Phillip J. Holcomb
Affiliations: | 1987-1990 | Psychology | Tufts University, Boston |
"Phillip Holcomb"Children
Sign in to add traineeLee Osterhout | grad student | 1987-1990 | Tufts |
Tatiana Sitnikova | grad student | 2003 | Tufts |
Maya Misra | grad student | 2004 | Tufts |
Tali Ditman | grad student | 2007 | Tufts |
Krysta Chauncey | grad student | 2008 | Tufts |
Marianna D. Eddy | grad student | 2008 | Tufts |
Alexandra Geyer | grad student | 2009 | Tufts |
Kana Okano | grad student | 2012 | Tufts |
Neil T. Cohn | grad student | 2006-2012 | Tufts (LinguisTree) |
Yen N. Yum | grad student | 2013 | Tufts |
Gina R. Kuperberg | post-doc | Tufts (Neurotree) |
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McGarry ME, Midgley KJ, Holcomb PJ, et al. (2024) An ERP Investigation of Perceptual vs Motoric Iconicity in Sign Production. Neuropsychologia. 108966 |
Dufau S, Yeaton J, Badier JM, et al. (2024) Sentence superiority in the reading brain. Neuropsychologia. 108885 |
Holcomb PJ, Akers EM, Midgley KJ, et al. (2024) Orthographic and Phonological Code Activation in Deaf and Hearing Readers. Journal of Cognition. 7: 19 |
Li C, Midgley KJ, Ferreira VS, et al. (2023) Different language control mechanisms in comprehension and production: Evidence from paragraph reading. Brain and Language. 248: 105367 |
Sehyr ZS, Midgley KJ, Emmorey K, et al. (2023) Asymetric Event-Related Potential Priming Effects Between English Letters and American Sign Language Fingerspelling Fonts. Neurobiology of Language (Cambridge, Mass.). 4: 361-381 |
McGarry ME, Midgley KJ, Holcomb PJ, et al. (2023) How (and why) does iconicity effect lexical access: An electrophysiological study of American sign language. Neuropsychologia. 183: 108516 |
Winsler K, Holcomb PJ, Emmorey K. (2022) Electrophysiological patterns of visual word recognition in deaf and hearing readers: An ERP mega-study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 38: 636-650 |
Li C, Midgley KJ, Holcomb PJ. (2022) ERPs Reveal How Semantic and Syntactic Processing Unfold across Parafoveal and Foveal Vision during Sentence Comprehension. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 38: 88-104 |
Lee B, Martinez PM, Midgley KJ, et al. (2022) Sensitivity to orthographic vs. phonological constraints on word recognition: An ERP study with deaf and hearing readers. Neuropsychologia. 108420 |
Winsler K, Grainger J, Holcomb PJ. (2022) On letter-specific crowding and reading: Evidence from ERPs. Neuropsychologia. 176: 108396 |