Richard C. Atkinson

1980 Psychology Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
 1980- Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
cognitive science, educational psychology
"Richard Chatham Atkinson" OR "Richard C. Atkinson"
Bio: The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. C. J. Burke, under whose direction this research was conducted, and to Dr. J. P. Egan, Dr. W. K. Estes, Dr. D. W. Lauer, Dr. R. MacKenzie who also served on the committee

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William K. Estes grad student
Cletus J. Burke grad student 1955 Indiana University Bloomington
 (An Analysis of Rote Serial Position Effects in Terms of a Statistical Model)
James P. Egan grad student 1955 Indiana University Bloomington


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Janette Atkinson grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
Robert A. Bjork grad student Stanford
Mike Humphreys grad student Stanford
James F. Juola grad student University of Kansas (Neurotree)
Ronald Kinchla grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
Geoffrey R. Loftus grad student University of Washington (Neurotree)
Elizabeth F. Loftus grad student
James Townsend grad student Stanford (Neurotree)
Robert Calfee grad student 1963 UCLA
Richard M. Shiffrin grad student 1968 Stanford
Roberta Lou Klatzky grad student 1968-1972 Stanford (Neurotree)
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Maxcey AM, Shiffrin RM, Cousineau D, et al. (2021) Two case studies of very long-term retention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Krumhansl CL, Mohs RC, Atkinson RC. (1976) Sequential search processes in long-term memory. Memory & Cognition. 4: 401-8
Chiang A, Atkinson RC. (1976) Individual differences and interrelationships among a select set of cognitive skills. Memory & Cognition. 4: 661-72
Humphreys MS, Krantz DH, Atkinson R, et al. (1976) Contemporary Developments in Mathematical Psychology The American Journal of Psychology. 89: 351
Rothstein LD, Atkinson RC. (1975) Memory scanning for words in visual images. Memory & Cognition. 3: 541-4
Raugh MR, Atkinson RC. (1975) A Mnemonic Method for Learning a Second-Language Vocabulary Journal of Educational Psychology. 67: 1-16
Atkinson RC. (1975) Mnemotechnics in Second Language Learning. American Psychologist. 30: 821-828
Mohs RC, Wescourt KT, Atkinson RC. (1975) Search processes for associative structures in long-term memory Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 104: 103-121
Appelman IB, Atkinson RC. (1975) Search of list structures stored in long term memory J.Verb.Learn.Verb.Behav.. 14: 82-88
Banks WP, Atkinson RC. (1974) Accuracy and speed strategies in scanning active memory. Memory & Cognition. 2: 629-36
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