Wendy S. Hesford

English Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Rhetoric and Composition Language, Mass Communications
"Wendy Hesford"
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Hesford WS, Lewis RA. (2016) Mobilizing Vulnerability: New Directions in Transnational Feminist Studies and Human Rights Feminist Formations. 28
Hesford WS. (2016) Deliberative Acts: Democracy, Rhetoric, and Rights, by Arabella Lyon The Southern Communication Journal. 81: 186-187
Athey S, Ferebee KM, Hesford WS. (2016) The poisoning of Flint and the moral economy of human rights Prose Studies. 38: 1-11
Hesford WS. (2015) Surviving Recognition and Racial In/justice Philosophy and Rhetoric. 48: 536-560
Hesford WS, Shuman A. (2011) Emergent Human Rights Contexts: Greg Constantine's "Nowhere People" Humanity. 2: 315-326
Hesford WS. (2011) Human Rights Rhetoric of Recognition Rhetoric Society Quarterly. 41: 282-289
Hesford WS. (2006) Global Turns and Cautions in Rhetoric and Composition Studies Pmla-Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 121: 787-801
Hesford WS. (2004) Documenting Violations: Rhetorical Witnessing and the Spectacle of Distant Suffering Biography. 27: 104-144
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