Hasan Galip Bahcekapili, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | Bilgi University, İstanbul, Turkey |
"Hasan Bahcekapili"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorFalih Köksal | research assistant | Bogazici University (Neurotree) | |
Allan R. Wagner | grad student | Bilgi University |
Sign in to add traineeOnur Iyilikci | research assistant | Bilgi University | |
Efsun Annac | research assistant | 2009-2010 | Dogus University (Neurotree) |
Onurcan Yilmaz | research assistant | 2013-2018 | Dogus University (Neurotree) |
Munir Gunes Kutlu | grad student | Duke |
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Salter ME, Duymaç FY, Yilmaz O, et al. (2022) Is negativity bias intuitive for liberals and conservatives? Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.). 1-13 |
Yilmaz O, Bahçekapili HG, Harma M, et al. (2020) Intergroup tolerance leads to subjective morality, which in turn is associated with (but does not lead to) reduced religiosity Archive For the Psychology of Religion. 42: 232-243 |
Yilmaz O, Bahçekapili HG. (2018) Meta-ethics and the mortality: Mortality salience leads people to adopt a less subjectivist morality. Cognition. 179: 171-177 |
Yilmaz O, Bahçekapili HG, Harma M. (2018) Different Types of Religiosity and Lay Intuitions About Free Will/Determinism in Turkey The International Journal For the Psychology of Religion. 28: 89-102 |
Göz İ, Bahçekapili HG, Yilmaz O. (2018) Testing evolutionary and cultural theories regarding mate selection in Turkey Personality and Individual Differences. 135: 307-311 |
Bahçekapili HG, Yilmaz O. (2017) Is religion necessary for morality? Religion, Brain & Behavior. 7: 279-281 |
Bahçekapili HG, Yilmaz O. (2017) The relation between different types of religiosity and analytic cognitive style Personality and Individual Differences. 117: 267-272 |
Yılmaz O, Sarıbay SA, Bahçekapılı HG, et al. (2016) Political orientations, ideological self-categorizations, party preferences, and moral foundations of young Turkish voters Turkish Studies. 17: 544-566 |
Yilmaz O, Harma M, Bahçekapili HG, et al. (2016) Validation of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire in Turkey and its relation to cultural schemas of individualism and collectivism Personality and Individual Differences. 99: 149-154 |
Yilmaz O, Bahçekapili HG. (2016) Supernatural and secular monitors promote human cooperation only if they remind of punishment Evolution and Human Behavior. 37: 79-84 |