Joseph P. Newman, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
Psychopathy, Externalizing disordersGoogle:
"Joseph Newman"Bio:
Ph.D. from Indiana University in 1979.
Graduate Advisor: Eliot S Hearst
Dissertation Committee Chair: Richard D Young
Worked also with: Cathy S Widom
Sign in to add traineePeter Arnett | grad student | UW Madison (Neurotree) | |
David Kosson | grad student | UW Madison (Neurotree) | |
Denise L. Newman | grad student | ||
Rachel K. Bencic | grad student | 2011- | UW Madison |
William A. Schmitt | grad student | 2000 | UW Madison |
Chad A. Brinkley | grad student | 2002 | UW Madison |
Amanda R. Lorenz | grad student | 2002 | UW Madison |
Jennifer E. Vitale | grad student | 2002 | UW Madison |
Kristina D. Hiatt | grad student | 2005 | UW Madison |
Donal G. MacCoon | grad student | 2005 | UW Madison |
Samantha J. Glass | grad student | 2009 | UW Madison |
Arielle R. Baskin-Sommers | grad student | 2013 | UW Madison |
Joshua D. Zeier | grad student | 2013 | UW Madison |
Sign in to add collaboratorCathy S. Widom | collaborator | Indiana University Bloomington | |
Richard David Young | collaborator | Indiana University Bloomington |
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Hoggard JG, Blair RD, Montero M, et al. (2019) Clinical outcomes associated with the use of the NexSite hemodialysis catheter with new exit barrier technology: Results from a prospective, observational multi-center registry study. Plos One. 14: e0223285 |
Jeyaraj R, Kunnumpurath A, Soh E, et al. (2019) Medical students on the hospital ward: what do patients really think? Future Healthcare Journal. 6: 169 |
Camilleri M, Chang E, Newman J, et al. (2019) The 'Teach me' campaign - a different kind of education initiative. Future Healthcare Journal. 6: 144 |
Miskovich TA, Anderson NE, Harenski CL, et al. (2018) Abnormal cortical gyrification in criminal psychopathy. Neuroimage. Clinical. 19: 876-882 |
Vitale J, Kosson DS, Resch Z, et al. (2018) Speed-Accuracy Tradeoffs on an Affective Lexical Decision Task: Implications for the Affect Regulation Theory of Psychopathy Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 40: 412-418 |
Hosking JG, Kastman EK, Dorfman HM, et al. (2017) Disrupted Prefrontal Regulation of Striatal Subjective Value Signals in Psychopathy. Neuron. 95: 221-231.e4 |
Dargis MA, Mattern AC, Newman JP. (2017) Set-Congruent Priming Stimuli Normalize the Information Processing of Psychopathic Offenders Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 39: 209-219 |
Newman JP, Baskin-Sommers AR. (2016) Smith and Lilienfeld's meta-analysis of the response modulation hypothesis: Important theoretical and quantitative clarifications. Psychological Bulletin. 142: 1384-1393 |
Hamilton RK, Newman JP. (2016) Information Processing Capacity in Psychopathy: Effects of Anomalous Attention. Personality Disorders |
Rodman AM, Kastman E, Dorfman HM, et al. (2016) Selective Mapping of Psychopathy and Externalizing to Dissociable Circuits for Inhibitory Self-Control. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 4: 559-571 |