University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Joshua AbbottComputational Cognitive Science, Particle Filters2010 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
J. Stuart Ablon1998 Enrico E. Jones (grad student)
Melissa May Adams-Hunt2008 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Gail S. AgronickPersonality2000 Ravenna Helson (grad student)
Elina Alexandrov2003 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Vernon L. Allen1962 M. Brewster Smith (grad student), Theodore R. Sarbin (grad student)
Ozlem Ayduk Walter Mischel (grad student)
David R. Badcockvisual psychophysics Gerald Westheimer (post-doc)
Carolyn BaerCognitive Development Psychology Psychology2021 Celeste Kidd (post-doc), Jan Engelmann (post-doc)
Lorraine E. BahrickCognitive and social development19791981 John S. Watson (post-doc)
Patrick J. Bennettvisual system, psychophysics19841988 Martin Banks (grad student)
Barry Lane BeyersteinPsychopharmacology, Olfaction, Consciousness, Visual Neuroscience Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Christopher Blais Silvia A. Bunge (post-doc)
Chris BlaisCognitive Control
Jack Block
Jeffrey R. Boles2006 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Lloyd Joseph Borstelmann Alex C. Sherriffs (grad student)
Helen C. Boucher2005 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Juliana Genevieve Breines Psychology2012 Serena Chen (grad student)
Heidi S. Brooks2002 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Donald R. BrownPersonality, Cognitive Psychology Leo Postman (grad student)
Clarence William Browncognitive psychology
Amy L. Busch2005 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
David Bussevolutionary psychology, sex differences Kenneth H. Craik (grad student)
Matthew S. CainAttention, Perception, Visual Search, Learning20042009 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Donald "Don" Thomas CampbellSocial and Methodology1947 Harold Ellis Jones (grad student), Robert Choate Tryon (grad student), Edward Chace Tolman (research assistant), Warner Brown (research assistant)
Joseph J. Camposdevelopment, perception, emotion
Elise Cappella2004 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Ziv Carmonmarketing, decision making, consumer research, behavioral economics1993 Daniel Kahneman (grad student), Itamar Simonson (grad student)
Dana Carney
Jude A. Cassidydevelopmental psychology Mary Main (post-doc)
Michael J ChandlerDevelopmental, Social & Personality1966 Sheldon J. Korchin (grad student), Theodore R. Sarbin (grad student)
Wesley Chaney
David V. ChavezCommunity Based Participatory Research Psychology1993 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Serena Chensocial psychology
Violet Cheung2007 Ozlem Ayduk (grad student)
Christine ChiarelloHemispheric Specialization, cognitive neuroscience19781982 Curtis Hardyck (grad student)
Richard Christiepersonality19461949 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student), Else Frenkel-Brunswik (grad student)
Dav ClarkSkill Learning, Education, Behavioral Change, Conceptual Change Psychology20072013 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Nancy E. Cohen2003 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Robert G. CookAnimal Cognition, Avian Vision, Comparative Psychology Psychology Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Clyde H. CoombsMathematical psychology Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Philip A. Cowan
Kenneth H. CraikPersonality, environmental Psychology, political psychology, reputation1964 Theodore R. Sarbin (grad student)
Phebe K. Cramer
Audun Dahl Psychology2014 Joseph J. Campos (grad student)
Hasker DavisMemory19761980 Mark Rosenzweig (grad student)
John C. DeFriesBehavior Genetics19631964 Gerald E. McClearn (post-doc)
Anita DeLongisstress, coping, social support Richard S. Lazarus (grad student)
Stephanie M. DenisonInfant Cognition, Probabilistic Reasoning Psychology20092012 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Ruth A. Dergicz2005 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Miriam R. Dimmler2007 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Mark EdwardsVisual perception, psychophysics Clifton M. Schor (post-doc)
Lameese Eldesouky Oliver P. John (research assistant)
Thomas W. ElstonElectrophysiology, Cognitive neuroscience, Primate, Reinforcement Learning, Task Model2021 Joni Wallis (post-doc)
Jan Engelmann
Tammy L. English2008 Oliver P. John (grad student), Serena Chen (grad student)
Gennady Erlikhmanvisual perception, perceptual organization, contour perception, object perception,20072008 Martin Banks (research assistant)
