Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Naa Oyo A. . Kwate2002 Beverly Greene (grad student)
Anissa Abi-Dargham
Charles I. Abramsoncomparative analysis of behavior Morton E. Bitterman (grad student)
Jean-Claude Abric
Yasemin Gülsüm Acar Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
Julie A. Ackerlund Brandt
Julie Ann Ackerlund BrandtBehavior Analysis, Child Development, Education Claudia L. Dozier (grad student), Anthony J. Cuvo (grad student)
Lea T. AdamsCritical thinking, human factors, technology and thinking, problem solving Patricia Worden (grad student)
Charles Adams
Michael A. Adamse19851986 Stephanie S. O'Malley (post-doc)
Charles Adans
Cesar AdesEthology19671969 Dora Selma Fix Ventura (grad student)
Mildred Adkins
Stephanie Adler Irving I. Gottesman (grad student), Joseph J. Schildkraut (grad student)
Luis Aguado Aguilar
August Aichhorn Sigmund Freud (grad student)
Olu AjiloreBiological psychiatry19901992 Allan Hobson (research assistant)
Tatiana Vasilyevna Akhutinaneuropsychology Alexandr Romanovich Luria (research scientist)
Dolores Albarracin
Alejandro AlbedropIndustrial/Organizational Psychology Kevin Eschleman (grad student), Diana R. Sanchez (grad student), Christian Wright (grad student)
Ralph Alexander Gerald V. Barrett (grad student)
Theodore Alexopoulos François Ric (grad student)
Leola Alfonso-Reese
Vernon L. Allen Richard Stanley Crutchfield (grad student)
George J. Allen Douglas A. Bernstein (grad student)
Gordon W. AllportPersonality and social psychology Hugo Münsterberg (grad student)
Maureen Allwood Debora Bell-Dolan (grad student)
Georg W. AlpersPsychophysiology, emotion, psychopathology Irmela Florin (grad student), Paul Pauli (grad student), Alexander L. Gerlach (collaborator)
Javier M Altamirano
John Altrocchi1957 Harrison Gough (grad student), David A. Rodgers (grad student)
Sygal Amitay Faraneh Vargha-Khadem (grad student)
Ryanne Trias AmomonponTriasA
Rachel L. Amrhein
Anne Anastasi Henry Garrett (grad student)
Cynthia M. Anderson
Timothy Anderson19931996 Hans H. Strupp (post-doc), Larry M. Leitner (grad student), William B. Stiles (grad student)
Elizabeth "Beth" M. Anderson1998 Murray Levine (grad student)
Jacqueline Andrade
Pascale Andriam Amonjy
Thanakorn Angkasirisan Brian D Earp (grad student)
Emily B. Ansellpersonality Wake Forest2011 Mark R. Leary (research assistant), Rajita Sinha (grad student)
Stephen D. Anton
Keith Apfelbaum
Mark Applebaum Ledyard Tucker (grad student)
Audon ArchibaldMedia Psychology, Bias, Critical Race Theory, Developmental and Family Psychology Candice M. Mills (research assistant)
Cath Ardin
Karen M. Arnellcogniton, attention Pierre Jolicoeur (grad student)
William I. Arnold Clark L. Hull (grad student)
Joshua M. Aronson John M. Darley (grad student)
Richard C. Atkinsoncognitive science, educational psychology William K. Estes (grad student)
Tony Attwood
Thierry Atzeni Serge Carbonnel (grad student)
Eran Auday Ginger A. Moore (grad student)
Victor Auger Alice Normand (grad student)
Frédérique Autin Jean-Claude Croizet (grad student)
Andrew J. Autrey
Lauren K. Avery
Aydan Aydin
Ozlem Ayduk Geraldine Downey (grad student)
Stéphanie Baggio Michel-Louis Rouquette (grad student)
Julia Bahnmueller Korbinian Moeller (grad student)
Michael D. Bakersocial psychology, evolutionary psychology, motivation, mating, health, self-presentation, risk-taking20032004 Rowland Miller (grad student)
Jason K. Baker1996 Ivar Lovaas (research assistant)
Howard BakerExperimental Psychology
Michael Balint Otto Warburg (research assistant), Sándor Ferenczi (research assistant), Wilfred R. Bion (grad student)
Joshua S. Bamfordsocial bonding, music cognition, music evolution19902006 Michael Bamford (research assistant), Mandy Bamford (research assistant)
William P. BanksPerception Lewis R. Goldberg (grad student)
Florence Bara
Pat Barclaycooperation, evolution, altruism, game theory, experimental economics Martin Daly (grad student)
Kenneth Barish1980 Mary Henle (grad student)
Lynne Barker Jacqueline Andrade (grad student)
Roger G. Barker Kurt Lewin (post-doc)
Russell A. Barkley1976 Douglas G. Ullman (grad student), Donald K. Routh (grad student)
Dermot Barnes-Holmes Mickey Keenan (grad student)
Kim BartholomewAttachment theory Leonard M. Horowitz (grad student)
Jordan Bate2017 Miriam Steele (grad student)
Amanda Baugus2007 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Andrew Baum Stuart Valins (grad student)
Lewis Bayles
Jennifer Bazar Alexandra Rutherford (research assistant)
Chrystelle Beau
Jean-Léon Beauvois Jean Maisonneuve (grad student), Serge Moscovici (grad student)
Valerie M. BeckVisual Cognition, Visual Attention, Eye Movements, Visual Working Memory
Samuel J. Beck1932 Robert Sessions Woodworth (grad student)
Daniel F. Becker
Carolyn B. Becker G. Terence Wilson (grad student)
Joseph E. Beeney Paul A. Pilkonis (post-doc)
Vera Békés J. Christopher Perry (grad student)
Michelle BellClinical Psychologist
Daryl J. BemBeliefs Attitudes and Ideologies, ESP, Personality Theory and Assessment, Self-Perception Theory, Michael Wallach (collaborator), Harlan Lane (grad student)
Danny Benbassat
Lorna Smith Benjamin1958 Harry F. Harlow (grad student)
Santiago Benjumea
Corwin Bennett
David Bennett John E. Bates (grad student)
Kathryn "Kate" B. Benson2017 Robin A. Barry (grad student)
Bernice Benson
Deon T. Bentoncausal thinking in infants, children, & adults, computational modelling, behavior, cognition, development David Rakison (grad student)
Kathy R. BerensonTransference, close relationships20032005 Geraldine Downey (post-doc)
Stan BerentNeurotoxicology, Neuropsychology Bertram D. Cohen (grad student)
Irwin A. Berg
Thomas Berger Franz Casper (grad student)
Allen E. Bergin Albert Bandura (grad student), Carl Ransom Rogers (post-doc)
Kristoffer S. BerlinPediatric Psychology, Health Equity, Child Clinical Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, Health Debra Lobato (post-doc)
Lisa J. Berlin1993 Jude A. Cassidy (grad student)
Jeffrey S. Berman
Edward Bernat1997 Howard Shevrin (grad student)
Jean-Luc Bernaud Michel Huteau (grad student)
Robert G. Bernreuter Lewis Madison Terman (grad student)
David P. Bernstein Jean Schimek (grad student)
Marco BertaminiVision and Aesthetics Giovanni Bruno Vicario (grad student)
Josiane Bertoncini19791982 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Sara R BerzenskiDevelopmental Psychopathology David Bennett (research assistant)
Maud Besançon Todd I. Lubart (grad student)
Nathan Beu Nicholas Burns (grad student)
Sarah Beurms2012 Jan De Houwer (grad student)
Ryan Beveridge Cynthia A. Berg (grad student)
Lin BianDevelopmental psychology Psychology20172019 Renee Baillargeon (grad student), Ellen Markman (post-doc)
George E Bigelow Travis Irving Thompson (grad student)
Robert M. Bilderneuropsychology, schizophrenia, neuroimaging Donald Klein (grad student), Harold A. Sackeim (grad student)
Gérard Nisal BischofCognitive Neuroscience of Aging, Mulitsensory Perception in old adults, Quantitative Methods in psychological Research Ulman Lindenberger (grad student)
Gayle Lilliana BlakelyPsychology
John Blalock
Jack Blanchard1991 John M. Neale (grad student)
Paul H. Blaney19661972 Paul Meehl (grad student)
Tashauna Blankenship Martha Ann Bell (grad student)
Hart BlantonSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology19921994 Nancy Cantor (grad student)
Danielle L. Blaylock Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
M. Katheryn Bleckley
Benjamin S. Bloom1942 Ralph W. Tyler (grad student), Robert G. Bernreuter (grad student)
Leonard Blumgart
Elle Boag
Yelena BogdanovaNeurorehabilitation, TBI, Neuromodulation Lenina (Lena) Moskovichute (grad student)
Stephen Boies
Courtney Bonam Jennifer Eberhardt (grad student)
George A. Bonannotrauma, loss, resilience Jerome L. Singer (grad student)
Daniela Maria Oliveira BonciGenetics of vision Phoebe Ellsworth (grad student)
Malcolm James Bondpsychology Norman T. Feather (grad student)
Anthony G. Bonita
Thomas O. Bonner Edward J. Murray (grad student)
Françoise Bonthoux Jacques Lautrey (grad student)
Carolina Martuscelli BoriOperant behavior, visual system, conditional discrimination19531954 Anita Castilho Marcondes Cabral (grad student), Paulo Anna Bobbio (grad student)
Edwin G. BoringSensation and perception J P. Guilford (grad student)
Tali Boritz2012 Lynne Angus (grad student), Shelley McMain (grad student)
Berta Bornstein Anna Freud (grad student)
Joan C. Borodemotion, neuropsychology Edith Kaplan (grad student)
Richard Bourhis Howard Giles (grad student)
Sophie Bouton
Mhairi BoweSocial Identity, Place Identity, Collective Continuity, Well-being Nicholas Hopkins (grad student), Juliet Ruth Helen Wakefield (collaborator), Blerina Kellezi (collaborator)
Ty W. BoyerCognitive Development Bennett I. Bertenthal (post-doc), Susan Cohen Levine (post-doc), Janellen Huttenlocher (post-doc), James P. Byrnes (grad student), Clark C. Presson (research assistant), William V. Fabricius (research assistant)
David Boynton
Linda Brakel
Marc N. BranchBehavior Analysis James McKearney (post-doc)
Marcel Brass Wolfgang Prinz (grad student)
Markus Brauer Charles M. Judd (grad student)
Katharina Friederike Brecht Nicola Clayton (grad student), Andreas Nieder (post-doc)
Jessica Bregant20132018 Katherine D. Kinzler (grad student), Eugene M. Caruso (grad student)
Brook Brenneis
Kourtnee N. Brewer
Bertie Breytenbach
Claire Brickell John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Alexis BrieantDevelopmental psychology Dylan Gee (post-doc)
Aenne A. Brielmann20202023 Peter Dayan (post-doc)
George E. Briggs
Erica BrittonIndustrial/Organizational Psychology
Nathan Brody John W. Atkinson (grad student)
Leslie R. Brody
William E. Broen Jr. Paul Meehl (grad student)
Augusta Bronner Edward L. Thorndike (research assistant)
Patricia Brosseau-LiardChild Development; Quantitative Methods20132014 Diane Poulin-Dubois (post-doc)
Tracy L. BrownCog/Cog Neuro/Psycholinguistics Psychology19801985 Thomas H. Carr (grad student)
Ryan Linn Brown2017 Christopher P. Fagundes (grad student)
Angela M. BrownInfant Vision and Color Vision John Krauskopf (post-doc)
Blaine L. Browne
Deborah Browning Jean Schimek (grad student)
Michele R. BrumleyDevelopmental psychobiology, locomotion19971999 George F. Michel (research assistant)
Deidra J. Brunat
Richard Bryanthypnosis, trauma, memory Kevin Malcolm McConkey (grad student)
Anna Buchheim Horst Kachele (grad student)
Matthew Buckley
Merry Bullockdevelopment19751979 Rochel Gelman (grad student)
Marion E. Bunch Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Jennifer Burgess2002 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Wesley Burkes
Marketa A BurnettSelf-Concept, racial stereotypes, gender stereotypes, academic outcomes, African American youth20172022 Shauna M. Cooper (grad student), Beth Kurtz-Costes (grad student)
Nicholas Burns
Martha W. Burton Sheila E. Blumstein (grad student)
Alex Busuito2020 Erika S. Lunkenheimer (grad student), Ginger A. Moore (grad student), Alissa Huth-Bocks (research assistant)
Michael D. ByrneHuman factors, human-computer interaction, computational modeling, voting systems19961999 John Anderson (post-doc)
Anita Castilho Marcondes Cabral Kurt Koffka (grad student), Max Wertheimer (grad student)
Zhenguang Cai20072010 Martin J. Pickering (grad student), Patrick Sturt (grad student), Holly P. Branigan (grad student)
Huseyin Cakalintergroup contact, collective action, emotions, synchrony, social identity2013 Miles Hewstone (grad student)
Adam CalderonClinical Psychology2020 Thomas Pruzinsky (research assistant), George A. Bonanno (grad student)
Stefania Caldi Luca Surian (grad student)
Bennett Callaghan Michael W. Kraus (grad student)
Linda Cameron19831989 Howard Leventhal (grad student)
Lorne Campbell
Jennifer Campbell Suzanne L. Curtin (research assistant)
Elizabeth A. Canning Psychology20102016 Judith M. Harackiewicz (grad student)
Erika CaramilloBehavioral Neuroscience20132017 David John Echevarria (grad student), Kanza M. Khan (collaborator)
Per Carlbring
Michèle Carlier Maurice Reuchlin (grad student)
J. Merrill Carlsmith Elliot Aronson (grad student)
Ryan W. Carlson Stanford University20172017 Jamil Zaki (research assistant), Molly J. Crockett (grad student)
