James S. Hnat, Ph.D.

2009 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"James Hnat"
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Rob van der Voo grad student 2009 University of Michigan
 (Kinematic and temporal evolution of the southern Appalachian foreland fold -thrust belt: Constraints from structural, magnetic and radiometric analyses.)
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Hnat JS, Van Der Pluijm BA. (2014) Fault gouge dating in the Southern Appalachians, USA Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 126: 639-651
Hnat JS, van der Pluijm BA. (2011) Foreland signature of indenter tectonics: Insights from calcite twinning analysis in the Tennessee salient of the Southern Appalachians, USA Lithosphere. 3: 317-327
Hnat JS, van der Pluijm BA, Van der Voo R. (2009) Remagnetization in the Tennessee salient, Southern Appalachians, USA: Constraints on the timing of deformation Tectonophysics. 474: 709-722
Hnat JS, van der Pluijm BA, Van der Voo R, et al. (2008) Differential displacement and rotation in thrust fronts: A magnetic, calcite twinning and palinspastic study of the Jones Valley thrust, Alabama, US Appalachians Journal of Structural Geology. 30: 725-738
Hnat JS, van der Pluijm BA, van der Voo R. (2006) Primary curvature in the Mid-Continent Rift: Paleomagnetism of the Portage Lake Volcanics (northern Michigan, USA) Tectonophysics. 425: 71-82
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