Ann M. Mescher

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Mechanical Engineering, Optics Physics
"Ann Mescher"
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Sondur S, Mescher AM. (2020) Investigation on the stability of natural convection in an annular cavity with non-isothermal walls Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 115: 110053
Dillon H, Emery A, Mescher A. (2013) Analysis of chaotic natural convection in a tall rectangular cavity with non-isothermal walls Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer. 4
Dillon HE, Emeryy AF, Mescher AM, et al. (2011) Chaotic natural convection in an annular cavity with non-isothermal walls Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2
Emery AF, Dillon H, Mescher AM. (2010) The effect of spatially correlated roughness and boundary conditions on the conduction of heat through a slab Journal of Heat Transfer. 132: 1-11
Emery AF, Wu MHH, Mescher AM. (2010) Sensitivity of the human comfort equation and of free convection in a vertical enclosure as examples of the use of global sensitivity to evaluate parameter interactions Journal of Heat Transfer. 132: 1-10
Reeve HM, Mescher AM, Emery AF. (2004) Erratum: “Investigation of Steady-State Drawing Force and Heat Transfer in Polymer Optical Fiber Manufacturing” [Journal of Heat Transfer, 2004, 126(2), pp. 236–243] Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme. 126: 666-666
Reeve HM, Mescher AM, Emery AF. (2004) Investigation of steady-state drawing force and heat transfer in polymer optical fiber manufacturing Journal of Heat Transfer. 126: 236-243
Reeve HM, Mescher AM, Emery AF. (2004) Unsteady natural convection of air in a tall axisymmetric, nonisothermal annulus Numerical Heat Transfer; Part a: Applications. 45: 625-648
Reeve H, Mescher A. (2003) Effect of unsteady natural convection on the diameter of drawn polymer optical fiber. Optics Express. 11: 1770-9
Reeve HM, Mescher AM, Emery AF. (2003) Investigation of convective heating in a polymer fiber drawing process Polymer Composites. 24: 279-290
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