Susan M. Ervin-TrippSociolinguistics, language acquisition
Susan Folkman Richard S. Lazarus (grad student)
Brett Q. Ford Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
Louise Margaret Freemanbehavioral neuroendocrinology19881995 S Marc Breedlove (grad student)
Doran FrenchCross-cultural child development
Else Frenkel-Brunswikpersonality
David C. Funder Jack Block (research assistant)
Jack L. GallantSystems Stephen E. Palmer (research assistant)
Frederick J. GallunAuditory system, psychoacoustics2003 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Emily B. Gerber2003 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Edwin Ernest Ghiselliapplied psychology1936 Clarence William Brown (grad student)
Tandra GhoseVision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization20042006 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
David Henry GireOlfactory system, Neurophysiology, Behavioral Neuroscience20012002 Frederic Theunissen (research assistant)
Ahna C. Girshickvisual perception, psychophysics, computational models of vision20012007 Martin Banks (grad student)
Jack Glaser
Alison GopnikDevelopment
Amie Michelle Gordon Psychology Psychology2013 Serena Chen (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Chanelle Gordon Psychology Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Matt J. Goren Psychology2014 Ozlem Ayduk (grad student)
Sam Goslingpersonality19931998 Oliver P. John (grad student), Kenneth H. Craik (grad student)
Harrison GoughPersonality
Anne Gregory2005 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
William GriscomVisual Perception and Aesthetics Psychology20092014 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
James Grossemotion, emotion regulation Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
June GruberPositive Emotions and Psychopathology20052009 Dacher Keltner (grad student), Sheri L. Johnson (grad student), Ann M. Kring (grad student), Allison G. Harvey (grad student), Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Rand J. Gruen19811985 Richard S. Lazarus (grad student), Susan Folkman (grad student)
Norma Haan Else Frenkel-Brunswik (grad student)
Calvin S. Hall19291933 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Russell D. HamerVisual system, psychohysics, photoreceptors, phototransduction, visual development19821984 Jay M. Enoch (post-doc)
Wolf M. HarmeningVisual system, Psychophysics, Adaptive optics2011 Austin Roorda (post-doc)
DM Harrington Jack Block (grad student)
Diana M. HeathAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Psychology Psychology Education20212024 Robert W. Levenson (research assistant), Joseph J. Campos (research assistant), Andrew Estrada Phuong (research assistant)
Ravenna HelsonPersonality19491952 Warner Brown (grad student)
Matthew John Hertenstein Social Psychology2002 Joseph J. Campos (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Erik David HesseAttachment and evolution; narrative; disorganized and unclassifiable child and adult attachment status; alterations in normal consciousness as related to adverse attachment experiences; effects of frightened and frightening parental behavior
E. Mavis HetheringtonDevelopmental psychology1958 Leo Postman (grad student)
Stephen P. Hinshawclinical child and adolescent psychology
Jerry HirschPsychology19501955 Robert Choate Tryon (grad student)
Robert Hogan Psychology Harrison Gough (grad student)
Ignace HoogePsychophysics19992000 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Elizabeth M. Horner Public Policy2012 Jack Glaser (grad student)
Laura Howland Dana Carney (grad student)
Janet S. Hyde Psychology William Meredith (grad student)
Kyonne-Joy Grant Isaac Dana Carney (research scientist)
Murray JarvikSmoking and addiction1947 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Shoshana N. Jarvis Psychology Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Kimberly J. JenningsBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Psychology20112017 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Kyle E. Jennings Psychology2010 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Oliver P. JohnSelf-concept; self-perception accuracy and biases; personality development and assessment across the life span; emotion experience and expression; cultural differences
Dannie Johnson2004 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Harold Ellis JonesDevelopmental psychology
Enrico E. Jones
Daniel Kahnemandecision making, behavioral economics Psychology1961 Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student), Edwin Ernest Ghiselli (grad student)