Hannah Nicole Carlsonneuroscience, reward and motivation, substance use, ingestive behavior Michelle R. vanDellen (grad student)
Richard A. Carlson Charles Eriksen (research assistant), Donelson E. Dulany, (grad student), Walter Schneider (post-doc)
Sharon Lee Carnahanpsychology, early intervention, religion Craig T. Ramey (grad student)
Dana Carney randall colvin (grad student)
Siri J. Carpenter
Tom Carpenter Jo-Ann C. Tsang (grad student)
arthur Carr
Rodrigo Carranza-JassoAssociative Learning Florente Lopez (grad student), Rosalva Cabrera Castañón (grad student), Nicolás Javier Vila (grad student)
Robert C. Carson1957 Janet Taylor Spence (grad student)
Dorwin CartwrightSocial psychology1940 Edwin G. Boring (grad student)
Charles Sherrick CarverPersonality19691974 Arnold H. Buss (grad student)
James R. Caseboltreligion, social, pedagogy Chester A. Inkso (grad student), Vaida Thompson (grad student)
Franz Casper Klause Grawe (grad student)
Brian C. Castelluccio Deborah Fein (grad student)
Lourdes Ixtzai Castillo SilvaSocial Psychology Galen Bodenhausen (grad student)
Louis G. Castonguay Leonard M. Horowitz (post-doc)
Ciara Catchpole20022006 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
James McKeen Cattell Francis Galton (post-doc)
Raymond B. Cattellintelligence, psychometrics, personality Cyril Burt (grad student)
Carl Richard Cavoniusvisual psychophysics, physiology1962 Lorrin Riggs (grad student)
Victor A. CazaresNeuroscience Jayeeta Basu (post-doc)
Andrea Celenza
Gianluca Cepale20172021 Guido Alessandri (grad student)
Kathryn Everhart Chaffee Kim Noels (grad student)
Will Grant Chambers1904 Granville Stanley Hall (grad student)
Richard J. Chambers
Joel S. Chanexpertise, creativity
June E. Chance Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Linda W. Chang Mina Cikara (grad student), Laurie Santos (research assistant)
Luke J. ChangNeuroeconomics, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Affective Neuroscience John J. B. Allen (grad student)
William ChaplinPersonality19751980 Lewis R. Goldberg (grad student)
Peter R. Chapman John A. Groeger (grad student)
Tessa E. S. CharlesworthSocial Cognitive Development; Implicit Cognition Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (grad student)
Philippe Chartier Paulette Rozencwajg (grad student)
Ezequiel A. Chávez Wilhelm Wundt (grad student)
Nicole Chen Norman P. Li (grad student)
Tao Chen Kaiping Peng (post-doc)
Serena Z. Chen Nili Solomonov (research assistant)
Mike Cheung Chan Wai (grad student)
Alyssa Bakke Chilton
Michelle Cho Christopher Petsko (grad student)
Lois Choi-Kain John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Lyndsey Juliane Chongerror-related negativity, ERN, EEG, developmental, childhood, anxiety, parenting2023 Wendy K. Silverman (post-doc), Michael Joseph Crowley (post-doc), David Schnyer (research assistant), Christopher G. Beevers (research assistant)
William J. Chopik Robin S. Edelstein (grad student)
Yu-Ju Chou
Chong Man Chowdevelopmental psychology; adolescent; family; peer; friendship; dyadic; APIM Duane Buhrmester (grad student), Deborah Wiebe (grad student), Margaret Owen (grad student)
Bryan Choy Norman P. Li (grad student)
Jeffrey Stephen Chrabaszcz
Alex Christensen Paul J. Silvia (grad student)
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano William Pelham (grad student)
Young In Chung Stephen J. Wilson (grad student)
David C Cicero John G. Kerns (grad student)
Banu Cingoz-UluSocial identity theory, national and cultural identity, intergroup relations, political psychology, cultural psychology. Richard N. Lalonde (grad student)
Carlo Cipolli Renzo Antonio Canestrari (grad student)
Cory J. ClarkSocial Psychology, Judgment & Decision Making Emily E. Balcetis (research assistant)
Morgan b. Clark
John F. Clarkin Howard F. Hunt (post-doc), arthur Carr (post-doc)
Benjamin A. CleggApplied Cognitive Psychology, Human Performance John A. Groeger (research assistant), Christopher Wickens (collaborator)
Lisa Clemenson1996 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Sharon Coen Rupert Brown (grad student)
Charles N. Cofer1940 Lee Edward Travis (grad student), Walter S. Hunter (grad student)
Murray Louis Cohen
Bertram D. Cohen
Geoffrey Cohen Claude Steele (grad student)
Jeffrey F. CohnFacial Expression of Emotion, Depression1983 Edward Z. Tronick (grad student)
James K. Cole Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
LaJae Coleman-Kirumba2018 Marilyn A. Cornish (grad student)
R. Lorraine Collins1980 G Alan Marlatt (post-doc), G. Terence Wilson (grad student)
Louis Collins
randall colvin
Anne Congard Pierre-Yves Gilles (grad student)
Stephanie Conkling
Robert J. ContrerasGustatory System Ralph Norgren (post-doc)
Christopher M. Conway Morten H. Christiansen (grad student)
Jennifer L. Cook Raymond Miltenberger (grad student), John T. Rapp (grad student)
Stuart W. Cook
Daryl T. Cooley20192019 Ellen Pinderhughes (research assistant), Sandra T. Azar (grad student), Yo Jackson (grad student)
sonia cordner
Kathleen H. Corriveau Paul Harris (grad student)
Rui Soares Costa2010 Leonel Garcia-Marques (grad student)
Jonathan M. Cottrell
Geneviève Coudin Denise Jodelet (grad student)
Verne C. Cox Elliot Valenstein (post-doc)
James C. Coyne
Irina Cozma2011 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Peter Brown Crabb1989 Ralph L. Rosnow (grad student)
David Philip Arthur CraigComparative Psychology
Curtis M. CraigCognitive Ergonomics, Attention20112015 Ruth Maki (grad student), Randy W Overbeek (collaborator), Noah J. Wheeler (collaborator)
Andrew R CraigLearning Wayne W. Fisher (grad student)
Phebe K. Cramer Henry A. Murray (grad student)
Christian S. Crandall
Jaren D Crist
Jean-Claude Croizet Jean-Léon Beauvois (grad student)
Peter Cronin
Jen CrowSocial and Evolutionary Psychology
Adrienne L. CrowellSocial psychology20102016 Brandon J. Schmeichel (grad student)
Kelly Cuckrowicz Thomas E. Joiner (grad student)
Jenifer M. Cullen
Walter Hugo de Andrade Cunha Anita Castilho Marcondes Cabral (grad student)
Karen J. Cusack
Jill M. Cyranowski19961999 Paul A. Pilkonis (post-doc)
Thomas J. D'Zurilla Marvin R. Goldfried (grad student)
Jacob H DaarApplied Behavior Analysis Mark Dixon (grad student)
Tanja Dackermann Korbinian Moeller (grad student)
Tim DalgleishClinical Psychology19881991 Mick Power (grad student)
Kelly A DalyClinical Psych, childhood trauma, family violence2021 Amy D. Marshall (grad student)
Rodica Ioana Damianindividual differences, development, life experiences, success, and well-being Richard W. Robins (grad student), Brent W. Roberts (post-doc)
Brian Danaher
Ida F. Dancyger1995 Katherine Halmi (post-doc), Paul E. Garfinkel (grad student)
Richard Darby
Jane W. Davidson Eric Clarke (grad student)
Susan Daviespsychology of autism
Deborah Davis Timothy Brock (grad student)
Chris G. Davisstress & coping19961998 Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (post-doc)
Vasilii Davydov Alexander Smirnov (grad student)
Martin V. Day Mike Ross (grad student)
Amber De Bono20052011 Mark Muraven (grad student)
Joseph E. de Camp1914 John Frederick Shepard (grad student)
Beatrice De GelderNeuropsychology, Face Perception, Multisensory perception, Emotion Larry Weiskrantz (post-doc), Richard M. Held (post-doc)
Anik de Ribaupierre Juan Pascual-Leone (grad student), Ken O'Bryan (grad student)
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala Janusz Reykowski (grad student)
Raymond S. DeanNeuropsychology Ralph M. Reitan (grad student)
Kirby Deater-DeckardDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Charlotte Patterson (grad student)
Kirby Deater-Deckard19891994 Sandra Wood Scarr (grad student), Charlotte Patterson (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Deconchy
Stanislas Dehaene19851989 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertzcognitive development, language19881995 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Kevin S. Del Ben
Mary Delaney Richard M. Lerner (grad student)
Christian Delavella20232023 Wilson McDermut (grad student), Mark Zimmerman (research assistant)
Sylvain Delouvée Michel-Louis Rouquette (grad student)
Jennifer M DemersInterpersonal Violence Victoria L. Banyard (grad student)
Amy P. Demorest Paul Crits-Christoph (post-doc), Lester B. Luborsky (post-doc)
Danielle DeNigris Patricia J. Brooks (grad student)
Ambre Denis-Noël
Wayne Dennis Walter S. Hunter (grad student)
Rebecca Dennisstraumatic brain injury, micronutrients, neurodegeneration Lynne Barker (grad student)
Nathan Denny
Sarah S Dermody Eric Donny (grad student), JeeWon Cheong (grad student), Christian Hendershot (post-doc)
Gordon F. Derner1950 Bruno Klopfer (grad student)
Clea DesebrockMultisensory perception, self-referential processing, cognitive psychology, social neuroscience Charles Spence (grad student)
Meghan Deshais2018 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Hilary DeShong Stephanie N. Mullins-Sweatt (grad student), John E. Kurtz (grad student)
Thomas Detre
Anne Sloane DevlinEnvironmental psychology, Healthcare design, Evidence-based design, Spatial cognition
Gale Dhaliwal (né Pearce)
Sarah Leonardo DiasPsicologia Experimental Psicologia Experimental2018 Dora Selma Fix Ventura (grad student)
Sally S. Dickerson Margaret E. Kemeny (grad student)
Paul Dickes Gilbert de Landsheere (grad student)
Julia Dietrich Hans-Christoph Nuerk (research assistant)
H. Chris DijkermanNeuropsychology, motor control, somatosensory Faraneh Vargha-Khadem (grad student)
Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger Henning Schauenburg (grad student)
Khanh T. DinhClinical psychology, community psychology, immigrant psychology, families, communities, justice, health-risk behaviors Irwin Sarason (grad student)
Mark Dixon Linda J. Parrot Hayes (grad student)
Alvalyn Dixon-Gardner2024 Katie M. Fleischman (research assistant)
Jeri A. Doane Michael J. Goldstein (grad student)
Jerry Doaty Paul E. Spector (grad student)
Stephen M. DoerflerDevelopmental and Personality Psychology20172017 Jeff R. Gagne (grad student), William Ickes (grad student)
Anne Dogpsychology
Tiffany S. Doherty Michele R. Brumley (research assistant)
Barbara Snell Dohrenwend
Willem Doise
Igor DolgovHuman Factors, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognition, Perception, Video Games Computer Science20062009 Perry Cook (research assistant), Robert G. Jahn (research assistant), Robert F. Stengel (research assistant), Peter R. Killeen (research assistant), David A. Birchfield (research assistant)
John Dollard Edward Sapir (grad student)
Frank Domahs Klaus Willmes (post-doc)
Lenard DomeComputational Cognitive Science Andy J. Wills (grad student)
Eric Donny Maxine Stitzer (post-doc)
Jemma Dopson David N. George (grad student)
Dobromir DotovMotor control, Perception, Movement Disorders, Parkinson's Disease, Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, Embodied cognition, Complexity, Nonlinear dynamical systems, Perception-Action, Rehabilitation technology20142015 Michael T. Turvey (grad student), Simone Dalla Bella (post-doc)
Ron Dotsch Ad van Knippenberg (grad student)
Geraldine Downey James C. Coyne (post-doc)
Jennifer D. Downey
Jennifer Drabblepersonality, personality disorders, psychopathology David Bowles (grad student), Lynne Barker (grad student)
Jan DröslerMathematical Psychology Friedrich Sander (grad student)
Han Du Lijuan Wang (grad student)
Pamela J. Dubyak Stephen D. Anton (grad student)
Connie K. Duer
Anaїs M. Duffaud20042008 David N. George (grad student)
Georges Alphonse Dumas
Yarrow Dunhamintergroup social cognition; developmental social cognition20022007 Susan Carey (grad student), Howard Gardner (grad student), Kristina Olson (collaborator)
Maayan Dvir Kipling D. Williams (grad student)
Dominic Dwyer Nicholas J. Mackintosh (grad student)
Fade Eadeh Alan Lambert (grad student)
Carla Jade EatheringtonAnimal learning, behaviour and cognition Mark Haselgrove (grad student)
Ebbe B. Ebbesen Philip G. Zimbardo (grad student)
Jonas EberhardPsychosis Eva Lindström (grad student)
Kurt Ebhardt1898 Carl Stumpf (grad student)
Cheryl Ecott Thomas S. Critchfield (grad student)
Barry A. Edelstein Jack Haney (grad student)
Mark EdwardsVisual perception, psychophysics Takao Sato (post-doc)
David C. Edwards
John A. EdwardsSocial Cognition; Attribution Gifford Weary (grad student)
Allen L. Edwards
Katie Michelle Edwards Christine Gidycz (grad student)
