Holly Levin-Aspenson

"Holly Levin-Aspenson"


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Lee Anna Clark grad student (Neurotree)


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Isabella Manuel grad student 2023-
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Levin-Aspenson HF, Diehl JM, Boyd SI, et al. (2022) Levels of Anger Severity in Psychiatric Patients. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Stanton K, Watts AL, Levin-Aspenson HF, et al. (2022) Focusing Narrowly on Model Fit in Factor Analysis Can Mask Construct Heterogeneity and Model Misspecification: Applied Demonstrations across Sample and Assessment Types. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-13
Watson D, Levin-Aspenson HF, Waszczuk MA, et al. (2022) Validity and utility of Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): III. Emotional dysfunction superspectrum. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 21: 26-54
Clark LA, Corona-Espinosa A, Khoo S, et al. (2021) Preliminary Scales for Personality Disorder: Self and Interpersonal Dysfunction Plus Five Personality Disorder Trait Domains. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 668724
Levin-Aspenson HF, Boyd SI, Diehl JM, et al. (2021) A Clinically Useful Anger Outcome Scale. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 141: 160-166
Watson D, Forbes MK, Levin-Aspenson HF, et al. (2021) The Development of Preliminary HiTOP Internalizing Spectrum Scales. Assessment. 10731911211003976
Forbes MK, Greene AL, Levin-Aspenson HF, et al. (2021) Three recommendations based on a comparison of the reliability and validity of the predominant models used in research on the empirical structure of psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Levin-Aspenson HF, Watson D, Clark LA, et al. (2020) What Is the General Factor of Psychopathology? Consistency of the p Factor Across Samples. Assessment. 1073191120954921
Watson D, Ellickson-Larew S, Stanton K, et al. (2020) Examining the Criterion Validity and Diagnostic Specificity of Self-Report Measures of Narcissism and Mania. Assessment. 1073191120918012
Watson D, Ellickson-Larew S, Stanton K, et al. (2019) Aspects of extraversion and their associations with psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology
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