Jeff T. Larsen, Ph.D.

2002-2012 Psychology Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 
 2013- Psychology University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, United States 
"Jeff Larsen"


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Barbara Mellers grad student Penn (Neurotree)
John T. Cacioppo grad student 2001 Ohio State (Neurotree)
 (Emotions in evaluative space: Can pleasure and displeasure co-occur?)
Richard Petty grad student 2001 Ohio State
 (Emotions in evaluative space: Can pleasure and displeasure co-occur?)
Richard E. Petty grad student 2001 Ohio State (AAA tree)
 (Emotions in evaluative space: Can pleasure and displeasure co-occur?)
Daniel Kahneman post-doc 2001-2002
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Harp NR, Langbehn AT, Larsen JT, et al. (2023) Face coverings differentially alter valence judgments of emotional expressions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 45: 91-106
Coles NA, March DS, Marmolejo-Ramos F, et al. (2022) A multi-lab test of the facial feedback hypothesis by the Many Smiles Collaboration. Nature Human Behaviour
Coles NA, Gaertner L, Frohlich B, et al. (2022) Fact or artifact? Demand characteristics and participants' beliefs can moderate, but do not fully account for, the effects of facial feedback on emotional experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Larsen JT, Hershfield HE, Cazares JL, et al. (2021) Meaningful endings and mixed emotions: The double-edged sword of reminiscence on good times. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Coles NA, Larsen JT. (2021) Letter to the editor: Claims about the effects of botulinum toxin on depression should raise some eyebrows. Journal of Psychiatric Research
Coles NA, Larsen JT, Lench HC. (2019) A meta-analysis of the facial feedback literature: Effects of facial feedback on emotional experience are small and variable. Psychological Bulletin
Norris CJ, Larsen JT. (2019) Feeling good and bad about nothing at all: Evidence that the status quo can elicit mixed feelings. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Larsen JT. (2018) Comment: Homing in on a Balanced Psychology Emotion Review. 10: 61-63
Larsen JT. (2017) Introduction to the Special Section on Mixed Emotions Emotion Review. 9: 97-98
Larsen JT. (2017) Holes in the Case for Mixed Emotions Emotion Review. 9: 118-123
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