John EdwardsAttitudes Timothy Brock (grad student), Bibb Latane (grad student)
Louisa C. Egan Brad
Brian A EilerDynamical systems, complexity, social cognition, sports, movement and performance Heidi Wayment (post-doc)
Hedwig Eisenbarthemotion, aggression, psychopathy, pain Georg W. Alpers (grad student)
Thomas Eissenberg19941996 Roland Griffiths (post-doc)
Angel M. ElgierComparative Psychology, Cognitive Development, Poverty Mauricio R. Papini (collaborator), Adriana Jakovcevic (collaborator), Alba Mustaca (grad student), Clive D. L. Wynne (grad student)
Andrew J. Elliot1995 Judith M. Harackiewicz (grad student)
Henry C. Ellis Marion E. Bunch (grad student)
Donovan M Ellisclinical psychology, internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy, multicultural20132017 Page Anderson (grad student), Kate A. Ratliff (research assistant), Natalie C. Ebner (research assistant)
Albert Ellis
Steven J. Ellman
Steve Ellman
Noah N. Emery
Mary Engel Gardner Murphy (post-doc)
Erik EriksonPsychoanalysis Anna Freud (post-doc), Anna Freud (grad student)
Elsa R. Ermer
Rachel ErnstoffIntergroup conflict, Political Psychology Kurt J. Gray (grad student)
Kevin Eschleman David M. LaHuis (grad student), John M. Flach (grad student)
Lindsay Essig Alan Poling (grad student)
Barbara Etzel
Ronald Evans James Townsend (grad student)
Rand B. Evans Robert I. Watson (grad student)
Jim A.C Everettmorality, prosocial behaviour, parochial altruism20162016 Fiery A. Cushman (research scientist), Mina Cikara (research scientist), David G. Rand (research scientist)
John Exner
Barry Eye
Jim FadelNeuropsychopharmacology19992002 John P. Bruno (grad student), Ariel Y. Deutch (post-doc)
Delphine Fagot Serge Carbonnel (grad student)
Clara FariaChild and Adolescent Mental Health, Eating Disorders, Epidemiology Department of Psychiatry20232024 Tamsin Jane Ford (grad student)
Cindy Cardwell Fast Michael Fanselow (grad student), John P. McGann (post-doc)
Ladan Fata Amir H. Mehryar (grad student)
Russell H. FazioSocial Psychology; Attitudes Dennis T. Regan (research assistant)
Paul Federn Sigmund Freud (grad student)
Dwain C. Fehon
Melinda Fehrmann-Bremley1992 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Valkyrie Felso2019 Falk Lieder (grad student)
Irit Felson1993 Sidney J. Blatt (post-doc)
Jason D. Ferrellpersonality, social, quantitative, education James W. Pennebaker (grad student), Sam Gosling (grad student), Alicia Limke (grad student)
Charles B. FersterBehavior
Katherine Velasco figueroa
Al Finch
Ursula Fischer Ulrike Cress (grad student)
Martin H. Fischer Keith Rayner (grad student)
Jacques Fischer Loukou Jean-Pierre Deconchy (grad student)
Martin Fishbein Bert Raven (grad student)
Betty Fisher1996 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Daniel B. Fishman Silvan Solomon Tomkins (research assistant), Robert P. Liberman (grad student)
Skye Fitzpatrick Simon B. Sherry (research assistant)
John Clemans Flanagan19321934 Truman Kelley (grad student)
John Flavell19511955 Heinz Werner (grad student)
Matthew S. Fleisher2011 David J. Woehr (grad student)
John Madison Fletcher1912 Granville Stanley Hall (grad student)
Susanna Flett20022006 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Théodore FlournoySpiritism Wilhelm Wundt (post-doc), William James (grad student), Carl Gustav Jung (collaborator)
Alexandra K. Fogg
Terry Foley1998 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Peter W. FoltzPsycholinguistics, Computational modeling, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Machine Learning19931995 Charles A. Perfetti (post-doc)
Peter FonagyAttachment, Psychotherapy, Mentalization Joseph Sandler (research scientist)
Don Ford
LeRoy H. Ford, Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Charlotte Forrest
Carol Foster
Nathalie Fournet Hatwell Yvette (grad student)
John M. Franchak20132014 Linda B. Smith (post-doc), Dennis R. Proffitt (research assistant), Maggie Shiffrar (research assistant)
Till Frank19951996 Hermann Haken (research assistant)
Jerome David Frank19401943 Kurt Lewin (grad student), Adolph Meyer (research scientist)
Ulrich Frauenfelder19781981 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Jessica V. Freepsychology
Else Frenkel-Brunswikpersonality Karl Bühler (grad student)
Anna Freudpsychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (grad student)
Sigmund Freudpsychoanalysis Franz Brentano (research assistant)
Chloé Freydier
Myrna FriedlanderCounseling Psychology Lyle D. Schmidt (grad student)
David Friedmancognitive neuroscience, psychophysiology, event-related potentials
Joe FriedmanClinical Psychology Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
Antonia Friedrich Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Sven Froeberg1908 James McKeen Cattell (grad student), Robert Sessions Woodworth (grad student), Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
Erich Fromm Alfred Weber (grad student), Karl Jaspers (grad student)
Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
Melinda Ashe Fueur Stephen J. Wilson (grad student)
Daniel FulfordClinical Rachel L. Loewy (post-doc)
Amber Anne FultzGroup Processes, Nonverbal Behavior, Interpersonal Perception Frank Bernieri (grad student)
Lisa D. Furash Michael Raulin (grad student)
Hans G. Furth Jean Piaget (grad student)
Shira Gabriel Wendi Gardner (grad student)
Stephan Gaby2004 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Cassidy E Gaddieleadership, employee wellbeing, employee life cycle, selection, assessment2020 Brian J. Hoffmann (grad student)
Lowell Gaertner Chester Insko (grad student)
Yadid Gal Moussa Youdim (grad student)
Adam D. Galinsky Gordon B. Moskowitz (grad student)
Luis Garcia-SuarezMotion, colour, second-order, Psychophysics
Wendi Gardner Marilynn Brewer (grad student)
Paul E. Garfinkel
Wendell R (Tex) GarnerPsychology Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Henry GarrettIntelligence; eugenics
Maryanne Garry Elizabeth F. Loftus (grad student)
Laura Cruz Garza2006 M. Katheryn Bleckley (grad student)
Siegfried Gauggel Yves von Cramon (grad student)
Lucas Gautier Alice Normand (grad student)
Michele Gelfand Harry Triandis (grad student)
Charles Gelso1970 Francis Frank Pleasant Robinson (grad student)
William H. George
Hourmouzis George Georgiadis
Will Gervais Joseph Henrich (grad student)
Robert GiffordEnvironmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Robert Sommer (research assistant)
Elizabeth V. Gifford Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Sandrine Gil
Lillian Gilbrethmanagement
Pierre-Yves Gilles Jacques Lautrey (grad student)
Jane E. Gillham Martin E.P. Seligman (grad student)
Sara Gilliam Cook Peter W. Foltz (grad student)
Fabien Girandola Robert-Vincent Joule (grad student)
Edward Girden University of Illinois1934 Elmer Culler (grad student)
Ragy R. Girgis Anissa Abi-Dargham (grad student)
Peter Glick Mark Snyder (grad student), Ellen S. Berscheid (grad student)
Bernard Charles Glueck Sr.
Lewis R. GoldbergPersonality, Psychometrics
Jessica Elizabeth GoldblumParent-training interventions; Self-regulation Cathi B. Propper (grad student)
Marvin R. Goldfried Marvin J. Feldman (grad student)
Ronald Goldman
Liran Goldman Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
George D. Goldman1946 Gardner Murphy (grad student)
Daniel GoldreichSomatosensory psychophysics, Bayesian perception Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Arnold P. Goldstein1959 William U. Snyder (grad student), Don Ford (grad student)
Michael J. Goldstein Allen L. Edwards (grad student), Eliot Rodnick (post-doc)
Corentin GonthierIndividual differences; Intelligence; Cognitive control; Working memory; Strategy use; Psychometrics Monica Baciu (grad student)
Sandy L. GonzalezMotor Development, Handedness, Language Development, Bilingualism, Infant Development Applied Psychology2019 Catherine Tamis-LeMonda (post-doc), Karen Adolph (post-doc)
J. Stephanie Gonzalez2024 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Marina Liliana González Torres Cristiano Valério dos Santos (grad student)
Caroline Gooch2017 Timothy Anderson (grad student)
Glenn E. GoodPsychology
Ruth Goodman20052008 Andrew Stewart (grad student)
Leon Gorlow1950 Erasmus L. Hoch (grad student)
Irving I. Gottesmanbehavioral genetics, schizophrenia Robert D. Wirt (grad student)
Gilbert GottliebBehavioral development, probabilistic epigenesis Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Sebastien Goudeau Jean-Claude Croizet (grad student)
Harrison GoughPersonality Starke Hathaway (grad student)
Clarence Grahampsychology19301932 John Paul Nafe (grad student), Haldan Keffer Hartline (post-doc)
John R. Graham1965 William Grant Dahlstrom (grad student), George Schlager Welsh (grad student)
Stephanie Granato2014 Phillip N. Smith (grad student)
Sharon Grant
Klause Grawe
Roger Greenberg Arnold P. Goldstein (grad student), Sidney A. Orgel (grad student)
Mark T. Greenberg19731978 Robert Marvin (grad student)
Alexandra P. Greenfield Arthur M. Nezu (grad student)
Mark W. GreenleeVision, Memory, Learning, Attention, Motion Lothar Spillmann (grad student)
Rachel Leigh Greenspan Elizabeth F. Loftus (grad student)
Dale W GriffinJudgment and Decision Making Amos Tversky (grad student), Lee Ross (grad student), Daniel Kahneman (research assistant)
Oren Griffiths
Charles Hurlbut Griffitts1919 Floyd C. Dockeray (grad student), Walter Bowers Pillsbury (grad student)
Carlos M. Grilo Michael Pogue-Geile (grad student)
Roy Grinker Sigmund Freud (post-doc)
Julien Gross Harlene Hayne (grad student)
Jean-Claude Grubar
Lester Guest John G. Jenkins (grad student)
Jacques-Henri Guignard Todd I. Lubart (grad student)
Harold O. Gulliksen Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
John G. Gunderson
Megan R. GunnarHuman Psychobiology Eleanor Maccoby (grad student), Seymour Levine (post-doc)
Tanya A. GuptaQuantitative Models of Animal Behavior Federico Sanabria (grad student)
Chloé Gurrieri Michel-Louis Rouquette (grad student)
George Guthrie19461949 Paul Meehl (grad student)
Kathrine Guyon-Harris Charles Zeanah (post-doc)
Patricia Haden George Mandler (grad student)
Deborah Webb Halaszmusic cognition, early childhood education research Claire D. Vallotton (grad student), Emily S. Cross (grad student), Kevin J. Mitchell (grad student), James J. Heckman (grad student)
Jamin Brett Halberstadt Paula M. Niedenthal (grad student)
Severine Halimi-Falkowicz Robert-Vincent Joule (grad student), David Vaidis (collaborator)
Geoffrey Hall
Lynn H. Hall
D. Geoffrey Hall Wallace E. Lambert (research assistant)
Calvin S. Hall
Christopher S HallDecision making, memory, event comprehension
Sebastian Halliday
Michael N. HallquistDissociation, memory, mindfulness/acceptance, hypnosis, experimental psychopathology, and science versus pseudoscience. Paul A. Pilkonis (post-doc)
Katherine Halmi
Russell D. HamerVisual system, psychohysics, photoreceptors, phototransduction, visual development19711978 Jozef J. Zwislocki (grad student)
Elizabeth Yost Hammer Janet B. Ruscher (grad student)
Hyemin HanDevelopmental psychology, educational psychology, social neuroscience Benoit Monin (grad student)
Jack Haney
Barbara Hannah
Susan Hannan Holly K. Orcutt (grad student)
David J. Hansen Janet S. St. Lawrence (grad student)
Gabriella Harari Sam Gosling (grad student)
Curtis Dale HardinSocial cognition, social identification, interpersonal dynamics Psychology19931995 E. Tory Higgins (post-doc)
Tom E Hardwickepsychology, metascience Experimental Psychology20112016 David Shanks (grad student)
Harry F. HarlowPrimatology Lewis Madison Terman (research assistant)
Lauren Julius Harrisearly childhood CNS development, lateralization, hemispheric asymmetries, History of Neuroscience & Psychology Alexandr Romanovich Luria (grad student)
Dale B. Harris Florence Goodenough (grad student)
Annabel Harrison20012009 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Anton Heywood Hart1990 Harold Lester Raush (grad student)
Maria Wibke Hartmann Remo Job (grad student)
John H. HarveyLoss, trauma, close relationships Harold Kelley (post-doc)
Jan Hastrup
Janice L. Hastrup1977 Edward Katkin (grad student)
Stuart Hauser Lyman Wynne (grad student)
Keith A. Hawkins
Andrew Hayward
Sarah Haywood20002003 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Harry He
