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Theodore M. Newcomb grad student 1955 University of Michigan
Charles Egerton Osgood grad student 1955 University of Michigan (Neurotree)
 (The Verbal Behavior of Bilinguals : The Effect of Language of Report upon the Thematic Apperception Test Stories of Adult French Bilinguals)


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Daniel Kahneman grad student 1961 UC Berkeley
Samuel Nyal Henrie grad student 1969 UC Berkeley (LinguisTree)
Brian MacWhinney grad student 1965-1974 UC Berkeley
Michael G. W. Bamberg grad student 1985 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Elena A. Escalera grad student 2002 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Kyung-ju Oh grad student 2003 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
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Ervin-Tripp S, Reyes I. (2005) Child codeswitching and adult content contrasts International Journal of Bilingualism. 9: 85-102
Ervin-Tripp S. (2005) S HOSHANA B LUM -K ULKA & C ATHERINE E. S NOW (eds), Talking to adults: the contribution of multiparty discourse to language acquisition . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002. Pp. 360. ISBN 0-8058-3666-8. Journal of Child Language. 32: 692-697
Ervin-Tripp S. (2005) Telephone Calls: Unity and Diversity in Conversational Structure Across Languages and Cultures: Kang Kwong Luke, Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou (Eds.), Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2002, USD/EUR 88.00, 290 + ix pages Journal of Pragmatics. 37: 763-767
Ervin-Tripp S. (2004) Language Acquisition and Conceptual Development. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 14: 110-111
Ervin-Tripp S. (2004) Book Review I: Culture-specific language styles. The development of oral narrative and literacy Mashiko Minami (2002) International Journal of Bilingualism. 8: 221-224
Kyratzis A, Ervin-Tripp S. (1999) The development of discourse markers in peer interaction Journal of Pragmatics. 31: 1321-1338
Ervin-Tripp S, Guo J, Lampert M. (1990) Politeness and persuasion in children's control acts Journal of Pragmatics. 14: 307-331
Ervin-Tripp S. (1978) Some Features of Early Child-Adult Dialogues. Language in Society. 7: 357-373
Ervin-Tripp S. (1976) Is Sybil there? the structure of some American English directives Language in Society. 5: 25-66
Ervin-Tripp SM. (1974) Is Second Language Learning Like the First Tesol Quarterly. 8: 111-128
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