Dair L, Braudy N, Tikoff B. Kinematic and vorticity analyses of the western Idaho shear zone, USA Lithosphere. 9: 223-234. DOI: 10.1130/L518.1  0.694
2014 Davis JR, Giorgis S. An inverse approach to constraining strain and vorticity using rigid clast shape preferred orientation data Journal of Structural Geology. 68: 337-346. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsg.2014.05.027  0.475
2013 Zhang Q, Giorgis S, Teyssier C. Finite strain analysis of the Zhangbaling metamorphic belt, SE China - Crustal thinning in transpression Journal of Structural Geology. 49: 13-22. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsg.2013.01.008  0.371
2011 Giorgis S, Weber J, Hojnowski J, Pierce W, Rodriguez A. Using orthographic projection with geographic information system (GIS) data to constrain the kinematics the Central Range Fault zone, Trinidad Journal of Structural Geology. 33: 1254-1264. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsg.2011.05.008  0.526
2009 Blake DE, Gray KD, Giorgis S, Tikoff B. A tectonic transect through the Salmon River suture zone along the Salmon River Canyon in the Riggins region of west-central Idaho Field Guides. 15: 345-372. DOI: 10.1130/2009.Fld015(18)  0.64
2009 Giorgis S, Tong J, Sirianni R. Constraining neotectonic orogenesis using an isostatically compensated model of transpression Journal of Structural Geology. 31: 1074-1083. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsg.2009.02.003  0.515
2008 Tikoff B, Benford B, Giorgis S. Lithospheric control on the initiation of the Yellowstone hotspot: Chronic reactivation of lithospheric scars International Geology Review. 50: 305-324. DOI: 10.2747/0020-6814.50.3.305  0.691
2008 Giorgis S, McClelland W, Fayon A, Singer BS, Tikoff B. Timing of deformation and exhumation in the western Idaho shear zone, McCall, Idaho Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 120: 1119-1133. DOI: 10.1130/B26291.1  0.71
2007 Giorgis S, Tikoff B, McClelland W. Field forum report - Tectonic significance of vertical boundaries in the Cordillera Gsa Today. 17: 27. DOI: 10.1130/1052-5173(2007)17[27:Ffrsco]2.0.Co;2  0.642
2006 Giorgis S, Tikoff B, Kelso P, Markley M. The role of material anisotropy in the neotectonic extension of the western Idaho shear zone, McCall, Idaho Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 118: 259-273. DOI: 10.1130/B25382.1  0.691
2006 Giorgis S, Tikoff B, McClelland W. Field forum scheduled: Tectonic significance of vertical boundaries in the Cordillera Gsa Today. 16: 18-19. DOI: 10.1130/1052-5173(2006)016[0018:Tsovbi]2.0.Co;2  0.564
2005 Giorgis S, Tikoff B, McClelland W. Missing Idaho arc: Transpressional modification of the 87Sr/86Sr transition on the western edge of the Idaho batholith Geology. 33: 469-472. DOI: 10.1130/G20911.1  0.7
2004 Giorgis S, Markley M, Tikoff B. Vertical-axis rotation of rigid crustal blocks driven by mantle flow Geological Society Special Publication. 227: 83-100. DOI: 10.1144/Gsl.Sp.2004.227.01.05  0.667
2004 Giorgis S, Tikoff B. Constraints on kinematics and strain from feldspar porphyroclast populations Geological Society Special Publication. 224: 265-285. DOI: 10.1144/Gsl.Sp.2004.224.01.17  0.647
2002 Bailey CM, Giorgis S, Coiner L. Tectonic inversion and basement buttressing: An example from the central Appalachian Blue Ridge province Journal of Structural Geology. 24: 925-936. DOI: 10.1016/S0191-8141(01)00102-X  0.473
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