Mike Humphreys, Ph.D.

School of Psychology University of Queensland, Saint Lucia, Queensland, Australia 
Human memory, memory model
"Mike Humphreys"
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Maguire AM, Humphreys MS, Dennis S, et al. (2010) Global similarity accounts of embedded-category designs: Tests of the Global Matching models Journal of Memory and Language. 63: 131-148
Humphreys MS, Dennis S, Maguire AM, et al. (2003) What you get out of memory depends on the question you ask. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 29: 797-812
Finnigan S, Humphreys MS, Dennis S, et al. (2002) ERP 'old/new' effects: memory strength and decisional factor(s). Neuropsychologia. 40: 2288-304
Dennis S, Humphreys MS. (2001) A context noise model of episodic word recognition. Psychological Review. 108: 452-78
Humphreys MS, Dennis S, Chalmers KA, et al. (2000) Dual processes in recognition: does a focus on measurement operations provide a sufficient foundation? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 7: 593-603
Chalmers KA, Humphreys MS, Dennis S. (1997) A naturalistic study of the word frequency effect in episodic recognition. Memory & Cognition. 25: 780-4
Humphreys MS, Wiles J, Dennis S. (1994) Toward a theory of human memory: Data structures and access processes Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 17: 655-692
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