Indiana University, Bloomington

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
G R. AarjouraCriminology and Penology
Arthur S. AldersonSocial Structure and Development, Organizational
Elbert P. AlmazanIndividual and Family Studies, Gender Studies, Mental Health2006 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Daniel G. BachrachManagement Business Administration2002 Philip M. Podsakoff (grad student)
Rachael E. BarlowGeneral, Architecture, Library Science Sociology2008 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Kristin R. BaughmanIndividual and Family Studies, Social Psychology, Public Health, Recreation, Clinical Psychology2000 Sheldon Stryker (grad student)
Katherine A. Beardall Sociology Anna S Mueller (grad student)
Jason BeckfieldStratification; health and social policy in the context of economic and political globalization Sociology Sociology2005 Arthur S. Alderson (grad student), Clem Brooks (grad student), Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Alexandra BerkowitzIndividual and Family Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology2005 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Keshav BhattaraiGeography, Social Structure and Development2001 Dennis Conway (grad student)
Catherine BolzendahlSocial Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare, General2006 Clem Brooks (grad student)
Charles F. Bosner
Emily A. BowmanGeneral, Sociology of Education, Policy Education Sociology2012 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
York W. BradshawDemography, Social Structure and Development, Women's Studies
David BradySocial Structure and Development Sociology Sociology Sociology Sociology2001 Michael E. Wallace (grad student), Clem Brooks (grad student), Arthur S. Alderson (grad student), David A. Reingold (grad student)
Carl M. BriggsSocial Structure and Development, Finance Education, Sociology of Education2000 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
Clem BrooksPublic and Social Welfare, Law, General, International Law and Relations
Maria BucarEuropean History, Jewish Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Giovani BurgosGeneral2006 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Peter J. BurkeIdentity theory
Robert M. CariniSociology of Education, Industrial and Labor Relations, Administration Education2003 Brian Powell (grad student)
Kara B. CebulkoGeneral, Hispanic American Studies Sociology2009 Brian Powell (grad student)
S ChernaleCriminology and Penology
Jihyang ChoiJournalism, Mass Communications, Web Studies Journalism2014 Lars Willnat (grad student)
Jane ChuPerforming Arts, Urban and Regional Planning, Organizational Philanthropic Studies2012 Patricia A. Wittberg (grad student)
Rob ClarkSocial Structure and Development, Organizational Sociology2007 Arthur S. Alderson (grad student)
Jennifer A. ColaneseCriminology and Penology Criminal Justice2013 Marla R. Sandys (grad student)
Christopher T. ConnerSocial Structure and Development, Social Psychology, GLBT Studies Sociology2010 Lynn Pike (grad student)
Dennis ConwayGeography, Demography, Social Structure and Development
William A. CorsaroIndustrial and Labor Relations, Teacher Training Education
Donald R. Cressey Sociology1950 Edwin H. Sutherland (grad student)
Jason L. CummingsSocial Structure and Development, Epidemiology, Public Health, Public and Social Welfare, Black Studies, African American Studies Sociology2013 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Phillips Cutright
Mari C. DagazIndividual and Family Studies, Sociology of Education, Music Education Sociology2010 Donna Eder (grad student)
Radhika J. DesaiSocial Structure and Development, Women's Studies, Cultural Anthropology2000 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
Jo Dixon sociology1989 David Knoke (grad student)
Kyle DodsonSocial Structure and Development, General Sociology2010 Clem Brooks (grad student)
Ellen DwyerUnited States History, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Asian American Studies
Donna EderGeneral
Garrett G. Eppley
Judson G. EverittIndustrial and Labor Relations, Teacher Training Education Sociology2009 William A. Corsaro (grad student)
Emily FairchildGeneral Sociology2008 Donna Eder (grad student)
Oluwatope R. FasholaSociology of Education, Multilingual Education, Theory and Methods, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, African American Studies Sociology2011 Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Danielle L. FettesGeneral, Mental Health Sociology2009 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Laura FingersonGeneral2001 Donna Eder (grad student)
