David Gomulya, Ph.D.

2011 University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Entrepreneurship Business Administration, Management Business Administration
"David Gomulya"


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Suresh Kotha grad student 2011 University of Washington
 (Understanding How Timing of Alliance Formation Affects New-Venture Survival: The Dynamics of Temporal Congruence and Contingency.)
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Gomulya D, Jin K, Lee PM, et al. (2019) Crossed Wires: Endorsement Signals and the Effects of IPO Firm Delistings on Venture Capitalists’ Reputations Academy of Management Journal. 62: 641-666
Gomulya D, Mishina Y. (2017) Signaler Credibility, Signal Susceptibility, and Relative Reliance on Signals: How Stakeholders Change their Evaluative Processes After Violation of Expectations and Rehabilitative Efforts Academy of Management Journal. 60: 554-583
Gomulya D, Wong EM, Ormiston ME, et al. (2016) The Role of Facial Appearance on CEO Selection After Firm Misconduct. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Gomulya D, Boeker W. (2014) How firms respond to financial restatement : CEO successors and external reactions Academy of Management Journal. 57: 1759-1785
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