James Gordon Greeno

Education and Psychology Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"James Gordon Greeno"


Cross-listing: Neurotree


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David Lee LaBerge grad student 1961 UMN (Neurotree)
 (Effect of nonreinforced trials in some two-choice learning experiments.)


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Robert A. Bjork grad student Stanford
Seth Chaiklin grad student (Neurotree)
Dennis E. Egan grad student Rutgers, New Brunswick (Neurotree)
Walter Johnson grad student (Neurotree)
Paul J. Kline grad student (Neurotree)
Jane Malin grad student (Neurotree)
Richard E. Mayer grad student University of Michigan (Neurotree)
Joyce Moore grad student (Neurotree)
Peter G. Polson grad student (Neurotree)
Lynne Reder grad student Carnegie Mellon (Neurotree)
Mary Riley grad student (Neurotree)
Valerie Shalin grad student (Neurotree)
Donald A. Smith grad student (Neurotree)
William Howard Batchelder grad student 1966 Stanford (Computer Science Tree)
Peter G. Polson grad student 1967 Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Randi A. Engle grad student 2000 Stanford (Neurotree)
Lawrence P. Gallagher grad student 2001 Stanford (Neurotree)
Julie Gainsburg grad student 2003 Stanford (Neurotree)
Victoria M. Hand grad student 2003 Stanford (Neurotree)
Judy L. Dauberman grad student 2004 Stanford (Neurotree)
Melissa S. Gresalfi grad student 2004 Stanford (Neurotree)
Cathy P. Lachapelle grad student 2004 Stanford (Neurotree)
Muffie W. Waterman grad student 2005 Stanford (Neurotree)
Gertraud Benke grad student 2007 Stanford (Neurotree)
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Heyd-Metzuyanim E, Munter C, Greeno J. (2017) Conflicting frames: a case of misalignment between professional development efforts and a teacher’s practice in a high school mathematics classroom Educational Studies in Mathematics. 97: 21-37
Farley F, Alexander PA, Baker EL, et al. (2015) Perspectives on the past, present, and future of educational psychology Handbook of Educational Psychology: Third Edition. 415-432
Ma JY, Munter C, Heyd-Metzuyanim E, et al. (2014) Disrupting learning: Changing local practice for good Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Icls. 3: 1396-1405
Greeno JG. (2012) Concepts in activities and discourses Mind, Culture, and Activity. 19: 310-313
Yaron D, Karabinos M, Lange D, et al. (2010) SPORE series winner. The ChemCollective--virtual labs for introductory chemistry courses. Science (New York, N.Y.). 328: 584-5
Collins A, Greeno JG. (2010) Situated view of learning International Encyclopedia of Education. 335-339
Gresalfi M, Martin T, Hand V, et al. (2009) Constructing competence: An analysis of student participation in the activity systems of mathematics classrooms Educational Studies in Mathematics. 70: 49-70
Greeno JG, Collins A. (2008) Commentary on the Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel Educational Researcher. 37: 618-623
Greeno JG, Gresalfi MS. (2008) Opportunities to learn in practice and identity Assessment, Equity, and Opportunity to Learn. 170-199
Greeno JG, Van De Sande C. (2007) Perspectival understanding of conceptions and conceptual growth in interaction Educational Psychologist. 42: 9-23
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