Glenn FirebaughGeneral Sociology19721976 Phillips Cutright (grad student), Elton Jackson (grad student)
Maurice GarnierSociology of Education, Asian Studies
Claudia GeistIndividual and Family Studies, General Economics Sociology2008 Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Thomas F. GierynOrganizational
Giovanni B. Giglioni1965 Charles F. Bosner (grad student)
Liahna E. GordonGeneral, Women's Studies2000 Donna Eder (grad student)
Ryan K. GottfredsonOrganizational
Eric A. GrollmanPublic and Social Welfare, Social Psychology, Epidemiology Sociology2013 Brian Powell (grad student)
Michael GrossbergUnited States History, Public and Social Welfare, Rehabilitation and Therapy
Kathryn G. HadleyGeneral2003 William A. Corsaro (grad student)
Sara C. HareCriminology and Penology, Law2002 Brian Powell (grad student)
Brent HargerSocial Structure and Development, Elementary Education, Social Psychology, Sociology of Education Sociology2009 Donna Eder (grad student)
Roxanna E. HarlowEthnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, Higher Education, Women's Studies2002 Brian Powell (grad student)
Kathryn A. HendersonIndividual and Family Studies2005 Eliza Pavalko (grad student)
Robin C. HenryUnited States History, Law, Gender Studies2006 Michael Grossberg (grad student)
Natalie K. HippleCriminology and Penology, Social Work, Guidance and Counseling Education2002 Edmund F. McGarrell (grad student)
Amy Holtzwoth-MunroeClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Mayumi HoshinoUnited States History, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Asian American Studies History2012 Ellen Dwyer (grad student)
Nikole HotchkissPublic and Social Welfare, Law, General, International Law and Relations Sociology2009 Clem Brooks (grad student)
Michael HoutDemography Mathematics Sociology1976 Daniel P. Maki (grad student), Phillips Cutright (grad student)
Jackson K. IreriJournalism, Speech Communication, Mass Communications Journalism2015 Lars Willnat (grad student)
Yasmiyn IrizarrySociology of Education, Black Studies, African American Studies, Hispanic American Studies Sociology2011 Brian Powell (grad student)
Larry W. IsaacIndustrial and Labor Relations, Criminology and Penology, United States History David Snyder (grad student)
Elton Jackson
Greg JeffersCriminology and Penology, Black Studies, African American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Sociology2014 William A. Corsaro (grad student)
Jason JimersonEthnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, Higher Education, Women's Studies
Azamat JunisbaiSocial Structure and Development, General Economics, General Sociology2009 Arthur S. Alderson (grad student)
Karen KaiserGeneral, Women's Studies2006 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
George R. KakotiCriminology and Penology, Law, African History2004 Hal Pepinsky (grad student)
Stephanie C. KaneCriminology and Penology, American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Saeko KikuzawaIndividual and Family Studies, Gerontology, Mental Health2000 Eliza Pavalko (grad student)
Sibyl R. KleinerSocial Structure and Development, Social Psychology, Women's Studies Sociology2012 Eliza Pavalko (grad student)
Sven D. KlingemannGeneral, Social Psychology2006 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Joshua KlugmanSocial Structure and Development, Sociology of Education, Finance Education Sociology2007 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
Valentina V. KuskovaManagement Business Administration Business2010 Philip M. Podsakoff (grad student)
Jeong-Yeon LeeManagement Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations2005 Philip M. Podsakoff (grad student)
Todd D. LindleyGeography, Asian Studies Geography2010 Dennis Conway (grad student)
Greg LindsteadtCriminology and Penology2006 G R. Aarjoura (grad student)
Keri M. LubellTheory and Methods, Mental Health, Individual and Family Studies2001 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Mary L. LuskinCriminology and Penology, Social Psychology, Mental Health
Karen E. LutfeyPublic and Social Welfare, Medicine and Surgery, Cultural Anthropology2000 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Erin J. MaherEthnic and Racial Studies, Sociology of Education, Black Studies2000 Brian Powell (grad student)
Janice McCabeEthnic and Racial Studies, Higher Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Black Studies, Hispanic American Studies2006 Donna Eder (grad student)