Joan A. Kaplan2000 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Tai Katzenstein Psychology2005 Philip A. Cowan (grad student), Enrico E. Jones (grad student)
Irena Keller Psychology2010 Joseph J. Campos (grad student)
Dacher Keltneremotion, social interaction, individual differences, conflict and negotiation, culture
Beena Khurana Anne Treisman (grad student)
Eric D. KnowlesSocial and political psychology19992003 Kaiping Peng (grad student), Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Michael W. Kraussocial psychology Psychology20042010 Serena Chen (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
David KrechPsychology
Carrie A. LangnerSocial power, health disparities, politicized collective identity20002005 Dacher Keltner (grad student), Serena Chen (grad student)
Kevin LanningPersonality and Social19791987 Jack Block (grad student), Harrison Gough (grad student)
Richard S. Lazarusstress, coping, emotion
William Morton Lepley
Daniel J. Levitinauditory perception and cognition19992000 Stephen E. Palmer (post-doc)
Falk LiederComputational Cognitive Science20132018 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Jane Loevingerpsychometrics1944 Erik Erikson (grad student)
Tania LombrozoConcepts, causation
Xiaowei Lu Psychology2012 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Christopher G. LucasComputational Cognitive Science Psychology Psychology20062010 Alison Gopnik (grad student), Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Anna Maud Luerssen Psychology2013 Ozlem Ayduk (grad student)
Susan M. Lyon2001 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Brian MacWhinneyChild language acquisition, second language acquisition19651974 Dan I. Slobin (grad student), Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student)
Alexandra Main Psychology2013 Joseph J. Campos (grad student)
Jay B. MartinCausality, categorization, active learning, and computational models20072010 Thomas L. Griffiths (research assistant)
Gerald E. McClearnBiopsychology Harry F. Harlow (grad student)
Clark A. McKown2001 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Neera Mehta2007 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Vinod MenonCognitive neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Systems Neuroscience19911994 Walter J. Freeman (post-doc)
William Meredith
Jocelyn Meza Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Amori Y. Mikamiclinical psychology19992004 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
J. Ryan MoreheadMotor Learning, Motor Control, Decision-Making,20102015 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Kelsey Motyconcepts and categories, conceptual development, language and thought Linguistics Psychology20132014 Terrance Philip Regier (research assistant), Kevin J. Holmes (research assistant)
Leif D Nelson
Frances K. Nkarapsychology, attachment studies2014 Mary Main (grad student), Erik David Hesse (grad student), George Lakoff (research assistant)
Haruka Notsu Psychology20162018 Allison G. Harvey (research assistant)
Joseph M. OcampoEmotion Psychology2017 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
​Jason Okonofua Psychology Greg Walton (grad student)
Christopher S. OveisSocial Psychology, Affective Science20022009 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Daniel J. OzerPersonality, quantitative psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology19771982 Jack Block (grad student), Harrison Gough (grad student), Kenneth H. Craik (grad student)
Weston David Pack Vision Science20072013 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Susannah B. Paletz2003 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Stephen E. PalmerVision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization Irvin Rock (collaborator)
Lillian Parkmemory, autobiographical memory, recollection, language19992005 John F. Kihlstrom (grad student)
Sita G. Patel2008 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Kaiping Peng
Lewis PetrinovichPsychology Curtis Hardyck (collaborator), Egon Brunswik (grad student)
Andrew Estrada Phuong
David Piekarski Psychology20112013 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student), Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Paul K. Piffsocial psychology Psychology20062012 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Ariella PoppleVisual psychophysics & fmri Dennis Levi (post-doc), Stanley A. Klein (post-doc)
