Karen J. Cusack, Ph.D.

"Karen Cusack"


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C. Richard Spates grad student 2001 Western Michigan University
 (Refugee experiences of trauma and PTSD: Effects on psychological, physical, and financial well-being.)
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Cusack K, Jonas DE, Forneris CA, et al. (2015) Psychological treatments for adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review
Long ME, Grubaugh AL, Elhai JD, et al. (2010) Therapist fidelity with an exposure-based treatment of PTSD in adults with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 66: 383-93
Frueh BC, Grubaugh AL, Cusack KJ, et al. (2009) Exposure-based cognitive-behavioral treatment of PTSD in adults with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: a pilot study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 23: 665-75
Cusack KJ, Morrissey JP, Ellis AR. (2008) Targeting trauma-related interventions and improving outcomes for women with co-occurring disorders Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 35: 147-158
Grubaugh AL, Cusack KJ, Yim E, et al. (2008) Gender Differences in Relationship Patterns Between Adverse Psychiatric Experiences, Lifetime Trauma, and PTSD Journal of Psychological Trauma. 6: 87-98
Grubaugh AL, Elhai JD, Cusack KJ, et al. (2007) Screening for PTSD in public-sector mental health settings: The diagnostic utility of the PTSD checklist Depression and Anxiety. 24: 124-129
Frueh BC, Cusack KJ, Grubaugh AL, et al. (2006) Clinicians' perspectives on cognitive-behavioral treatment for PTSD among persons with severe mental illness Psychiatric Services. 57: 1027-1031
Frueh BC, Buckley TC, Cusack KJ, et al. (2004) Cognitive-behavioral treatment for PTSD among people with severe mental illness: a proposed treatment model. Journal of Psychiatric Practice. 10: 26-38
Cusack KJ, Frueh BC, Brady KT. (2004) Trauma History Screening in a Community Mental Health Center Psychiatric Services. 55: 157-162
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