Chang He
Laurie L. Heatherington1981 Julian Bernard Rotter (grad student)
Lisa HechtmanSocial, affective and cognitive neuroscience Mark Beeman (grad student)
Larisa A. Heiphetz
Dirk Hellhammer
Willy Hellpachclinical1899 Wilhelm Wundt (grad student)
Dion Terry Henare20142019 Paul Michael Corballis (grad student)
Christian Hendershot
Holly M. HendinAttachment Jonathan M. Cheek (research assistant)
Mary HenleGestalt Psychology Kurt Koffka (grad student)
Amy J. Henley20122017 Edmund J. Fantino (research assistant), Florence D. DiGennaro Reed (grad student), Laura Schreibman (research assistant)
Otgaar Henry
Shannon Henry Stephen J. Wilson (grad student)
Erica Hepper
Erica N. Hernandez
Emily A HerrySocial devopment, gender identity,
Mette Hersby Jolanda Jetten (grad student)
Max Hertzman Henry Garrett (grad student)
Chloé Hervieux
Miles Hewstone Jos M.F. Jaspars (grad student)
Cecilia HeyesImitation & mirror neurons19841986 Daniel Clement Dennett (post-doc)
Rahma Hida John C. Begeny (grad student)
Sarah F. Hillneurodevelopmental disorders Meghan W. Cody (grad student), Elaine A. Thomas (grad student)
Anne Hillairet de Boisféron Olivier Pascalis (post-doc)
Zachary Mark Himmelberger
Stephen P. Hinshawclinical child and adolescent psychology Carol K. Whalen (grad student)
Douglas L. HintzmanHuman Memory Gordon H. Bower (grad student)
Larry Hjelle1967 W.W. Trousdale (grad student)
Jessica Hlay20182018 David Puts (research assistant), Carolyn R. Hodges (grad student)
Erasmus L. Hoch
Robert Michael HodappDevelopmental Disabilities Edward F. Zigler (grad student)
Kathryn E. Hoff2000 George J. DuPaul (grad student)
Willi Hoffer Hermann Nunberg (post-doc)
Mary Ann Hoffman
Kelly M. Hoffmanprejudice, stereotyping, intergroup relations Sophie Trawalter (grad student), Brian A. Nosek (grad student)
Ralph Hoffman Risto Miikkulainen (collaborator)
Jennifer Hoganson
Lee Hogarth
Phillip J. Holcomb Helen Neville (post-doc), Steven Hillyard (post-doc)
Diane Holmberg Psychology Hazel Markus (grad student)
Nicola Jane Holt20072007 Gordon Sidney Claridge (research scientist)
Robert R. Holt David A. Rapaport (post-doc)
Martin Grosse Holtforth20042006 Klause Grawe (grad student), Louis G. Castonguay (post-doc)
Philip S. HolzmanSchizophrenia, psychoanalytic metapsychology and treatment Gardner Murphy (research assistant), George S. Klein (grad student), Karl Menninger (grad student)
Robert C. Honey Geoffrey Hall (grad student)
Emily D. Hooker Sara Algoe (post-doc), Sarah D. Pressman (research assistant)
Nicholas Hopkins Steve Reicher (grad student)
Murray Horne
Zoe June HorshamBusiness management; Group psychology; Decision making2020 Tim Hopthrow (grad student)
Claude Houssemand Paul Dickes (grad student)
Rebecca J. HoustonPsychophysiology, Impulsivity, Aggression, Addiction, Neuropsychology19972002 Matthew S. Stanford (grad student)
Ray Charles "Chuck" Howard David J. Hardisty (grad student)
Philip Howlett School of Psychology Magdalena T Rychlowska (grad student)
Zhen Huan Charles Rezk (grad student)
Siyuan "Josie" Huang Stephen J. Wilson (grad student)
Julia Huber2019 Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Stefan Huber Korbinian Moeller (grad student)
Richard HuelsenbeckJungian psychoanalyst under the name Charles R. Hulbeck Hermann Rorschach (grad student)
Ian M. Hughes2023 Steve Michael Jex (research assistant), Melissa G. Keith (grad student)
Ian Hughson
Brianna K. Hunter Psychology Lisa Sarah Scott (research assistant)
John E. Hunter
Jonathan Huppert19931999 David H. Barlow (grad student), Edna B. Foa (post-doc)
Jason J. Hutchings20042007 Kenneth N. Levy (research assistant)
Michel Huteau Maurice Reuchlin (grad student)
Janellen Huttenlocher Frederick Mosteller (grad student)
Clare Huxley20042008 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Nicole Iannone
Robert Inder
Susan L. IngramPain, Periaqueductal Gray, Dopamine John T. Williams (grad student), MacDonald J. Christie (post-doc), Susan G. Amara (post-doc)
Gheorghe Iosif Alexandru Rosca (grad student)
Eve A. IshamTime Perception, Consciousness, Neuroaesthetics William P. Banks (grad student)
Onur Iyilikci Marcelo O. Dietrich (post-doc)
Carroll E. Izardemotion, development Silvan Solomon Tomkins (post-doc)
Arthur Jacobs Kevin O'Regan (grad student)
Kenneth W. JacobsBehavioral Science20102012 Philip N. Hineline (research assistant)
Cassandra Leigh Jacobspsycholinguistics Gary Dell (grad student), Duane G. Watson (grad student)
Bernadet Jager20082011 Alexandra Cleland (grad student)
John Jahnke Benton J. Underwood (grad student)
William JamesPsychology Henri Bergson (collaborator), Charles Sanders Peirce (research assistant)
Thomas JamesClassics, Mathematics17711774 George Pretyman (research scientist)
Pierre Marie Félix Janet Jean-Martin Charcot (grad student)
Jessica JanosMood disorders, bipolar disorder, pediatric mental health Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
John D. Jasper Irwin P. Levin (grad student)
Karl Jaspers Martin Heidegger (grad student), Franz Nissl (grad student)
Mary V. Jeffrieshistory of psychology
John G. Jenkins
Douglas "Doug" Jenkins
Stephen Jenner1991 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Kristin J. Jennings Janette E. Herbers (grad student)
Simone Jennissen Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Greg JensenCognitive Psychology,Behavior Analysis Vincent P. Ferrera (post-doc)
David Jentsch
Gahyun Jeon
Jolanda Jetten
Yuwei JiangConsumer Psychology, Social Psychology, Marketing20042009 Rashmi Adaval (grad student)
William P. JimenezIndustrial-Organizational Psychology20212024 Xiaohong Xu (grad student), Ian M. Katz (grad student)
Corina Jimenez-Gomez Pharmacology20082011 James H. Woods (post-doc), Christopher A. Podlesnik (collaborator)
Leila Jimeno Jimenez Kevin Eschleman (grad student)
Denise Jodelet Serge Moscovici (grad student)
Clint Eugene Johnson20182019 Peggy Ann Shannon-Baker (research assistant)
John A. Johnson19711975 Walter B. Weimer (research assistant), Robert M. Stern (research assistant), Dale B. Harris (research assistant)
Douglas N. JohnsonVisual Attention, Memory, Perception Psychology19831987 Leonard Green (research assistant)
Eli Jones Richard Sudweeks (grad student)
Peter Jones20022005 Mark Good (grad student)
Jason D. Jones Jami F. Young (research scientist)
Mahesh Raj Joshivisual psychophysics, motion perception, shape perception, perceptual learning, amblyopia, keratoconus Seong Taek (Simon) Jeon (grad student), Gunnar Schmidtmann (collaborator)
Robert-Vincent Joule Jean-Léon Beauvois (grad student)
Charles M. JuddSocial cognition, attitudes Morton Deutsch (grad student)
Fay Julal
Carl Gustav Jung Sigmund Freud (post-doc)
Timothy JustusCognitive Science Jamshed Bharucha (grad student), Richard Ivry (grad student)
Ion Juvina Niels A. Taatgen (grad student), Christian Lebiere (grad student), Gheorghe Iosif (grad student)
Horst Kachele Helmut Thoma (grad student), Adolf-Ernst Meyer (grad student)
Alyssa H. Kalata
Zsuzsa Kaldyvisual development19982003 Alan Leslie (grad student), Csaba Pléh (grad student)
Rachael Kallen Diane M. Quinn (grad student), David "Dave" A. Kenny (grad student)
Norbert John Kanak Donald H. Kausler (grad student)
Frederick H. Kanfer Bertram D. Cohen (grad student), Irving J. Saltzman (grad student)
Atefeh KarimiMotor Development Eliza L. Nelson (grad student)
Bryan M. Karr
K. T. A. Sandeeshwara Kasturiratna Andree Hartanto (grad student)
Brian Katz Kennon Andy Lattal (grad student), Leonard Green (research assistant)
Theodore Kaul
Amrit Kaur
Helen Kaye
George Kellas Al Baumeister (grad student)
Karl Neal KelleyOrganizational Justice19821987 Donelson R. Forsyth (grad student)
Michael E. Kelley Dorothea C. Lerman (grad student), Wayne W. Fisher (grad student), Cathleen C. Piazza (grad student), F Charles Mace (grad student)
Rebecca Frances Kemper Alexander A. Petrov (research assistant), Simon Dennis (research assistant), Harvey Shulman (research assistant), Bernadette Hanlon (grad student), Rachel Garshick Kleit (grad student), Mark Moritz (grad student), Kareem M. Usher (collaborator), J. Kyle Ezell (collaborator), Dianzhi "Daniel" Sui (collaborator), Dan "Doc" Keller (grad student), Benjamin Larrimer (collaborator), Joe E. Heimlich (research scientist), Kareem M. Usher (grad student), J. Kyle Ezell (grad student), Dianzhi "Daniel" Sui (grad student), Jack L. Nasar (grad student)
Benjamin Hall KennedyLatin Samuel Butler (grad student)
Paulina Kernberg
Ronald C. Kessler
Buhle Khanyile Colin Tredoux (grad student)
Sangeet Khemlanireasoning Phil Johnson-Laird (grad student)
Melissa M. Kibbecognitive development Alan Leslie (grad student)
Donald Kiesler
Gloria Kim2019 Alexander J. Shackman (grad student)
Jungmeen Kim-Spoon John Nesselroade (grad student), Dante Cicchetti (grad student)
Laura KingSpeciality is positive emotions, meaning in life as an everyday construct Ed Diener (grad student)
Clemens Kirschbaumbiological psychology: stress Dirk Hellhammer (grad student)
Catherine Kishel2023 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Yogev Kivity Jonathan Huppert (grad student)
Melanie Klein Karl Abraham (research scientist), Sándor Ferenczi (research scientist)
Elise Klein Klaus Willmes (grad student)
Katherine Joy Klein1984 Douglas "Doug" Jenkins (grad student)
Karl KleistPsychiatry19031908 Carl Wernicke (research assistant)
Gerald L. Klerman
Laura G. KlingerClinical Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Language and Literature Education Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Bruno Klopferprojective tests19331934 Carl Gustav Jung (post-doc)
Eunjee KoSocial Psychology, Social Neuroscience20222027 Hwajung Hong (research assistant), Dylan D. Wagner (grad student), Steve J. Spencer (grad student)
Miroslaw Kofta Andrzej Lewicki (grad student)
Johanna Köhling Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Heinz Kohut August Aichhorn (grad student)
Sebastian Korbemotions; facial expressions; reward; EMG; pharmacology20162019 Paula M. Niedenthal (post-doc), Didier Maurice Grandjean (grad student), Raffaella Ida Rumiati (post-doc), Giorgia Silani (post-doc), Klaus R. Scherer (grad student)
Hans Kordy Horst Kachele (grad student)
Mary P. Koss James N. Butcher (grad student)
Roman Kotov
Alexandre Koyré
Andrea T. Kozak
Ryszard Jacek KozielWork Family Interface, Gig Economy, Basic Income, Stigma, Wellbeing Candice Thomas (grad student)
Deborah Tebes Kraemer Janice L. Hastrup (grad student)
Tara L. Kraft-FeilHealth Psychology; Positive Psychology Sarah D. Pressman (grad student)
Kiah KramerBehavior Analysis Jesse Dallery (grad student)
Lester Krames William J. Carr (grad student)
Leonard Krasner Henry Garrett (grad student)
Liana KreamerIndustrial Organizational Psychology2023 Samuel T Hunter (research assistant), Steven Rogelberg (grad student)
André Kretzschmarintelligence, problem solving, working memory, assessment, psychometrics, individual differences, personality, educational achievement Samuel Greiff (grad student), Sascha Wüstenberg (collaborator)
Jon Krosnick Duane Alwin (grad student), Robert B. Zajonc (grad student)
Arie Kruglanski Harold Kelley (grad student)
Kuba Kryścultural psychology, positive psychology, social psychology Colin A. Capaldi (collaborator), Bogdan Wojciszke (research scientist)
Gizem Kucukoglu20142011 Wendy J. Adams (grad student), Michael S. Landy (grad student), Katja Doerschner (grad student)
Danica Jo KulibertDiscrimination, politics, intergroup relationship Laurie T. O'Brien (grad student)
Clara Kulich Alexander Haslam (grad student)
Oswald Külpe Georg Elias Müller (grad student)
G. Tarcan KumkaleSocial psychology; attitudes and persuasion; health behaviors
Linda KunceClinical psychology, autism19901995 Murray Levine (grad student)
kusnadi kusnadi kusnadi
Lindsey T. Kutcher
Sze Chai KwokCognitive neuroscience2022 Emiliano Macaluso (post-doc), Walter Gerbino (collaborator), Hakwan Lau (collaborator), Makoto Kusunoki (collaborator), Anna W. Roe (collaborator)
Jacques LacanPsychoanalysis Gaëtan de Clérambault (grad student)
Daniel Lagache Georges Alphonse Dumas (grad student)
Renee Lajiness-O\'NeillNeuropsychology
Richard N. Lalondecultural psychology Robert C. Gardner (grad student)
Kalina M Lambsexual minority health, religion, stress, substance use Sarah S Dermody (grad student), Aaron J. Blashill (grad student)