Leo PostmanPerception, memory Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Brian J. PrendergastBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Seasonality, Circadian biology, Psychoneuroimmunology Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Lisa M. Rasco2007 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Emily Reit Dana Carney (research scientist)
Richard L. Renfro2004 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Tony RoAttention and Perception Irvin Rock (research assistant), Charles A. Schreiber (collaborator)
Wendi M. Robbins2001 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Brent W. Robertspersonality Ravenna Helson (grad student), Richard W. Robins (collaborator)
Richard W. RobinsSelf-Esteem, Personality Development1995 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Julie Rodgers2004 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Kim RussoB2011 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Nilofar Sami Psychology2010 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Robert Nevitt Sanford
Theodore R. Sarbinpsychology and criminology
Julian Scheffermoral decision making, self control Psychology Robert W. Levenson (post-doc)
Karl Scheibe1963 Theodore R. Sarbin (grad student)
Haline E. Schendanvision, learning, memory, meaning, knowledge Anne Treisman (research assistant)
Laura E. SchulzCognitive Development, Causal Inference2004 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Eric H. SchumacherAttention, memory, cognitive control20002004 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. SeiverSocial Cognitive Developmental, Cultural Psychology Psychology20052013 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Dan I. SlobinCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought
Lonnie R. Snowdenpublic health, mental health
Christopher J. SotoPersonality traits, Personality development20022008 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Michael SouzaExecutive functions Psychology20072010 Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Mahesh SrinivasanLanguage and Cognitive Development
Sanjay SrivastavaPersonality, social19962002 Ravenna Helson (grad student), Oliver P. John (grad student)
Claude Steele
Stephen Strack
Michael J. Strambler2007 Rhona S. Weinstein (grad student)
Carmit T. TadmorManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2006 Philip E. Tetlock (grad student)
Molly Parker Tapias Social Psychology2005 Serena Chen (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Lindsay Shaw Taylor2008 Serena Chen (grad student)
Leanne ten Brinke Dana Carney (post-doc)
Santani Teng
Frederic Theunissenauditory system Jack L. Gallant (collaborator), John P. Miller (grad student)
James P. Thomasvisual psychophysics1962 Tom N. Cornsweet (grad student)
Edward Chace TolmanMemory Egon Brunswik (collaborator)
Robert Choate TryonPsychology19241928 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Joseph W TuPTSD Stephen P. Hinshaw (research assistant)
Read D. Tuddenham1941 Jean Walker Macfarlane (grad student)
Frederick Thomas TylerEducation
Kevin T. UttichConcepts, causation Psychology2012 Tania Lombrozo (grad student)
Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk Dana Carney (post-doc)
Bradley W. Vinescognitive neuroscience, music, stroke rehabilitation, non-invasive brain stimulation - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)20002001 Ervin R. Hafter (research assistant)
Björn VlaskampPsychophysics2006 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Eric Alf Walle Psychology2012 Joseph J. Campos (grad student)
Sarah J. WaughVisual Psychophysics, Spatial Vision Dennis Levi (grad student)
Wendy M. Weil2003 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Rhona S. Weinstein
P. Michiel Westenbergpsychosocial and cognitive maturation during adolescence19881990 Jack Block (post-doc)
Gerald WestheimerVisual psychophysics Manfred Fahle (collaborator)
Kirstie J. WhitakerDevelopmental Psychology Neuroscience20072012 Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Thomas D. WickensMathmatical Psychology, Learning, Memory
Robb WillerCollective Action/Social Movements, Gender, Morality, Political Psychology, Prosocial Behavior, Social Psychology
Melissa J. Williams2008 Kaiping Peng (grad student), Serena Chen (grad student)
Paul M. Wink Psychology1989 Ravenna Helson (grad student)
Thomas Robert ZentallComparative Cognition, learning Psychology1969 Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Yuyang Zhong Psychology Psychology Haas School of Business20202021 Daniel Stancato (research assistant), Paul Connor (research assistant), Leif D Nelson (research assistant)