Robert Frank Simons

Psychology University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
clinical psychophysiology
"Robert Simons"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Elizabeth R. Duval research assistant University of Delaware (EduTree)
William M. Perlstein grad student University of Delaware (Neurotree)
Thomas M. Roedema grad student 2002 University of Delaware (Neurotree)
Ginger M. Kinsey grad student 2003 University of Delaware (Neurotree)
Greg Hajcak grad student 2006 University of Delaware
Jason S. Moser grad student 2009 University of Delaware
Damion J. Grasso grad student 2011 University of Delaware (Neurotree)
Jason W. Krompinger grad student 2011 University of Delaware (Neurotree)
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Tabachnick AR, Valadez EA, Palmwood EN, et al. (2018) Depressive symptoms and error-related brain activity in CPS-referred children. Psychophysiology. e13211
Bernard K, Kuzava S, Simons R, et al. (2018) CPS-referred mothers' psychophysiological responses to own versus other child predict sensitivity to child distress. Developmental Psychology
Palmwood EN, Krompinger JW, Simons RF. (2017) Electrophysiological Indicators of Inhibitory Control Deficits in Depression. Biological Psychology
Valadez EA, Simons RF. (2017) The power of frontal midline theta and post-error slowing to predict performance recovery: Evidence for compensatory mechanisms. Psychophysiology
Wang Y, Kuhlman DM, Roberts K, et al. (2017) Social Value Orientation Modulates the FRN and P300 in the Chicken Game. Biological Psychology
Burdwood EN, Simons RF. (2015) Pay attention to me! Late ERPs reveal gender differences in attention allocated to romantic partners. Psychophysiology
Bernard K, Simons R, Dozier M. (2015) Effects of an Attachment-Based Intervention on Child Protective Services-Referred Mothers' Event-Related Potentials to Children's Emotions. Child Development. 86: 1673-84
Roberts K, Stanley EM, Franklin ME, et al. (2014) Decreased response monitoring in individuals with symptoms of trichotillomania. Psychophysiology. 51: 706-13
Wang Y, Yuan B, Roberts K, et al. (2014) How friendly is a little friendly competition? Evidence of self-interest and empathy during outcome evaluation. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 91: 155-62
Bick J, Dozier M, Bernard K, et al. (2013) Foster mother-infant bonding: associations between foster mothers' oxytocin production, electrophysiological brain activity, feelings of commitment, and caregiving quality. Child Development. 84: 826-40
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