Koen Lamberts
Douglas Landon James Townsend (grad student)
Scott D. Lane Thomas S. Critchfield (grad student)
Robert C. Lane Gardner Murphy (grad student)
Alan Lang
Nicholas Lange Tim J. Perfect (grad student), Patric Bach (grad student)
Joshua A Langfusmeasurement, aggression, disruptive behaviors, assessment20162018 Justin P. Halberda (research assistant)
Laura Lanteaume
Lisa Largo1996 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Jeff T. Larsen20012002 Daniel Kahneman (post-doc)
Cyprian Laskowski20072011 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Kennon Andy Lattalbehavior analysis, animal learning andbehavior, experimental analysis of behavior Nathan Azrin (research assistant)
Jacques Lautrey Maurice Reuchlin (grad student)
Connor Lawheaddepression, psychopathology, irritability, mood, ERP, psychiatry Daniel N. Klein (grad student)
Elizabeth K. Lawner
Eric Laws Albert M. Prestrude (grad student)
Adam L. Lawson
Edwin D. Lawson1954 Charles Egerton Osgood (grad student)
Robert B. Lawson1965 John D. Weisz (grad student)
Sarah Le Vigouroux Pierre-Yves Gilles (grad student), Bruno Dauvier (grad student)
Justin B LeafApplied Behavior Analysis; Autism James Sherman (grad student)
Timothy F. Leary1950 Donald Ramsdell (research assistant), Lee J. Cronbach (grad student), Jean Walker Macfarlane (grad student)
Linnea Leaver Mavrides20042010 Geoff Goodman (grad student), Kenneth N. Levy (research assistant)
Harold Leavitt
Elizabeth I. LeBlond
Juwon LeeSocial psychology, close relationships20102016 Omri Gillath (grad student)
Jessica C. Lee20122016 Evan Livesey (grad student)
Ja Young Leedriver distraction; multitasking John D. Lee (grad student)
Angela Lee
Ryan F Leistereotyping, prejudice, development Marjorie Rhodes (post-doc)
Dana Charles Leightonsocial psychology, intergroup relations, prejudice, discrimination, improving psychological science, transpersonal psychology, peace psychology, justice, social cognition20162004 Mark Schaller (grad student), Peter Suedfeld (grad student), Lindsay A. Kennedy (collaborator)
Anke Lemmens2017 Tom Beckers (grad student)
Lu Leng Bram Vervliet (grad student)
Dean Leone
William Morton Lepley Joseph E. de Camp (grad student)
Michelle Lesowski Ian L. Pritchard (post-doc)
Holly Levin-Aspenson Lee Anna Clark (grad student)
Murray Levine1954 Samuel J. Beck (grad student), Julius Wishner (grad student)
Kenneth N. LevyClinical Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy19981999 Michael Raulin (grad student), William S. Edell (research assistant), Kenneth Barish (post-doc), Alan S. Weiner (post-doc)
Andrzej Lewicki
Peter Lewinson, James Earl Deese (grad student)
Jennifer Lewis2003 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Sarah (Salli) Lewis
Caroline Leygue
Hao LiChild Psychiatric Epidemiology Tamsin Jane Ford (grad student)
Robert P. Liberman
Theodore Lidz1942 Adolph Meyer (post-doc), Harry Stack Sullivan (post-doc), Frieda Fromm-Reichmann (post-doc)
Scott H. Lieningbehavioral endocrinology, personality2006 Robert Josephs (grad student)
Alain Lieury Paul Fraisse (grad student)
Jason Lillis Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Erich Lindemann
Eva LindströmPsychosis Lars von Knorring (grad student)
John H. Lingle Thomas Ostrom (grad student)
Regina Lipkens Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Ronald Lippitt1940 Kurt Lewin (grad student), Jean Piaget (grad student)
Lippy Lippy
Nikolette M. Lipsey2019 James Shepperd (grad student)
Sarah Lister
George H. Litwin Timothy F. Leary (grad student)
Xin Liu2018 Wenqing He (grad student), Yun Yi (post-doc)
Ran Liutemperament, cognition, emotion2020 Amy Margolis (post-doc)
Fengqin Liu Remo Job (grad student)
Ronda Lo
Oleg V. LobanovPain Yuan B. Peng (research assistant)
Elizabeth F. LoftusMemory, Psychology & Law Richard C. Atkinson (grad student)
Marco L. LoggiaPain psychophysics and neuroimaging Vitaly Napadow (post-doc)
Catherine Loisy Jean-Luc Roulin (grad student)
Patricia J. Long1992 Rex Forehand (grad student), Joan L. Jackson (grad student)
François Longeot Maurice Reuchlin (grad student)
Florente Lopez Sidney Bijou (grad student)
Peter Lopez
Maurice Lorr1943 Harold O. Gulliksen (grad student)
Sheryl Losowski-Sullivan
Rudolf Hermann LotzePhilosophy, medicine, biology, psychology Ernst Heinrich Weber (research assistant)
Nathaniel M. Lovell-Smith20192021 Christian A. Webb (research scientist), Karen L. Jacob (research assistant), D. Bradford Reich (research assistant)
Christina Löw2016 Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Michael R. Lowe Joseph R. Cautela (grad student)
Sara Lowmaster2005 Aaron Pincus (research assistant)
Geoff S. Lowrie Michael Raulin (grad student)
Jackson G. Lu Adam D. Galinsky (grad student), Michael W. Morris (grad student), Joel Brockner (grad student), E. Tory Higgins (grad student)
Xinquan LuVisual Attention; Brain Network; Cognition20242027 Yi Jiang (grad student)
Verity YQ Lua Andree Hartanto (grad student), Angela Leung (grad student)
Todd I. Lubart Robert J. Sternberg (grad student)
Gale M Lucas Wendi Gardner (grad student), Mathew McCubbins (post-doc), Jonathan Gratch (research scientist), Jonathan Gratch (post-doc)
Timothy D. Ludwig E Scott Geller (grad student)
Catherine LudwigHealth sciences Anik de Ribaupierre (grad student)
Mark R. Lukowitskypersonality20012004 Kenneth N. Levy (grad student)
Vicki A. Lumley
Erika S. LunkenheimerParent-child interaction, regulatory processes, developmental psychopathology Ann Shields (grad student)
Michael Lynch Dante Cicchetti (grad student)
Lisa S. Lyons Michael B. Sperling (grad student)
Tara K. MacDonaldattitudes; ambivalence; relationships; attachment19911996 Michael Ross (grad student)
F. Charles Mace
Jean Walker Macfarlane Olga Bridgman (grad student)
Paulo Machado Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Liana MachadoEye movements, motor control, cognitive psychology, attention19951998 Robert Rafal (grad student)
Louise MacKay
Euan MacPhailcomparative psychology Neal E. Miller (post-doc)
Michael J. Mahoney Albert Bandura (grad student), Carl E. Thoresen (grad student)
Jean Maisonneuve
Nadyanna M Majeed Andree Hartanto (grad student), Jacinth JX Tan (grad student)
Asifa Majid Jürgen Bohnemeyer (post-doc)
Robyn Maldegan-Youngjohn1999 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Diane Manda
David R. Mandelbasic and applied cognitive and social psychology1996 Darrin R. Lehman (grad student)
Eric S. Mankowski Julian Rappaport (grad student)
Douglas Mansfield Colin Tredoux (grad student)
Isabella Manuel20232023 Holly Levin-Aspenson (grad student), Christopher C. Conway (grad student)
Bédard Marc-Andréneuropsychology, parkinson's disease Yves Agid (post-doc)
Anthony Marcattilio Ralph W. Richards (grad student)
David K. Marcus1989 Morton Wiener (grad student)
Bethany Marcus1997 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Samuel Marsan2017 Geraldine Dawson (grad student)
Amy D. Marshall20042006 Casey T. Taft (post-doc)
Kelsey E. Martin
Logan T. Martin R. Michael Furr (grad student), Sarah D. Pressman (grad student)
Alia Martin Elizabeth S. Spelke (grad student)
Jennifer Martin
Debora Martinez Shyhrete Rexhaj (grad student)
Kalina Isela Martínez Martínez Maria Elena Medina-Mora (grad student), Juan José Sánchez Sosa (grad student), Isabel Reyes Lagunes (grad student)
Marie-Amélie Martinie Robert-Vincent Joule (grad student)
Robert MarvinClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Mary Ainsworth (grad student)
Joseph Masling19471949 Fritz Redl (grad student), Victor Raimy (grad student), Anna Freud (post-doc)
Takahiko Masudasocial cognition, culture, social class, aging Shinobu Kitayama (grad student)
grace matera
Maria Amélia MatosEpistemology of radical behaviorism1969 William N. Schoenfeld (grad student), Fred Simmons Keller (grad student)
Rae R. MatsumotoNeuropharmacology, Sigma receptors
Megan E. Maxwell
Asiah Mayang
Alberto Maydeu-Olivares Ulf Bockenholt (grad student)
M. Travis Maynard John E Mathieu (grad student)
Clara Mayo1953 Urie Bronfenbrenner (research assistant)
Corinne Mazé Jean-Pierre Deconchy (grad student)
Brendan J. McAuliffe Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
Anthony McBride1990 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Robert W. McCarleySchizophrenia, Neurobiology of Sleep and Dreaming Allan Hobson (post-doc)
Megan McCarty
F. Joseph McClernon Dave G. Gilbert (grad student)
Ernest J. McCormick Charles Hubert Lawshe (grad student)
Michael McCormick1999 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Robert R. McCrae Paul T. Costa (grad student)
Margaret McDevittBehavior analysis Edmund J. Fantino (grad student)
Agnes R. McElwee1942 Bruce V. Moore (grad student)
Elizabeth McGee2011 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Anne McGrath1999 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Christy L. McGuireCognitive Psychology
Namadhjlah McIntosh Ian L. Pritchard (post-doc)
Blake M. McKimmie Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
Kirsten N. McLaughlin Cathi B. Propper (grad student)
Danielle S. McNamara Walter Kintsch (grad student)
Iman K McPhersoneating disorders Anna M. Bardone-Cone (grad student)
Sara C. Mednicksleep memory learning Robert Stickgold (grad student)
Kevin B. Meehan Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Paul MeehlPsychopathology, psychometrics19381958 Bernard Charles Glueck Sr. (post-doc), Donald G. Paterson (research assistant)
Maria Meierpsaychoneuroendocrinology, stress, relaxation20172022 Jens Pruessner (grad student)
Chloe Menon2013 Stephanie L. Harter (grad student), Sid E. O'Bryant (research assistant)
Rachel E. Menzies
Erhard Mergenthaler Horst Kachele (grad student)
Oliver Merry Kate Whitfield (grad student)
Terri L. Messman19982000 Patricia Resick (grad student)
Bjorn MeyerPersonality Sheri L. Johnson (grad student)
Adolph Meyer
Adolf-Ernst Meyer
Rustin D. MeyerPersonality, Psychometrics, Applied Psychology2009 Reeshad S. Dalal (grad student)
Thierry Marcel Meyer Jean-Pierre Deconchy (grad student)
Jack MichaelBehavior Analysis Donald Benjamin Lindsley (grad student)
Rachel Keyes MichelVisual Perception & Engineering Psychology
Urszula Mihulowicz Hans-Otto Karnath (grad student)
Jeffrey Conrath Millerhealth, media, social comparison Zlatan Krizan (grad student)
Joshua D. Millerpersonality, personality disorder, antisocial behavior Paul A. Pilkonis (grad student)
George A. Miller1946 Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Michael J. Miller1997 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Glen Milstein Elizabeth Midlarsky (grad student), Martha Livingston Bruce (grad student)
Walter Mischel Gardner Murphy (grad student)
Jacqueline Mitchell
Gary D. MitchellDevelopmental Psychobiology Harry F. Harlow (grad student)
Wiley Mittenberg
Takayuki Miura20092014 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Laure Modillon
Aubrey M Moeschizophrenia, cognition, social cognition, early intervention Nancy M. Docherty (grad student)
Korbinian Moeller Klaus Willmes (grad student)
Peter Molenaar
Catherine Monnier Jean-Luc Roulin (grad student)
Jean-Marc Monteil
Pedro Montoya20062007 Dante Renato Chialvo (research scientist)
James W. MooreBehavioral Psychology Wayne W. Fisher (grad student), Cathleen C. Piazza (grad student)
Brian C.J. MooreAuditory Perception Mark P. Haggard (grad student)
Bruce V. Moore1921 Walter V. Bingham (grad student), Edward Kellog Strong (grad student)
Karla Moras Irene Elkin (post-doc)
José Eduardo MorenoValue systems, Prosocial attitudes Horacio A. Rimoldi (research assistant)
Rafael Moreno
Michael J MorganCognitive Aging; Vocational Psychology; Human Factors2018 Debra S. Osborn (grad student)
Giovanna Morini
Dominique Morisanoaddiction; motivation; intervention; goals19952002 Thomas Babor (research assistant)
Michael W. Morrisculture, decision making, negotiation Richard E. Nisbett (grad student)
Jannay Morrow19871991 Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (grad student)
John Mortoncognitive psychology Magdalena Dorothea Vernon (grad student)
Serge Moscovici Daniel Lagache (grad student), Alexandre Koyré (grad student), Henri Tajfel (collaborator)
Ariel J MosleyIntergroup Relations; Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Discrimination; Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion John F. Dovidio (research scientist), Larisa A. Heiphetz (post-doc)