Holly J. McCammonSocial Structure and Development, General, American Studies Sociology1990 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
Edmund F. McGarrellCriminology and Penology, Social Work, Guidance and Counseling Education
Jane D. McLeodGeneral, Mental Health
Patricia A. McManusIndividual and Family Studies, General Economics
Chadwick L. MenningIndividual and Family Studies2003 Brian Powell (grad student)
Paresh MishraOrganizational Business2012 Philip M. Podsakoff (grad student)
Krysia N. MossakowskiGeneral, Mental Health2005 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Anna S MuellerSuicide; Medical sociology; Sociology of Education; Children & Youth; Mental health
Narisara MurrayHistory of Science, European History2004 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
John M. MusaliaDemography, Social Structure and Development, Women's Studies2000 York W. Bradshaw (grad student)
Violet NaanyuSocial Structure and Development, Demography, Cultural Anthropology Sociology2009 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Paul R. NamasteOrganizational, Sociology of Education, Higher Education Sociology2007 Brian Powell (grad student)
Sarah K. NathanOrganizational, Women's Studies Philanthropic Studies2013 Robert W. White (grad student)
David NazeRhetoric and Composition Language, Speech Communication, American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Communication and Culture2012 Robert Terrill (grad student)
Sandi K. NengaGeneral2004 Donna Eder (grad student)
Shiri NoyPublic and Social Welfare, Public Health, Latin American Studies Sociology2013 Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Timothy L. O'BrienGeneral, Law Sociology2013 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Kathleen C. OberlinOrganizational, Museology Sociology2014 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Calvin OdhiamboPublic and Social Welfare, Public Health2003 Eliza Pavalko (grad student)
Dina G. OkamotoAfrican American Studies, Black Studies, Sociology of Education
Sigrun OlafsdottirSocial Structure and Development, Mental Health, Public and Social Welfare Sociology2007 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Elizabeth R. OsbornUnited States History, Law, Women's Studies2004 Michael Grossberg (grad student)
Todd W. PaddockGeneral, Environmental Sciences2001 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Eliza PavalkoSocial Structure and Development, Demography, Cultural Anthropology
Hal PepinskyCriminology and Penology, General, Law
Brea L. PerryGeneral, Mental Health, Theory and Methods Sociology2008 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Bernice A. PescosolidoSocial Structure and Development, Mental Health, Public and Social Welfare
Lynn PikeSocial Structure and Development, Social Psychology, GLBT Studies
Oren Pizmony-LevyGeneral, History of Education, Tests and Measurements Education Sociology2013 Brian Powell (grad student)
Philip M. PodsakoffManagement Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations
Carol PolsgroveMass Communications, Women's Studies, Black Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Brian PowellIndividual and Family Studies
Heather PrussCriminology and Penology, Gender Studies, Social Psychology Criminal Justice2014 Marla R. Sandys (grad student)
Erin E. PshenishnyCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health School of Education2012 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Melissa K. QuintelaSocial Structure and Development, Hispanic American Studies Sociology2010 Donna Eder (grad student)
Rashawn Ray Sociology Sociology Sociology2010 Brian Powell (grad student), Donna Eder (grad student), Quincy T. Stewart (grad student)
Uzma S. RehmanClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Amy Holtzwoth-Munroe (grad student), Amy L. Holtzworth-Munroe (grad student)
Shawna RohrmanPublic and Social Welfare, Mental Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Public Health Sociology2014 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Michael S. RosenbaumOrganizational Sociology2007 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Adam R RothHealth, Life Course/Aging, Social Networks, Family, Place/Space Sociology2019 Brea L. Perry (post-doc)
Nicholas J. RowlandOrganizational, Higher Education Sociology2007 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Marla R. SandysCriminology and Penology, Social Psychology, Law
Camilla V. SaulsburyGeneral2005 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Mark Joseph Schafer Sociology1999 York W. Bradshaw (grad student)
