Allen L. Edwards

"Allen Edwards"


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Adam Raymond Gilliland grad student Northwestern
 (Allen Edwards received his PhD in 1940 under A. R. Gilliland)


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John Cone grad student University of Washington
William C. Follette grad student University of Nevada at Reno (Neurotree)
Michael J. Goldstein grad student
Alan J. Klockars grad student 1967 University of Washington (Neurotree)
Mark Pagel grad student 1980 University of Washington (Evolution Tree)
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Edwards AL, Gonzalez R. (1993) Simplified Successive Intervals Scaling Applied Psychological Measurement. 17: 21-27
Edwards AL. (1991) Social desirability and ego resiliency. American Psychologist. 46: 250-251
Edwards AL. (1990) Construct validity and social desirability. American Psychologist. 45: 287-289
Edwards AL, Klockars AJ. (1981) Significant Others and Self-Evaluation Relationships between Perceived and Actual Evaluations Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 7: 244-251
Edwards AL, Ashworth CD. (1977) A Replication Study of Item Selection for the Bem Sex Role Inventory Applied Psychological Measurement. 1: 501-507
Edwards AL, Abbott RD. (1973) Relationships among the Edwards Personality Inventory scales, the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule, and the Personality Research Form scales. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 40: 27-32
Edwards AL, Abbott RD. (1973) Measurement of personality traits: theory and technique. Annual Review of Psychology. 24: 241-78
Edwards AL, Abbott RD. (1973) Relationships Between the Epi Scales and the 16 Pf, Cpi, and Epps Scales Educational and Psychological Measurement. 33: 231-238
Edwards AL, Abbott RD. (1972) The R Scale and Acquiescent Tendencies on Scales Consisting of Items from the CPI, PRF, and EPI Psychological Reports. 31: 303-306
Edwards AL, Abbott RD, Klockars AJ. (1972) A factor analysis of the epps and prf personality inventories Educational and Psychological Measurement. 32: 23-29
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