Benjamin Motz Rafael Nunez (grad student), Marta Kutas (grad student), Jeffrey R. Alberts (research assistant), Aina Puce (grad student)
Emma K Moughanemotion regulation, need to belong, social connection, social and affective neuroscience Chelsea Helion (grad student), Richard B. Lopez (research assistant)
Orval Hobart Mowrer19291932 Max Frederick Meyer (research assistant), Knight Dunlap (grad student)
Rosetta Mui
Kimberly B. Mullen-James
Barbara-Ann Mullin Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
Caitlin R. Mullin Johan Wagemans (grad student), Aude Oliva (grad student)
Dwayne M. Munneke
Tamar Murachver Jean Matter Mandler (grad student)
Gardner Murphy James McKeen Cattell (grad student)
Edward J. Murray
Henry A. MurrayMotivation, TAT, psychoanalysis1938 Hanns Sachs (post-doc)
Kristina Musholtglial cells, selfconsciousness, self-related processing, developmental psychology, ethology, philosophy of mind, nonconceptual content,20022006 Anna-Katharina Braun (grad student)
Nils MyszkowskiPsychometrics, Personality, Creativity Université de Paris Université de Paris Todd I. Lubart (grad student), Franck Zenasni (grad student)
John Paul Nafesensory psychology, cutaneous senses Edward Bradford Titchener (grad student)
Lisa Najavits John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Michelle Reyna Nario-RedmondDisability prejudice Social Psychology19901996 Monica R. Biernat (grad student)
Janett M NaylorDevelopmental Psychology Psychology Bridget Murphy-Kelsey (grad student)
Thierry Nazzi19931997 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
David Neal
Elizabeth A. Neckasocial psychology, loneliness, social networks20112016 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
Nichole Nehrig2014 Philip Wong (grad student)
Harold W NeighborsMental Health, Black Americans, Racial Disparities, Health Equity James Jackson (research scientist)
Brittany N. Neilson Martina I. Klein (grad student)
Rosemary O. Nelson-Gray1972 Alan O. Ross (grad student)
Eric J. NestlerMolecular Psychiatry Dennis S. Charney (post-doc)
Ted Nettelbeck Douglas Vickers (grad student)
Denise L. Newman Joseph P. Newman (grad student)
Daniel A. Newman James L. Farr (grad student)
Fred L. Newman
Arthur M. Nezu Thomas J. D'Zurilla (grad student)
Travis Nichols Stephen J. Wilson (grad student)
Serge NicolasMemory Serge Carbonnel (grad student)
Mary Jo Nissen
Merrill Noble19471951 Delos D. Wickens (grad student)
Charles D. NoblinClinical Psychology, Gerontology Edwin O. Timmons (grad student)
Erik Christopher NookEmotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development Kristen A. Lindquist (collaborator), Ajay B. Satpute (collaborator), Dylan Gee (grad student)
Masi Noor Rupert Brown (grad student)
Miranda C. Norman
Alice Normand Jean-Claude Croizet (grad student)
Peter J. Norton19961998 Gordon J G Asmundson (research assistant)
Alexander Noyes Yarrow Dunham (grad student), Frank C. Keil (grad student)
Georgie Nozawa James Townsend (grad student)
Hans-Christoph NuerkNumerical Cognition, Attention, Language, Neuropsychology, Diagnostics, Cognitive Development Marie T. Banich (research assistant), Klaus Willmes (post-doc), Liane Kaufmann (collaborator), Daniel Ansari (collaborator), Roi Cohen Kadosh (collaborator), Maciej Haman (collaborator), Ann D. Dowker (collaborator)
Laurie T. O'BrienSocial Psychology, prejduice, political psychology Mary Lee Hummert (grad student)
Ken O'Bryan
Mary-Frances O'ConnorBereavement, Emotions, Memory, Consciousness, Meditation John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Aisling O'Donnell Jolanda Jetten (grad student)
Padraig O'Seaghdha19861989 Gary Dell (post-doc)
Megan O'Shea Wonjin Sim (grad student)
Kelly L. O'Shea
Rita Obeid Patricia J. Brooks (grad student)
Elizabeth S. Ochoa1990 Hans H. Strupp (grad student)
Scott Ode Michael D. Robinson (grad student)
Yulia OganianBilingualism, decision making2015 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Théophile Ohlmann Michel Huteau (grad student)
Heidi J Ojalehtoanxiety disorders, ocd Jonathan S. Abramowitz (grad student)
Joy Oliverleadership, teams, research methods Management2008 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Sheryl L. OlsonSelf-regulation, early disruptive behavior John E. Bates (grad student)
Sidney A. Orgel
Timothy Osberg
Stuart OskampSocial Psychology Loyda M. Shears (grad student)
Karl OswaldMemory Lynn Hasher (grad student)
Lorna Otway Katherine B Carnelley (grad student)
Dean H. Owen
Emily Owens2012 Cindy Yee-Bradbury (grad student)
Jonathan Oxford David C. Geary (grad student)
William O’Donohue James H. Geer (grad student), Leonard Krasner (grad student)
Walter Pahnke1962 Timothy F. Leary (grad student), Richard Ram Das Alpert (grad student)
Julienne PalbusaDevelopmental Psychology20122016 Mary Gauvain (grad student)
Brian A. Palmer John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Sophie Paolizzi20172019 Kenneth N. Levy (research assistant)
Silvia Papalini Bram Vervliet (grad student)
Patricia Pardo
Alexandrea H. ParkResearch: sex differences, neurocognition, executive functioning, adult neurogeneration, perception, age & memory (Web Accessible Multiple Publications under Klose, A.H.) Bryan D. Fantie (research scientist), Senqi Hu (grad student), Charles Hinkin (collaborator)
Soo Hyun Park Leslie R. Brody (grad student)
Megan N. Parker20142019 Kenneth N. Levy (research assistant), Adrienne S. Juarascio (grad student), Marian Tanofsky-Kraff (grad student)
Kelly Parker-Guilbert Amy D. Marshall (grad student)
Colleen M. ParksMemory19982001 Jeffrey P. Toth (grad student)
Thomas D. ParsonsNeuropsychology Psychology Galen Buckwalter (grad student)
Angelo Pascali Roberto Dell'Acqua (grad student)
Mukesh Patel
Donald G. Patersonindividual differences, testing, psychology George Arps (grad student)
Janice Patricia20232025 Kenneth Tan (grad student)
Connor Patros James W. Diller (research assistant)
Paul Pauli Niels Birbaumer (grad student)
Francisco Javier Pedroza Cabrera Héctor Ayala Velázquez (grad student), Javier Nieto (grad student), Nicolás Javier Vila (grad student), Carlos Santoyo Velasco (grad student)
Müjde Peker Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
Catherine Pellenq1983 Jean-Claude Grubar (grad student)
Ricardo Pellón
Bruce F. Pennington John D. Coie (grad student), Lise Wertheimer Wallach (grad student)
Michael J. Perez Phia S. Salter (grad student)
Omar David Perezlearning, decision-making, neuroeconomics Psychology Psychology20132017 Anthony Dickinson (grad student), Amy Milton (grad student), John P. O'Doherty (post-doc), Fabian A. Soto (research scientist)
David V. Perkins
Charles Callahan Perkins Jr. Kurt Lewin (grad student)
Demi Perry
J. Christopher Perry George E. Vaillant (grad student), Gerald L. Klerman (grad student)
Lawrence C. PetersPsychiatry
Christopher PetersonPositive Psychology19791981 Martin E.P. Seligman (post-doc)
Kimberly R Peterson
Christopher PetskoPerson Perception, Stereotyping, Prejudice Galen Bodenhausen (grad student)
Richard Petty Thomas Ostrom (grad student), Bibb Latane (grad student)
Katherine A. Phillips John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Cara Phillips2012 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Jean PiagetChild development1919 Théodore Simon (research scientist)
Martin J. PickeringPsychology of language and communication Elisabet Britt Engdahl (grad student)
David Piekarski2014 Linda E. Wilbrecht (post-doc)
Anouk Pierre20152019 Tom Beckers (grad student)
Craig Piers David Shapiro (grad student)
Ellen V. Piers
Jane Piirto
Celeste C. Pilegard Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Jane A. PiliavinTheory and Methods, Individual and Family Studies Leon Festinger (grad student)
Paul A. PilkonisPersonality disorders, Application of new quantitative tools for measurement and modeling problems in psychopathology, Treatment outcome research. Philip G. Zimbardo (grad student)
Meaghan E. Pilling Theodore Ellenhorn (grad student)
Joana Pimentel2008 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Aaron Pincuspersonality19982004 Jerry S. Wiggins (grad student)
Eliana Pizarro2019 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Aaron Place Charles I. Abramson (grad student)
Chris Platania-Phung
Stefanie A. PlemmonsPersonality, Psychometrics, Applied Psychology Howard Weiss (grad student)
Lillian Polanco-Roman Elizabeth L. Jeglic (research assistant)
Taylor Poling2009 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Marta Ponariexperimental psychology, emotion recognition, embodied cognition Psychology Psychology20112014 Dario Grossi (grad student), Luigi Trojano (grad student), Brad C. Duchaine (research assistant), Gabriella Vigliocco (post-doc)
Walter Poppelreuter
Carole E. Porcari
Katherine Porikos
Katherine E. Porter
Laure Pourcin
Carol A. Prescott Irving I. Gottesman (grad student)
Tony Prescott John Mayhew (grad student)
Henk Pretorius Colin Tredoux (grad student)
George Pretyman
Karl H. PribramPsychology, frontal lobe Paul Bucy (grad student)
Daniel Price John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Rachel Primrose
James J. Prisciandaro
Shannon M. PrudenDevelopmental Science20072010 John J. Kim (grad student), Janellen Huttenlocher (post-doc), Jean Matter Mandler (research assistant), Laraine McDonough (research assistant), Roberta Michnick Golinkoff (grad student)
Thomas Pruzinsky
Neuro Psychology
Brian J PuglieseUnintentional Injury, Human Error, Pedestrian Injury, Perception
Jacques Py Jean-Léon Beauvois (grad student)
Lawton PybusUsability
Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck2009 Roger van Gompel (grad student)
Vernon Quinseyantisocial behavior, violent behavior, sex offenders, forensic psychology, evolution John W. Donahoe (grad student)
Jose Luis Quintanar Stephano Andres Quintanar-Stephano (grad student)
Jay Schyler RaadtResearch Methodology; Educational Psychology
Brian RabianClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies19921993 Wendy K. Silverman (post-doc), Rolf A. Peterson (grad student)
Nancy Raderdeveopment Eleanor J. Gibson (grad student)
Jeffrey RaffClinical Psychology, Philosophy, Religious Education, Spirituality Marie-Louise von Franz (grad student)
Claudine Raffray20032007 Martin J. Pickering (grad student)
Victor Raimy1943 Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student)
Suparna Rajarammemory Henry L. Roediger, III (grad student)
Rama Ramachandran
Craig T. Ramey
Alyssa N. RamirezPaychology
Donald Ramsdell1938 Edwin G. Boring (grad student), Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Courtney G. L. RayClinical Psychology, Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology20162018 Eli M. Solomon (post-doc)
Brett Rayford
Stuart Read Thomas Morton (grad student)
Jennifer P. ReadClinical Psychology19952000 Mark D. Wood (grad student), Bernice Lott (grad student)
Kathleen Redington
Fritz Redl August Aichhorn (grad student)
Sheldon C. ReedHuman genetics, genetic counseling19281935 William Ernest Castle (grad student), George Davis Snell (grad student)
John A. ReederMemory, Consciousness Caren M. Rotello (post-doc)
Franco Regli Manfred Bleuler (grad student)
Catherine M. Reich2015 Jeffrey S. Berman (grad student), Heidi M. Levitt (grad student)
D. Bradford Reich Mary C. Zanarini (post-doc)
Theresa R ReillyMedia Psychology
Michele Reimer1996 Laurence Steinberg (grad student)
Isabelle Rek Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Sukhman Rekhi Danielle M. Kohfeldt (grad student)
Andrew Remley Marna S. Barrett (research assistant)
Dongning Ren
George Renfrey1993 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
jaclyn n. Renn
Nicholas Dickon ReppucciChildren and Law Seymour Sarason (research scientist)
Maurice Reuchlin Jean Piaget (grad student), Paul Fraisse (grad student)
Patricia A. Reuter-LorenzNeuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience19761979 Richard J. Davidson (research assistant)
Michelle Reyes
Hugo E. Reyes Cristiano Valério dos Santos (grad student)
Falko Rheinbergmotivation Heinz Heckhausen (grad student)
Daniela M. Ribeiro Celso Goyos (grad student)
François Ric Jean-Pierre Deconchy (grad student)
Michael Richardson Michael T. Turvey (grad student), Bruce Kay (grad student)
