Erik C. Nisbet, Ph.D.

2008 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Mass Communications, International Law and Relations
"Erik Nisbet"


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James Shanahan grad student 2008 Cornell
 (The parallax effect: The roles of media and identity in shaping international conflict.)


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Katy E. Pearce collaborator (Org Comm Genealogy Project)
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Nisbet EC, Kamenchuk O. (2019) The Psychology of State-Sponsored Disinformation Campaigns and Implications for Public Diplomacy The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. 14: 65-82
Newman TP, Nisbet EC, Nisbet MC. (2018) Climate change, cultural cognition, and media effects: Worldviews drive news selectivity, biased processing, and polarized attitudes. Public Understanding of Science (Bristol, England). 963662518801170
Nisbet EC, Kamenchuk O, Dal A. (2017) A Psychological Firewall? Risk Perceptions and Public Support for Online Censorship in Russia* Social Science Quarterly. 98: 958-975
Cooper KE, Nisbet EC. (2016) Green Narratives Science Communication. 38: 626-654
Stoycheff E, Nisbet EC, Epstein D. (2016) Differential Effects of Capital-Enhancing and Recreational Internet Use on Citizens’ Demand for Democracy Communication Research. 47: 1034-1055
Stoycheff E, Nisbet EC. (2016) Priming the Costs of Conflict? Russian Public Opinion About the 2014 Crimean Conflict International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 29: 657-675
Hmielowski JD, Nisbet EC. (2016) “Maybe Yes, Maybe No?”: Testing the Indirect Relationship of News Use through Ambivalence and Strength of Policy Position on Public Engagement with Climate Change Mass Communication and Society. 19: 650-670
Nisbet EC, Cooper KE, Ellithorpe M. (2015) Ignorance or bias? Evaluating the ideological and informational drivers of communication gaps about climate change. Public Understanding of Science (Bristol, England). 24: 285-301
Nisbet EC, Cooper KE, Garrett RK. (2015) The Partisan Brain: How Dissonant Science Messages Lead Conservatives and Liberals to (Dis)Trust Science Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 658: 36-66
Hart PS, Nisbet EC, Myers TA. (2015) Public attention to science and political news and support for climate change mitigation Nature Climate Change. 5: 541-545
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