Stacy A. ScherrSocial Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare, Social Work, Public Administration2005 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Jason S. SchnittkerMedical Sociology2001 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Maren T. ScullGeneral, Social Psychology, Gender Studies Sociology2013 William A. Corsaro (grad student)
Linda L. SemuDemography, Social Structure and Development, General, Women's Studies2005 Brian Powell (grad student)
Abigail A. SewellEthnic and Racial Studies, Social Structure and Development, Epidemiology, Demography Sociology2013 Bernice A. Pescosolido (grad student)
Carla D. ShirleyEthnic and Racial Studies2003 Donna Eder (grad student)
Christi M. SmithSocial Structure and Development, Higher Education, American Studies Sociology2012 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
Shawna N. SmithEthnic and Racial Studies, Industrial and Labor Relations Sociology2014 Clem Brooks (grad student)
David Snyder
Jessica Sprague-JonesSocial Structure and Development, Individual and Family Studies, Public and Social Welfare, Women's Studies Sociology2012 Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Cindy StewartCriminology and Penology, Social Psychology, Mental Health Criminal Justice2009 Mary L. Luskin (grad student)
Quincy T. StewartSociology
Anselm StraussMedical sociology
Sheldon StrykerIndividual and Family Studies, Social Psychology, Public Health, Recreation, Clinical Psychology
Jenny M. StuberSocial Structure and Development, Higher Education2006 Pamela B. Walters (grad student)
Alicia E. SuarezIndividual and Family Studies2006 Brian Powell (grad student)
Edwin H. Sutherland
Robert TerrillRhetoric and Composition Language, Speech Communication, American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
M. B. ThorneEuropean History, Jewish Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies History2012 Maria Bucar (grad student)
Benjamin F. TimmsGeography, Cultural Anthropology Geography2007 Dennis Conway (grad student)
Adam TrahanCriminology and Penology, Social Psychology, Law Criminal Justice2009 Marla R. Sandys (grad student)
Ryotaro UemuraSocial Structure and Development Sociology2010 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Zulal N. UstundagSocial Structure and Development, Women's Studies2005 Thomas F. Gieryn (grad student)
Margaret (Betty) Elisabeth Van Der Smissen1956 Garrett G. Eppley (grad student)
Tom VanHeuvelenStratification Sociology Sociology Sociology2016 Arthur S. Alderson (grad student), Clem Brooks (grad student), Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Stephen R. ViscelliIndustrial and Labor Relations Sociology Sociology Sociology Sociology2010 Pamela B. Walters (grad student), Arthur S. Alderson (grad student), William A. Corsaro (grad student), Ethan Michelson (grad student)
Julia F. WaitySocial Structure and Development, Public and Social Welfare Sociology2013 Patricia A. McManus (grad student)
Michael E. Wallace Sociology Sociology1983 Larry J. Griffin (grad student), Arne L. Kalleberg (grad student)
Sara M. WalshCriminology and Penology, Higher Education, Women's Studies Criminal Justice2011 Stephanie C. Kane (grad student)
Pamela B. WaltersSocial Structure and Development, Sociology of Education, Finance Education
Suzanna Danuta WaltersGender Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Cultural Anthropology
Robert W. White sociology1987 David Knoke (grad student)
Kevin W. WhiteacreCriminology and Penology, General, Law2003 Hal Pepinsky (grad student)
Stephanie N. WhiteheadCriminology and Penology, American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Criminal Justice2011 Stephanie C. Kane (grad student)
Steven W. WhitingManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2006 Philip M. Podsakoff (grad student)
Christopher M. WhitselSociology of Education, Asian Studies Sociology2009 Maurice Garnier (grad student)
Larry J. Williams School of Business1988 Philip M. Podsakoff (grad student)
Lars WillnatMass Communications, Public and Social Welfare, Journalism
Terri A. WinnickSocial Structure and Development, Medicine and Surgery, History of Science2001 Eliza Pavalko (grad student)
Patricia A. WittbergPerforming Arts, Urban and Regional Planning, Organizational
Joseph D. WolfePublic and Social Welfare, Public Health Sociology2013 Jane D. McLeod (grad student)
Richard L. WolfelGeography, Demography, Social Structure and Development2001 Dennis Conway (grad student)