John E RichtersPsychology
Ashley A. Rickermemory, episodic memory, interactive media, gaming, stress, metacognition
P.J. RideauDark Triad Personalities and their Children
Josephine Ridley
Horacio A. Rimoldi
Sydney Risley20162014 Elizabeth Kiel (grad student), Koraly E. Perez-Edgar (research assistant)
Isadora H. Ritter
Barry Ritzler
John E. Roberts1986 Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (research assistant)
Amanda Roberts
Scott P. Robertsonhuman-computer interaction, cognitive science Elliot Soloway (grad student)
Clive J. Robins Marvin R. Goldfried (grad student)
Jasper Robinson Geoffrey Hall (grad student), John M. Pearce (post-doc)
David A. Rodgers
Joseph Lee Rodgersquantitative psychology Lyle V. Jones (grad student)
Jacqueline Rodriguez-Stanley2018 Richard B. Slatcher (grad student)
Chris Roe Robert L Morris (grad student)
Henry L. Roediger, IIIMemory, educational applications Robert G. Crowder (grad student)
R. Tyler Rogersschizophrenia, psychosis, CHR/UHR/prodrome2024 John G. Kerns (grad student)
Milton Rokeach Else Frenkel-Brunswik (grad student)
Hermann Rorschach Eugen Bleuler (grad student)
Selena L Rosa
Alexandru Rosca
Angie Rosenbaum1992 David J. Woehr (grad student)
Lawrence D. RosenblumSpeech Perception, Multisensory Perception, Auditory Perception, Face Perception Alvin M. Liberman (grad student), Michael T. Turvey (grad student), Carol A. Fowler (grad student)
Lia Rosenstein20142015 William D. Ellison (research assistant), Mark Zimmerman (research assistant)
Yves RossettiNeuropsychology, perception & action19891993 Claude Prablanc (grad student), Marc Jeannerod (grad student)
Julie Rothbard1989 Phillip Shaver (grad student)
Myron Rothbart Albert Hastorf (grad student)
Jean-Luc Roulin François Longeot (grad student)
Michel-Louis Rouquette
Donald K. Routhpediatric psychology, child clinical psychology, history of psychology Logan Wright (grad student)
Angela C. Rowe
Arnaud Roy Jean-Luc Roulin (grad student)
Carine Royer
William Rozeboom Howard F. Hunt (grad student)
Paulette Rozencwajg Michel Huteau (grad student)
Cherie B. Ruben1987 Carolin J. Showers (research assistant)
Lolita Rubens
Carin Rubenstein1975 Robert E. Kleck (grad student)
Sophie Rubin2009 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Christopher Rubow2016 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Michael J. Rulon Delos D. Wickens (grad student)
María RuzCognitive Neuroscience, Social cognitive Neuroscience Bruce D. Mccandliss (grad student)
Michelle Ryan Barbara David (grad student)
Thomas Arthur "Art" Ryan1937 Madison Bentley (grad student)
Catherine Louise RyanBehavioral Neuroscience, Developmental Neurotoxicology
H SPsychology
Jody Saark
Alex N. Sabo John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Amy Sack Michael B. Sperling (grad student)
Laura SakaiDevelopmental psychology
Kristin E. Salber-Blackbehavioral medicine, PTSD20082015 Arthur M. Nezu (grad student)
Katariina Salmela-Aro Jari-Erik Nurmi (grad student)
Anouch Salout Remo Job (grad student)
Peter Saloveyemotion Yale University Judith Rodin (grad student)
Irving J. Saltzman Wendell R (Tex) Garner (grad student)
Nishani Samaraweera2010 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Diana T. Sanchez Margaret J. Shih (grad student)
Joseph Sandler Willi Hoffer (post-doc)
Anna Sandmeir2017 Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Joshua D. Sandry John DeLuca (post-doc)
Deborah Lynne SanedaPost-Traumatic Amnesia
Fabio Sani Psychology Steve Reicher (grad student)
Charles "Chuck" A. Sanislow Robert C. Carson (grad student)
David SantosPersuasion; attitudes Pablo Briñol (grad student)
Ayelet SapirSpatial attention Avishai Henik (grad student)
Stanley M. SaponPsycholinguistics André Martinet (grad student)
Seymour Sarason Henry Schaefer-Simmern (grad student), Saul Rosenzweig (grad student)
Ioannis Sarigiannidis20152019 Robb Rutledge (grad student), Duncan E. Astle (grad student), Jonathan Roiser (grad student), Christian Grillon (grad student)
Nobuya SatoMemory, Navigation Shogo Sakata (grad student)
Kimberly Saudino19921995 Robert Plomin (post-doc)
Raymond Saussure Sigmund Freud (grad student)
Mozhgan Savabieadfahani
Cameron Scallan Behavior Analysis20212024 Jesús Rosales-Ruiz (grad student), Shahla Ala'i (grad student)
Anna L. Scandinaro
Elizabeth Goodman Scarborough1972 Robert I. Watson (grad student)
Sandra Wood Scarr19601965 Irving I. Gottesman (grad student), Richard Ram Das Alpert (grad student)
Henry Schaefer-Simmern
Carrie E. Schaffer John S. Auerbach (collaborator), Kenneth N. Levy (collaborator), Sidney J. Blatt (grad student)
Mark Schaller Robert B. Cialdini (grad student)
Elaine Scharfe Kim Bartholomew (grad student)
Charlotte Schieber2019 Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (grad student)
Bernard B. Schiffemotion, body/brain relations Stephen E. Glickman (grad student)
Jean Schimek
Harold Schlosberg Leonard Carmichael (grad student)
Richard Allen Schmidt Alfred W. Hubbard (grad student), Jack Ashton Adams (grad student)
Tom SchoenemanHistorical and current stereotypes of mental disorder, metaphors and images of madness, cultural conceptions of individualism, social constructionism and postmodernism in psychology, attribution theory, self-concept.1979 John Sid Shrauger (grad student)
Andrew Schofieldvisual perceptio Mark A. Georgeson (post-doc)
Phillipp Schroeder Christian Plewnia (grad student)
Maria T. Schultheis Douglas Chute (grad student), John DeLuca (post-doc)
Rudolph Schulz Benton J. Underwood (grad student)
Asi Schupak Ran Hassin (grad student)
Jodi A. Schwartz Thompson Katz Wiley Mittenberg (grad student), Keith A. Hawkins (grad student)
Paula Scott1995 Joseph Masling (grad student)
Lori N. Scott20102013 Stephanie Stepp (post-doc), Paul A. Pilkonis (post-doc)
Tina SeabrookePavlovian-Instrumental Transfer Chris J. Mitchell (grad student)
Harold Searles
David Sears Robert E. Lane (grad student)
Dominik Seffer Hanspeter A. Mallot (research assistant)
Richard W. Seim
Emre Selcuk Cindy Hazan (grad student)
Candace Selwyn2013 Phillip N. Smith (grad student)
Celia Naivar Sen G. Tarcan Kumkale (grad student)
Felicisima (Ping) Serafica
Punit Shah Caroline Catmur (research assistant), Richard Cook (research assistant)
Idit ShalevMotivation and self regulation, embodied cognition
Xiaoyi Shao
Phillip ShaverAttachment1970 Melvin Manis (grad student)
Deborah ShawClinical Psychologist
Samantha Shaw Katherine B Carnelley (grad student)
Tracie Shea Maurice Lorr (grad student)
Loyda M. ShearsSocial Psychology
Jonathan Shedler Melvin Manis (grad student), Martin Maymam (grad student), Jack Block (post-doc)
Christina M. Sheerin
Erin S. Sheet Wade Edward Craighead (grad student)
Howard Shevrin
Daniella Shidlovski Yaacov Schul (grad student)
Lance Shotland1970 Stanley Milgram (post-doc), John E. Hunter (grad student)
John Sid ShraugerSocial psychology with a focus on personality and measurement.19601965 John Altrocchi (grad student)
Mohinish ShuklaCognition, Brain imaging, Language
Natalie J. Shuler Claire C. St. Peter (grad student)
Catherine Sibert Wayne D. Gray (grad student)
Tina M. Sidener Linda A. LeBlanc (grad student), Jack Michael (grad student)
Maria Teresa Araujo SilvaPsychopharmachology19701972 Carolina Martuscelli Bori (grad student)
Alan H SilvermanPediatric Psychology, gastroenterology, Feeding and Nutrition Anthony A. Hains (grad student), W. Hobart Davies (grad student)
Gaëlle Silvestre-Beccarel
Catherine Simms2015 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Sonia SinghLanguage, Learning, Cogntion Psychology Christopher M. Conway (grad student)
Lauren Sippel Michele Reimer (research assistant)
Simona Skripkauskaiteautism, visual attention, social perception, emotion regulation, mental health, longitudinal analysis, developmental psychology20112013 Skyler T. Hawk (grad student), Susan Branje (grad student)
Andrew J. Slaughter
Vladimir M. Sloutsky Alexander Fonarev (grad student)
Alexander Smirnov
Leigh K. Smithclose relationships, mind-body axis, psychophysiology20132019 Paul W. Eastwick (grad student), Timothy J. Loving (grad student)
Daniel R. Smith Arthur D. Fisk (grad student), Wendy Rogers (grad student), Lawrence Shattuck (grad student), Michael D. Matthews (grad student)
Vernon Smith2009 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Patricia "Pat" Cain Smithparticipation in groups, interviewer decision making, training performance, measurement of work values, job involvement, research methods Harry Helson (grad student), J P. Guilford (grad student)
J. Michael Snodgrass1992 Steven Jay Lynn (grad student), Howard Shevrin (post-doc)
Peter Jeffrey SnyderNeuropsychology, Neuropharmacology, Alzheimer's Disease, History of Neuroscience, Bioethics, Neurophysiology19992005 Zaven Khachaturian (research scientist), Paul T. Maruff (collaborator)
Graciela Solis Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Alain Somat Jean-Léon Beauvois (grad student)
Leanne Son Hinginequality, prejudice, discrimination, organizational behavior, health, well-being Mark P. Zanna (grad student)
Hairong Song Emilio Ferrer (grad student)
Theresa M. Souza
Michiel M. SpapéCognitive science, EEG, ERP, priming, consciousness, emotion, motor control, perception and action Bernhard Hommel (grad student)
Scott A Spaulding Tracy L. Morris (grad student), Robert H. Horner (post-doc)
Kate SpeerClinical Psychologist
Brad Spencer David Clarence McClelland (grad student)
Rainer Spiegel
Lothar SpillmannVisual psychophysics, neuroscience, Gestalt theory Wolfgang Metzger (grad student)
Daniel S. Spina20182020 katie aafjes-van doorn (grad student)
Katie Ellen SquiresChild language, literacy Ronald B. Gillam (grad student)
Marie St-LaurentPsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Bradley R. Buchsbaum (grad student)
Janet S. St. Lawrence
Claire C. St. PeterApplied behavior analysis Henry S. Pennypacker (grad student)
Ross Stagner V. A. C. Henmon (grad student)
Gillian StanleyClinical Psychologist
Karen L. Stanley-Kime
Sarah Stanton Lorne Campbell (grad student)
Claire J. Starrs J. Christopher Perry (grad student)
Misty Steele
Florian Ștefănescu-Goangă Wilhelm Wundt (post-doc)
Niklas Steffens Alexander Haslam (grad student)
Joanna Steinglass B. Timothy Walsh (post-doc)
Stephanie SteppClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Paul A. Pilkonis (grad student)
Barry L. Stern Timothy J. Trull (grad student), Tim Trull (grad student)
Daniel Stern
Jennifer Strafford Stevensposttraumatic stress disorder, memory, fear, women's health Patricia J. Bauer (grad student), Tanja Jovanovic (post-doc)
Melissa R. Stevenson
Joan Stewart
Thomas StokesUsability
Michael H. Stone19571963 Harold Searles (grad student), Harry Caplan (research assistant)
Jeff Stone Joel Cooper (post-doc)
Eric Matthew StoufferLearning and Memory19992001 Herbert Petri (grad student)
Fritz Strack Robert S. Wyer (post-doc)
Stephen Strack19791983 Paul H. Blaney (grad student)
David L. Streiner19631968 Joseph Masling (grad student)
Joseph Studerlifespan development20072011 Gisela Labouvie-Vief (grad student)
Maik C. Stüttgenrat whisker system, psychophysics, neurophysiology, choice behavior20132013 Arthur R. Houweling (research scientist)
Kaveri Subrahmanyam Patricia M. Greenfield (grad student)
John R. Suler Joseph Masling (grad student)
James Sully Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (grad student), Rudolf Hermann Lotze (grad student), Hermann von Helmholtz (grad student)
Jessie Sunwell-being, morality, personality20162020 Simine Vazire (grad student)
Suzanne R. Sunday Katherine Halmi (post-doc)
Mohammad Ali SundhooWhat is psychological tree or family tree
Mark B. Suret
Ingibjörg Sveinsdóttir Psychology Psychology20012006 A. Charles Catania (grad student), Robert H. Deluty (grad student)
Jackie Swan
William Swann Mark Snyder (grad student)
Kate Sweeny James Shepperd (grad student)
James M. Swenson George E. Briggs (grad student)
Jolene Sy2011 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Jacob "Jack" Tabes1984 Jan Hastrup (grad student)
Casey T. Taft2002 Christopher Murphy (grad student)
Harold TakooshianI-O, Social-Personality, International1979 Florence Denmark (grad student), Barbara Snell Dohrenwend (research assistant)
Rosie TalcottOrganizational Psychology20202022 Christian Wright (grad student), Diana R. Sanchez (grad student), Kevin Eschleman (grad student)
Roman TarabanPsycholinguistics, problem solving James L. McClelland (grad student)
Doyle Tate Charlotte Patterson (post-doc)
Charles Tatum Henry C. Ellis (grad student)
Rana Tawfik
Shelley Taylor19641968 Sara Kiesler (research assistant)
Valerie Jones Taylor Nicole Shelton (grad student)
Donald M. Taylor Robert C. Gardner (grad student)
Nathan Taylor2019 Johanna M. Zumer (grad student)
Sarah E TaylorNeuropsychology, Executive Functioning2016 Benjamin David Hill (grad student)
John D. Teasdale
Jacob Kraemer Tebes Murray Levine (grad student), Norman J. Finkel (research assistant), David V. Perkins (grad student)
Christina M. Temes20062006 Paul Crits-Christoph (research assistant), Anne E. Brodsky (research assistant)
Elena J TenebaumLanguage Acquisition, Cognitive Development Stephen Sheinkopf (post-doc)
Robert A Terry Mark Applebaum (grad student)
Allison S. Tetreault Dorothea C. Lerman (grad student)
Hans-Lukas Teuberneuropsychology, double dissociation of function1947 Morris Bender (post-doc), Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Emma ThackerAntisocial behaviours in children, cognitive socialisation
Helmut Thoma
Katherine M. Thomas Christopher J. Hopwood (grad student)
Elaine A. Thomas Brenna H. Bry (grad student), Nancy Boyd-Franklin (grad student)
Garrie B. Thompson Wiley Mittenberg (grad student), David L. Wolgin (grad student)
Roxanne Thrush Brooke Feeney (grad student)
Marie-Cecile O. TidwellAging, Development1988 Phillip Shaver (grad student)
Bert Timmermanssocial cognition, interaction, gaze, consciousness, metacognition20102012 Axel Cleeremans (post-doc), Kai Vogeley (post-doc), Leonhard Schilbach (collaborator)
Edwin O. Timmons
Debra A. Tisdelle Janet S. St. Lawrence (grad student)
Ann Tobey
Tadeusz Tomaszewski Mieczyslaw Kreutz (grad student)
Alexa Tompary2017 Sharon L. Thompson-Schill (post-doc)
Kristen M. TooleyPsycholinguistics20092011 Kathryn L. Bock (post-doc)
Marion Rex Trabue Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
Alec Trahan2022 William D. Ellison (research assistant), Carolyn B. Becker (research assistant), Mary Dozier (research assistant)
Robert Morris William Travers
Barbara Treccaniexperimental psychology; attention; response selection; inhibitory control; human factors; magnitude representation Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Glenn R. Trezza1992 Jan Hastrup (grad student), Janice L. Hastrup (grad student)
W.W. Trousdale
Tim Trull John F. Clarkin (post-doc)
Marlin Trulsen1994 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Chi-Shing Tse
Konstantin O. Tskhay Nicholas O. Rule (grad student)
tsrt tsw
Jonathan G TullisMemory, cognition Aaron S. Benjamin (grad student)
Cynthia L. Turk1996 Daniel McNeil (grad student)
Jessica A. TurnerPsychiatry, imaging genetics Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Douglas G. Ullman
Roger E. Ulrich Nathan Azrin (grad student)
Reka Vagvöglyi Thomas Dresler (grad student)
David Vaidissocial psychology Patrick Gosling (grad student)
Amrisha Vaish Michael Tomasello (grad student)
Stuart Valins
Jessica VallejoPsychology
Alicia Vallorani Koraly E. Perez-Edgar (grad student)
Teun Adrianus van Dijk Walter Kintsch (collaborator)
Eline Van Geertvisual perception and experimental aesthetics Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Department of Brain and Cognition2017 Johan Wagemans (grad student)
Herre van Oostendorp Teun Adrianus van Dijk (grad student), Nico H. Frijda (grad student), Joost A.P.J. Breuker (grad student)
Mark van Vugt19911996 Paul A. M. van Lange (grad student)
Matthew R. J. VandermeerDepression, Neuroimaging, Psychopathology Elizabeth P. Hayden (grad student), Susan C. Rodger (grad student)
Maria A. Vargas
Dimitri Vasiljevic
Wayland Vaughan William McDougall (grad student)
Kayci L. VickersExecutive dysfunction, adherence, rehabilitation after brain injury Maria T. Schultheis (grad student), Evangelia G. Chrysikou (research assistant)
Trichur Raman Vidyasagarvisual system, neurophysiology, attention, psychophysics, dyslexia19791989 Otto D. Creutzfeldt (post-doc), Geoff Henry (research scientist)
Eduardo Walcacer ViegasBehavior Analysis Ciências do Comportamento20202022 Josele Regina de Oliveira Abreu-Rodrigues (grad student)
Philip A. VieiraMemory, Addiction, Epigenetics Tod Kippin (post-doc)
Vivian L. Vignoles2000 Glynis Breakwell (grad student)
Michael VigoritoLearning & Motivation Anthony Sclafani (grad student)
Nicolás Javier Vila Luis Aguado Aguilar (grad student), Santiago Benjumea (grad student), Ricardo Pellón (grad student), Helena Matute (grad student), Rafael Moreno (grad student)
Jennifer Villatte Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Gaelle VillejoubertUncertainty judgment, decision-making, risk19982001 David R. Mandel (grad student)
Alejandra Viñas
Karen J. Visconti2000 Kimberly Saudino (grad student)
Ingmar Visserpsychology; developmental psychology Human development and family studies, PennState19972002 Peter Molenaar (grad student)
Deana Vitrano
alejandra vivas
Colin E. Vize Donald R. Lynam (grad student)
MAtthias Volz2019 Ulrike "Ricky" Dinger (post-doc)
Alain Vom Hofe Jacques Lautrey (grad student)
Marie-Louise von Franz Carl Gustav Jung (grad student)
Laura Vowels
David M. Vowles Gilbert D. McCann (post-doc), William Homan Thorpe (post-doc)
Karel Vredenburg19811988 Gordon Flett (grad student)
Jay WadeClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology1996 Charles Gelso (grad student), Mary Ann Hoffman (grad student)
John Edward Waggoner1989 David S. Palermo (grad student)
Juliet Ruth Helen WakefieldSocial Identity; Social Cure Nicholas Hopkins (grad student)
Ruth V WalkerAging, Gender, Ageism, Sexual Assault, Bystander Behavior Harvey L. Sterns (grad student)
Lise Wertheimer Wallach
Stacey A. Waller
John Edward Wallace Wallin Edward Wheeler Scripture (grad student)
Robyn D. Walser1998 Steven C. Hayes (grad student)
Amber Lea Walser Richard Handel (grad student)
B. Timothy Walsh
Erin Walsh
Calen Walshe
Xiaoang (Irene) WanCognitive Psychology Charles Spence (collaborator), Nora S. Newcombe (post-doc), Thomas F. Shipley (post-doc)
Jun Wang Erika S. Lunkenheimer (grad student)
Chongying WangDevelopmental Psychology, Language, Metaphor, Autism20032008 Ann D. Dowker (grad student)
Joel S. Warmvigilance George E. Passey (grad student), Earl A. Alluisi (post-doc)
Miriam Wasner Korbinian Moeller (grad student)
Rachel H. Wasserman20012003 Robert L. Woolfolk (research assistant)
Shigeru Watanabe"Comparative Psychology", "Neuroscience", "Behavioral Pharmacology" Takashi Ogawa (grad student)
Stanley Watsonmolecular neruobiology Jack Barchas (post-doc)
Goodwin Watson John Dewey (grad student)
David Watson1982 Auke Tellegen (grad student)
Robert I. Watson
Derrick Watson Psychology Glyn Humphreys (grad student)
Christian E. WaughEmotion, fMRI, psychophyisology, stress Ian H. Gotlib (post-doc), Lee A. Kirkpatrick (research assistant)
Mark Waugh Roger K. Blashfield (grad student)
Rebecca E Waughneuroimaging, cognition, aging20232021 Jessica J. Connelly (grad student), Mark Hallett (research scientist), Mary K. Floeter (research scientist), Michael S. Worden (research assistant)
Dana Weaver
Paul Wehr
Steve Weine
Bernard Weiner Melvin Manis (research assistant), Harold Leavitt (research assistant)
Alan S. Weiner Paulina Kernberg (post-doc)
John D. Weisz
Christopher Welker20152018 Thomas Gilovich (research assistant)
Jackie M. Wellen Michael A. Hogg (grad student)
Carol Miehe Werner Thomas Ostrom (grad student)
Deanne Christina West
Jonathan E WestfallJudgment and Decision Making20092012 Elke Weber (post-doc), Eric J. Johnson (post-doc)
Sara J. Weston Daniel K. Mroczek (grad student)
Thalia P. Wheatley20012006 Daniel Wegner (grad student), Alex Martin (post-doc), Daniel T. Gilbert (research assistant), Timothy D. Wilson (collaborator), Daniel T. Gilbert (collaborator), Daniel Wegner (collaborator), Jonathan Haidt (collaborator), Peter Ulric Tse (collaborator), Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (collaborator), Adina Roskies (collaborator), Jonathan Haidt (grad student)
Ladd WheelerSocial comparison, behavioral contagion, physical attractiveness, and social interaction.19571958 Leon Festinger (research assistant)
Zachary Wheeler Louis Cozolino (grad student)
Sarah White Uta Frith (grad student)
Tara Whitehuman psychopharmacology Richard Depue (grad student), Urie Bronfenbrenner (research assistant)
Cristina Whitehouse2012 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Kate Whitfield
Emma Whitt Jasper Robinson (grad student)
Robert A. Wicklund Jack W. Brehm (grad student)
David R Widmanevolutionary psychology, animal behavior, Pavlovian Conditioning Robert Rosellini (grad student), William Timberlake (post-doc)
Adi WiezelSocial Psychology, Political Psychology Douglas T. Kenrick (grad student), Michelle N. Shiota (grad student)
Charles van Wijk Colin Tredoux (grad student)
Helen L. WilliamsPsychology, Memory, Metamemory Lindsay G. Stevenson (post-doc)
Uzma S Wilson Sumit Dhar (research scientist), Jeffery T. Lichtenhan (research scientist)
McLennon WilsonDevelopmental Psychology Heather Henderson (grad student)
David J. Wimer2009 Ronald Levant (grad student), Bernard C. Beins (research assistant), Loreto Prieto (grad student)
Alan M. Wing Alfred Boyd Kristofferson (grad student)
Steve Winn Edward Z. Tronick (grad student)
Donald Woods Winnicott Melanie Klein (research assistant)
Kimberly Wisdorf-Houtkooper1997 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Erica Hsiung Wojcik Adele Eva Goldberg (research assistant)
Bogdan Wojciszke
Oliver T. Wolf Clemens Kirschbaum (grad student)
Connie T. Wolfesocial psychology, racism, self-esteem19891993 G Daniel Lassiter (research assistant)
Peter C Wolff Murray Sidman (grad student)
Caitlin Wolford-Clevengersuicide and affective-behavioral correlates of substance use20112013 Phillip N. Smith (grad student)
Iana Wong
Philip Wong Howard Shevrin (grad student)
Mark D. Wood
Carolyn Wood Sherif19431961 Wayne H. Holtzman (grad student), Wendell Johnson (grad student)
Emma C WoodwardChild Psychology Andres G. Viana (grad student)
Robert Woolfolk
Leila T. Worth1988 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Gordon RT WrightDeception, Interpersonal Perception, Dark Triad, Motivated Social Cognition Geoffrey Bird (grad student)
Ted Wright2002 C. Richard Spates (grad student)
Rex A. Wright Jack W. Brehm (grad student)
Aidan G. Wrightpersonality Paul A. Pilkonis (post-doc), Leonard J. Simms (post-doc)
John Wright Glenn I. Hatton (grad student)
Rachel WuDevelopmental Psychology20072011 Denis Mareschal (grad student), Natasha Zoe Kirkham (grad student), Annette Karmiloff-Smith (collaborator)
Lyman Wynne Erich Lindemann (grad student)
Liying Xu Feng Yu (grad student)
Xiaohong Xu Stephanie C. Payne (grad student)
Harry G. Yamaguchi Clark L. Hull (grad student)
Caitlyn Yantissocial psychology, stereotyping, identity, racism, interracial interactions Valerie Jones Taylor (grad student), Christine E. Reyna (grad student), Courtney Bonam (grad student)
Kathleen A. Yearick
Shirley Yen Tracie Shea (post-doc), Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Robert Mearns YerkesPrimatology Josiah Royce (grad student)
Daniel Yonprediction, learning, action, perception Clare Press (grad student)
Xiaozhen YoufMRI Autism ADHD William D Gaillard (grad student)
Moussa Youdim
Jacy L. Young Alexandra Rutherford (research assistant)
Douglas Young
Feng YuMoral Psychology2014 Kaiping Peng (grad student)
Janie Yu
Kristen A. Yule
Peter Yule
Lorijn ZaadnoordijkDevelopmental cognitive science20142018 Sabine Hunnius (grad student)
Jim Zacks
Rachel Zajac Harlene Hayne (grad student)
Peter Zajonc
Mary C. Zanarini John G. Gunderson (post-doc)
Mark P. Zannasocial psychology, attitudes1971 Charles A. Kiesler (grad student)
Stanley Paul Zarlock1958 B. Richard Bugelski (grad student)
Toral Zaveri
Vivian Zayas Anthony Greenwald (post-doc)
René Zazzo
Charles Zeanah
Franck Zenasni Todd I. Lubart (grad student)
Minye ZhanfMRI, vision, body perception, consciousness
Jing Zhang
Yan Zhang
Yuyang Zhong
Gerald A. Zimmerman John N. Rosen (grad student)
Shira Zimmerman Psychology Ran Hassin (grad student)
Michael J. Zvolensky Daniel McNeil (grad student)